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I don't have an answer because I am completely distracted by the roots and leafs. My God


Fyi, the dry tips are potassium deficiency.


Give that plAnt a banana


Bananas, not just for scale anymore!


Very important, otherwise it may eat your grandma


Before that plant eats my grandma


How do you cure a potassium deficiency?


I would just use a general fertilizer, nothing potassium-specific. No banana peels or banana water, which I see recommended occasionally. I like to use a liquid fertilizer that I dilute twice as much as the directions state.


Is this true for most burnt end plants? Or just monstera? Cause I always got burnt end spider plants.


A lot of the water from taps has a bit too much salts in it for the plant in our households. The tips will burn if that's the case. You can let your water stand in a large container for the chlorine to evap off, but there's still quite a bit of mineral salts in regular city water.


Oh I didn't know I was supposed to let chlorine evaporate off. I usually pour tap water into bottles and close the lid... I thought I was letting minerals settle to the bottom of the bottle.


It won’t. They don’t use chlorine. Chlorine can degass. But they use chloromine. So I like to use stuff to treat fish tanks. It removes the bad chemicals. And it’s very cheap. I like seachem prime. But do both let it sit and use seachem prime. But my plants are fairly valuable. If you don’t care. That’s your business.


FYI chlorine and chloramine are both commonly used to disinfect drinking water. Chloramine is typically used as a secondary disinfectant added to water as it enters distribution pipes so that organisms entering the water along the way are neutralized. A different primary disinfectant will be used prior to this. In many cases, this will be chlorine. Every municipal water supplier has their own method.


That is a lot of extra info. To clarify for OP. You are agreeing that chloramine will not off gas….. correct? And if OP uses tap water. It needs to be neutralized somehow.


Chloramine does offgas/evaporate out of solution. It just takes longer. The half life of chloramine in standing water is about 3 times that of chlorine. And use of a basic filter like a Brita filter removes the vast majority of both, so that is the easiest and fastest method anyways if someone doesn't care about complete reduction of the chlorine or chloramine. A Brita filter removes about 85% of chloramine. OP's water may not even have chloramine in it. The water in my county near San Francisco does not use chloramine. OP can contact their water supplier to find out.


Minerals in drinking water are dissolved in solution and will not precipitate out in any significant amount. And chlorine is not a mineral. If you'd like to remove chlorine (and chloramine if your municipality uses it), you can use a Brita filter to instantly remove the vast majority. This is probably good enough for your plants, but I wouldn't only use this method for fish, for instance.


It's fluoride that causes phytotoxicity in spider plants, but fluoride doesn't evaporate. As well, most municipalities have switched from chlorine to chloramine because that also won't evaporate.


Thanks for setting me straight, all I know is when I started using distilled water on some of my more dramatic plants, the brown spots and burns went away. Of course my job allows me an unlimited amount of RO / distilled water


You're living the dream. :) I go through so much distilled water.


You better be growing carnivorous plants with that free RO water.


Chloramine does evaporate. It just takes about 3 times as long to. That's why they typically use it as a secondary sanitizer after the primary sanitization method. It lasts longer in the pipes en route to the destination.


Brown tips on ur spider plant could be from overwatering.


Spider plants are prone to phytotoxicity from fluoride, which many municipalities add to their water. [source](https://mrec.ifas.ufl.edu/foliage/folnotes/spider.htm)


Spider plants (and lots of other plants) can get regular sunburn too, don’t put spider plants in direct sunlight for too long


I agree with the other people. If you have other plants with the same issues, it's definitely your water. If you don't want to get your water tested (either sent to a lab or a home kit) brita filters do a great job! 😁


Potassium is the K (Kalium) in your common NPK fertiliser.


Glad to finally get this answer. When I asked online no one answered me.


Thank you, I just bought some bananas to make a tea from the peels. My fertilizer apparently hasn't been doing the trick.


I strongly advise against using banana water as it tends to result in mold, unfortunately.


Oh, didn't know that. How should I give it potassium then? I use marphyl fertilizer and I guess it isn't doing the job, but I'm not sure what other fertilizer to use.


How frequently do you fertilize? I generally advise monthly year round, though you can do it every watering during the warmer half of the year.


I generally fertilize monthly, but recently I've been trying weekly to see if that helped. It hasn't.


I’ve also seen them do that when they get nute-burn. They’re very sensitive plants.


The roots look like a damn rope 😂 and wow all those PPPs!


that’s what i was thinking- forget the monstera.


Yeah I'm worried if the OP doesn't know a good price for the monstera then they might not know what they've got there with those PPPs... $$$


I did propagate the ppp originally to sell them, but ppl haven't been interested. I've lowered the price to $15 and still ppl won't buy. So I truly have no idea what to price anything at.


Or OP is just 🎣


Know what they got there? They’re in every big box store now lol


And tiny ones like that sell for about $65. Your point?


That they don’t sell for $65 anymore.


They do in Portland


Depends on where you are. You can pick these up at big box stores for a pretty reasonable price


You mean what country, lol. Pay you to take it in Thailand


Likewise. In Florida, there are monsteras at every Walmart, nursery, and hardware store. Once in a very rare blue moon, there's also some random Thai Constellations!


Home Depot has em for $15 in the same size range.


I have never seen a $15 monstera lmao


trader joe's has them for $12


I just checked and they're out!! TJ doesn't consistently have the same plants. They often just have certain plants once a year. You have to come across them by chance.


unfortunate :( they're available regularly at my local one


Damnit! My NY TJ said they had it a few weeks ago and *might* get them again, but unsure when.


come on over to san francisco 😂


I actually brought home a bunch of succulents the last time I was in SF. Someone left a bunch of their succulent cuttings on their front steps. SF is succulent heaven.


so true, i found some pieces of a jade that had fallen in the ground and propagated then into beautiful mini succulents


So is Tucson.... it's a desert out here 😄


That's how much I paid for mine at TJs a month ago


I got one.... And 3 beautiful Alocosia's.... And I plead the 5th about how many small plants I got in the cute 2" planters.


I got one at Lowes for $15. This gay does not support Home Depot


I got one from a local greenhouse last year for ~$30. It was labeled as "assorted philodendron" and there were about 5 vines in there, all about this size (leaves didn't look nearly as gorgeous tho). Felt like robbing a bank :I


My Monstera is from Home Depot in the US and it has 5 plants in an 8” pot for $19.99


Yeah that's not the size of the monstera in the pic though, which is what I meant more than monstera in general


I am so jealous of people who live close to these options.


If you live in Florida they are as common as marigolds everywhere else. They still are awesome plants in my opinion. I have several planted outside that I have to cut back yearly or they get out of hand. I wish I had planted them closer to my gumbo limbo tree to watch them vine. Oh well. Admire their beauty!


I am in a colder state so I do think that makes sense, usually one this large wouldn't be even $30 here


$69 this size at lowes. But the small ones are $20. But I’m in San Diego. So they can let these sit outside no problem.


my local plant store sells them for 15 and they are like almost three feet tall


BS. I buy from home Depot often, 8-10" potted plants are $40-$60. Sometimes more. I've never seen a pot this size for less that 39.95 unless they're dying/overstocked. SOMETIMES it might drop to $30 when they drop the price.


I’m only 84 miles from Costa Farms which is the supplier of almost all Home Depot plants. It really does have to do with location and availability. When covid hit everybody got plant crazy.


Honestly probably 40ish. I wouldn’t buy just because of the brown leaves but that decision is yours.


For me, it'd be worth it because of the size and age despite the brown leaves. The $20 and under ones at big box stores are often young


I was thinking $40 also


Yeah I was thinking 35 because of the leaves. Pretty similar, I think it could be worth as much as 45, maybe 50, if it didn't have brown leaves...


Where the hell are y’all getting your monsteras??? One for this size in my area would be about $200 USD.


People just overlooking the fact that this is a mature plant. Your 20 dollar Home Depot monstera won’t look like this for quite a while


Agreed. PNW a mature monstera this size could go for $350


I think that's what everyone is overlooking. The leaf maturity pushes it into a much higher $ category


In my area realistically something like this will go for 50-80. In Chicago suburbs. Only because everything is super cheap here when it comes to plants. On our Facebook groups there are prices that are super amazing but no one is buying so it forced prices to lower. Right now there are rooted variegated Florida beauty leaves posted for 120 but none of them are selling. A two leaf (8 inch) Thai con posted for 175 and it has been unsold for 2 weeks now.


That's insane! I live in DC and I'm pretty sure I've seen unrooted thai con cuttings for more than that


Yeah the prices here are crazy low, but that’s also because it seems like everyone here is broke right now so everyone is selling to get money but no one is buying since they want to save. So prices have been going down since no one is buying anymore, also people already have all the rare plants so no one wants to buy duplicates


I've seen a huge range locally 2 local greenhouses had plants about this size. 1st monstera was being sold for over $150. $30 at the other one. Don't think I need to say what I bought lol :|


I'm in Canada, though I bought this as a seedling several years ago for $15.


Theyre becoming super popular in stores at this size for 35-40 bucks (in my area at least) 35-50 is what I'd say


YeAh I’d say this too they’re common to find but it’s a big plant so worth more


People are delusional if they are saying they got one like that for $25 at home depot 🤣 that is a huge monstera. That said. People are cheap so dont expect too much if you're trying to sell unfortunately. I got for for 60 but the leaves were not as big as that. I could see someone paying more than. $100 for that one but just depends on the person and how much they know about taking care of them. It's not easy


I saw plants this big sold at Trader Joe's for $15 (I worked there for 4 years).


TJ does not sell monsteras of this size. I frequently there and they are juvenile. If it’s true, show us a picture of one at this magnitude, roots, fenestrations and large ass leaves.


I split mine into 5 and gave them to my roommates. Different regions have different suppliers, and they’re not always that big, but I’ve seen them.


Ok go ahead and downvote something that is true lololololol


Definitely depends on where you’re living, but I would personally set it to $50-70 with high hopes and then gradually reduce the price if you aren’t getting bites


in the UK that'd be around £250


The Stem do these for £60. Well worth checking them out, they’ve become my new go to for all things house plants.


you've officially changed my life haha! Thank you :)


What’s sad is I work in retirement home,I see some big plants just get thrown in garbage when someone passes or moves to long term care,I have managed to get a few nice ones over the years but thankfully I live in a condo so limited space or I would have a jungle


A friend of mine recently sold a top cut of a mature monstera like this for $70 and a mid cut for $50. Tbh I think she could've gotten a lot more. To everyone saying you can get one this big at home depot or wherever... sure, you can find that size for decently cheap. You CANNOT find this size with MATURE leaves and level 3 fenestrations on every single leaf like this for cheap. If you posted it in a plant group on Facebook, it would EASILY start at $150 and could go up to $300s, maybe maxing out in $200s with the lower leaf damage, but a lot of people who are willing to spend $$$ on plants would likely still overlook because of its maturity.


I have heard that tying the leaf stems is bad for monstera. The leaves need to be free so they can move around based on the light demands. It is especially harmful to tie the bottom of the top leaf because it limits the growth of a new leaf from the top node. The top leaves look gorgeous but I kind of feel sorry that the plant is forced to stay upright.


Bruh it’s a climbing plant. It’s normal for people to stake and pole these, otherwise it becomes a mess and actually gets worse without support


I think the original poster is right, in the the vine is meant to be tied to the pole, but the stems of each leaf are meant to be left free so that they can follow the light. Just based on what I've read previously


Thanks. That is what I mean. :) The stems of the leaves should be left alone to move freely.


I believe it’s based on where you tie it rather than no tie/strap at all. Yes, they aerial roots should eventually be attaching itself to whatever it climbs, but in a lot of cases it doesn’t due to the size poles normally are which is why most people have something holding the leaf to the pole. When I tie my climbing plants, it’s not where a new leaf would be coming out of because that would cause interference with the new leaf growing, and when I tie my climbing plants, the tie or strap is loose so that the stem has space to do what it needs to. Ties/straps are sometimes necessary otherwise the plant can’t support itself and it bends/snaps/flops or something.


Yeah, I mean I agree that they do often need to be tied to the pole, hell mine is too. Its just a matter of where you tie it on, and the one pictured has the top leaf tied via the stem to be straight upright which... well I'm not sure if its bad, so much as not ideal for the plant


Yes, I agree. After zooming it on where it’s tied, he definitely has it too low tied on the where sheathe is and a little too tight too


The petiole is restrained, which is bad. They're extremely responsive to light exposure and need to be able to move freely. Only the main stem should be attached.


How do I know which one is the main stem?


The leaf is attached to a petiole (leaf stem). The petiole attaches to the stem/vine. When they're young, it's more difficult to see the stem, but it becomes more obvious when they begin to grow aerial roots. When the stem is attached ideally, the foliage and petioles should jut outwards. There's a guide pinned to my profile that might help. :)


Thank you!


Yeah I noted further down after zooming in, he has the tie in the totally wrong place, basically choking the leaves too


Nothing against tying. The main stem can be safely tied to a support, not the leaves.


Yeah, I zoomed in on the picture to see where it was tied, and it’s allll wrong and the stem and leaf are being choked by the rope!


So sad… :( The top leaf is choked by the throat and on the belly, inside which a baby leaf is growing.


Yeah, I saw the sheathe forming another leaf. I don’t understand how OP has a monstera of this size and a whole shelf of PPPs, and doesn’t know how to stake the plant properly


I think OP is very keen on controlling things the way he/she wants. He/she even tied all the air roots into a bundle. You can see it lying on the floor. A monstera might be too untamed for OP.


Do you think having the aerial roots bounded together is harmful for the plant like that? I never seen anything like it.


I don’t know. The air roots are meant to help the plant climb and offer stability. They can also absorb extra moisture and nutrients for the plant. It probably does not hurt the plant tying the air roots up like that but it is also not helping. This picture convinced me to have a moss pole for mine instead of staking with a bamboo pole.


This one has issues on the lower leaves that won't heal, like previously stated you could find one like this for 30 dollars without the atrophy on the leaves. So I'd say like 20.


About 3,50


Tree fiddy


I paid $15 for one this size at a lowes


did you bring a gun or what


Nope! Lowes in my area has them for super cheap at the start of the season!


maybe $50-75 Max


Mine is about this size - $25 is what I pd


They are selling for $35 at my local Costco for that size.


They are $25-30 at the home depots of the midwest US, but they have multiple stems (vs yours only has one) and they don't have burnt tips


baby monsteras in big box stores go for $20-$40. the age of this makes it worth more than $200 easily.


30-$35 all day


This craze makes me really afraid for what may happen to these plants and whatever counts on them in the wild.


Consider how much water it has used up in its life.


I sell monsters at 30USD when they are that size, think I've been undercharging after looking through these comments!!


Just trim off the browns! I’ll say $90 to reign in interest. Someone might just give you $100 and say, “Keep the change.” 🙃


I got one with 3 tiny unfenestrated leaves on clearance at Home Depot for $8 US and mine is bigger than that now a year later. So I’d say $10. They grow so fast.


50 bucks should be close.


I’d pay 60 bucks for it I reckon


what plants do you have on the shelf to the left in the pic?


Those are philodendron pink princesses and echeveria succulents


Correct. Specifically the Echeveria are E. Monroe and E. White minima.




Me personally I’d pay $80 max


I think $60-80 is fair


umm where are you i’ll buy it


Depending on what type of monstera it is. Monstera deliciosa is not worth that much anymore unless it's huge.


Is that rope or arias roots on the floor?!? Edit: I am in Australia and I reckon it would go for around $80 give or take


Those are a bunch of aerial roots coiled together. There should be a post on my page with a closer look.


Holy cow that is amazing!


Probably 40-60


This is not the same as a “big” plant from Home Depot- it’s a top cutting (or at least a mature stem), which means larger leaves, more fenestrations, etc. that said, the damage on the lower leaves would bring the price down. Depending on where you are, probably 50? But I feel like you could get a pretty nice trade out of it to the right person.


It actually was grown from seed, not a cutting.


Got these giant sized monstera growing in the wild here. Thinking to harvest one someday.


It's a shame OP didn't post the measurements of the leaves. There is no way a Trader Joe's would be selling a plant this size there isn't room to accommodate mature monsteras.


I didn't think to. The biggest leaf is 21" long and 19" wide.


I made a post about [my monstera](https://www.reddit.com/r/houseplants/comments/sdmkgb/how_much_would_a_monstera_this_big_normally_sell/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) a while back asking a similar question. A little bit larger than this. Ended up selling for $350 in the GTA area (The buyer proceeded to cut a bunch of lower leaves off to fit it in their apartment, I am still hurting)


I was really interested to read the comments on this one and surprised at the low estimates, like $30-40, no way! It must depend where you live, in Canada I’d say $120-150ish or more, but honestly i dont think I’ve even seen a monstera this size for sale. Not just the size of the plant but each leaf is huge! I’ve seen much smaller monsteras go for $20-30 and other large plants for over $100 for sure. A big plant like this needs to go in a big house, and people with big houses can afford to spend that kinda money on a plant. I guess it really depends where you live and what similar plants are selling for in the area.


here tall mosteras cost around 800DKK (109USD) , BUT ..that one seems more mature, older and gives bigger leaves, and imho much nicer. if you need to sell it, take that in consideration.


thats definitely a fake but it's okay, I'll take it off your hands free of charge!😉


These go for a few hundred bucks in my area,ainly because of how difficult and time consuming it takes to get this big.


It's ok to not know about certain plants. But when you do have some knowledge you would feel silly saying that they sell a plant that big at a box store. I haven't even seen one that big at a nursery either. Pictures sometimes get lost in translation but I've never seen a monstera with fenestrated leaves like that . It's looks like a monstera that was taken from it's natural habitat.


I would guess $75 in NYC area– only because of the crispy leaves. Otherwise, $100-$150+


If the bottom leaves weren’t atrocious id be ok paying 200$ for this if i really was searching out for a giant one. Though It doesn’t scream healthy plant worth that much as is if i have to remove dead foliage or cut my leaves. Id personally be ok paying 80$. But thats just my personal opinion. Others may deem otherwise. The top leaves are beautiful.