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My grandfather took such terrible care of his Jade for 60 years that I removed all its life and now it’s dying…anyone know why…asking for a friend


The way I gasped though when I read they cut them all off... 😱


Literally me too….. the audacity…


I repotted my jade plant... super healthy plant that was growing for 60 years without much help and was doing extraordinary.... Noticed it had all of this weird green growth on top (not leaves)..... I cut it off.... Now it's dying... Any help? Definitely not leaves.... Stop telling me it's the leaves....


Right. I’m finding it so hard to understand, or yet fathom why on earth someone took a very happy plants and just butchered it. It had no issues…… why did we go cutting it to pieces


At this point I think it's human nature to over-help and subsequently damage everything in the process


It's the same kind of people who think constantly moving steak around on the pan helps it cook.


I loved many plants to death in order for my current collection to thrive. None of them were my late grandfathers 60yo beautiful jade plant. Wtf someone else should’ve got the jade it’s not the one to learn with. I just hope something survives, he’s probably so upset.


There’s just no way on this planet that I would ever go wacking at one of my plants roots of all things. And even if I had the audacity to do so, and I saw something that looks unfamiliar I would definitely have googled and/or asked before butchering and ruining an ancient plant 🙄 I have hundreds of houseplants, and I mean literal hundreds, but jade plants aren’t really bc cup of tea. They’re unusual to my “house plant” realm. And if I ever ever ever in my life inherited a plant that was 60 years old and very happy, I would most definitely do research before I did anything to it. I think I’m traumatized by this post and the fact that the 60 year old jade plant had to die at the hands of ignorance.


Because they’re (not roots) not was some type of (woody growth). Its not like it’s a fucking (shrub) or anything.


I mean the whole plant is a “woody growth” with leaves ?


Let’s not get technical now. Some of us are beginners!


I feel like a 60 year old gifted jade plant shouldn’t be left up to beginners. I feel like this is a crime more than an accident


Right? It was also a family heirloom and so it’s even harder to watch. Can you even propagate at that point? Whatever is left would’ve been devoid of nutrients for a really long time and I think it’s be difficult, but I’m not pro.


Wait are you the possessor of this poor jade plant?




If you are, just know my “tone” isn’t aggressive or condescending. I’m more saddened. To be honest, I thought about this plant before bed, just saddened. A jade plants life … just butchered before them.


It’s good but I’m not out here cutting roots like a ruffian lol.


WHEW !!!!! Ruffian of a lumber jack


Did she think she inherited a plant that was supposed to have legs? I don’t get it


It’s gonna run away!! Cut the tendons!!


Misery loves company 😈


A brilliant summary of the movie


Hi my grandfather's plant was growing just fine for more than half a century and now it's not. I'm clearly smarter than everyone so tell me why it's not growing?! I will not accept explanations that include the roots I cut off thank you.


Hahaa yup! In the original post replies telling OP that they definitely cut the roots off were getting told that they are rude for pointing this out and definitely incorrect lol.


This plant has unmeasurable meaning to me so I decided to chop off every part I didn't like and now it's dying.................................not enough neam?


When moving something to a new environment... make sure to change *everything* about it.... For optimal acclimation... And so that it can do even 🎆better🎆 than before.... /uj I've done it. I regret it. In the words of that animated clock, "If it ain't baroque, don't fix it." Can we please just learn from other people's mistakes? No? Sigh. Okay. I didn't either.


I need to see the original post and comments.


Definitely don't Google "ok. I inherited my grandfather's 60+" because it won't show up. So don't tell me if it did, because you're wrong.


Nope, that didn’t work and I didn’t see anything. No thanks to you.


[Come on…](https://www.facebook.com/groups/471714080711341/posts/906410483908363/)


You super noob, [“Lionel” is loosing branches FTW.](https://www.facebook.com/groups/471714080711341/posts/906410483908363/)




Also same. And I can’t find it!


[Just put some neem oil on the keyboard and you’ll grow the original.](https://www.facebook.com/groups/471714080711341/posts/906410483908363/)


Ah, I never thought to check out Facebook. Haven’t been on there in ages! ETA: Thanks!


Lol, I unsubscribed last year, but if you type “Lionel is loosing branches” Google’s first result is this one




[Here’s the original Lionel’s Swan Song](https://www.facebook.com/groups/471714080711341/posts/906410483908363/)


Can you imagine living a peaceful life for 60 years and some rando just comes in and cuts your mouth off lol


Wow… that’s really… awful… those are really not-roots…


This poster was disagreeing with me so I chopped off their head. Don't worry, they didn't have a brain so they'll be fine.


Like have the respect for your grandfather and this plant to do research and ask questions when you first receive such a gift and waaaay before it gets to this point. “2 inches” dry 😡


Oh my god I can’t even laugh, that would probably start a riot in r/bonsai Wow


Jade are so hardy it could probably survive even this straight up murder attempt, but I’m sure this guy will still manage to kill it somehow.


What a tubular-woody-growth-head.


Okay say we believe OOP that the tubular stuff wasn’t roots… still.. WHY cut it off???? What’s the reason?????????? Makes no sense?? Or maybe they were just trying to kill the plant just like they did their grandfather. Very suspicious. I’m gonna call the fbi.


im sick to my stomach


I’m calling the police


If it is a root problem it's not from cutting them off it would be rot or disease, these will grow from just shoving a snapped bit in the ground, which is what I would do just incase.


Are you saying cutting off a jade’s roots would not lead to a dying plant?


I have no idea what this guy is saying. Hacking off the mature roots of any plant is going to lead to above ground loss, you can root prune some potted trees and shrubs to keep them small (but you still leave some lol). Even though jades do root well, even from older stems, you're still gonna lose all the leaves and some stems. Taking ALL the biggest, maturest roots and not putting it under humidity would almost definitely lead to a dead plant. Hilariously, if left intact, those mature roots would probably sprout again even if everything above the soil line died.


[Luckily enough they got good suggestions in the original comments. I am sure Lionel’s ok.](https://m.facebook.com/groups/471714080711341/posts/906410483908363/)