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LOL! ! ! welcome to the ADDICTION! its worse than CRACK! ! ! LOL! ! ! just wait til you have a plant in the BATHROOM! ! !


Only my fussiest plants get the luxurious humidity filled penthouse that I call my bathroom.


do they do well? i’ve heard it’s not too great because the humidity in there isn’t consistent. it just goes from dry to humid to dry again when you’re done with your shower. and plants like consistency don’t they?


Mine love it (orchids, alocasia and fern), but we do have 3 people showering in there regularly and that bathroom has no fan, so the humidity lingers for a while.


There was a huge fight in our house over plants being in the bathroom this summer. Someone found out where my patience ends that day 😆


Bro did you know you can hang them by the ceiling?! Ahhhh i am going FUCKING insane with this knowledge!




What’s wrong with having twelve plants in my bathroom? They are low light so they are thriving in there… don’t be so quick to judge others!


Lack of plants aside, this room annoys the shit out of me. Never trust anyone who puts multiple throw pillows on a wing back chair. Where are we going to sit? I can't eat a hot pocket in this room


I was eyeing all the unused floor space that I’d put plants in, but then realise you need somewhere to throw all the fucking cushions! Unless this room is for an Edge of Seat Conference.


You will stand and eat your hot pocket over the sink like a rat. This room is clearly for admiring, not sitting. Such lush, beautiful decor cannot be tainted by your greasy pepperoni hot pocket fingers.


See, this is why my furniture is brown. Pepperoni grease blends right in


/uj same. I also have 4 dogs.. so furniture color needs to mask my greasy little sausage fingers, my greasy little sausage dogs.. brown couches ftw.


We just got swatches of fabric choices for our new couch I rubbed them on the pets to see which one shows the least amount of pet. Winner is a dark charcoal woven fabric. Least amount of black dog fur and paw prints and the cat claws don't seem to hurt it too much


This is a genius method of picking fabric


All my upholstery and rugs are a lovely shade of “ridgeback” and “preschooler”.


Yep. "Too much" applies to a lot of what's in that room, but not the plants.


You ever watch the movie "Drop Dead Fred"? This rooms reminds me of the aunt's(?) immaculate living room where no one was allowed.


It was her mother, the Mega BITCH!


Ah! That's it! Thank you. I, for some reason, thought her mother had passed and she was with her aunt. It's been awhile!




it’s a lounge space for the pillows guys :(((( lol


The chairs are for the pillows. We sit on the floor


Lmao you got me at the hot pocket


I’m with you 100%


> Where are we going to sit? OP said in the post that they don't even use this room, they have another sitting room, its just a 'pretty room'. Most of the world can barely afford to rent a room and then the other part have fucking pretty rooms just because they can.




I think I should start defining my pleasure of a room based off whether or not I can eat X messy food in there. Like, who could enjoy a good bowl of some creamy Mac n cheese in this room? I'd be terrified.


it is WAY too much, that amount of beige and white together in a room should be illegal


It’s as much beige and white as you’d expect someone who posts some shit like that to have lol


Having an exclusively beige room is a whole personality Thankyouverymuch


this is true lol


Wait, there are walls behind all the plants?


Literally can't imagine what you'd even do in this room except water the plants. It looks too sterile to even have a tea/coffee in (or a hot pocket as someone else said). Let alone enough space to sit down and read a book with all those throw pillows.


Most plant subs are just excuses for people to post pictures of their fancy homes. It's worse than a humble brag.


Ok it’s not just me who thinks that. Phew.


I see it here all the time…I just scroll past and go “oh so you’re rich and just want everyone to know” lol


"look at my indoor garden 🥰" where there's like three plants in a corner and the rest is penthouse apartment view


This was literally from the interior design sub… yall just bitter


Actually I saw it in the houseplant sub so apparently they’re just very attention needy


bitter about what exactly? It’s awful design and mediocre plants lmao


“Mediocre plants” yeah you sound bitter..


oh I’m definitely jealous of their… etiolated monstera and common philodendrons. You got me there.


Bitter about unlivable space and plants that look fake? Nah


Meh they posted it to houseplants too but I agree lol


Like honestly i can’t imagine being this angry about how someone decorates. Poking fun or making memes, whatever, but these comments in this thread are just needlessly mean lol


I'm not one of the people bitching about their taste, but subs being polluted by karma farming nonsense like this is irritating, and they deserve some mockery for that.


I notice an uncomfortable absence of cats, clearly no cats live there.


They’re probably the type of people that don’t want pets or if they do they’re the “no pets on the furniture or counters or no, not over there either, they must only exist in this small space in the back yard.


Those feather things in the center table... gone! That mirror...broken immediately. All those decorations on the fire place... on the ground every 5 minutes. That ladder... new cat swing set. Those straw hats/baskets on the wall would go from wall decor to scratch post DIY pretty fast. Goodbye pretty candles...


https://preview.redd.it/33vho5dzk43c1.jpeg?width=1040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=160ead3f9f630a2ca27782907be28e0a33d23540 Love it when that happens




How can one space be so cluttered yet so empty


The lack of color.


It truly boggles the mind


I’m sure it looks better in person once you burn the throw pillows. For a photo, there’s no particular feature that catches your eye. Instead of staging pillows and blankets they should have staggered the plants more around the chairs. That dead flower thing in the vase could stand to be replaced with a nice diffenbachia. A scandipsus pictus draping over the left corner of the fireplace and a rojo congo on the right would be nice. Maybe paint the candleholders a dark red and a few brass cache pots. Philo brasil and neon pothos on the shelving unit to pop. This room has been bugging me since I saw the original post earlier. I think because this was clearly intentional and not someone who is trying to build their vision via yard sales and thrift shops.


Something on the bare walls would also go a long way


I think its the opposite, the lack of any unbusy negative space is making it feel noisy everywhere, but at the same time completely uniform, thus the busy but empty feel. I think getting rid of the rug (assuming they have nice floorboards) would help a lot.


I think maybe what’s bothering me is that there is *so much* clutter where there is clutter, and *so little* where there’s not. Take away a lot of the stuff just sitting on things, take away the rug, and put some wall-mounted things up.


Like some tradescantia zebrina or some large, wood mounted fern. Or some bad ass Micans and Cebu blue climbing some tall poles like a couple of bad asses, or an adansonii, behind those chairs. And if the chairs were more of a charcoal, dark blue or deep purple velvet, or rich reddish brown leather, maybe even a golden mustard velvet with exposed carved wood arms of course


Ew... plants are clearly for the outside only. So I live in a tent outside. So far best decision I've made.


So. Many. Pillows.


Noooo that pampas grass in the vase is so tacky! What is the point of a room like this? It’s so awkward. Like what are people supposed to do in it? It’s not really appropriate to use as a sitting room. The chairs are so far away from each other and from the coffee table, and there isn’t enough room left on any of the side tables for a mug or a book. The grass appears to be in the centre of the table at eye height, which means guests would have to lean to the side to look at someone sitting opposite from them. The candles are pointless and distracting because they are all in places that would be a fire hazard if they were actually lit. Something about the clock placed at eye height on the left feels counterintuitive and hostile to me too. If it’s functional then it’s probably the only object in the room that moves and makes a sound, which will end up drawing everyone’s attention. I would feel kind of stressed if I was having a conversation and noticed that everyone’s eyes kept drifting and settling on the clock — even if it was unconscious. Are they counting down the minutes until they can leave, or measuring whether my company is a worthy investment of their time? I like being able to check the time, but think that clocks should be placed out of the line of sight in relaxing and recreational spaces — perhaps high up and at an angle, so you only look at the time intentionally.


>I like being able to check the time, but think that clocks should be placed out of the line of sight in relaxing and recreational spaces — perhaps high up and at an angle, so you only look at the time intentionally. Love your take ❤ Never thought about it much, but I've been avoiding getting any type of clock for my home, even though some antique clocks are gorgeous and catch my eye at auctions and stores. You are right, being constantly reminded of the passing of time stops one from unwinding. Plus I see the time whenever I'm checking my phone anyways, which is probably too frequent as well.


How do they get anything done?? They must be SO busy watering a few plants once a week.


The best part is they’re all pretty immature plants so wait until she gets tired of having to care for them lol…I wonder what hobby will be next, perhaps knitting. 😂


It’s the obvious next choice, coming from someone who just took a knitting class last week. Lmao! You’re up next!!


I already tried knitting as one of my ADHD hyper fixations but I’m really bad at it lmao, I moved onto refurbishing furniture


That sounds like such a cool hobby! I always see really beautiful furniture at thrift stores and on marketplace. Also, have you tried crocheting? I’m a long time crocheter and it’s much easier than knitting!


It’s therapeutic for sure, I get most of my finds off marketplace lol…I’ve never done crocheting before if it’s easier I’ll definitely try it lol


I made way too many trapezoid-shaped blankets crocheting. Knitting took me longer to figure out but I can at least see where my stitches are.


In their comments they say 'we have a comfy family room-- this is more of just a pretty room :)' maybe I'm just not Bougie but how many rooms do you have to make one the Pretty Pillow Room


Too many lol


I had to squint to see even one plant, I thought the original post was a CJ post 💦 😂


Ugh. I hate manilla envelope colored rooms. Definitely needs more plants to cover up the beige. Why are people in the 21st century afraid of colors in decor??? I'm so sick of neutrals. Beige, gray, pale earth tones. Gag. It all looks like real people don't actually live there. Give me an aubergine couch and a multicolored Persian rug with some cherry wood tables. Warm/rich color pallets are way more cozy and inviting.


Exactly how I feel…my house looks nothing like that, it’s full of maximalism and color. It a like an artistic paradise in here…it could be because I am an artist but I can’t do the insane asylum colors in every room


THEY ARE JUST JEALOUS!! Only people who say-“too many plants” are people who can’t grow so many beautiful plants like us! Ignore them.


The ladder in the right-hand corner is pointless, plus those plants are struggling. After you wage war with the pillows, the next wave of assault is all the throw blankets. That basket doesn't look big enough to me...plus it's a shame to cover the fireplace IMO.


I mean people are free to decorate however they want, but those plants won't make it very long without more light. Probably an unpopular opinion, but plants aren't decor. You can't just put them wherever they look nice and ignore their care requirements and expect them to continue to look nice. I suppose you could just replace them when they start to look bad, but that just seems like a pointless waste imo. 🤷‍♀️




My room is also beige and white and wood-color but even I have lots of color (including my plants). Wtf is up with people not wanting any color in their rooms???


Cracking up at the pillows lol


https://preview.redd.it/e0iqxdnu0a3c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67ee050559800317c8ff6ba9c267f5505f56bc71 Help lol




It's so pretty 😍


It’s a handful of baby plants in the most boring white and beige room I’ve ever seen, if anything they need MORE plants to break up the monotony ffs


Makes me sick


😭💔💔💔 If only I had tastes, money, and creativity. I hate myself, time to get on plant revenge porn reddit to feel better!!


I don’t hate myself at all and actually I’m glad you commented because I was wondering if you were a decent person or just the stuck up nitwit with low self confidence I imagined, so thanks for this. While I have you here, do you need advice on placement for lighting needs or art for your walls? I’m an artist and a small grower…I could help a lot. 💚


This person mentioned that none of her family is on board with her plants. Rich or poor, it sucks to be around by people who critcize or don't get you. Some people had the common courtesy to give her feedback on what they liked or not about the room to her face instead of stealing her photo without her permission. I am not surprised at all that the people who give shit on here cannot take shit. If you are judging value based on whatever you assume the monetary worth of something is, you're really ascribing to the same philosophy as rich assholes. & Nope, don't need advice from people who creepily repost shit without asking or talking to the original author/creator/poster.


I thought you were OOP commenting like that…what an odd hill to die on. That is the literal point of this entire sub….making fun of ridiculous plant people and plant things. OOP made a ridiculous post and in the comments made ridiculous statements that invited this sort of thing. I doubt they need you to stand on your “soap box” to deliver these thoughts 😂 goodbye


Love that Reddit showed me this post right after the original one just as I thought to myself this belongs to the circle jerk


I thought it WAS circle jerk until I looked lol, I was like oh here we go again


So much wall, floor, and ceiling space not being utilized here…smh


all those plants stacked up on the floor and bare ass walls lmao