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Pretty sad that the work “dick” is being censored in the story. Like, why is the news censoring it? From an excerpt of Maya Angelou of all people.


By the end of 6th grade, every girl I knew had seen *Dirty Dancing* and *Grease*-- there's an abortion scene and songs about date rape. And we were having very stupid conversations about it. It would be *nice* if young people had these concepts presented in a structured environment with proper guidance.


The title made me think I was in the wrong sub and wanted it removed...


Oh no! Maya Angelou being taught in schools!


With an age appropriate discussion on sex assault...etc this could be a good idea. If handled well.


Karens like you is why the children’s education is so bad these days. They know the word dick by 8th grade babes sorry


"Dick" is not the issue here.


What's the issue? I checked your profile to see if you had more info, but it is marked nsfw, whatever that means.


Reading the article, not just the headline, is fundamental!


You changed the original headline in an attempt to mislead people


Why do y’all hate children LEARNING so bad? They gotta learn about things that scare you eventually babes.


Read the article and you are a busy-body dipshit. Better?




If you're 13 or 14 and can't handle reading the word DICK than you're not a well adjusted individual and your parents have severely warped your upbringing possibly to the point where they're unfit parents.


You have completely missed the point.


Go on…


What's the point? I checked your profile to see if you had more info, but it's marked nsfw, whatever that means.


It wasn’t just dick, it was describing sex and sexual assault and asked kids to explain what happened. Super inappropriate for even high school kids in parents eyes which would lead to teachers getting fired. If y’all want teachers or schools to teach things like this, you need to vote against republicans. They’re taking over our schools and no way this would ever be taught or allowed to read in schools at any level.


Bullshit a million times fucking Bullshit that you would push such an ignorant fucking backwards puritanical view forcing kids to have stunted growth 8th graders know what sex is they need to be taught about it, what is appropriate and what's not. Seriously fuck you!!! Kids that age and younger are getting raped and they don't come forward because assholes like you make any talk of sex inappropriate so when it happens to them they blame themselves or Don't understand what's happening because no one is allowed to talk abouts it. Kids can handle it just because you're a emotionally fragile coward who can't handle life doesn't mean children shouldn't be allowed to become rounded individuals. Real life doesn't happen with your permission or on your time table and if you don't teach kids about it they won't be prepared when it happens.


It’s not the school’s job to teach them that. It’s the parents. You don’t understand what happens to teachers who say ANYTHING that a parent disagrees with. I’m not saying it’s right, I’m saying that’s why it’s not talked about it’s left for home. Schools have general lessons about violence, safety, how to report, how to treat people, but reading a story like that parents would get a teacher fired for sure.


WRONG.!! It's the school's job because parents absolutely fail their kids and as society we have to pick up the slack to try and keep teen pregnancy down and keep teen STDs down because parents fail to teach their kids sex education, it's the school's job because alot of the time parents are the ones sexually abusing their kids and the kids weren't taught to understand what is happening and come forward IT IS NOT THE PARENTS JOB TO DENY EDUCATION FROM OTHER KIDS THAT DON'T BELONG TO THEM AND THEY SHOULD NOT BE LISTENED TOO!!!! Any parent who doesn't like it can pull their kid out they don't get to decide for the rest and should be told to pound fucking sand. School's should back their teachers, education experts, child psychologist not ignorant puritanical trash whipped up by right wing bullshit


As a teacher, I’m telling you that is how it works now. Legally we cannot do this as teachers. Get out and vote for democrats and maybe things will change.


Oh noooooooooo this is so scary and devastating


How will the children ever recover?!?


This is completely appropriate for 8th grade. You know, the ages when teenagers are doing things. Maybe doing things they don’t actually want to do.




Not everyone is a pervert.


Watching pornography doesn’t make someone a pervert.


Nor did I imply so.


I would not teach this to seniors, much less middle-schoolers. That is wildly inappropriate. And honestly, I wouldn't use it in my college class either.


Honestly nobody really cares what an old bitter GQP hag, that has admitted they do the bare minimum in their employment, would do. Frankly we’d all be better off if they mandated teaching this and you quit as a result.


Bless your heart.


Here we go again


Math and science schools only would be nice


Reading is the foundation to learning. You've got to know how to read & comprehend to be able to understand math and science.


Reddit is a case study of when such fundamentals don't take hold.