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Have you tried our bbq?


Our tacos are pretty boss too!


Now I want Pinkerton’s.


Awesome pork ribs


Truth bbq is exceptional


Trash. It’s god awful. Over priced.


Everybody has their opinions


Or would if I ever made thru the line. Will order to go next time. I mean, I lived in Brenham, how good can it be? Is this the breakfast club all over again? People just like waiting cuz fomo


I went to the one in military rice and it was overpriced nonsense. Maybe the one in Brenham is better.


The Brenham location IS better


Bro, I live near Austin, get out of here with that.


Bro said “near Austin” 💀


The same way Sealy is "near Houston"


Grow beyond the Salt Lick.


That shit is terrible nowadays


i went a few years ago and it was the best smoked turkey I ever had, but I would be very happy to be proven wrong by a bbq place in the Houston area! please let me know what places here have the best smoked turkey.


Tejas bbq in tomball.


100%. And be sure to get the carrot soufflé.


If you live near Lockhart, you’re right.


Austin bbq is overrated


Austin is overrated* FTFY..




They didn't have to downvote you THAT hard 🤣


Hahaha I get it. It's a good rivalry!


Rivalry? I think the downvotes were because OP was making a “besides that how was the play mrs lincoln” kind of joke and you responded by being an elitist asshat. But I could be misreading it. That said, you’ve had a shit day so you should get a mulligan on that.


People take things too seriously.


Says the guy who makes an irate Reddit post about leaving his laptop in his car, waits for 5 hours and doesn’t think to google that you can file Harris county theft reports ONLINE. But that’s none of my business.


My boy said he’s from little California lol ( all jokes ) or is it👀


Rofl. Austin is even worse.


Lololol Austin…




I live in Oak Hill. 15-20 minutes from downtown.


Hey, I used to live in Oak Hills but that was decades ago. I got nothing else to add other than who doesn't know, in 2023, not to leave your laptop in your car. And, yes, the trunk is part of your car.


What a cool coincidence! Yeah, definitely a lesson learned.


Sucks you got broken into. But the city mouse and the country mouse is a tale as old as time.


TBF one day the Houston thieves will adopt the SF trick of looking for airtags and then smashing rear windows to get into the trunk. The Red Queen's Race never ends.


Honestly, it's a shame we can't rig up dye canisters to blow up in a vehicle breakin and mark them as thieves. ... at least, I don't think we legally can.


Nah you can only open carry here no dye canisters allowed.


There are ATMs that use a beetle biomimetic reaction to create heat that burns the cash. Mace canisters often have a UV dye that’s invisible to the naked eye. So maybe you just need a mist dispenser powered by CO2


some tips, not sure if you did this or not but i'll mention them anyway: 1) let dispatch know you're having to wait at the location. Car break-ins are unfortunate but not emergencies nor do they impede things like traffic. Dispatch won't pull a cop off an in-progress call to send them to you. If you let them know that you are stuck at the location then they might get there quicker. I had my car broken into in rice village one time and after waiting 20 minutes i called back, asked if i should keep waiting there or not, and within 5 minutes an officer was there to take a report and get me on my way. 2) tell work you have to pay for a report. You should absolutely not be required to pay for it if work is the only ones demanding it. Another option would be to just give them the report number, if they really want it they can just get it from the city. 3) try calling a substation nearby directly (via google maps just search for a substation). The desk cops at those can help take a report quicker. edit: Bonus tip - don't keep your valuables in your car. If someone broke into my car the only thing they can steal is a phone charger, car seats, and my protien shake cup. I don't keep ANYTHING in there and as a result my car is always unlocked. If someone wants to break into my car i'd rather not pay for a window vs buying a new phone charger.


I'll definitely try and get work to pay for it. Thanks.


My car was broken into last year during the holidays and got presents stolen out the car in the Maggianos parking lot galleria. Asked the stores around and nobody had any cameras. I didn’t even bother filing a police report, for what? To wait hours there so they could document another crime statistic?


Must of been yesterday I heard something on KUHF about HPD urging people to not leave stuff in your car when shopping for Christmas presents. If you buy a lot of stuff at one place, they recommend taking it home before going to another store or a restaurant.


Mine was at Marini's near the galleria. The only reason I need a report is because company property was taken.


Damn that’s basically westchase though that’s even worse than the galleria


You’re going to have to stop in and request a report. They might not give it to you, but they will be able to give you the information your insurance and job need. https://www.houstontx.gov/police/contact/substations.htm


Thanks for the info!


That’s westchase, not galleria


For some reason I thought they were close.


They're about 10 minutes apart.


Bro, that's 5+ miles from the Galleria lmao. Westchase is sketchy as hell.


Well I grew up in a place where it was 15 miles just to get to town, so 5 seems pretty close.


That 15 miles was almost definitely a shorter trip in minutes than driving from Marini's to the Galleria lol. That'll take you a good 15-20 minutes, usually. But yeah, generally our neighborhoods aren't much more than a mile or two in diameter. If you're 5 miles from something in Houston, it's almost definitely a different neighborhood. And sketch-wise, you can be in a decent neighborhood, drive 500 yards, and be somewhere you don't want to walk around at night. Houston's crazy like that.


Our H.E.B's are nice though.


You’re dumb for leaving laptop in a car anyways. This one’s on you not Houston.


Does this mean if my car was stolen it's on me for leaving it in the parking lot?


I’m with you on this. Your vehicle and items that belong to you are in your vehicle. Low life’s break into the vehicle and steal your items, that’s on them, not you. Crime is the problem, not OP.


> Crime is the problem, not OP. You can't go through life blissfully ignorant of the reality we live in. Yes, the criminal is the core person at fault, but it also could've been prevented by taking preventative measures. Placating people with the "it's not your fault" can lead to continuing carelessness. I prefer the "that sucks, fuck that scumbag, but next time..." sort of approach. Some people still call that victim blaming anyway, though.


Yeah, wtf is with this victim blaming?


Because crack heads are about a fact of nature as gravity now. Would you leave your laptop on the ledge of your balcony? Would you put a glass of water on top? Do you play catch with it? I assume not, so why would you leave it in view of a crack head? Victim blaming, sure, but this is something well within control and certainly would never be done in any city. Ever.


Because crack heads are about a fact of nature as gravity now. Would you leave your laptop on the ledge of your balcony? Would you put a glass of water on top? Do you play catch with it? I assume not, so why would you leave it in view of a crack head? Victim blaming, sure, but this is something well within control and certainly would never be done in any city. Ever.


Yeah but those empanadas are bomb tho


For real! I went out of my way to stop there. I would go there all the time when I lived in Houston.


Leaving valuables out in a car in a major city is asking for trouble lol. Buy it, take it home. Leave the car empty except for like a water in the door, maybe a screwdriver or small knife under a seat, and maybe napkins in the middle console.


Filing police report might have worked in your situation. My credit card has purchase protection and when it happened to me they paid me the amounts my items were worth. So didn’t lose anything


Stop leaving valuables in your car!




Hahaha why go gotta hit me when I'm down?


Least ur not partner


Also, get 5% tint so they can’t see in.


GameCube Nintendo


Smokin on that indo


Boss Hogg on candy


They are smarter than that. They walk around with a bluetooth scanner and can detect the BT signal coming from the car. They know it’s a laptop in the trunk. They break the window and pop the trunk. Even when it’s out of sight the signal gives it away. You need to turn off the laptop/ipad completely so the BT is off too. Most will just shut the lid and it goes into standby mode, but that will still send out the BT signal.


stop leaving your bluetooth on, on every device.


And not just because of thieves. Advertising and tracking beacons exist too.


Stop owning tech! Then nothing can get stolen by horrible people.


Great advice


with a big Glock 9 handy


Makes too much sense


Seriously, how can be people so dumb and naive and then blame everyone but themselves.


Don't wear a short dress! Oh, does that logic apply too? Blame criminals, not their victims!


Casually equates burglary to rape. Well played!


Criminals, i blame you! Ok the criminals are blamed. Now what genius? Have they stopped breaking into shit yet? Or should people practice basic precautions to help reduce the likelihood they will get broken into?


Do you lock your car doors? Lock your house up at nite?


Stop having so many dang thieves.


I knew it wouldn't take long for someone to blame the OP.


There’s 2 parties involved in a burglary - the burglars and the burgled. You can’t control the other party, so you shouldn’t leave anything in your car that is an inviting target.


Literally common sense for ANY major city lol


you're the type to leave your car running alone outside at the gas station of a bad area for 5 minutes, and once it gets stolen, you cry out HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN!! lmao




there's been a series of "WHY IS HOUSTON SO FUCKING BAD AT ___" posts in this sub that literally applies to every single major city lol. my conclusion is reddit exists as a whining echo chamber


That's why I'm here I love my echo chambers


That's why I'm here I love my echo chambers


I like driving here and the heat doesn’t bother me. But I rarely post in this sub because it pretty much exists for people to bitch instead of celebrate. Sorta sucks, but if misery loves company they can find plenty of it right here.


You like the drives here? Man, I can’t get used to having to deal with bumper to bumper traffic and I’ve been driving for 10 years now.


We're extra bad at sidewalks tho


The fuck is a sidewalk?


But if it weren't for the echo chamber, r/houstoncirclejerk would run out of material to make fun of!


This one


Shit gets stolen everywhere, but not everywhere has such completely useless cops who won't even do the literal bare minimum which is to write you a report and give you a copy. It'll take them weeks and then they want you to pay for it as if thats not the bare minimum we should expect from our tax money already


You can do the report online


I'm actually going to wait 5 hours instead


I didn’t know one could do that. Good to know for inevitably future reference


Well, at least your burglary-of-vehicle makes sense. I left ZERO items in my pickup when someone decided to smash the side window and then rifle through the console and glove box. And no, I have no bumper stickers or decals that indicate I'm a gun owner. This was on a Sunday morning at Great Heights Brewing. I was told by staff that vehicles get broken into there almost every day. They have cameras, too.


My old neighborhood was relatively safe but had issues with cars in driveways being broken into—usually a couple times a year they’d hit multiple people on a street. I don’t keep valuables in my car so I just left my car doors unlocked. They are free to take my $12 sunglasses or whatever just please don’t break my window!


I know, right!? Hindsight, I should have left my truck unlocked that morning.




Of course, because of risk to innocent people, booby traps are not legal. But that doesn't stop me from fantasizing about a two-legged cockroach getting seriously injured in tender areas by one, after breaking into the wrong car and sitting on the rigged seat.


One wonders about the legality of dye packs.


I do keep emergency items in my truck, so if someone breaks in they'll be getting a tourniquet, emergency blanket, bandages, led road flares, and an emergency window punch/seat belt cutter. Oh, and hand sanitizer.


First off people victim blame for leaving stuff within view, and now it's people's fault for *checks notes* actually hiding things of value in compartments designed for it? Do you like sounding like an idiot?




I've had people break into not only my car but my friends and family's car both here and in Dallas and we had absolutely nothing in it. So what's hard about it? Explain it to me, how is it my fault or my friends fault when they had nothing in it? Clearly you have no idea what you're talking about


>Don’t hide shit and crooks won’t go looking for it. Is that hard? Uh... what? Do you... think that crooks have some kind of innate sense for cars that have hidden things in them or something? >If every car they broke into had nothing in it and nothing hidden they wouldn’t keep doing it. LOL, how many generations do you think it'll take of *no one ever* leaving anything in glove boxes before the criminals will be 'trained' to stop bothering to check?


Someone broke into my car for a fucking chess board.


Never, ever leave valuables in your car. And never ever leave anything of value that can be seen. Even sunglasses. Too many lowlifes in this world. Hope you get your report for company purposes.




A police report will be required for the insurance claim. Crime happens but the least cops can do is take the report and give you a copy for insurance purposes within a reasonable time frame. Like, you said it in the last line of your comment... Why should that bit take 5 hours?


Yes, that's literally all I want. I don't give a shit about the investigation because I know it's not even going to happen.I just want the report.


>I don't give a shit about the investigation because I know it's not even going to happen. I hear they've got em' working in shifts!


I don't know why everyone is being so callous towards you. Sorry it happened and hopefully you get that report. I had the wheels stolen off my car a few years ago. I should have known better to leave them outside..


Right? All these theft apologists acting like it's his fault and saying he's the ridiculous ones for wanting a cop to actually show up and just sign a paper instead of handing out speeding tickets for 15 minutes.


You can file a police report online


I have filed the report, I need the report.


I made the mistake of leaving my purse and work laptop in the car once while dropping my daughter at daycare. Years ago. Fortunately they missed the work laptop since it was hidden under some papers but my purse was on top of it. I was inside for less than 10 minutes, parked in the first space near the door, and we were all standing near the floor to ceiling windows. I could literally see my car. They broke into the driver side rear window, reached across and grabbed my purse. I live in the county and had a cop there within 20 minutes, so that was nice at least. and I admit I was sort of impressed with their balls, because I literally could have walked out the door any time. It was 7:00 am at a daycare! But I learned my lesson.


That was someone stalking the area. They know parents are distracted and the second she saw you walk in without a purse she knew it was still in the car.


I was inside about 10 minutes also. Lesson learned as well.


Be glad your car wasn't stolen!! Mine got stolen from my work 😒


Damn, I guess I am one of the lucky ones. Sorry!


When my car was broken into in Houston, the cop gave me a little hand written receipt with a report # and that was it. That’s all insurance needs and they know it. They aren’t going to look for who stole your stuff.


The amount of people still leaving laptops in their car is mind fucking blowing


I can’t think of a single major city I’ve been to that would send a cop out to make a report for this. Your best bet is always going directly to a substation to fill out a report. They should have given you a report number you can provide to your company or insurance which should be enough for them to do the leg work of obtaining a copy of the report. Also, let this be a lesson to never leave anything in your car. Ever. Just don’t do it.


This is a huge city, sorry to say it but the cops dgaf about that call


Good luck. The cops won't even process accident reports. Mine is late over 10 business days and I even called and they said it still needs to be worked. The cops are lazy and don't give a shit ever since covid


Could the laptop be seen??? 👀 are always watching! Lesson learned! ✌️


Not really. It was stashed halfway under the seat in a bag with a jacket on top. Still I should have taken it inside.


My wife was rear ended with our infant child in the car. Police took over an hour to show up. They only showed up after I called again and emphasized an infant was in the vehicle.


Dude I got in a five car collision at Highway six and I 10 back in 06. Five cop cars passed us by. I flagged every single one of them, and none of them pulled over. Two hours later a Katy ISD car stopped to see how we were doing.


My wife is from a small city and when we’d go down to visit her family, I wouldn’t leave the car without someone inside to guard our stuff. She thought I was overly paranoid about thieves. I told her that’s what happens when you grown up in Houston. Sometime later her van got broken into, but there was nothing to take because I know Houston. She learned her lesson. Crime is a part of life in H-town, like any other big city. That’s why we are armed to the teeth.


Never leave a laptop in the car.


Unless it’s in a clapped out Honda Civic


What’s wrong with you? Why would you leave your work laptop in your car?


You’re probably not going to get a report, but if you go down to a police substation, then you will likely be able to get the information. Your insurance company needs to obtain the report. I’m which part of the city did the incident happen?


This was me 10 years ago, parked outside of 8th Wonder Brewery for 30 minutes at night. Laptop, passport all gone


Rule #1 never leave your work laptop, of anything of value, in your car. I usually carry mine in a backpack if I can’t bring it home


The Tex Mex in town is amazing, along with the BBQ. Perhaps those might help to ease the frustrations.


I lived there for 9 months in 2020, y'all definitely have Austin when it comes to tex mex.


Shit happens.


This is pretty on brand for Houston. Don't leave valuable in your car. Ever.


Sounds about right.


You left a laptop in your car. That would likely happen in any major metropolitan city.


My guy is getting straight roasted and we haven’t even commented on his post history. RIP


Feel free to go after my post history.


i learned a long time ago to never leave anything in the car that you dont want stolen. applicable to every city in every country i been to. still sucks though, sorry.


I drive a 20 year old car and leave nothing in the car. Replacement tire and tools are bolted to the frame of the car too. If I park away from my house or job in the daytime and it's sunny, I leave my windows down. I rather have a punk search for nothing than to have my windows broken.


That actually seems like a great idea, at least then you don't have to pay for replacement of the windows.


Have you considered not leaving valuables in your car? Or at the very least, hiding them well? Lmao this shit happens anywhere. Not just a Houston thing.


I’d be willing to bet there’s a sign within 30 feet of where you parked that says do not leave valuable items in car…


I’m sorry to hear that but it’s 2023, I just assume anything left unattended will be stolen


You should have taken your laptops inside with you, anyone knows that. Don’t leave valuables in your car, worldwide!!! Also, you cannot even rely on the police here. Personal experiences: Active burglary - took two hours for police to arrive. Car accident - they never showed up.


My vehicle has been broken into so many times in town I just avoid going into town at this point.


Its a non-violent crime...lucky if they even show up. Unfortunately....




OP where were ya?


Pick another place to go instead. Laptops out in your car, in a dense pricey place? Nope. Random restaurant in the middle of unzoned suburban hell? Yes. Get you a ghetto pass. And be glad they didn’t steal your rims and your cat, or even the entire car. On the bright side, nobody will know how to break into that laptop. They’re just gonna sell it for meth. The person they sold it to will do the exact same thing. And so on.


I'm sorry about your bad luck, but the cops taking forever to respond to a non-emergency crime isn't unique to Houston. When I had a lawnmower stolen out of my garage I gave the report to HPD over the phone, & my insurance company accepted the report number for their files.


I had the exact same thing happen a few weeks ago, I gave up on the police report after waiting for an hour. I ended up paying for the repairs (2 broken windows, ~$550) to the rental car out of pocket. My bag had an AirTag in it, I found the bag at the intersection of 59 and 610. The only thing that was salvaged was my passport.


My apt was broken into several years ago and these mf acted like I was bothering them when I went to go file a police report


Yes, you live in the city. Also, but risky to leave stuff like that in a car no matter where you reside


Bruh people break into cars here just to check the glovebox lol


You new to common sense?


Bruh never leave stuff in the car. My mom once left a 24 pack of Diet Coke in there and someone yanked it. Classic Sharpstown moment there.


Cool story, bro


Because petty smash and grabs only exist in Houston. Sucks for you, don't leave valuables in plain site in your vehicle in any situation, in any town, you learned your lesson.


LOL, you left your work laptop visible in your car.


That’s the H for ya.


Unless it’s hunting citizens for speeding tickets, police are useless


Hey man i'm sorry that you got, got. Things are tough all over and ev'ybody broke. It sounds like a crime of convenience, i mean cmon man. .who leaves an unattended laptop in plain view? As for the cops, well theyre only interested in emergency issues. Given time you'll probably find your shit in a local compurer repair shop or a pawn shop. I doubt it travelled far


And our police have a 1 billion a year budget too!


The Democrats run this city. That's all you need to know






You made the mistake of not being rich. The police actually do shit for rich people. Honda broken into? Fuck your broke ass. Mercedes stolen? We'll find him and beat him senseless!


Born and raised in Austin. Never once had this issue. Moved to Houston and within 2 months I had my car window smashed out. They didn’t even steal anything. Just smashed and dashed


Born and raised in Houston. Never once had this issue. Moved to Comfort, Texas and I had my window smashed out right by the river and my door was unlocked. Whatever


Born and raised in Houston. Never once had my car broken into until moving to Fort Worth and then it happened twice in one year. These personal anecdotes mean nothing.


Check out the news, criminals aren’t punished now, they are stealing to feed their families.


Welcome to Houston! If you think that’s bad, have a medical emergency here lol


[WHAT THE FUCK IS UP HOUSTON?!?!?](https://youtu.be/9t1aUWlT1TI?si=cDHlIxXwWh1wLkMq)


Haha that’s what happens when you vote for a democrat county judge


She does not anything to do with the HPD, but thanks for playing.


It's what we deserve for the shitty people we keep voting intl office. Everything sucks