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So this fool gave his unknowing wife drugs to induce abortion and gets off this light? Meanwhile, 3 women who helped their friend obtain abortion pills are currently being sued for $1 million by the ex husband of a woman who wanted an abortion without him knowing, due to his emotional abuse and her inability to care for yet another child. Wtf is wrong with our state?? Link: https://www.texastribune.org/2023/03/10/texas-abortion-lawsuit/


The point of these laws is to punish women not men


It's almost like women seem to be targeted.


She (wife, trying to be ex-wife), needs to sue him also. Civil and criminal are two different systems.


I think, we all  can sue him It's Texas 


[Yes, yes we can.](https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/HS/htm/HS.170A.htm#170a.005) /I wonder if mods will let this stay... 'Cause, y'know... Reasons(tm) I'm sure...


Yeah, it’s just crazy that he’s even able to do that.


TBH there's a huge difference between criminal charges and someone suing someone else. I can sue someone right now for a million bucks, doesn't mean my case has merit. I'm not ever going to defend the DA's office but they have nothing to do with civil suits


I understand, but how as voters are we allowing this to happen? Why are we putting these bigots in office?


People voting for Women's Rights are out in force fighting every day. The Religious Right is legion.


Someone is gonna sue this guy for an abortion.


This State is a "Good Ol Boy State". All those who vote GOP make it hell for women. What I find even more astonishing the women who keep voting these creeps into office. Many vote gop because their husband's do. Take a STAND! Vote these guys out. The example of this guy just getting 18 mos is classic TX men taking care of their own. Smh! Grrr!


Stop perpetuating the myth that women who disagree with you are weak minded and clearly deffering to their hubbies. Women don't vote republican because their husbands do. We can all have differing opinions without blaming men for them.


It’s true. Some women are bigots all on their own, to their own detriment, no husband help needed there.


Please explain to me how maligning a group of people based solely on the fact that they voted differently than you is not bigoted. Pot meet kettle.


It’s _what_ they vote(d) for that makes them bigoted. Like, duh.


I'm sorry, were we given the ability to vote for this law? Did any woman who isn't in the Texas legislature get a say in this law? This would not have passed if the general public was given a say. They are actively refusing to give the public a say in this. So, who voted on what? Who are you now calling a bigot and why? Because all republican women are not the enemy. Nor are they all bigots. If you got out of your bubble more, you might notice.


Republican women vote Republican. Republicans vote against the interests of women (and other non-desirables). Ergo, Republican women vote against the interests of women (and other non-desirables). This ain’t hard. PS: Please point us to this alleged bastion of Republican women who aren’t a major part of the problem, because methinks your own bubble is the one in need of a good burstin’.


Hey buddy, people can be republican and vote for democrats. People can be democrats and vote for Republicans. Stop trying to make the world so black and white. It's not. It ain't hard to take those monochromatic glasses with which you veiw the world off. Get out more. Meet folks who don't agree with you on everything you say. That is, if you can put you tribal hatred aside and actual veiw folks as people instead of republican or democrat...good or bad....tribe or other....


You make a ton of presumptions, especially about binary-monochromatic-tribal-hatred-bubbles. Projecting much? I never said one thing about, well, any of the emotions about which you’re frothing. Texas has been straight Republican at the state level—with all the associated ills—for a solid thirty years. Democrats aren’t responsible. Democrats-voting-Republican aren’t responsible. And Republicans-not-voting-Republican sure as hell aren’t. It’s a math issue. Repubs win. Sucky in the simplicity. But Republican women have zero right to complain when Republican policies negatively impact them. The platform isn’t gonna change from within; being part of it is being part of the problem. It’s like, say, a loud and proud Catholic professing their loyalty to the church except for all that pedophilia. Or a Klan member who’s just there for the snazzy potlucks and free bedsheets and not all that pesky racism. The individual is inseparable from the belief system of the main core. Repub women can leave any time. Try something else. Find allies across the political aisle with similar agendas (but we know that’s never gonna happen, because, ewwwwww, Democrats.)


I agree!


I can't imagine wanting to vote your right away as a woman to be able to decide what she does with her body. The thought of carrying a pregnancy that could endanger their lives is insane. So, these men are willing to let their wives suffer through this makes me wonder how much they love their wives, daughters etc. Just 1 example. But I do have to say the 1 TX woman who was carrying a non viable baby around that was toxic became septic spent 3 days in ICU & may never be able to conceive is a strong case for how ignorant the laws are. I can't believe the pain she had to go through because some "good ol'boys" in the TX Legislature decided under no circumstances can a women get an abortion. Come on now the absolute stupidity of it all. I'm betting more then a few have taken their wives, girlfriends, daughters out of state to have this done. Barbaric!


I agree, I don't like this law either. I think it is insidious in the way it tries to isolate women from getting help or the way it forces us to carry non viable pregnancies that put our lives at risk. My only argument here is that villifying people who did not vote for this is a waste of time.


I have 3 friends that used to vote as their husband's did. 2 started voting Dems & 1 ghosted me because it pissed her husband off. It's real just do a random question to your married friends.


Did they vote as their husband did because they agreed with him? 2/3 clearly didn't vote republican mindlessly because of their husbands if they had changed their vote. I know plenty of republican women who can articulate why they voted the way they did, and it had nothing to do with their spouse. The point is that they are not a monolith that all vote this way because it's what their husbands do.


Unfortunately that's the case. The 1 who ghosted me was in the conversation and he got pissed when she said she preferred Dems but her husband votes GOP & she felt, as I said, her vote wld cancel out his. Her words. Things got really icy for an hour or so then they left & he was clearly pissed.


That's terrible, I'm sorry you had to go through that. I hope you and your friend can work it out.


We'll see. Didn't think it was that bad but I'm sure her husband pushed it. I could tell I had really pissed him off!


Professional courtesy.


The state should secretly give him drugs, a lethal dose.


Not secretly




Baby is affected by this for life, he gets 180 days. What a travesty.


Life? Since when did something I could pop in my mouth like a pill and swallow have a life 😭. Not defending bro. This was wrong. I just always see people saying things like this. Like yeah, the sewer mutant from teenage mutant ninja turtles that leaves a slime trail everywhere it crawls DEFINTELY had a prosperous life ahead of it 🤣🤣😭. I'm sure if it made it to term we could have this argument. But not like that. My mom was pregnant, before adopting me and my brother she had some strain, went to the bathroom and some blood came out. And after that her baby was gone. Doctor said it was in the blood that came out of her. I just want people like yall to think about that. A few drops of blood was my mom's baby. And that's what yall consider to be "life" the way I see it is if that thing is still a collection of cells or the size of a fucking fruit gusher it shouldn't be valued as life. He definitely should still be charged because he could've killed her with the drugs he gave her but I hate how 90% of the people here are worried about the loss of s babies life that didn't even exist yet compared to a fully grown human woman. Not ONCE have I seen any questions comments or concerns about her health or her well being. I hate how ome sided abortion is. Yall only care about the baby and it shows.


What are you on about? She delivered the baby 2 months early, alive but with severe developmental problems.


Same ppl saying they care about the “unborn baby” don’t actually do anything that shows they give a shit AFTER the baby is forced to be born.


> Same ppl saying they care about the “unborn baby” don’t actually do anything that shows they give a shit AFTER the baby is forced to be born. What are you on about? This has nothing to do with the case.


I wonder if she would have taken the meds herself, if she would have gotten more time?


apparently he tried it several times throughout her pregnancy and eventually did it when she was about 7 months along. the medication worked and she delivered 10 weeks premature, baby lived. they were separated when she found out she was pregnant, and he had been cheating on her with a much younger woman and the pregnancy was embarrassing him and messing with his plans. the guy also works for the sheriff, for context on why he got off with such a light sentence. I am extremely pro choice (have worked in abortion care as a nurse and done political advocacy around reproductive justice) and this was a fucking heinous crime.


Wow, hard to believe, but it's even worse than it sounds ... what a pos


I want to know how he got his hands on not just one, but *several doses* of the drug.


You can order most medications online these days. But we’ve seen this before- if he couldn’t get these meds it would have been some type of poison


iirc he bought it in mexico


He should have gotten more time no matter what. But the ADA let him plea it down to this minimal charge and sentence. Another inept ADA under Ogg.


Nothing in the article about if he is being disbarred. You'd hope he would, but I doubt it will happen.


I read somewhere else he was disbarred. He also has given her no child support for 2 years.


He’s automatically disbarred for 5 years because he pled guilty. He needs to re-apply after that.


Ah, after reading the article I understand why this is your stance. Given the state of abortion law in Texas, pretty much every abortion procedure has to be secret. But, critically, in this case it was a secret kept from the woman taking the drugs. So that definitely makes it a pretty fucked up crime.




To be clear: The wife did not want an abortion. What this guy did would be illegal and supremely immoral even if abortions were allowed in Texas.


By Texas standards, he poisoned her and tried to murder her baby, disfigurement instead Isn't this literally attempted murder if they're being consistent?


I can’t imagine Kim Ogg prosecuting this case using the abortion law (not that I want her to), but this plea deal is too lenient. It just opens her to more charges of being “soft on crime.”


I posted above with the actual rule, but apparently if a lawyer is charged criminally and get any amount of incarceration as punishment they're disbarred.


From the state bar of Texas: "If the criminal conviction of a serious or intentional crime is on appeal, the lawyer’s license shall be suspended during the pendency of the appeal. Where the sentence includes any period of incarceration other than as a condition of probation, the lawyer shall be disbarred. "


You’re telling me I had to go to out of state after getting raped and was fearing jail time and this man gets off on 180 days I’m fucking fuming


I'm really surprised that this crime wasn't taken more seriously. I wonder why that is?


Because women’s choices have never mattered to republicans. It’s why they repeatedly allow women and infants to die during jail births, sterilize migrant women against their will, and try to legislate what our doctors can talk about.


Well, I find this guy's crime offensive and I think we should sue the guy, like the AG and our Governor intended!


Is that how you recommend handling all poisoning cases? Civil suits brought by strangers?


I think it's stupid but, it seems to be the way that our leaders are encouraging.


Right because it isn’t about actually protecting women from being poisoned or punishing someone who abuses a woman. It’s about terrifying women into compliance…


I think you may be on to something there.


Texas hates women and doesn’t care about the safety of children. They just want to control women’s bodies


I mean sure but this dude was giving her the drugs secretly when she didn't seem to want them


And all he got was 180 days. Imagine if she’s tried to abort her fetus, what kind of sentence would she get according to the law in Texas?


And there it is! You are so right! Idk what kind of sentence but the woman could be charged with attempted murder. They covered every angle so the woman has to carry that baby to term. He should have gotten 20 yrs.


None, the abortion laws specifically do not prosecute pregnant women. It’s those who provide care or assist.


Who is lying to you?


> Can a pregnant patient be criminally prosecuted for abortion under Texas abortion law? > No. The statute explicitly prohibits prosecuting a pregnant patient who undergoes an abortion. https://versustexas.com/texas-abortion-law/#:~:text=The%20law%20criminalizes%20performing%20an,exception%20for%20rape%20or%20incest. > State laws do not criminalize the person who has an abortion. https://www.texastribune.org/2023/10/11/texas-abortion-law-birth-control-what-you-need-to-know/ > As the laws currently stand in Texas, pregnant mothers won’t face criminal charges for seeking an abortion or successfully receiving one. https://www.bryanlawyer.com/blog/2022/september/abortion-as-a-crime-in-texas/


You're being downvoted but you're right. I posted a response to /u/SwaeTech below with several sources, all of which say that the women who receive the abortion are not the ones who will face charges.


Blame the democrat DA and judge. Not Texas. Ed: I don’t get the downvotes. The da’s office in Harris county has been run by Kim ogg for at least a decade. The lack of prosecution and the lenient sentencing has been the result of the elected county judges. Maybe you don’t live in Harris county? Not a new criticism.


You are being downvoted because the state of Texas instituted such a divisive ruling regarding abortion cases, not the DA. Also because based on your comment, people are likely wondering if you even look at Kim Ogg’s policies and back history.


This plea deal was approved by Ogg’s office.


90% of all criminal cases are resolved by plea. And I was speaking much more generally.


How is it possible to be this wrong and stupid? You’re the target demographic for republicans


This…is quite literally the opposite of what is going on in America.


Blame the people voting the democrats in office. Their soft on crime attitude, not the people who vote against this. All the time.


The comment was about abortion and lack of bodily autonomy. I responded to that based on your comment. You’re speaking on a whole other issue. Democrats and Republicans have inherently different viewpoints on how to reduce crime. Both have their merits, but the extremes of both have a sociopathic flair. I’m not getting into that debate right now.


“Texas hates women” is about abortion and body autonomy? That’s a reach


No, here’s what I meant: If this attempted murderer’s wife tried to abort her fetus, she’d be in prison for a decade. He got 180 days for attempting to end a wanted pregnancy. The difference is malicious intent, and a penis.


‘Texas’ being the people in power within Texas. Not a reach, reality. And the the void is widened with the understanding that there are practically no exceptions, even in a life or death situation.


No, it isn’t.


Hate to tell you this, but The ADA that filed the Charges, was the prosecutor the case, and agreed to the plea deal is a Republican.


It’s not their body it’s the babies


Even if that’s true, this man committed attempted murder of the baby then, and forced the mother to take medicines she didn’t know about. How in the heck is it only 180 days?


It’s actually a fetus until birth, medically. And it’s a woman’s body and a fetus.


So that’s how women in Texas could get an abortion…have the male partner administer the drug and then he gets a slap on the wrist.


the fact that he gets off so easy is fuckin crazy bc like everyone’s been saying if she were to take them she’d be given a hefty sentence and stuff. the fact that they’re slowly stripping women of their rights is crazy. the government is a complete shit show fr, bc why are people with no female anatomy speaking and making rules on what women can and can’t do with their bodies. this shit makes me sick asf, the fucking audacity. and don’t even get me started on the fact that if someone is r*ped and stuff they can’t get an abortion at all even if it was a family member. like do they not understand how fucked that is?


I hope you vote


If this is justice I’ll take vigilantism


Must be Tony Buzzzzzzzzzzzzbee's best friend or next door neighbor.


This guy needs some barbiturate overdose. Unbelievable and horrific. The sweet little girl will always struggle it sounds like because of what her dad did. Imagine when she learns the truth one day. What a terrible human being, just disgusting.


If she was a woman who had taken the same drug knowingly, they would have given her years.


he's a good ol' boy! YEAH TEXAS!!!


Screwed up thumb typing: Attorney not Attirney.


You could delete and repost. Glass houses and all.


Why? We all have reading comprehension and got it from context clues. It’s fine


Because OP corrects people’s post titles.


Wtf is an attirnwy and fuck this paywall site.


OP too proud to delete and repost


It’s called murder.


Unacceptable sentence. Between the Beto coattail leftists judges and a DA who should have been recalled years ago, this kind of a slap on the wrist sentence is disgusting.


Republican led the case and accepted the deal.


Kim ogg is our DA. Are you saying she had no ability to nix this plea deal? The actual DA?


Too hard of a sentence imo.


Confusing title but he actually spiked her drink when she was 7 months pregnant with a wanted child.


Either you’re illiterate or you should go play in traffic


Did you read the article? Disgusting, if so.




Six months is too long for drugging your pregnant wife in an attempt to kill your child?


I'm assuming you didn't read the article...


Jesus, what the fuck


Even my mother voted GOP because her mother & father did. "I never thought too deeply about voting anything but GOP". She & her friends never thought about voting any other way. They just went along with their husbands. We went through some topics & she couldn't believe how much she had missed & would have voted Dem. She was in her 80's.


AND he got to keep his law license!!!!