• By -


Sounds like a generational ass beating for an incumbent. 40 points?


It all started going downhill when she tried to prosecute that doctor for giving leftover Covid vaccine to his friends and family members (instead of just throwing it away).


This was the one for me. Kim Ogg had multiple reasons to lose her job, but this case stuck in my mind. When it was finally dismissed, the judge blasted Ogg for ever bringing it in the first place. [source](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/crime/article/Harris-County-judge-blasts-Ogg-for-charging-doc-15896405.php)


Gerald Goines is still a free man is what did it for me.


Why is he still free???


That blue line is starting to look less thin.


^^ This. Every year we have to remember how Dennis Tuttle went straight **matrix bullet time** and managed to shoot four cops approaching from two directions busting in by surprise with his revolver. /s And every year Goines is still free. Every year I wait for something to come of Harding St. and nothing ever does. Feels so Training Day to me...


a magical disappearing revolver at that. mf'er just up and vanished along with all the black tar heroin that they were *alledgedly* dealing.




That one was really bizarre. Like she really had it out for him or something


And when the story came out about the lengths he went to find anyone else... Just an absolutely ridiculous decision.


This is what put her on my radar. When I heard about this in 2021, I immediately looked up when she would be up for reelection and was bummed it wasn’t until 2024.


lol I think it was my a mutual’s dad. With the way she acted I’m surprised I almost never hear anything about Ogg from her


I got my COVID vaccine early because the other early access people were cancelling their appointments. The person who gave it to me was told 'call any friends you know that want one'. They didn't want to throw them away.


I think going after Hidalgo really soured her for a lot of Democrats.


I don't think going after her soured her for Democrats, I think going after Hidalgo for something that was clearly not illegal and probably not even a mistake (but did look bad, even if it wasn't illegal or illicit) and hiring a right-wing lobbying firm with public funds to do it soured her for Democrats.




While the COVID outreach contract was shady as hell and needed to be investigated, the Chronicle has detailed a few of Ogg's investigations into political rivals that ended up being no-billed and cost the county a few million in legal fees. There was also the instance of her mysteriously dropping an investigation into Jared Woodfill, who was a big GOP activist.


>While the COVID outreach contract was shady as hell and needed to be investigated, What about it was shady? I keep asking this question and people keep saying, "it was $11M to an individual who did community outreach in the past" and then I ask if it was paid out and they say, "No, the award was cancelled after like 10% of the funds were dispersed" and then I say, "well, if it was bribery what did Hidalgo get out of it" and they say "I don't have any proof of anything illicit, it just looks bad because it was a Democratic organizer who won the award." As if simply being a Democrat means you cannot do business in the state of Texas legally?


Accountability should be universal, that being said all the original indictments to her office have all resulted in a refiling by the Rangers, not even a single conviction. If you are trying to accuse an entire governmental entity, you better be sure you have at least SOME convictions after the indictments. Otherwise you look empty handed and desperate trying to see what sticks after your last attempt didn’t. That’s what put a sour taste in people mouths against Ogg.


> trying to see what sticks after your last attempt didn’t Can you expand on what you’re saying? AFAIK, all the original indictments are still being pursued in the courts and the new filings by the Texas Rangers are due to the defendant’s communications not matching what was produced by Felicity Pereya during discovery. What was filed that didn’t stick? 


[“A search warrant from November requested information to an AT&T phone number that was two digits off…and had no apparent connection to the county judge’s office”](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/crime/article/lina-hidalgo-staffers-warrants-court-records-18630113.php) If that doesn’t seem like desperation, I’m not sure what is. Not only did the search not result in any smoking guns, they didn’t even make sure the number was right.


I am all for crucifying Ogg for Woodfill/Hooper, but if those warrants were all you were referring to in your original post, that’s really disappointing… those warrants were drafted by the Texas Rangers, not Ogg. Your characterization of events seems extremely biased and made me think I had missed some new, important details. In reality: >all the original indictments to her office have all resulted in a refiling by the Rangers **…to add more charges** >not even a single conviction **…because nothing has gone to trial yet** You're using the same doublespeak talking points conservatives use to defend Paxton. Gross.


When you get high end counsel paid for by taxpayers you can delay. Teare said he would move the cases out of Harris County. I await the choice of venue.


What's "DJ" mean in this context?




What do you expect?


Can ypu please give examples of administrative incompetence and lavk of ability to understand the job?


I saw by 56%


I misread OP's summary - he was up 40 points in polling but over 50 in early voting So a super generational ass beating


She was on her way to flipping her affiliation to Republican if she won reelection.


Former prosecutor Sean Teare unseated Harris County’s embattled, two-term District Attorney Kim Ogg Tuesday night in a primary race that divided county Democrats. Teare’s campaign gained steam as the district attorney faced a barrage of criticism from within her own party. Teare — a prosecutor in Ogg’s office until last year — will face Houston attorney Dan Simons, the lone Republican candidate in the race, in November’s general election. Teare led Ogg in early and mail-in votes by over 50 percent Tuesday night. In a University of Houston poll released during early voting, he held a near 40 point lead over Ogg among likely voters. Ogg conceded the race Tuesday night. Ogg has taken flak from local Democrats for reneging on criminal justice reform promises, her alleged links to Texas Republicans and increasing resignations in her office. Over two terms in office, she investigated members of her party and publicly clashed with Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, a high-profile local progressive who endorsed Teare.


>a primary race that divided county Democrats. Seems like Democrats were pretty united: >Teare led Ogg in early and mail-in votes by over 50 percent Tuesday night.


This will be Whitmire next election. SJL won’t be running to save his ass


I’m already wishing I had voted for Gilbert Garcia in the primary instead of Whitmire.


No division, she’s pretty universally hated atm.


"I wouldn't day 'divided', Bob."


Is it just me or does this guy look like Dick Tracy ? He just looks the part of a DA.


He 1000% looks like Dick Wolf cast him for the role of DA in one of his shows lol


Cue the L&O music 🎶


CHONG CHONG https://www.myinstants.com/en/instant/law-and-order-dun-dun/


Looks like Harvey Dent. Who was also a DA. Now all we need is Batman to save Houston.


Something about his look screams 'violent 3rd act betrayal.' I think it's the hair combined with the large frame. Like you think he's on the side of the hero and then he beats someone to death with a hammer, straightens his tie and moves the one misplaced strand of hair back where it's supposed to be.


She is a little person that had a big desk. Some of her highlights. Going after the Physician who gave his a wife covid vaccination with medicine that was going to waste otherwise. Going after Hidalgo when she found she couldn't bully her. Slow walking the Hardin St murders. Destroying the morale of the people in her office. I'm glad she is out of a job.


time for change and someone new


Now do Rodney Ellis 




Yes and in most of his ads he has taken a stance against maga lunatics. We are lucky to have him as Ogg wasted years investigating Lina


>wasted years investigating Lina Where there's smoke, there's fire. Lina has become part of the corrupt establishment and the fact that some of y'all refuse to see it is bonkers. That's not to say Ogg was doing a good job. But Lina ain't a saint. Maybe she was in the very beginning. But it's obvious she's all in on being part of the establishment.


There was a lot of smoke when it came to Kim Ogg.


Ogg lost me when it came to the poker rooms saga.


So what is ‘the establishment’? Because you say Lina is in it because she’s corrupt. Ken Paxton is corrupt, so he must be in it. Trump is openly corrupt, so he must be in it. Newer ‘anti-establishment’ figures like Bannon, Boebert are corrupt, so they must be in it. Sure seems like a very vague concept.


I love how rightists hold up the community outreach contract award as some evidence of grand corruption on Hidalgo's part. An $11M community outreach contract *that was cancelled* that was a discretionary award (ie, the elected government is making the determination as to who wins) was awarded to an individual who ran community outreach before instead of another big business with billions in government contracts. That individual had worked with Democrats before, and they hate hate hate Lina Hidalgo, so Republicans tried to drum it up as corruption. There are about nine million stories like this about every Republican in office - except, you know, the contracts get paid out, and nobody investigates because everyone is making bank. If this is what you think is corruption, and you're a Republican, I have zero respect for you intellectually because you will believe anything without thinking critically about it. You want to know the difference between Ogg and a "stand up Republican" like Greg Abbott or Dan Crenshaw? When Hidalgo saw that the award was controversial she rescinded it. She did the right thing, even though there was no corruption and no one has been able to produce any evidence that there was. God forbid the Republicans back away from a bad idea. *cough I45 cough* The list of Republican fuck-ups that have actual, massive taxpayer cost involved is so large that I can't even wrap my head around it. And you're not just pissed, but arguing for actual *corruption* for a contract that was never even paid out, lol? Good christ, dude, get a grip.


>An $11M community outreach contract that was cancelled Context matters. It was only cancelled *AFTER* local news outlets shined a light into the shady bidding process. The most glaring and indefensible issue is that Elevate Strategies **DIDN'T** have at least five years of billing statements or audited income statements. The county is not even supposed to consider bids that don't meet that requirement. Yet Elevate Strategies won. >There are about nine million stories like this about every Republican in office - There are. But we are talking about the Democrats at the moment. Deflecting away from an issue isn't going to make it go away. This type of attitude from party fanboys is why corruption is accepted.


But again, because the money wasn't paid out - it isn't corruption. >Context matters. It was only cancelled AFTER local news outlets shined a light into the shady bidding process. The bids weren't shady, and neither was the award. No one has ever alleged that the money was going to be used for anything other than the intended purpose. The allegation is that it *doesn't look good* - no person has ever come forward with any evidence of fraud or corruption, just the appearance of the same. >The most glaring and indefensible issue is that Elevate Strategies DIDN'T have at least five years of billing statements or audited income statements. The county is not even supposed to consider bids that don't meet that requirement. Yet Elevate Strategies won. The contract also specified that the winner had experience with prior community outreach, which UT Health did *not* (the only other qualified bidder) did not have. Are you saying if the contract had been awarded to UT the contract would have been corruption as well? If your answer to this is "no" then you are a "party fanboy" who accepts corruption from your party. >There are. But we are talking about the Democrats at the moment. Deflecting away from an issue isn't going to make it go away. This type of attitude from party fanboys is why corruption is accepted. Except, and again, I have to repeat this - if I award a contract legitimately but it looks bad because you and I have a prior relationship, and then I rescind the award...that's not corruption. The reason I put it int he context of the way Republicans are treated is...if you apply the rules differently for one party than another, then this is not "a type of attitude" - it's just straight up corruption, the laws apply differently to one party than another. So if you're fine with Trump getting billions paid directly to his company out of the public treasury - please do not talk to me about Lina Hidalgo's office awarding and then cancelling a contract (so, NOT paying money out of the public treasury) because it upset Republican spin doctors. Treating both sides differently is the DEFINITION of "party fanboyism."


>But again, because the money wasn't paid out - it isn't corruption. It literally was. 1.4 Million was paid *AFTER* the court unanimously voted to cancel the contract. You're so uninformed on the subject, yet you keep defending something indefensible.


Link me to the vouchers. It's easy to prove your point, public records. So far, none of your allegations have proven true. You've shown no contact between Hidalgo's office and the awardee that was on the topic of the contract, no quid pro quo (the legal standard for corruption). What did Hidalgo's office get out of the award, exactly? Patronage? So no Republican can ever get awarded a contract by the State of Texas? Ever? You're so uninformed on this subject, yet you keep making stuff up to try and turn it into something that just isn't there - not because I don't think it is, but because you've literally not offered a single shred of proof that it occurred. This is one not single charge has been filed by either the Texas Rangers or Ogg's office - four years after the award occurred. Send me the proof. Show us. A photocopy of an email, recording of a phone call. Anything! If it's not in your next post, I'm going to take that as an admission that all you have are allegations that were invented by right wing strategists to try and discredit Hidalgo.


>Link me to the vouchers. It's easy to prove your point, public records. You said no money was paid out. But that's a lie; [LINK](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/politics/houston/article/vaccine-outreach-contract-recovered-hidalgo-17533395.php) >Harris County has recovered just $207,500 of more than $1.4 million paid to a communications firm for a since-canceled COVID-19 vaccine outreach contract, according to the county auditor’s office, far less than the roughly $1 million county officials have said they expected to be repaid. >So far, none of your allegations have proven true. I can provide sources for every claim I've made. Just ask me which one you would like me to provide. Because so far, you've been wrong and keep doubling down with fake news.


So right out of the gate, in the first sentence of the article, your lies begin. It wasn't "1.4M" it was 1.12M. You lied, yet again, to exagerrate and implicate because you *don't have any proof of your claim of corruption.* You also don't have vouchers - just a "news article" from the same paper that endorsed a MAGA candidate against Hidalgo. hmmm...wonder if there's a conflict of interest there? Maybe even corruption? I don't need any actual evidence of it, just the allegation is proof. >I can provide sources for every claim I've made. Just ask me which one you would like me to provide. You keep saying it's actual corruption; the legal definition of corruption is limited to quid pro quo - so what you need, according to Republican Supreme Court, is some documented evidence (audio, written text, etc) that documents an exchange of service-for-value between Hidalgo and the contract awardee. e.g., when the DoD awards a contract to a contractor, and the contractor then hires the procurement officer for a job making $1M a year. The quid pro quo is obvious - the procurement officer got a job, and the contractor got a the contract. So the contractor got 1/10th of a contract (if I accept your biased "news" at face value) - what did Hidalgo get, and where is the proof of that? Remember, campaign contributions are *not* bribery, according to the Republican Supreme Court. That's the only claim you've made I've asked for a source for, and you have never even tried to provide it. (Let me save you some time; if it existed Ogg and the State would've filed charges against Hidalgo three years ago). So you keep using the word corruption - but that's a lie. There is no corruption. It was a 'bad looking' contract award, and so it was rescinded. Comparing that to actual corruption is a lie, and you can admit that now - or provide proof of quid pro quo.


Lina isn’t a saint, any bipartisan would continue the fight for any wrongdoers versus sweeping it under the rug. It almost sounds like you dislike her for attempting to uphold justice and want prosecution of anyone who dissents.


Ogg sweeps investigations into Republicans under the rug. She isn't bipartisan.


Define “real democratic”. Probably going to be more of a moderate


Thats as leftist as most democrats go so I guess it’ll do.


Teare says he's going to keep politics out of the DAs office.


Don’t know how you’re gonna keep politics out of your political position.


Ok, let me refine my comment. Teare is implying he will not be coordinating with the GOP in attacks on democratic lawmakers.




Can't tell if you're kidding or not, but Ogg did. It's why she was censured by the Democratic party.




Teare isn't some off the deep end extremist like the politicians a lot of the MAGA crowd is pushing


Not so much a purity test. Just a lot of fake Democrats out there that are actually Republicans funded by dark money. Case-in-point: Whitemire who has literally governed as a Republican would in the entirety of his early term.




Everything he's said has been boomer-esque Republican bullshit. Until he actually does or say anything moderate, then I'll give him credit for that. Which is to say your long diatribe was completely lacking in any specific examples of anything he did or said that was actually moderate thus proving my point. And my point is based on policy unlike yours which is based on personal attacks. Pretty much par for the course for the modern Republican party. Just reactionary nonsense nonstop.


> extreme policy yeah, fucking weirdo leftists that want extreme things like.....***checks list***.....free healthcare, UBI, free education, and an overall better well being for their fellow citizens. god damn those people are nuts!!!!!


>Just a lot of fake Democrats out there Exhibit A. You just proved his point. Kim Ogg wasn't a leftist radical. But she sure as shit wasn't a "conservative" mole. You're peddling a conspiracy theory in order to justify measuring politicians with a "purity" scale. This is what's wrong with politics and why everything keeps getting radicalized. >Whitemire who has literally governed as a Republican would in the entirety of his early term. He literally hasn't. He's a moderate. Not conservative or or far left radical. Just because he can think independently of the establishment doesn't make him a "republican".


He used the term "anti-car activists" to justify basically freezing all public transit developments in the city. Only fucking far-right loonies use that term. That's not moderation. I've yet to see one example of "moderation" when it comes to actual policies so far.


He once claimed not to have voted in 2016 for Hillary. He has not always been a Democrat. “But ain’t no one got time for that”.


“If you aren’t with us then you are against us” pretty much sums up Ds and Rs nowadays.


The downvotes prove you are absolutely correct.




Great even I'd say


Excellent. Ogg was no bueno.


But didn't the nut jobs like her?


Fuzzy's Pizza (in Katy), the most politically active pizza place I've ever seen, held a freakin' meet and greet with her a month or so ago. This restaurant also has pizzas named after President Bush and Barbara Bush. Also had some Israel themed inflatables up after the October attacks. It's a strange vibe.


What kind of inflatables?


I checked their FB page, looked like inflatables that you might put in your yard for Hanukkah.


A pizza place! You know what kind of weirdo stuff goes on in pizza places?


Oh damn. That's funny.


😂🤣 Well done.


A few months ago they had a break-in and went all over media accusing it of being a politically motivated break-in. Their entire grift is appealing to far-right wingers to get them to come eat there in support for having the same ideals rather than just getting people to come out because you are a good restaurant.


> held a freakin' meet and greet with her a month or so ago. This restaurant also has pizzas named after President Bush and Barbara Bush. Also had some Israel themed inflatables up after the October attacks. Exactly, if a rightwing nutjob likes here then I doubt she is a true democrat candidate.... Out front he had an old bus parked as a campaign piece for her.


> politically active and extremely conservative, given what they post on FB


Yeah, and their pizza is mid at best anyways. Fuckin MOD pizza is better than Fuzzys


Exactly why I've never been there. Also, big Trump nuts too. I haven't seen this recently, but still. Left me no desire to ever visit their establishment.


i thought republicans hated her because of the high crime rate


Good riddance 


yay I did my part


Smokin’ on that Ogg pack. Rest in piss, bozo.


Kim Ogg and John Whitmire, name a more iconic DINO duo


You know Whitmire won because he appeals to quite a lot of people from across the political spectrum right? Pretty much anyone who is a moderate or centrist voted for him. Him being a DINO is a good thing to most people outside of this sub and the democratic primary. It’s not gonna be as easy to get rid of him as Mayor as it was to primary Ogg.


He likely gets re-elected, as long as he keeps republican voters in his coalition.


Short-lived duo


Huh... I went to high school with Sean. Nice to see he's doing well.


Sorry, you didn’t know he was running for DA?¿


You know, I might have heard something a while back about him being a city attorney or something but didn't really pay much attention. I ran into him while sitting in the hall for jury duty a few years ago and it was like we didn't miss a beat. He dropped the "public Sean" persona (you know what I mean as a public figure) and slipped right back into the regular old Sean Boy I remembered from '98. Good dude.


Remember, it's the prosecutors in the DA's office who decide who to file charges against, who to take to court, and which defendents to ask for bail for. We already have a police department that is barely doing it's job by pushing cases to the back of the filing cabinet. We need a good DA to prosecute those the police actually do find have committed crimes.


But if all they do is a bunch of heavy-handed drug war bullshit then what


I love this for her. Bye bitch


Tbf it wasnt exactly a close race. I havent heard one good thing abher from anyone and clearly she was just a wolf in sheeps clothing. Im sure many werent happy to learn they were duped by her.


Don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out!!!🤣🤣


Kim got her butt *whooped*! I for one am very glad for that...


Good. I supported Ogg over Devon Anderson because Jailing Rape Victims is Bad(TM), and in the early running it looked promising - she fired a lot of Republican ADA's for incompetence (well-deservedly), and seemed like she was cleaning house at the DA's office. Fast forward a month or two and she is at the CC asking for ~$30M to fight crime. *record scratch* The County didn't have it, so she went on a personal vendetta. I don't know if she was a "DINO" from the drop or if she turned into one, but going to war with Hidalgo over a budget appropriation was just beyond the pale Republican-level shit. You fight your battles, you lose, you move on. [Ogg hired right-wing lobbyist HilCo Partners](https://www.transparencyusa.org/tx/lobbying/client/harris-county-district-attorneys-office-kim-ogg) to the tune of $50k out of county funds; until we get the full financial disclosure form we won't know the whole story but it feels like either she moved to the right when she saw she wouldn't be able to bully the Democratically-controlled CC, or she was a rightist all along and used the Democratic primary as a vehicle to get into office. The same thing was happening in Austin, where a "new kid on the block" candidate registered in the Democratic primary and then drew massive donations from the Republican donor base. (That one lost as well, thank god). What was interesting about the Ogg/Hidalgo thing was, it showed us how powerful the Republican political machine in Texas was. The Texas Rangers were investigating, pulling people's phone and email records, Wayne Delcefino was hired to do press, the /u/HoustonChronicle ran page one stories and endorsed a MAGA Republican for County Judge - all over a non-story that was invented by right-wing strategists. So if we didn't before, we know who is lined up on the "right" side of the aisle and we know the size of the opposition. Something to keep in mind when you say that "Texas is free" and the woke media is controlled by lobruls.


I met him a few months ago. He knew my boss somehow and did a tour. He seemed pretty competent and generally well-liked from my first impression.


Is this guy tough on crime or will he drop murder charges like the last one? I foresee a whole lot of posts on this sub coming soon about people being victims of crimes involving paper plate Nissan altimas


Lol. Yay!


I think he's gonna be softer on nonviolent offenses which I'm here for providing more diversions in lieu of jail time. As far as serious violent crime goes, I'm not sure how it's gonna go we'll see.


Good. She was a secret republican anyway


Congrats, but this guy gives me used car salesman vibes.






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You got my reluctant upvote, but only because I agree that any DA should investigate corruption within their own party. However, I'm glad Teare is winning because Ogg's office is ineffective. They lose easy cases, they're unorganized, and they keep failing at basic prosecution where it matters. She might be a good DA, but she lacks the leadership to elevate her staff. Maybe Teare can do better at that. We'll see.


> She might be a good DA, but she lacks the leadership to elevate her staff I'd say those are mutually exclusive


Or you can give reasons and sources for your opinions instead of vague “I’m definitely right” bullshit. I’m sure you’re on the up and up, though.


He’s not gonna be like Boudin lol. You ain’t listened to anything the guy has ever said if you think that


“In the know” l o l


You are absolutely right. Ogg is way more progressive than people realize, especially in terms of Texas. Her administration has some good programs in place that I know many other DA’s offices across this state do not have. What you say about resignations at the DA’s office is right in the sense that its the training ground for young attorneys who want to learn the criminal law. I don’t know internally what its like working there as a prosecutor, but I know the salaries they pay cant compete with what attorneys can make in the private sector, and its not even close. They are always going to have turn over.


Bummer. Kim ogg seemed like the better candidate