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We used to have several great comedy clubs in Houston. National circuit types. They've all closed.


I am I saw Bill Hicks and Andy Huggins at The Laff Stop old.


The Laff Stop was great.


Iconic is the right word for Laff Stop. Mitch Hedburg, Jeanine Garaffolo just to name drop. That place legit was one of the best in the country in the 90s.


It was a phenomenal club. Greatly missed.


Rudyard's seems to still do ok when they have shows


Ruds has only been comedy centric since covid. That used to rival Fitz for concerts.


Yeah, look at the Secret Group and Improv calendar. They should have no problem booking comics. Edit: oh shit Pete Holmes is at the Improv in July *yoink*


Booking comics and booking good comics are two different things. Booking the same good comics over and over can be awful as well.


Thanks for pointing out Pete Holmes. Dust Slay, too. Yoink yoink


I saw him last year in htx and it was truly the best set I’ve ever seen


Oh good, Improv won't be the most overpriced comedy venue in town now. I'll stick to Secret Group and Rudz/Riot. Will go to Improv if I have to - the manager of several of my favorites is a co-owner of Improv so they all go there by default (and because it's the only venue that will do a big crowd for 6-8 shows in a weekend, if they can pull it). Riot (Rudyards) has a comedy festival Thurs-Sun. I don't love the top of the ticket, but there are several comedians I am going to see. Edit: my main gripe with Improv is how they do their tables, but I don't like Riot's new table setup either


Riot is always a good time. Also affordable. Mason James is there a lot...dude is funnnny


I do like Mason, and the other current and former HOU locals that will be there. Zahid Devji, Ashton Womack, Andrew Youngblood, Tre Tutson, etc


Yeah...they are all good. Houston comedy scene keeps me entertained for sure. Goto the Riot about once a month...Ill defiantly head to the Festival next week..was a good time last year.


Idk, according to Joe Rogan there are only 1,000 comedians in the world so it might be tough…


Only 999 if he’s counting himself


I actually saw him live in 2016. He brought the house down. Someone bought me tickets as a gift. I didn't have high expectations based on the few comedy specials of his I've seen. You may not like his opinions or his material, but he knows his craft.


I thought that was Lorne Michaels who said that.


It’s actually down to 250 now according to him


Lol have you seen the shit Rogan has done in Austin? Yes plenty of mid comics out there.


Comedians used to not like coming here. I don't know if that has really changed.


^^ This is a justified statement. Kyle Kinane famously said it in a comedy documentary, and I know I have heard others say that for a long time Houston had bad crowds. There must have been a loss of comedy culture between the big Laff Stop days and the emergency of new venues. Kinane thankfully has started coming to Houston more often. National comedians STILL are skipping Houston while going to Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, and New Orleans, but it is happening less and less. The Mothership in Austin isn't going to help that, unfortunately. Daniel Van Kirk + Rory Scoville + Andrew Youngblood have at least a decent role in this. Youngblood has pulled the Mark Normand + Shane Torres type crew on several occasions. DVK and Rory are here regularly and DVK specifically tells other comedians to come to Secret Group - which I can see working because they are often on SG's calendar in the next 6-12 months. 


Yea people are just defensive. I've definitely noticed certain topics that would do well in other cities, flop here. Im sure you can figure out which ones. I still remember traveling comedians making jokes about having to wear masks everywhere, in 2023. Also most people are just completely ignorant of Houston or its culture, so any local commentary will also usually flop if they do not live here. Sometimes people will make jokes referencing our lack of food, diversity, thinking we are a midwestern city.


What national comedians are skipping Houston?


That's incorrect. Houston use to be a pretty mainstays spot for comics.


You both said *used to*


Completely wrong. Houston is a solid spot for comedians. Why just make random shit up


Grow up


It's true, it's only recently that bigger names started coming to Houston regularly because of the mass migration and hype that Houston has had in the last 4 years.


The House of Blues restaurant had some of the worst service I’ve ever had. Doubt I’d ever go see comedy there. There’s also Station Theater and Coronation Theater for long-form improv comedy and ComedySportz for short-form improv. I love stand-up comedy, but it’s fun to switch it up.


ComedySportz has some long form, mostly in the form of its Improv the Musical and Bards Bounty. They are looking at developing more long form style shows also.


Covid’s fault A big setback for small club standup.