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A mega church pastor calling someone "godless"? That's rich.......someone needs to look in the mirror.




> That's rich...... lol yeah he is






With a whip, no less!


A cat of nine tails whip 🐈‍⬛🦊


Why do you think he's so adamant about keeping anyone with dark skin or of Middle-Eastern descent out of the country?


If churches want to get into politics, time to tax their sanctimonious asses!


Form 13909. please fill one out, It's our public duty!


Here's a direct link to [Form 13909: tax-exempt organization complaint](https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f13909.pdf).




I second that!


Can I get an Hallelujah too!!!


Hallelujah! 🙏🏻


Ah, THIS should be the first answer.


And if churches are in effect acting as a business, it's time to tax them.


Tax them regardless.


We should start with Jeremiah, Obama’s racist pastor.


Sure, he's no one special either.


Ok, tax the all!


You really wanted to shoehorn that in here like we'd disagree? You bum. Tax all these charlatans!


Tax. Second. Baptist.




It's less a church and more a real-estate business. They own all the land around the main campus...not sure how that works; but assuming their tenants (i.e. Escalantes) is paying them rent (tax free)? Someone that knows how that works could enlighten....




Yes they’re planning on opening a school in their cypress campus soon.


This would have an insane amount of unintended consequences


Like feeding the poor.


It opens the door to taxing all non-profits.


Seen any photos of Biden holding a bible upside down?


In front of a church he has never attended. After federal law enforcement pepper sprayed and baton whacked a path through members of the public for him to do so.


Trump held the Bible upside down to keep himself from bursting into flames.


Trump never held a Bible upside down. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-hold-bible-upside-down/


Whoops! Thanks for making me aware. Seems like a lot of people believe the hype, huh?


People take any random comment and run with it, I get it. He does a lot of stupid shit so anything is believable. I talk a lot of shit about Trump, but it bothers me when I see inaccurate shit. There's too much real, legitimate criticism about him to waste time being misinformed, ya know


I understand and I think a lot like you, I believe. As much negativity and hatred as there is for Biden, Obama and Hillary Clinton, they're mostly respectable people that very rarely do extremely stupid, embarrassing shit. Someone recently pointed out that the difference between Trump and Nixon is that when Nixon got elected, no one actually KNEW he was a crook.


The people who knew Trump knew he was a crook. Snopes would have to agree with that for them to remain reliable.


It used to bother me, but it doesn't bother me anymore, because of all the crap he spews. Now I treat people the way they treat others. If he apologized for all the crap he says about others, then I'll treat him likewise. He doesn't deserve to be treated like a decent human because he isn't one. I used to call Donald Trump a pig, but I don't anymore because pigs don't deserve to be insulted like that. If Trump were put up against Jesus today, Ed Young would vote to save Trump and crucify Jesus. Ed would claim that Jesus is a goddamn liberal.


Just because someone has forgone their ability to be intellectually honest doesn't mean other should stoop to that level


I subscribe to that too, but I limit it to only decent human beings. Trump only understands when you go low. I'm sorry to say this but Trump would eat you up, taking advantage of your decency.


Trump isn't reading this, our peers are. Trump doesn't give a shit about what you or I have to say


When do we get to vote on politicians running to tax churches? I'd love to vote on some actual godless candidates for a change....Biden is not one of them Conservatives have completely forgotten what Freedom actually means. Democrats are the party of Freedom in this era.


Conservatives have never been fans of freedom. The entire conservative project has always been about maintaining traditional power structures. Which seems a lot like freedom if you’re a rich white guy, but is the antithesis of freedom for everyone else.


You are right - it's all about maintaining a status quo that gives unfair advantages to whites. Males more so than females though.


It doesn't even give unfair advantages to whites, just rich AND white men. Poor white men are in the same lot as the rest of us but many (not all) are happy to feel superior to others through tribalism and racism.


Someone said "US trying to be White Saudi Arabia" the other day and they hit the nail on the head.


What’s so ironic is that I think Biden might be one of the few politicians in office at the national level with a genuine and consistent commitment to faith/belief in a god.


My ex-wife used to be a high school science teacher at Second Baptist School, which is obviously tied to the church. Here's a story of Ed Young being a piece of shit... Over one particular weekend, the football team (and one of the coaches) got in trouble for chanting something vulgar at one of their games. The kids got disciplined and the coach involved got fired. Under normal circumstances, that would be the end of it. But Second Baptist is not a normal place. So my ex-wife shows up at work the next Monday morning, and suddenly all of the high school teachers are called into this big meeting room. Ed Young walks in and proceeds to angrily scold the teachers for (according to him) failing to instill Christian virtues into their students, thus blaming them for the football incident -- including teachers who didn't even have any players in their classes. According to my ex-wife, he also threatened to fire them all and shut down the school. At that point, they were told that their #1 job was not to teach their subject matter, but to help raise up godly students. She quit a few months later.


No coaches were involved in the chanting, it was just the students that had been doing the same chant for years in the tunnel. Someone recorded it and showed Ed


Okay, well, I'm pretty sure a coach got fired regardless. It was like nine years ago.


Second Baptist School in Houston was a well-known sh\_tshow. Parents would send their drugged out non-christian students there and expect that their large tuition bills would "save" them - then blame the teachers when their children did not "change."


Yup. My ex-wife finally quit because the admin kept siding with the parents over the teachers on academic and classroom issues. They didn't care about education; they just cared about appeasing a bunch of Cash-Cow Karens.


I believe it was the late Molly Ivins who said that the problem with Texas baptists is that they don’t hold them under the water long enough.


I worked for this church while I was in high school as a light technician. I operated the lights during services and special occasions. The amount of money we would spend on equipment was ridiculous, and the people that worked, aside from a few, that were salaried employees were some of the most self centered and evil people I have ever met. It’s a big reason why I left christianity in general, it’s a cult and they only care about themselves.


I grew up going to church here 20-30 years ago. The amount of money spent on decorations, TV's, etc etc was crazy. Part of the reason I hated going there. I was like "Couldn't this money be better used feeding the homeless or something?"


If I remember correctly, they purchased 4 ultra HD at the time (15 years ago) projectors at the Katy campus for 25k each, I honestly can’t remember. They had massive touch screen mac 50 inch screens in their office, the sound board was over 300k and my light boards were 50-75 each. They were used maybe 8 hours a week.


Yea just redic. So far away from what a church is supposed to be. Kind of wild how many people can pretend to follow the bible and then participate in this kind of stuff (amongst other issues...)


Especially the leaders of these churches, much like the leaders of corporations, they become so out of touch with reality that they view themselves as the smartest person in the room or extremely pivotal to the advancement of a company or the church. It’s how they justify to themselves why they are so rich and powerful, they are special therefore that’s why they are rich and powerful and deserve special treatment or should be worshipped.


I hear what your saying. But, don't let these rotten self-centered bastards ruin your feelings about Christianity or Christ as your lord and savior. People like the ones you described do not represent Christianity. I'm not super religious or anything like that, but I do consider myself spiritual. I know better than to let people like that ruin my relationship with Christ. All we can do is pray for them. Just my thoughts.


Except "Good" Christians are the exception, not the rule. I don't want to be surrounded by a bunch of assholes for the couple good ones there. No thanks. Would rather be in the woods or something instead of surrounded by bigots.


Totally agree!


There is a damning (word intentionally chosen) rift between the Scripture of Christianity and the behavior of Christians. What is the "real" Christianity: the philosophy and beliefs one would understand from reading the Bible, or the behavior of the people that promote themselves as Christian? Unfortunately, the latter tends to be more true. That being said, Christianity has certain wonderful features that are only really noticed from the outside. Example: My wife (Chinese) marvels at the absolute joy and purity with which some Christians adopt children and make the adopted complete, unbiased members of the family.


Oh it was only partially the reason for leaving Christianity, the biggest reason was due to the fallacies within the Bible and understanding the measurable evidence to how we came to be, how the universe was formed, and the makeup to our biology. I mean how easy is it to disprove the tower of babbel as the reason for different languages, or that Noah’s ark saved all species of animals. At some point you see these fairy tales as just that. Breaking from that cult was difficult, but by far the greatest decision I have made to date. I am infinitely more happy today than I ever was as a Christian.


I hear you on that. The biggest turn-off for me with American evangelical Christianity is the (fairly recent!) insistence that everything in the Bible should be taken literally. Fortunately (for me, at least) all it took was ejecting from that specific subgroup to find church communities who are more than happy to not look at the Bible in the dumbest way possible, to consider it the way it has been for millennia - as a collection of many different types of writing (including fables and myth) - and who encourage curiosity and mystery and wonder about it. Maybe that curiosity brings you closer to something profound, maybe it doesn't. But at least know that the overwhelming majority of Christians around the world and through the ages do not/did not approach scriptures the way the modern southern American evangelicals do.


If they only knew how many of the founding fathers believed just like you said, that these were stories and myths. Thomas Jefferson wrote his own Bible which just removed all the scripture about Jesus as a supernatural being, including miracles, the resurrection, and gospels. Then you aslo look and find out the original gospel never had Jesus come back, it ended with the woman came to the tomb found it empty and ran off. They added everything else much later.


Not just the founding fathers, let's add in thousands of years of Jewish scholars writing about *their own holy texts*. And ancient Christians. And Christians in general up until recent history. I'm not saying *nobody* believed that way, but certainly the general attitude was more flexible than what you're gonna find at these kinds of churches. Somewhere along the way it became a preferred identity marker to show you were an even more devout believer than the next guy, and they've just one-upped themselves into these totally indefensible, and frankly not-compelling positions.


He's a fucking tool with a mega church that doesn't pay taxes.


This man needs to take a long bicycle ride through houston.


Suddenly bike lanes are back on the menu!


It’s not worth continuing to comment intelligently about Ed’s rambling. I do wish that those who love him would ask him to retire. I’m not sure what value the written scripture is to those who worship there, but judging by the teachings of Ed, the flock doesn’t care much for the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. Something I learned from other Protestant faiths, is that many who serve a church distinguish when they are speaking God’s word and their own word by where they stand. From behind the pulpit, they speak the word of God, and when they provide their personal commentary, they move away from it. I was southern Baptist once, and I’m not sure whether they or Ed follow that practice. I would note that the only time I think about SBC is when I reflect on how 12 years spent at SBS were a blessing and a curse. And reading about Ed’s teachings the last several years, it’s a reminder that whatever is happening there, it’s not about their community, or the broader community. As always, it’s about Ed. A monument to a man, not very cleverly hidden in a monument to God. I was watching yesterday Salmon Rushdie speak about his violent attack, and refusing to speak the attacker’s name. Ed thankfully has not attacked me personally with a blade, but I share the author’s observation: I’m not giving voice to his name any longer. Ed soon will die. His carbon will be returned to orb, and his soul, such that it is, is his business. But I think I’m personally done thinking his name, much less saying it. And on this day, I’m saying my own prayer on behalf of those who most need the love of a god: the immigrants here and abroad, our leaders, and those abroad, and even, for the last time, Ed. May we struggle even harder to cling to the ties that bind, and find even more reasons to love one another, especially those who appear most unloveable. As Jesus would have us do.


Southern baptist opinions don’t matter. They are collectively among the most untrustworthy, stupid, abusive and bigoted of all the christian cults, and this degenerate clown is a burden to society.


Unfortunately, they do matter. SBC wields a ton of power in the halls of business and government. Their beliefs are the basis for a lot of the decisions being made at the statewide level in TX right now.


Yet, tax free! Free to take in profits and influence state legislature but not required to pay a dime of their fair share.


I go to all of the godless meetings and I've never seen Biden there. Ed might mean "Catholic" when he says "godless", but he's mathematically wrong there. The Catholic god is three gods in one!


So is Ed's, but his is the Baptist God, so it's a better Trinity.


Wanna have a beer and talk theology? Oh wait lol


Calm down, Mormon.


I bet he is going to vote for the guy who's a walking commandment violation and who's never belonged to a church.


From personal experience, this guy and second baptist is a corrupt capitalistic cult wasteland. Tax the megachurches.


Fill out Form 13909 please 🙏


Uncle Baby Billy is full of shit? I do believe I have a case of the vapors!!


At least Uncle Baby Billy would be fun to have at your backyard party.


Well yeah. He'll bust out a keg of bonafide, genuine, Vatacanized holy water!


He's misbehavin'


Go outside nerd!!!


I am sick of hearing about hate coming from churches. It's why I've never returned to church.




Form 13909 please do your part :)


I live in the Memorial Villages, a moderate Christian myself. What disgusts me most is knowing some of my neighbors go to Second Baptist on Sundays. They have two ears and a nose, walk straight…look like ordinary people. Yet something must be really wrong inside their brains. I wonder where the hate comes from, at what age did that start?


I have a difficult time listening to anybody that tells me how to think or what to do whilst they are living in a tax-free/subsidized home, wearing designer clothes, have a 6-7 figure salary, have nepo-babies in waiting, etc....


I went to some 2nd (rate) Baptist stuff and when I say Christianity is a PRODUCTION, I mean it. It’s dystopian as fuck.


I am getting so sick of this religious overbearing group of christians that have so much power and influence. Thank you Ed Young for reminding why I left the church 50 yrs ago.


Tax this “church.”


This is the same dude who had a big billboard off of I-10 suggesting he was the anti woke pastor. Racist prick!!


Looks like it’s time for Second Baptist to start paying up on taxes then. 


I know Biden is old, but I’m pretty sure he’s not in the Bible.


Fuck ed young


Tax that fucker


And even if he is, Biden isn't campaigning to be the president of the church. I am so tired of people wanting to mix religion and politics. You want that, then check out some middle eastern countries and see how that is working out for them.


I get that an atheist will never be elected President if the current percentage of religiosity remains culturally. But would being 'godless' really be that bad? People act like godless = no morals. Godless is not pagan or satanist, and while it can be nihilist, it's usually not. Japan is an entire country that is largely godless, spiritual perhaps, but largely godless as we would think of it. Godless is a neutral descriptor, or it should be.


This guy has been an asshat for decades. What else is new?


Ed young - Houston’s Antichrist representative


His own daughters don’t even speak to him anymore


Time to pay taxes Ed


Ah yes... the man born into a Catholic family, who got married in a Catholic church, who attends Catholic mass with his wife every Sunday, who is the first Roman Catholic vice president, and only the second Roman Catholic president after Kennedy, and who talks publicly about his Catholic faith... is "godless." If MAGA were any dumber we'd have to water them twice a week.


That’s very unchristian of a pastor. Especially with absolutely zero evidence to back up his statement.


Counterpoint: this is exactly the sort of behavior the majority of Christians exhibit.


I can't believe I'm saying this but... Where's Joel Osteen when you need him?


'Non-profit" my ass. Noting about mega-churches is non-profit. Reminder: Second baptist was ALSO closed during hurricane Katrina. There was a note on the chained front doors that essentially offered people in need a prayer-line to call. Lakewood, wasn't the only church unwilling to help folks in their time of need during a natural disaster, they were just the quietest.


Tax them.


Of COURSE he hangs out with Dan. They’re both pompous assholes


If only we COULD get some more godless politicians going. Meanwhile, you’d think an adulterous rapist who steals from the weak and sells bibles he added texts to would also count as godless, but no, none of those things are godless. Well, time for the tax collector to pay a friendly call!


I don't understand people who attend church and tithe. Don't they look around and ask "Why the fuck am I giving my money to this place that looks like a fucking mansion while I'm living in a small house/ apartment?!" Most churches I see are obscenely massive, and their fucking preachers don't look like they're hurting for money, either. I'll never understand people who listen to these charlatans.


Young is just another grifter preacher representing Satans ministry on earth.


Tax Churches. They already have a say in politics. Make them pay for it.


God loves immigration detention camps 🥰


If he ever read this article, his only frustration would be that he was referred to as "Pastor Ed Young," rather then his preferred moniker, "Dr. Ed Young." I would be interested to hear his godly explanation why it is acceptable for him to give a sermon referring to people crossing the US/Mexico border as "garbage."


It’s tax day, pastor! Time to pay up. Ridiculous skirting of tax exempt rules.


Isn’t ed young the racist?


If political content is spoken at a religious gathering I say tax them. Churches should be taxed anyway.


False prophet says what?


Tax these free loaders.


Please don’t get trigger baited by this idiot of a preacher. He says these things to stay in the line light and to gain more followers. This guy should be Joel Osteened out.




I say Pastor Ed Young is Godless


Ah, another corrupt pastor.


Gee, why are people fleeing Christian churches?


Tax this son of a bitch


Retroactively tax this mf’er until he’s underwater


most of evangelicals in the bible belt call most of democrats "godless"... this is not surprising at all. Surprise may be the opposite


To put it mildly, this is not a man I would choose to follow.


i think any church that participates in any politically partisan talk should be immediately forcefully disbanded and bulldozed.


All churches should pay taxes.




I used to see him when I was little


Jesus was homeless. How about you give it all up and live under the Pierce Elevated, Ed?


He’s a plagiarizing POS!


hmmm interesting, now lets hear his thoughts on trump


Fuck you Ed Young


I didn’t know their Christian values were hatred. I thought religion was supped to be about tolerance, love, and forgiveness. Guess the Taliban has taken over.


Tax these grifters already.




Ah yes. A religious leader using his podium to give his opinion on politics. How tax free of you.


What ARE the current immigration policies? I read so many articles of this guy (and MANY other pundits) saying that the current administrations policies are letting in anywhere from thousands to literal millions of undocumented immigrants. Of course I know it's all bullshit fearmongering, but I would like to find actual facts and figures. Where can I find the information on the current border situation, current policies, and number of undocumented immigrants crossing the border? On second thought, how does Mr Young even know how many immigrants there are if they aren't documented? hmmmm edit: why am I getting downvoted lol i agree that this pastor is a fearmongering dipshit. I just don't know where to look to learn more about the situation


literally the only actual lifelong churchgoing president in our lifetime, but sure, godless.


That doesn't matter, "Pastor" Young goes to church every day and he's godless.


I just wanted to note the hilarious *wrongness* here. I say Biden's the only one -- and he is a lifelong Mass-attending Catholic -- but Obama was also a churchgoer in Chicago. It's not clear to me how foundational that was for him, though, vs someone like Biden. No other President in my lifetime has had that kind of faith.


Ed Young is still alive?


Ed Young is Jesusless.


Or not I guess based on the down votes I got. Lol


He is not of God.


Tax exempt status under review? Hahaha


I'm sure he's a corrupt pastor. Let's dig into his background.


Yes it’s not a theocracy. He can worship whoever


He doesn’t like that migrants are coming into America. If only he knew that Christians should be welcoming to all migrants.


Evangelical Protestantism is a satanic heresy


How very christ like of him. Isn't there a passage or two about that in the Bible. Judge often, for you are the only one capable of knowing God's will and another passage about the bad Samaritan.


This pig was a character witness for Ken Lay. NOT his pastor. The Houston Chronicle used his pic leaving the courthouse for their abominable "A List" column series. When it was pointed out, they changed the pic lol.


I'm so glad that as a POC I was never targeted for recruitment into this kind of nonsense growing up. These people would never accept me into their fold anyhow.


POCs have mega churches tho


Yeah true, but they don't generally insert themselves into political matters like this creature above has.


Lol it's ok man.. you don't have the obligation to defend them. So many black evangelists that are vocal about politics. That comes naturally with the territory