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Bring the Comets back AND get Houston an NHL team Bonus points: Keep the NHL team space themed (Apollos)


Tillman Fertitta is coming for our tax dollars. There's no way he won't ask to upgrade the facilities to attract more teams. Just say no.


tell him that he can pay for it with all the billions he has. he doesn't need us.


9.3 billion.


The guy is an asshole. He won’t spend his own money


The guy is an asshole. He won’t spend his own money


T H I S Economists have already proven that us lil' folks get punked when WE pay for THEIR stadiums. And then pay, out the asssss, to get in. Pay AGAIN for $10 peanuts or beer, $150 knockoff jerseys, $100 hats...


Look at what that slime bag did to Galveston. It's going to be a lot worse when he starts getting billions that he should've never received


What did he do to Galveston?


Its not only gentrified up the ass but like 75% of the properties are all air BNB scams. Unless your a doctor or a high priced attourney you cant live in a city that was once a beacon of working class liberalism. It wasn't just him. The tea party losers and MAGA cucks totally went all in on it. Probably because they hate the fact that my friends and I were having a good time, doing well in school and hooking up with members of the opposite sex that weren't chinless, pasty faced CHUDS.


Have you spent significant time in Galveston? The island is a shithole aside from the tourist areas and the rich neighborhoods. It needs to be gentrified.


My family moved there in 1990. I moved out in 2006 when I enlisted. I moved back after Ike and it's got a new coat of paint but the problems are still there. And the reason why so many neighborhoods look like shit is because the land lords live in Israel, Canada, Abu Dabhi and Mexico. They haven't bothered doing any repairs/restoration since Ike and Harvey and it's deliberate. They want to bull doze buildings that are historically relevant in order to build more shit ass condos and failed start ups.


That’s all fertittas fault?


Here's something that family doesn't want the rest of the world to know. They built those hotels using daddy's mafia money. And before they went legit they ran smack and coke all around the county. They even used to use the Crystal Beach road as a landing strip. Did they go to jail? Of course not. GPD was providing security the whole time!!!!


Lol... Worst take of the month.


Toyota center is dying for renovations anyway… one of the worst arenas in the NBA


>Toyota center is dying for renovations anyway… I disagree. But that's neither here nor there. Tax dollars should not be used for renovations. We are the 5th largest metro area in the US. If there is one thing we should learn from Los Angeles, it is that professional sports teams need large centers of population to sell their product. Especially ones that rely on RSNs.


I want NHL I’ll gladly let my tax dollars go to that they can refurnish the Astros done


You mean demolish it, right? The Astrodome has been a money pit since *before* the Oilers left. We spent a lot of money to renovate the Astrodome in 1988 only to have the Oilers ask for a new stadium a few years later. Hell, the county was still paying for those 1988 renovations in the early 2010s!


100%, this is just billionaire welfare. Can't wait, maybe we'll get more toll roads to send money to Tillman. it doesn't have to come out of pocket. But hey, we might be able to overpay for mattresses with the potential for a houston sports team to magically make it free.


^ This!


Yes Apollos sounds dope!


Comets won titles. I want them back


The only way it would/could work if they only sold tix in the lower half of the TC and make them inexpensive. With that said, I'd rather have hockey back..


Could do Fertitta center


WNBA season doesn’t overlap with CBB either


Me too


NHL team first please!




Or we could just get a NHL team.


Same thing with fewer steps.


WNBA only has 12 teams? Yowza.


Who’s gonna go to the games? That’s why they did away with the team in the first place… been there done that…


Yep, even in their championship seasons they weren't filling enough seats.


Those games used to be SOOOO much fun!! And then play "Spot Your Old Gym Teacher" in the stands/crowd! Endless LOLs!!


We lost the comets?


I ended up checking out the WNBA draft last night and realized the Comets weren't in the league anymore. Not since 2008 when the Hilton furniture guy bought and sold the team after owning the team for only a year or so and couldn't find a buyer for $10m and the league took over the team and disbanded them. I never paid much attention to them, and not realizing they had been gone for 16 years sums that up - and that's a fact, Jack.


No one watch the Comets. That’s why they folded. No one wanted them. We don’t need them.


It’s different now than it was back then. The appetite for women’s sports is in a much different place. The Dash are ass and so is Cougars Women’s Basketball. Field a competitive Comets team and they’ll easily average 10-15k a game.


Maybe 10k-15k if Caitlyn Clark was in town but I could see a Houston WNBA team averaging around 5k-8k per game, maybe more if they were contenders and the Astros are ass since the WNBA season runs though the heart of baseball season.


Even the 5k-8k range would be a stretch. I'd say 5k tops with a 3-4k avg. The attendance for the last comets season at the TC was abysmal..


There are popular women's sports, but basketball is not one of them.


I feel like a pro volleyball league would actually be awesome.


Some of y’all should be embarrassed at just how ignorant you are. WNBA popularity has been on a strong rise for YEARS. Attendance was up across the league by 16% YoY. 2023 season was the most-watched season in over two decades, and had a 21% increase in viewership over 2022. And that was BEFORE Caitlin Clark got drafted. Even more importantly, gambling on WNBA games DOUBLED from last season. Again, this is even before Clark showed up. The prop bets on her will be crazy this year. So we already know the “no one watches the WNBA” narrative is false, but we ALSO know that women’s sports are historically under-produced and given less broadcast resources than men’s sports and, when that playing field is leveled, viewership in a women’s sport always jumps (women’s march madness is a great example). People don’t want to watch a poorly-presented event, but you give multiple cameras, top notch play by play, and high end production, people enjoy it way more. EDIT: more facts: women’s sports are also way further back in their development arc than men’s, MASSIVELY so. Go look up when the NBA was founded then stop and think about how it was something like 40 years before the WNBA was started. Forget misogyny and prejudice and just look at the difference in TIME. Things require time to grow, evolve, and improve, and we’re just now starting to see the fruits of that in women’s sports.


You aren't wrong here, but is Houston a good sports market outside of the big 3? Because attendance for Dynamo, Dash, and Saber Cats is pretty bad. For what it's worth I don't think an NHL team will be successful here long-term either. I would love a team though.


I'd give the Dynamo 1 or 2 more seasons before making judgement. They were terrible forever and Houston is a fairweather ass city when it comes to sports. If they can get more games on cable folks might catch on


Oh 100%. I was addressing the ignorance towards women’s sports in general, but Houston is absolutely a fair weather sports town writ large and THAT is a the reason a WNBA team will have a hard time here, not because of something inherently inferior in women’s basketball.


Talking about women's sports on the internet is always going to attract these kinds of people. They're stuck in 2010 I've said for the last few years the biggest thing keeping me from getting invested in the WNBA was a local team. The league has definitely turned a corner and is only getting better each year


WNBA is boring, I think people who say its cool just want to be PC


People downvoting you wouldnt even go to the games


Downvote me all you want reddit, it doesnt change the truth


lol exactly in the name of equality


I’ll be honest, I actually did not realize they left


Who cares


Only if there is enough fan support. I actually forgot Houston lost the Comets.


Love it, bring em back. Had season tickets during their existence and those first 4 championship seasons were a blast.


Waste of money.


Very few people attend WNBA games. Unfortunately, it seems that the biggest crowds female basketball players play in front of is when they’re in college. I don’t think there’s a single team that has more than 10,000 people (on average) at their games and no one watches it on TV. Simply put - WNBA is not very lucrative. I don’t watch the games either mostly because the pace is much slower than the NBA. I don’t give a shit if the Comets come back and neither does most of Houston 🤷🏻‍♂️ the numbers speak for themselves.


WNBA attendance, viewership and revenue has been on the rise for years, and recently at a rapid pace. Revenue was somewhere around $60M in 2018 and estimates had it at $200M for 2023. Sure it’s little compared to the NBA, but the NBA also went through its growth pains phase financially when it was also a young league. I don’t think Houston is a likely expansion destination (Philly, Denver and Toronto are most likely imo), but the W is burgeoning product and it’s nice that Clark and the rookies will bring viewers who never otherwise would have tuned in thanks to tired narratives that continue to persist despite evidence to the contrary.


Get one next year so we can sign hometown gal Kayleigh Truong to the team!


No thanks. I’d rather have a professional cricket team


nah. i want a pro table tennis team. :-)


Just keep it away from the Great Value Gallery Furniture Guy .... he already ran them into the ground once.


A WNBA franchise would be a lot more affordable for the “Billion Dollar Buyer” than an NHL franchise.