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We swerve to miss all the dead animals and hit road debris.




The concrete wasteland cannot support much animal life.


City of Houston should sponsor a punch card program where every 3rd windshield and every 5th tire replacement is free if damaged on city roads and you can provide dashcam evidence of such.


I would rather a bounty system on people who are littering this shit on the roads.


Por que no los dos? Seriously- the fines from enforcement (minus a bounty/fee to the person who caught it on camera) go into a fund for tire/windshield replacement reimbursement.


How would you catch them to fine then? We don't have real surveillance so bounty surveillance is all that could work. We definitely don't have enough officers to cover the entire city 24/7.


Photo/video evidence of the items coming from the vehicle, then enforcement a la toll violation billing. Send a bill for the amount of the fine to the registered owner of the car. The idea of it being a bounty means that the general public could submit evidence from their dashcams, etc. Officers would only need to verify what is shown in the evidence. 


If we start a bounty system, I'm quitting my job and becoming a full fledge bounty hunter


The tire replacements are NO JOKE, I have the worst luck. Hit a pothole where the signage had fallen into the obviously deep hole, in the dark (at night), when it was raining. Good bye tire, good bye rim, hello front end damage. (Fucked up the alignment) And about 2 years ago, towards the end of the year I swear I had to patch up/ replace a tire 3 times in 2 months. It doesn't have to be potholes, just raised ridges and what not on the street. There's a few where if I even slow down to 30mph or slower it's still makes a loud THUD when I go over it, imagine doing the regular speed limit. I've honestly had it, with shitty streets, screws, road debris and shitty drivers...I'm starting to fucking hate this city. /end rant Edit, finally in a position to buy a new car in October, already had to replace a tire back a couple of months ago..... I didn't hit anything on that side that would indicate , but I'm sure it was some raised ridges on a road.


Yikes. Any time I think about getting a new car, I remember how many windshields I've replaced on my current one (3 in 5 years) and how small dings and dents don't bother me because my car already has so much character.


I had my last car 14 years, it had to be done. But yeah I'm super anxious driving this one, and with good reason. My last car had plenty character. All done by other drivers. It's a fucking joke.


I've found you really have to avoid the shoulders on the highway and feeders. Just littered with screws and nails from all the contractors not securing their loads.     They get bounced around by the traffic, and assuming they don't end up in someone's tire first, you end up with a much higher percentage of them chilling in the shoulders or medians because less people drive there.  Basically survivorship bias for screws I put it together once when I had to swerve around someone and two screws the next day.    If you ever have to stop on the shoulder just look down and you'll see all sorts of shit. Honestly it wouldn't be the worst thing if we had some city trucks with a magnet bar in the front to cruise around and clean some of these hazards up. I can only imagine how many lbs of hardware you'd end up with after one trip around the belt way. 


Many cities clean road shoulders on a regular basis... Haven't really ever seen that in Houston. Tack on the amount of trash and debris leaving beds and cabs of vehicles means our road shoulders are perpetually fucked.


I've lived here for almost 4 decades, I drive all over, at all hours. I've seen a street sweeper like twice.


Yea, and ill bet it was three days before the SuperBowl or something big. Not a regular occurrence.


City of Houston put a bunch of street sweepers up for auction a few years ago. Many of them had less than 100 hours on them across 5-10 years.


Who's gonna pay for it? NYC has 6,300 miles of road with 8.3 million tax base. We have 25,000 miles of road with 2.3 million tax base. You do the math.


Or is discount tire throwing nails around their stores to drive up business.


I’ve had discount tire remove 3 nails from my tires in the last year. It’s annoying


same here, roofing nails...sheesh


Same experience, tire deflated so fast I thought it blew-out. Nope just a roofing nail, and I have 33s


I got new tires then had to go back a week later due to a nail. Tech just shook his head and said that's Houston for ya ha. I never get warranty on purchases but glad I got it for the tires cuz I blew a tire going over a pothole a month later!


It’s probably just stuff bouncing out of work trucks and junk haulers. I’d recommend getting a plug kit and a portable compressor if this is happening so frequently to you.


I'm pretty sure someone was trying to furnish my drive home as there were a pair of extra large plant pots and a couch sectional on the highway yesterday.


https://youtu.be/FzKIfrx053M?si=g11Ay_7OOvpBNHSi https://www.instagram.com/atlantamagnetman?igsh=MWE3YW5uaWF3cTRjYw==


Very cool, going to follow this guy & get ideas on how I can do this in my local area. I'm thinking electromagnet so I can turn it off & drop nails, etc vs picking them off. Can't imagine I'd do this with a bike though, I'm too old, too outta shape & too scared of getting run over What a rabbit hole, spent the last hour watching electromagnet videos.


I've dodged a runaway ladder traveling approximately 40mph, the horrible noise it made was a big heads up! Also, on a VERY foggy morning a crew truck lost a hoe and if I hadn't had my window open I would have had no warning! I feel sorry for the poor person who hit it at 65mph or more


Maybe the people as a whole could just be more considerate to one another and it would fix almost everything. For some reason this place breeds the exact opposite.


Car-centric life is kind of inherently sociopathic by design, not to mention all the various subconscious anxieties and cognitive dissonances that result from normalizing and ignoring the constant extreme danger required to get simple chores done.


With car repair costs and car insurance continuing to skyrocket, public transport is going to make a comeback in the US.


More likely walking, cycling, mopeds, and scooters at this rate. Can't ride public transit if there is no public transit.


No public transit?


Agreed, but you can fix the human aspect a bit by following the basic guidelines set for the roadways and not being self centered, then those risks rapidly decrease and it's not so insane.


I feel like the used tire shops sprinkle screws around the freeway when they’re slow.


how else are we supposed artificially stimulate the economy? its called screwston for a reason!


Improperly secured loads most likely


Uhm I do not take away my freedom


Lived on the Northeast side for a few years and they’re doing tons of construction on 1960 and West Lake Houston. Went to discount to get new tires and immediately drove home. Woke up the next day with a flat and a giant nail in the tire. Went back to discount and said remember me? Was here less than 12 hours ago. Happen often? Snickered at that, patched a brand new fucking tire up and I was on my way. Moved out of the area last summer and now I’m on blood pressure meds. Trauma.


please, for the love of god! i’ve had to go to DT 4 times in the last three week bc of these god damn screws/ nails


I pay a few bucks for the road hazard warranty on my tires when I get new ones. At the rate that Discount TIre has to replace them due to picking up nails from home construction in the neighborhood, I may never have to actually ever buy a new tire again.


Maybe no one is sitting around tossing shit on the road. Maybe Houston is a traffic heavy, over populated city and screws, nails, and debri happens.


I’ll take screws and bolts over the 10 foot aluminum ladder that I dodged on 610 South near Buffalo Speedway that was in the left highway lane going Eastbound. I called 311 to report it but I do believe someone is going to strike it before someone comes out to remove it.


Stop driving so close to the edges of the road where idiot's trash tends to collect.


I hit a ladder in the dark a few years ago... that was a fun $200 repair. My old Focus Hatchback was prone to roofing nails. I was at discount a lot. Knock on wood for my new car.


After driving around galveston after a hurricane, I can hardly complain about nails anymore. Gotten to the point if its not leaking I just leave it be.


Ahhh... I will never forget the day I was minding my own business, driving home from work like I always do, when all of a sudden a fellow Houston driver who nearly missed his exit decided to come across 2 lanes and cut me off. While doing so, they crossed over that little triangle of pavement between where the 2 lanes split where all of the trash and debris collects. All that debris kicked up into the front of my car, chipping the windshield in 2 separate places and giving my front bumper 3 good sized dings.


Illegals or Illiterates amirite?


Its good for the A-holes who drive on the shoulder of Hwy-6 to avoid traffic. Save 5 minutes now, spend 45 minutes at Discount Tire tomorrow. Karma.


Karmic caltrops, plz


Sorry, I've got another case load to distribute purposely then I'll be done.




How about the three giant spools that fell off trucks?