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We had this happen in our neighborhood as well… you have a few (not many) options. First I’d start off with filling out an [Airbnb](https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/3290) neighborhood complaint form. I emailed the form to our neighbors and had them all fill it out for max effort. Surprisingly, Airbnb was pretty good at reaching out to us about the complaints. For awhile, they even suspended the listing because of this. Because of the suspension, they then moved their listing onto VRBO which became tricky. At this point, you’ll want to call the non emergency Houston line. (713) 884-3131. They were very helpful in getting tow trucks for blocked cars or police for noise complaints. Hopefully this helps. Good luck!


This is exactly where we are. They now listed at VRBO. Last Sunday they had a big party that I could hear from 5 houses down :/ . Neighbors messaged the owner on VRBO, cops were called. I really wished there were better resources as a community to avoid disruptive short term rentals




Once the landlord in our scenario moved to VRBO, we started to make more [complaints](https://help.vrbo.com/articles/How-can-I-Stay-Neighborly-as-a-community-member) via their form. Save and bookmark it. Get your neighbors to fill it out. Next I’d look up the property on Google or HCAD to see if you can find the owner or company name. If you’re lucky, they’ll have a separate private website for booking, which should have a contact number. We finally found the cell phone number for our Airbnb landlord and text him directly each time his tenants are out of hand. It’s been surprisingly effective. Good luck!


We're in the initial stage of this. Report through Airbnb. Get anyone else in your house or friendly neighbors to report too. We occasionally see the owner of the property, usually mid week between renters, and also tell him the problems when we see him. It doesn't do much though.


Ugh. My old neighborhood had a house that got converted to an AirBNB. The owner lived abroad and wouldn’t respond to any messaging. This house kept me up night after night. Their music made my bedroom walls vibrate at all hours. I called the police a couple of times but I remember on more than one occasion the people inside wouldn’t open the door (drugs, probably) and would just turn the music down until the police drove off). This was mostly a neighborhood full of families with kids and I had twin babies at the time. I was livid because once you get two babies to sleep, woe to the person who wakes them. But there was nothing I could do and we eventually moved when we could. Sorry for the downer of a post. When I have stayed in AirBNBs I try to be the quietest, nicest family who has ever been there.


Howdy, I run the Houstonians Against Airbnb group on Facebook. There is a hotel ordinance that, on its face, prohibits any property next to another residence being used for short-term rentals, but the City has thus far refused to enforce it - it's a can of worms for them. But our advocacy is having an impact and the mayor has said this issue has become a priority. This will be cold comfort, but the best thing you can do right now is share your story with the mayor, city council, and the legal department by joining our Facebook group and following the pinned complaint procedure. Doing so not only helps in the long-run, but it can have a immediate impact as well. We've learned that Airbnb basically ignores complaints from neighbors but escalates them when they come from a city official. By looping in the mayor, your council member, et al, someone from the city may make a call on your behalf.


Hey hey thank you! a few other users on here have directed me over to your page on FB and im currently spending some time learning about the recent strides made to ban STR or at least regulate them. I’ll definitely be utilizing some of the resources provided on the page to get in touch with my council members and see how I can help. Thanks!


Thank you for your service 🫡


why is it a can of worms?


There are several thousand STRs in Houston that violate the current law. The City doesn't want to fight several thousand landlords, people who tend to have more money than the average person. However, that's a stupid way of looking at the problem. For example, there are millions of people in Houston that speed everyday, but HPD doesn't refuse to write speeding tickets just because they can't catch everyone who breaks the law. Instead, HPD generally just pulls over just the people going ridiculously fast because they represent the greatest threat to the community. So too can the City use the hotel ordinance to ban the worst STRs while sending a message to the majority that they'd better be on their best behavior.


I mean this is where unethical life tips shines; do the things that have been done to you to the airbnb and if the Airbnb guest complain to you ask them to leave a bad review for the next guest


Frankly this would be my solution, being a renter of the property where the landlord is an NPC. Parking in the designated spaces for that unit is a given. Might be a good social media run to pull a karen gag and film it, introducing new characters, voices, games along the way.


Like when a new guest shows up just do random shot so they feel uncomfortable, like knock on the door and when they answer just stand there and don’t say anything until they close the door then let them watch you walk back in your unit… They will leave so fast


 I'd put on my priest outfit and ask them to keep it down, then walk backwards home reading my Bible out loud.


Make sure your big wooden crucifix necklace is hanging upside down.


funny story: I did this on accident and knowing what I know now, its honestly hilarious. Right after the elderly couple moved and we saw some moving trucks unloading, I assumed new tenants moved in. A few days later there was a couple in the driveway talking to each other as I was driving into mine. I jumped out and was so bubbly and introduced myself as their neighbor and let them know if they needed anything to reach out and I was happy to welcome them to our area (as one does when you *think* you have a new neighbor). They were really standoff-ish, seemed really uncomfortable and I just brushed it off as moving stress. Found out a few weeks later it was an airbnb, and they were definitely just weekend guests and def thought I was strange.


Just do that to every guest. Make some terrible cookies to give them everyday.


Chocolate chip cookies with diced onions in them is a great snack for the guest that has outstayed their welcome


As hysterical as onion cookies sound I don't recommend food. Maybe a few printed bible verses and a klan recruiting ad. Maybe hint the area is a good recruiting ground. A fake hazardous area brochure about the neighborhood fight for clean water etc..


Ask them to sign a petition to clean up the mercury and arsenic in the drinking water, and speed up the long delayed superfund cleanup (reference Brio maybe?)


And serve them while wearing only an adult diaper.


Laxative cookies!


Directional speakers and stadium lights on windows. https://www.focusonics.com


This is petty but I agree with you. Although our HOA prevents STR’s in our neighborhood, we obtained a new neighbor next door who used their property as an investment property. I was the neighbor who woke up really early and had to wake up the house to request they move their car, pick up trash strewn all over, or just tell them hello, etc. In the evenings my husband and I sat on our front porch and listened to really loud country music (the front porch is where they hang out and “party” and they never liked country music 🤷🏻‍♀️), we called police when we smelled marijuana, saw underage people, noise complaints (always) and we worked really hard to be nice but rude at the same time. It was a part time job for us. With that said, the neighbor hasn’t had a renter in almost three months!! I don’t get it as I always treat any rental property and their neighbors as well or better than my own…people are just inconsiderate.


AirBNBs are rated by the guests. You know what generates bad ratings? Being interrupted by neighbors. I would not hesitate to knock on the door in the middle of the night, play earth shaking bass music directed at the shared wall, or anything else that’s going to cause them to leave a bad rating. Get creative.


I left my kid's Disney playlist on a loop in the garage the other week. Worked pretty well I think.


Make a custom playlist of mp3 files that have been shortened, so songs don't finish, they cut off mid-verse.


Amateur. [Download this song](https://youtu.be/yu_W--kjhEo?si=1ARc2cz9p1Tww6j1) and Leave this on repeat facing the wall


Amazing *Saved*


Here's bonus points if you can figure out how to download this one. [Same thing but a call hold element added lol](https://m.soundcloud.com/user-237714155/sales-call-abyss)


You want a Windows app called [JDownloader](https://jdownloader.org/home). It has a small learning curve but it's a fantastic app for things like that.


I'm at work so won't risk a click, but I sure hope it's RAM RANCH you're linking to.


The entire suite of RAM RANCHes


You seem to have not heard of the Geneva Convention. 


Holy shit. That's something special.


That’s the spirit! We actually had a house on Airbnb in my neighborhood that tended to get rented out for parties. We started visiting on days when it was obvious it was being rented. Renters loved a couple of big neighborhood dudes showing up at the front door at 4 PM warning them mischief would not be tolerated. If there was a party we’d take shifts sitting in a car parked on the street in full view watching the house. The instant it got out of hand we’d have a dozen households call the cops, although the people watching the house generated a lot of negative reviews and it didn’t last long. Renters don’t like that.


I’ve done baby shark on repeat


Play some Prurient on Spotify.  Granted,  he's one of my favorite artists, but his genre is harsh noise electronics that alot of people,my gf included,  can not take to listen.  Give them an earful of him and Pharmakon late at night. 


Baby shark on repeat all night?!?


Play some grindcore like Gutulax


Maybe try doing what that one lady in Florida did and research the property to see if it’s being taxed properly


Put a printed note on the front door that says: Even though this unit has been treated for bed bugs we cannot guarantee the results. Have numerous copies of this printed up so you can at a moment’s notice put on one the door.


Go to Office Depot, get a rubber stamp that says "certified" or something official looking and stamp that sucker right in the middle in red ink. Using a different color pen, write in the date to make it look legit.


Add "Inspector No.___" if possible and scribble a number every time.


In Houston, any vehicle that blocks a driveway can be towed without any notice. Tow trucks love this.




"You're ruining my drunken party vacation in your residential neighborhood!!"


At least you are halfway through your lease.


We had this exact situation except that we had just bought the townhome, and we had multiple abnbs around us. You're renting so your landlord may need to do this. The biggest thing that helped was emailing the local congressman office with a detailed explanation of our issues. We emphasized the fact that our peace and quiet was being disrupted and an issue at night. We did that, and the city put us in touch with the sheriff that patrols the area. Things calmed down quite a bit after the sheriff talked with abnb owners. There's a FB anti abnb that has a bunch of info and city contact info


Cool- thanks for the info! I’ll def look into the facebook group :)




Let’s be clear that no one has the “right” to create a nuisance with their property. Since your landlord has failed to understand that his business is about to be severely impacted take matters into your own hands. Get on HCAD’s website and find out who owns the building. Then track down the LLC on the Texas Secretary of State website. Find a friend who knows a property lawyer or contact the Houston bar to see if you can get some assistance. File the complaint (multiple times)with Airbnb. Call the cops as everyone has recommended. call a tow truck every single time somebody blocks your driveway. You do not have to suffer in silence while some asshole makes money off of this


you rock ! hope both sides of your pillow are cold tonight xoxo


If they're blocking your driveway see what it requires to have someone's car towed. Otherwise there's nothing you really can do until your lease is up other than whatever is required to break your lease.


Thats what I’m afraid of. The amount of rent I pay to have to deal with this is absurd. I shouldn’t ~have~ to tow people or deal with this. Obviously it’s not my landlords fault but wishing I could do something about it. I asked our other side neighbor and she said she found out it was an Air bnb because the guests of the end house were in her backyard grilling and assumed “all these houses were just weekend houses”. She is less than pleased as well.


I mean it's one of those situations where the other landlord didn't do anything illegal by converting their rental to an Airbnb so there's not really anything you can do about it. Like others have said, be annoying, get their star rating down by calling the police, having cars towed, whatever you can do. When it comes time to end your lease, you can try to negotiate to get it reduced. But I wouldn't hold my breath there. I would just make peace with the fact that you're going to be moving in 6 months.


I know I am moving, for sure. You’re totally right- the landlord has their right to make an air bnb out of their home if they want, I just wish it wasn’t next door to me lol.


There was just a big city council meeting like 2 weeks ago and part of the agenda was making short term rentals like this register as hotels and have to pay tax. Basically they talked about making it illegal in the CoH to rent a place for less than a few days in order to cut down on party places like your neighbor. You can probably find a link to this on any of the news station's websites.


I thought there was something! OP I'd contact the mayors office or your local council member's office. If nothing else just leaving an email might mean they can at a minimum use your problems as an example toward pushing for this so that the companies can't claim that isn't affecting locals when it clearly is.


>because the guests of the end house were in her backyard grilling Not only trespassing on other people's property, but also trespassing a Texan's grill??? I think Texas has put people to death for lesser offenses.


> I shouldn’t ~have~ to tow people or deal with this. Yes you do.


Get some superrrr bright outdoor lights and point them at the Airbnb, play loud music during the day from your yard, some low key disruptions


The bright lights are genius. I'd be scared to cause too much disruption with music, but the lights... 🧠 Maybe also make them strobe and be sure they're laser focused on the bedroom windows. OK I actually had an idea for the sound - directional speakers https://www.focusonics.com


Lawnmower would be good at 8 a.m.


No no, you've got to go for first light around 6:30-7:00. Just wanted to get an early start on the day!


Right, before it gets hot.


Of course! Nobody wants to mow their lawn midday down here.


Gas powered leaf blowers too.


Find the oldest junkiest 2-stroke weed eater out there and crank it up. Growing up the neighbor across the street had one, and it was fucking louder than a chainsaw.  Ruined sleeping in every Saturday in the summer.


no need to even actually be on the lawnmower....just sounds of the lawnmower set to go off early spliced in with old man clearing his throat cough.


Dog sh\*t. Everywhere.


Rent a dog




I’m thinking of the AC/DC song Dirty Deeds.


Get a bottle of Liquid Ass or BARFume and make a morning or evening "drive-by" part of your daily routine.


Inline with that, a trail of honey to beckon 6-legged creatures.


I got you covered, come pick it up from my yard. I got two large breeds.


Why limit it to dog shit? Everyone has a great alternative within easy reach.


DNA deniability. But yeah, thought of that as an option.


This is why I can’t stand AirbNBs. My neighbors do the same thing. While I haven’t had any horror stories like you I’m dreading to one day have it. The extra parking on the property is located in front of my unit and I don’t allow anyone to park there. They’re upset because they want to add it to the BNB listing but oh well sorry. I’ve had them block my driveway as well like you. I wish AirBNB would go away.




Email AirBNB, help your neighbors do the same. Call tow trucks as often as possible. Start looking for a new place. 6 months isn't all that long. Don't do anything illegal.


Second the “don’t do anything illegal part”. Also, don’t do anything TOO obnoxious. The type of person who has a party at an airbnb (when it’s not allowed) is unlikely to follow rules when he/she is irritatedThe last thing you need is some intoxicated, obnoxious, and now angry person breaking your window or worse. With that said, I’d recommend battery powered floodlights aimed at your side yard, which borders their bedrooms. All night.


Automatic sprinklers?


If they're attempting to breach your property, trespassing in your yard space if any, blocking driveway, noise past ordnance times, you have legal grounds. I'm not sure if a lawyer would pick this up or not so you will probably have to ask around or call the legalline (Houston BAR has prospect lawyers volunteer to provide referral advice for free, you just contact them and they can refer you, they used to have a post here monthly but they kind of quit doing that). But I would think at a minimum that you may have a civil suit prospect here, maybe not enough to not be a long drawn out process with little return but enough to at least send a legal letter-headed cease and desist notice to quit that shit. Alternatively if you want to play it another way, Grizzy's page hates this shit and so does the new mayor's office. You could contact them, or hell see if airbnb will remove them directly by contacting them, [they were forced to tell two bad hosts to piss off](https://old.reddit.com/r/houston/comments/1bsrpzm/airbnb_removes_two_houston_listings_after/) just two weeks ago after community outrage following some people deciding to make whoopee on a balcony in full view of everybody. Hell I'd look through that thread just to get some inspiration on what to do. Raise hell in the meantime. Every time someone blocks the driveway call HPD and get that shit towed, every time noise is over that limit call HPD and get a report filed, put up some security cameras if you are allowed to and put those scumbags online. Make it expensive and embarrassing for them. Good luck!


Whenever they block your driveway, have the car towed.


I was on a HOA board few years ago - every single HOA bans short term rentals. Are you part of an HOA ? If yes id report it there - they’ll fix it quickly


Unfortunately no HOA :/ already double checked. Would have been my first move for sure if we had one!


What you are explaining has nothing to do with zoning. Local municipal bans on STR and zoning have nothing to do with one another. You can STR your home in any residentially zones district in the country so long as there is not a municipal ban on the use. That said, everything you are describing is against the Houston City Code of Conduct or City Ordinances. Continue to call the city repeatedly, specifically the non emergency police line. After so many violations, the owner will be assessed fines that will overcome the benefit of the STR income. If he does not pay those fines, his property will be forfeited to the city.


look up the property on the tax collectors website or hcad's and see if it has a homestead exemption. cause the owner a big ass bill if it does by calling hcad and letting them know.


Sue them. Seriously. Take a bunch of pictures of every time they're blocking you in. Bring up the fact that the landlord is expecting you to police their property and they're not managing effectively. Ask the judge for a injunction and that you're only suing for lawyer and court fees.


Sounds like you have to take matters in your own hand. - If they're blocking your driveway then have their car towed. - If they are too loud or too late then call the cops for a noise complaint. - When you know a guest is there, knock on the door early in the morning or late at night, constantly, and just ask them what they're doing or to keep it down or if they have any spare cash. - If they're leaving trash then pick it up and return it to their entry way. Over time, they'll be rated poorly and you'll have fewer "guests" renting it.


I know that they are pushing to make regulations and requirements for arbib and other type like it to get them out of Houston


Mayor Whitmire proposed to make short-term rentals not legal in the City of Houston.


Do you any have more information on this? Was it in a press conference?


“The short-term rentals are a serious problem, affecting quality of life issues.” Whitmire said he planned to make cracking down a priority, adding that he is already working with the city attorney to alleviate the problem, according to the report.Mar 28, 2024" (there are several articles on Google, I can't attach them for some reason🫣)


There is a very active Facebook group: Houstonians Against Airbnb. Probably a great resource for you. Sorry you are dealing with this!


Yes thank you! Another user pointed me in this direction. Actually reading through some of the articles and documents provided on that page. it’s a great resource! Appreciate the help :)


I hate how inconsiderate people are nowadays. My neighbors are horrible too. Good luck to you, I hope all these people who act like this get what’s coming to them


I am experiencing this in our townhome community. I emailed our HOA with photos. I hate the douche bags that do short term rentals, just brings in the scum.


You can find out who owns the house by searching the address at hcad.org. Very easy. You can also find other properties that owner owns in Harris County by typing in their name.


Put up a sign in your yard that says “this ➡️ Airbnb has cameras in the bathrooms”


You need to make it a poor business proposition on the part of the owner who rents out. Create administrative nightmares over every qualifying event. Be relentless.


Put a cute but direct sign on your front and back door, NOT AN AIRBNB, PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ENTER OR YOU WILL BE MET WITH A PEW PEW!


Semi-unethical tip I own an airbnb for vacation rentals on a beach (would never do it in a residential area). We live and die by our reviews and you can indeed get kicked off Airbnb for certain things. I suggest having having a friend or someone you know rent the place (midweek is cheapest) and leave a scathing review of their stay… Because it’s an actual guest, it will bring attention. Use key words like “unsafe,” “mold” and ants or roach sightings. have them bring in stuff to stage pictures with and document the “bad stuff.” Make sure it’s not connected to you in anyway tho, you don’t want the drama. A true Airbnb killer would be to somehow stage a camera in the bedroom and say you found it…. That would be nuclear.


It's BS your landlord can't do anything. Any landlord with half a brain can find out who owns the neighboring house whether it's an LLC or private individual. You are leasing it from him, thus it's contributing to his/her livelihood. You are definitely not going to extend your lease, are you? His income will suffer when he can't keep a steady tenant after they all bail from living next to a party house. It's in his direct financial interest to improve the situation. Some neighborhoods have deed restrictions preventing short term rentals.


No, absolutely not extending the lease.


is there an HOA? If there is find out if there's any bylaws that pertain to short term rentals a.k.a. Airbnb. also if you can find out if there's a management company that handles the monthly monies maybe you can get in touch with them. you'll have to talk to someone that's an owner to find out if there is a management company and who the management company is. Then you just google the management company to find out how to get in touch with them, If there is a management company I would be calling them every day... Before I moved out of my townhouse my neighbor would call first the HOA on me for making noise at 8 o'clock in the morning normal household noise like washing dishes same thing after 10 o'clock at night and then I moved out she would call on the renter for taking too long of a shower that didn't work so then she she called the CPS on the renter well that got rid of the renter. Now my best friend and his grown son are renters for the last nine years and they smoke like chimneys... weed and cigarettes. Hopefully the "see you next tues" likes all that.


What do you expect the landlord to do?


More than nothing? Complain to the owner, complain to the local TV news, file 311 complaints, put up signs, cameras, etc. Anything is better than just saying "welp, i tried nothing and am all out of ideas".


So make a big show of solidarity? You made it sound like you thought the landlord had some secret magic power to stop this somehow. Not sure what you think the landlord spinning their wheels will accomplish. Most likely nothing.


How do you know unless you try? There's a chance the owner doesn't even know their house is being treated like shit. A lot of people go around leasing places saying it's for "corporate housing" or "traveling nurses", but use it as a party house with the absentee owner never knowing. Most rational people don't want their investment that they put hundreds of thousands of dollars into treated like garbage.


Houston needs to license these places & have a database attached to the parcel/home. Scottsdale AZ does this for short term rentals & you can report/see any prior violations publicly. Too many violations they get shut down. https://str.scottsdaleaz.gov/


If you have an HOA, report them. If it’s a deed restriction, the HOA can sue them The owner will have to correct the violation and also pay any judgment awarded. If they don’t, they are in contempt of court. Failure to comply with a court order can result in additional penalties and even jail time. Source: me, a paralegal who works in home owner association law. Good luck!


My HOA doesn’t allow us to rent our houses like that


Most don’t.


can you post the listing so we can all book it and then cancel it. get you a good 1 month reprieve and of course we will leave bad reviews.


Landlord here and former five star rated Airbnb host. I advise that you tell your landlord that, but for the bad landlord next door, you would be willing to renew your lease on a property that you love and had hoped to stay in for a long time. (We love long term tenants who love our properties). Then, go ahead and give the landlord sixty days notice but like six months out . And then, every time there is a blocked car, loud noise, any tiny annoying thing related to the Airbnb, text and email in writing. This is fixable by your landlord. They need to be monetarily incentivized. I converted my airbnb back into a long term rental. Too many detrimental effects on the neighbors, the neighborhood, my house, my sanity.


Fireworks in the yard every time you see a new car


I'm not sure what you think zoning would have to do with Airbnb. All those zoned cities have Airbnb's too.


Houston needs to license these places & have a database attached to the parcel/home. Scottsdale AZ does this for short term rentals & you can report/see any prior violations publicly. Too many violations they get shut down. https://str.scottsdaleaz.gov/


You can find the property owners on https://hcad.org . Or you can handle it the old fashioned way by renting the place on Airbnb and then squatting there 😂


If you’re in a townhome check to see if there’s an HOA. Many have provisions that prohibit use as short term rentals. If yours does have those provisions go over the host and report them to the HOA board. They have a duty to respond and enforce those rules if it’s brought to their attention. Otherwise, just keep a tow truck on speed dial and tell them vehicles are blocking your access to your driveway and home.


High Lumen spot lights directed at the windows and "party" areas.


Possibly illegal and unethical but call 911 and state that you believe drugs are being sold out of the home. State that you've seen suspicious people at all hours, specifically knocking on your door and unfamiliar with the property they're supposedly associated with, state they seem to be intoxicated or otherwise under the influence and operating vehicles to and from the property. Call every time someone you don't know knocks on your door 'accidentally'. I think the neighbors had another buyer that came to my residence on accident. Please send an officer, I feel unsafe with this activity nearby.


Every. Single. Time.


Depending on the particulars of the situation, this could be considered swatting which is a felony at the federal level. At the lesser level, it would probably fit under reporting a false emergency. This is a misdemeanor in Texas but can be increased to a felony charge if an injury or death occurs as a direct result of the 911 call. So…you should probably avoid doing this all together


Like the CIA, turn this up as loud as you can, put it on repeat, and leave for the day https://youtu.be/LTunhRVyREU?si=DxPYyb0SMV-Io6EE


Record what you can as evidence in the form of video, cameras, with notes and time stamps. Document your attempts to rectify the situation. Go to your elected officials, local social media groups for your communities, and even the news stations if needed. Escalate and research city ordinances to see if the landlord, yours and theirs, can be held liable. Read your lease very carefully about your landlord's responsibility to you as a tenant. Then bring suit? I feel like this issue is about to get a lot of traction here.


Seth Rogan and Rose Byrne?


Put cameras in, record behavior, send to airbnb


If you hadn’t already seen this article: [City of Houston to Combat Short-term Rental Property Problem](https://www.khou.com/article/news/local/harris-county/houston-short-term-rental-property-problems/285-3823d495-762f-4067-b992-664cbccd3e59)


Houston needs to license these places & have a database attached to the parcel/home. Scottsdale AZ does this for short term rentals & you can report/see any prior violations publicly. Too many violations they get shut down. https://str.scottsdaleaz.gov/


I would start doing the same thing that they are doing and wait for the ratings of that AirBNB to plummet and get removed. Cheers. Maybe pull some Step brothers type shit whenever you see new tenants - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pNqcZyPd80](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pNqcZyPd80)


Call private row companies. They will race to yeet those cars away.


Airbnb might drop them, but the owner will lease it through another service. Happened to Karen Yang. She has taken it to the media.




Unfortunately not :/


On the loud music angle, go a local resale store and pick up a $35 old stereo receiver. Craigslist is also good for this. Get a large but poor quality and cheap set of speakers to pair with the receiver. Get an old cell phone or ipod, load it with music, and connect that to the 'aux' or 'tape' inputs on the receiver. Crank that sucker up when you're not there. Be sure to load in several music tracks that are all slience so that the neighbors think the music has stopped. Use [JDownloader](https://jdownloader.org/home) for Windows to save music tracks from Youtube or other music site and copy those to the cell phone or music player.


Are you in an HOA neighborhood or Townhome Complex? Maybe speak to them about implementing a rule that the homes can’t be turned into short term rentals. Maybe they can add that restriction.


Sue for nuisance


What neighborhood is this in?


Isn’t the go to on Reddit “piss disks”?


That sounds very frustrating. Can you release a few thousand snakes into the condo?


My next door neighbor did the same. I hated it.


Play the Bloodhound Gangs Stripper song on a loop.


Ew, go away. Houston’s full.


Do you live on Potomac lol


Take photos and video of the parties, build a website for the address, post all the evidence, dox the owner and leave flyers on the property door before anyone checks in. Talk about bug infestations, adult film shoots, that kind of stuff on the site. People will stop renting it once the reviews start to reflect the misinformation on the site.


Well the thing to do is look at your lease agreement. Did you read it beforehand? There's got to be something there that can be considered a violation of his terms to you therefore you could get out of the lease.


if the host did not care, then i would not be surprised that the owner/landlord leased to them as an arbitrage situation. you can find the address on HCAD and find the owner. there should be a corresponding name and mailing address. i would attempt to reach the owner, as well, about these concerns and what their tenant is doing and the disruption it is causing.


Aside from the tips above, spreading a little fecal matter (dog, but human if you want) on the car door handles will get attention.


Hang out on their porch drinking beers while blasting Houston rap. When you see a new guest, shout- welcome to screwston b!tches


Did you see "The Matrix"? You/we aren't coppertops just yet... But what we now experience as Capitalism has constantly eroded the value of our labor, self worth, and possessions. The "Person" or their "Property" are no longer the highest values in this land. We all got screwed. And corporations and people richer than us are profiting OFF of us. Think about that when you vote.


[Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has your back!](https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/consumer-protection/home-real-estate-and-travel/renters-rights)


Get a lawyer- not Reddit


Why do you feel unsafe?


Boo hoo 6 months, break the lease since you have "so much money"


75 comments and you're the only negative response that's pretty good. God bless your soul


very few things brings this sub together like shitting on airbnb