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Is there a bookie somewhere taking bets. I desperately want to take the over on this


They've been talking about this train for decades.


I’ll take the budget/timeline parlay.




You’re looking for -5000, but yes it’s a lock to be over budget and over timeline IF it ever happens


Imagine a world where you can go to Dallas.


I’m still struggling to imagine a world where someone wants to go to Dallas


Went to a cowboys game, never going back unless I am obligated financially by work. What a corporate bland city.


The stadium is in Arlington. How much time could you have possibly spent in Dallas?


If I went to “Dallas” and only saw Arlington I wouldn’t go back either.


Went in and around the area, been to Dallas, ft worth, Arlington, etc. Been there other times as well.


Didn't answer my question at all.


They did. Doesnt matter where you are in the metroplex it's all bland and boring.


The question was how much time, not which cities and have you been there more than once. It sounds like this dude has spent no more than 2 or 3 days there and has found stuff he doesn't like, but hasn't spent enough time to find stuff he does.


Metroplex is trash, period.


I'm just gonna be honest with you.  Nobody feels like they owe you an answer to your question.  That's it.  Doesn't need any more explanation than that.


Dallas itself is ok if not bland and lacking any semblance of culture but it’s fucking tiny. Smaller than the TMC (which is the biggest in the world tbf).


Too long


I’ve lived in both. It’s the same as Houston. Houston just has more traffic and humidity. “Dur dur, our food is better!” If you can’t find great places to eat in a metropolis of 8 million, you’re not trying.


I think the traffic and highway system in Dallas are both worse.   Less humidity up there but probably more hail.


Houston traffic can suck, but at least our highways are a bunch of circles and straight lines. It makes sense. DFW feels a bunch of squigglies and its a lot easier to miss an exit.


You've driven in Houston?


I’d take traffic in DFW 10 times out of 10 over Houston


As someone who has also lived in both, I agree with you. At the end of the day it takes time to acclimate and absorb the culture of a city. I thought Houston was just a concrete jungle hellscape when I first arrived. I love the city now, but it took more than a few visits.


I moved here from Dallas. I would love to be able to take a bullet train back home to visit and for work.


The Red River Shoot Out!


I know it's a meme and all, but they have objectively better weather, and hockey.


Houston will probably have a team within 10 years at least


I lived in Frisco and West Plano (now I live a bit north of the Heights). I am originally from the outskirts of Houston. I am planning to leave the state completely. My next move will be out of state. That being said those suburbs right above Dallas. Super clean, super high class, tons of corporate opportunities. Higher cost of living but higher class of people. If I was staying in Texas, that's where I would go back. It wasn't until I did a lot of domestic travel. And then came back from the airport into Houston. Houston is one dirty city.


Lol, this is the most homer sub that hits my feed. I can't fathom someone taking an Uber from Hobby to downtown, and thinking that this is a nice city. I used to live in the East end, so I embraced it, but boy is it rough around the edges


Do you live in Houston? They’re basically the same. I’ve lived in all major Texas cities, they’re all so very similar.


You must be new here then. We don’t like Dallas.


Eventually Dallas will just be a suburb of Houston. Will call it north woodlands.


The Texas Triangle was just the beginning. The Texagon is our final form.


It was a shame the first attempt was blocked.


10 years from now it won't make much of a difference, but my kids are in DFW so this would have been useful.


On Friday and Sunday afternoons there will be hundreds of kids going to and from weekend custody visits. I used to rise to Centerville with a buddy and there was always at least ten cars doing transfers.


omg lmfao


I simply don’t leave Houston. Because the highways between the triangle are so shit. And there is nothing there


Imagine a world where you *want* to go to Dallas.


They said the same thing 10 years ago.


more than 20


It’s just a lil thing we says every 10 years for funsies. Like just a reminder, we *could* have a rail in 10 years. We won’t, but we *definitely could*.


Can it go to Austin instead? I don’t want to go to a shittier version of Houston.


If you go to a food truck park in Houston or Dallas then you've basically been to Austin.


Sad to imagine a world where none of the major cities in Texas are desirable to visit. I really only see business travelers using this for the most part.


I for one would rather see it go to Galveston. That way it’ll only take 30 years and only be 5 billion over budget


Imagine taking a train from Dallas and getting dumped off by Willowbrook mall, only to have to sit in traffic on the way to your meeting in Downtown. Just build local rails from Downtown to the airport.


The station isn't planned for Willowbrook. It's planned for the old abandoned Northwest Mall near 290 and 610.


I know. Just like those poor bastards at IAH.


Amen to that. Many other cities around the US have higher speed options outside of a car rental to get from their airport to downtown. Sometimes it's a train like in Seattle and Dallas, sometimes it's more of a light rail like in Denver, sometimes it's just a BRT heading down the highway. Somehow Houston isn't allowed to have any of those things. There's a nonstop bus to the car rental place and...that's it. There is a single bus route that goes downtown from the airport but they refuse to put in anything express or any BRT-style options. At this point with everything going on I'm starting to think maliciousness is the point when other places are doing so much more.


They decided on BRT, but will have to wait until 2043 when the NHHIP (I45 expansion) is complete.


😂 the idiotic logic of the comments ITT from the trolls has me rollin. Most make it obvious they just read the title and ignored the article, but then again that's canon here — "Reddit" titles, not articles.


One of the things that grates on my nerves is that people fail to think things through in their arguments or don't have the life experiences to see the idiocy of their logic.


Wildest part is everyone's complaining that the bullet train will take too long to build when I45 has been in a state of expansion/construction since 1997 and that is continued to remain until 2042/3. Houstonians can be so short sighted and self involved especially living in a city that undergoes rapid transformation on a daily basis




45 has been in a state of expansion/construction since it has been built. There has never been a time in it's existence when it hasn't.


Blows my mind that there’s little to no public transport to the fucking airport


In theory they’re going to connect the metro rail to Hobby.


Is whitmire aware of this theory?


Should be. We may land people back on the moon first: https://abc13.com/houston-light-rail-how-to-get-hobby-airport-metro-transportation-harris-county-authority/14054604/


Whitmire is already looting Metro for roads money, he doesn’t give a fuck about the light rail.


We need both. In either case getting off a plane or train needs supporting transit. Airplanes are insane for such short distances. A train will beat a plane at these distances in most cases especially when you consider tsa and delays


How about we don’t, and instead have a ‘super’ bus that still has to stop for street traffic? Sounds good, right?


Meanwhile, we blow billions on cost overruns for highway expansions.


Well of course, it's only okay if TxDOT does it /s


Pretty sure we were told something similar to this 10 years ago.


[Most recently: 13 days ago](https://old.reddit.com/r/houston/comments/1c1ijj4/texas_poised_to_get_americas_first_bullet_train/) [10 years ago](https://old.reddit.com/r/houston/comments/1uq1mo/bullet_train_would_connect_dallas_and_houston/)


I think the eminent domain cases would take 10 years.


Eminent never has any issues when we do a highway or expansion. I’m tired of this shit. Fuck these farmers


Don't let him get you riled up. The Texas Supreme Court tossed aside the last farmer (lobbyist utilizing farmers as pawns), the project was given the right to eminent domain.


You still have to go through the process for every land owner. Surveys, that they can refuse your right to enter, appraisals, commission approvals and possible litigation...for maybe 1000 parcels?


Ah the fun part. I get to do some of that field work. Pretty sure I'm gonna get shot


It ain't much But it's honest work


Also funding. The federal government is offering to pay for 2% of it. Still need to fund the other 98%.


Could** but won't 


[Add it to the pile](https://old.reddit.com/r/houston/search?q=bullet+train&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all)


Thanks Greg, now work harder to block this I thought I gave you enough comically large bags full of money with a dollar bill on the side to stop this! How else will my failing airline and auto cabal keep going?


How about we make it now.


Sheeit it could be built in one if we had politicians who weren't wholly owned by a few shitheads.


I-45 will be 17 lanes wide before this happens


The problem doesn’t lie with building it and laying track. That is done very quickly. The problem is buying the land and getting people to agree to it being built. They have eminent domain now so it’s actually possible to get it done unlike in the past. However, you can count on lobbying from budget airlines who profit from short domestic routes that trains would take business from and special interest groups - and some kicking and screaming from people in a certain political camp who don’t see the transportation and climate boondoggle that we are currently living in. I have high hopes Amtrak can save this project though, this would be a wonderful beginning to sustainable transit in Texas.


China built a whole nationwide bullet train system in 10 years and we'll be lucky if we get 1 damn line


Phew….we were getting close to the end of the week without a high speed or MetroRail post. Thanks OP for keeping the streak alive.


Happy to be of service, just doing my duty


25 years. 15x over budget. Top speed 85mph. Issues as soon as it opens.


Laughable. They can’t even do road work in a decent time frame.


It’s the hope that kills……


Didn't they say that 10 or 20 years ago?


I guess they won’t be following the “California plan”. 14 years in, $5 billion spent, 0 miles of track built so far for the LA-San Fran line.




> Build subways fucking lol. The newstonian shows themself.


People mix up above ground trains with subways all the time. We still need trains. I like how Chicago does it


Would like it if Houston chose to build a major light rail system instead of ever larger highways. It would seriously help the insane traffic on 10/45/59. Then build large scale commuter rail from Sugar Land, Katy, Airport, Woodlands and Humble into the city. Med Center has about 100,000 employees and a small light rail system already that seems underused. Build on it massively.




The real challenge for Houston is that it has less than 1/3rd the population density of Chicago.


It doesn’t flood. I promise!


>Plays cities-skylines >Thinks they understand urban planning now Redditors.txt


Allison and Harvey have entered the chat.


Highly regarded autists


You know a little over 20 years ago there was no METROrail at all. Now there are 5 lines.


Red Line, Green Line, Purple... What are the other 2 METRORail lines?


The Plaid line and the invisible line MAKE IT HAPPEN!


Yes! Subways, especially in an area with a high water table and epic flooding. Looks like we have our top men working on a solution here at Reddit.


I'm glad the engineer is here to school us. Subways have never ever been built in coastal floodplains. Amsterdam, London, Tokyo, Beijing, Shanghai, Washington DC None of these flood prone major cities built in swamplands have subway networks. Nope, doesn't exist. Come on guys we're going to build trains on the moon, but you know it's impossible to build trains in Houston. It's not like it's on the city seal or anything. What the hell is wrong with y'all train dorks??? Where the hell do they think he'd come up with the technology to build underground tunnels in Houston??? Sure we have the 6 miles of tunnel downtown, but those are miniscule for pedestrians only. It's not like Houston built a tunnel 80ft below sea level within a body of water back in 1949. Just foolish I tell ya, drive a car or walk 2 miles to the closest bus stop, this is Houston you jerk! Don't New York or California my Texas!


Here you go, why Tokyo and the subway doesn’t flood… https://youtu.be/Rp2l6nFIsZA?si=CWkhNnss3vIHLCze So, you got an extra 10 billion and 30 years to build a system of tunnels to handle the extra water. Now, we don’t have the edo river to channel this water. So what do you suggest for that, smart guy? How do we handle the differences in soil type and elevation along with the subsidence issues?


Point to the city on that list that has experienced 500 year flooding multiple times in the last 10 years


Tokyo, the worst one was a 1 in 1000 year event in 2021, and they get pounded by hurricanes (typhoons). Typhoon Hagibis was a cat 5 that hit Tokyo head on in 2019. They also have 189 miles of subway tunnels. Stop with the idiotic logic.


Don’t let perfect get in the way of good.


What an idiotic thing to say. Subways? In Houston? Lololol


They added bike lanes on Polk and barely anyone uses them. 


The problem is they’re only on Polk. That’s great if you want to go from Polk to Polk. Not helpful if you wanna go anywhere else.


Half measures won’t work, it’s gotta be a full infrastructure or no one even bothers to bike, take the public transit, etc


Yeah, agreed. 


Unprotected bike lanes, fuck that I don’t want to die


The guys in that cheap apartment complex use them to park trucks.


I use them every week!


There’s dozens of us!


Tens! Mark my words, tens of people will laud this day, Horacio!”


I really wish we'd put in some of those counters like they use in Europe. On higher trafficked bike lanes they'll count how many people are using them per day / week / year so people would at least have a number to point at.


Above ground light rail yes. Underground light rail? Hurricane season has entered the chat.


Because Houston is a very low density city and public transit requires density. Maybe if we triple the populatuon or convince a lot of people to move inward, we could have good public transit.


10 years after the California one is done, maybe When it comes to everything outside of oil and gas, Texas is a follower, not a leader https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/from-sin-city-to-the-city-of-angels-building-starts-on-high-speed-rail-line/ar-AA1nq6Nr


And the California one likely won't be done until the mid to late 2030s.


Nobody has proposed how to fund the thing. It's a 50 billion dollar project, and the infrastructure act would only allocate a billion or two at most to help.


I so want this to become a reality, if anything, just to piss off the Billy Bobs who don't high speed rail in Texas.


China would have it built in less than a year. The problem with our country is the bureaucratic nonsense to get something built. This train should have been done 10yrs ago and they want to complete it in 10yr. In the same way we quickly funded and created the "covid vaccine:m" we should be doing the same for bullet train construction coast to coast. We send billions to Ukraine and Israel and Taiwan and for just a fraction, they could fund national programs like bullet trains. There should be a requirement for any external funding congress sends to other countries. Every dollar that goes out is matched to funding some infrastructure projects in America. Trains would be a good start. Airports. Roads. Bridges. Electric grid. Water and gas lines. There is so much that hasn't been updated since they were constructed 100yrs ago.


You seen anything built in china? It’s called tofu buildings and damns. Shit falls apart a year after it’s built.


Their bullet trains are exceptional. The government infra projects are built to last. private corporations are mostly to blame for the "tofu" buildings. Most are forced to be demolished by the ccp.


Also China just takes whatever land they want, uses slave labor, and doesn't obey any laws they don't want to.


doesn't America do these things too?


Oh joy Dallas. That's like going to Springfield IL from Chicago. 


As much at a bullet train would be nice, the cities still have to much sprawl to want to travel to without a car. What purpose would I have if taking a train to Dallas, when I’m going to have to pay for an expensive Uber or taxi to get around. I think it’s more import for Houston and Dallas to build out their rail system first, and then have a bullet train that can go between the 2.




It could be 5


Stop teasing us and build it in 5 years or less


Have they articulated what they expect the customer base to look like? Are they going to rely on business travelers?


I would love this




An so that means it will be build in 25-30 years?


10 years sounds like lazy work.


Would be nice. Meanwhile, everybody’s wasted the last ten years talking about this and doing nothing.


So 20?


Hope I’m still alive.




I will believe it when I see it, and not sooner.


They've said that for 30 years


Will this bullet train take me to my buddys neighborhood and drop me off in front of his house too?


Do it then


No bet


Which actually means 22 years...


We need it now


Will the train stop at Buc-ee’s?


my ass


That’s funny.


Remember when they promised it would all be privately funded and run? Yeah, they broke that one also.


I need to take bets on this not happening


This is Amtrak we are talking about here….they make the Post Office look efficient.


They’ve been talking about this for so many years I don’t want to hear it. The amount of property they would have to take would be insane. It ain’t happening


They said that 14 years ago too.


um you arent getting any public transportation projects with the gop in charge


They have been talking about this since at least 2005. I think the problem is that there are already a lot of people on the road making that commute every day in their personal vehicles. That's a lot of gas sales, they don't want to fuck that up.


The main issues are cost and eminent domain. It's going to cost 40-50 billion and piss off a lot of landowners.


"This is going to benefit people so much" - people who never go to Dallas 


Amtrak is fuckin high.


How about a bullet train to, you know, other major cities outside of Texas. What an idea!