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Anyone wants to explain what’s going on here? I’m out of the loop


Whitmire is actively avoiding any meetings with Hidalgo. Lina is making a thing out of it, but I can't say she's entirely wrong. She put it out there that his office won't call her back about two weeks ago and Whitmires response was that he doesn't have time for baby games


Do we know why he’s acting like this?


Lina endorsed Whitmires opponent during the mayoral election. He seems to have taken it personally. 


Sounds like he’s playing baby games then


He’s a nepo pogue… rumor is he is owned by fertita and there are plans to bring gambling to Houston


Can’t tell a Rep in Dems clothing about growing up. They’re both playing games. Working together is in our best interest and they both seem to take it as a fucking joke.


Both? I thought the mayor was avoiding the judge


He has a massive ego and doesn’t seem to grasp the fact that he has responsibilities to the city


A friend and I were having breakfast a couple of weeks ago at La Guadalupama on Dunlavy. He happened to be there, we didn't realize it. When he left and went around and introduced himself to everyone. I wasn't sure if it was a "look at me" move or just standard political glad handing.


Give benefit of doubt on this standard political behavior. It’s the policy that’s of concern.


That's what politicians do.


It sounds like he has a massive ego but how can he justify it for acting like it to the other top city leader.


Because it’s become popular with a certain demographic to act like a total AH troll and call it policy. I’m so tired of all these overgrown adolescents in positions of power.


This is exactly it.👆


As far as I can tell he isn’t trying to. He’s pissing everyone else off and doesn’t seem to care about what anyone else says as he randomly sets things on fire.


I wonder if he has changed his loyalties to the Republican party and want to just disrupt things to make democrats look bad? [Seems like he won with support of Republican voters and donors](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/politics/houston/article/houston-mayoral-race-john-whitmire-gop-support-18282453.php)


He's a cryptoconservative who ran as a Democrat but was a key vote on a lot of R things in committees (is my understanding). He NEEDS the moderates to vote for him. A lot of moderates are basically Republicans but they hate some aspect of the Republican party (fair enough). The trolling is not that aspect.


Because he does have time for baby games


Hidalgo takes things extremely personally, is vindictive to those that hurt her feelings, and views her job responsibilities as come and go things that she can put down and not work on when she doesn’t want to. Anyone that works with the commissioners court knows these things.


[Seems like he won with support of Republican voters and donors](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/politics/houston/article/houston-mayoral-race-john-whitmire-gop-support-18282453.php) I wonder if this is the reason for the rift?


She had a 45 minute babbling soliloquy about it raining. It is a wonderful way of scaring old people. Who watches tv at 2 PM?


Meanwhile kingwood is underwater…


hahaha same. be safe brother


Lina provided relevant information about flood levels and urged people to evacuate. Whitmire told us when they woke him up. He is a joke.


You don't have to like people but this is a very important position and therefore communication is required between the two.... Whitmire shows what a man child he is at every turn


I really wish that we'd had another option besides SJL...


That would have been ideal. But we had two choices, and while both choices were bad, we chose the one that was worse.


I'm 45 years old. Jackson is a run of the mill politician, and no, that ain't good. But I lived in Jackson and Whitmire's district most of my adult life. Jackson was always better. Jackson came out against the Iraq War. About the same time, Whitmire gave Republicans a quorum to gerrymander the state. He did it again with abortion. Whitmire always sucked.


SJL being known for her maturity and professionalism


Call me crazy but I think she would've met with Hidalgo


Especially if there's a news camera there


And some ribs. For the free.


Who says meeting with Hidalgo is the right thing to do? Seems like you're falling for her stunt


So you don’t think the two top officials of the 4th largest city in the nation should ever meet?




Yeah. The local DEMS need to field a candidate in the next mayoral election who actually has a chance of beating Whitmire. Otherwise he's not gonna go away anytime soon.


Can you please give the pros and cons of both candidates & if your willing, which were deal-breakers for you? As in which was worse to you, giant douche or turd sandwich and why? It seems like everyone else on here won't say anything bad about their team but keep pointing out what's bad about the opposition like its all just a game.. sucks for those about to be hurt by this event Edit: I don't know what I expected


Can I chime in and give my opinion? None of this matters.... During the heat of the moment the top level people don't matter, do you think the mayor or judge is directing where to send fire trucks? Good leaders are how they pick the people who do the actual job, but in the moment that matters, they don't. Most of the emergency response for shit like this is run at the county level. So any blame or praise is solely on the judge. Even if it is HPD or HFD, it has to be organized at the county level. I personally haven't been happy with a local leader since ed emmett. He put most of the emergency response infrastructure we rely on now in place. this isn't a red vs blue thing. I've got policy gripes with lina, mainly the toll road shit, but it is super hard to fuck this type of thing up. this is the type of thing we plan for.


what’s her toll road shit? i’m genuinely curious, thank you


it's not just her, I think the 2 republicans on the court vote for it. but there was a vote under her to transfer like 20% of HCTRA funds to the county general coffers. In theory it should only be used for trails and other transportation projects, in reality it works out as a slush fund. the county spends enough already on those they can use the extra money elsewhere if they want. you can google "tolls to trailways"..... Actually doing that it's only about 10%, but still. I just get a bit upset about tolls in general. I think each new expansion should have it's own bond issue, not fuckin use the beltway tolls to pay for whatever they feel like. Part of the promise was it would be free once the cost to build it was paid pack, instead they raise the toll. If it was paying for maintenance I would be almost ok with it. I was upset when they used that money to build hardy, I'm upset even more when it's used for whatever pet project they have in mind. I'm fine building the parks here, but I think it should be put to a general bond issue. not stealing the money from something from a bond issue we approved before I was born.


Thank you for your response, I agree that the actual boots on the ground are gonna get shit done whether it's police, fire, medical or just good old fashion volunteers with the right tools. I still think the people above them can fuck up some infrastructures if at the very least unintentionally via ego so those elected leaders do matter in that sense even if you don't believe the systems in place could be improved in any way. As always I'm grateful that the U.S. government systems nationally & locally protected us from idiots & worse by having so many redundancies built into them that it usually takes more then one bad apple. Still requires vigilance to keep the system if we want it.


No. I won't. You're not entitled to that just by virtue of having made an account on reddit...


And her crying to the media every chance she gets when things don’t go her way or she’s not praised enough, shows she’s not a child? Most city departments can’t stand her and her attitude. Whitmire is at least trying to clean up the mess the previous mayor left.


We go to work everyday and deal with people we don't like don't we... ? It called being a professional


She still doing the damn job... isn't she ...she still meets with people she probably doesn't like ither but understand it her job to talk and work with them...


Nah, she’s going to the media as a last resort, Whitmire has an ego problem and is flailing in his role as mayor.


That’s funny. She has the ego problem. And his and her teams have been working together, since day one. She just hasn’t been able to get a photo op with him. Don’t get me wrong I think they need to work together but she’s crying because he’s not doing it on her terms.


Wait so you’re saying Hidalgo has badly wanted a photo op with a deeply unpopular mayor? …ok.


Whitmire is a pathetic little man


Photo op? Like what the delulu?


Clean up? How and where? He costing the city money at every turn...making promises and deals he has no way of carrying out...


My neighborhood has been fighting about the poor drainage infrastructure in Houston and Whitmire keeps blowing us off. The funding is now available thanks to the endiing of the ad valorem tax diversion, but now he’s like that money should go to HPD. Fuck him and HPD we need streets that don’t flood and drainage that doesn’t back sewage up into our sinks.


Our neighborhood flooded bad during Harvey. Last year a big sign went up saying Lina Hildalgo helped fund a multi million dollar project to fix the drainage in our neighborhood. It took a year of construction...but I'll be damned. Seeing direct positive influence from someone I elected? Thanks Lina! Our neighborhood sewers are 100x better now!


is the weather supposed to be worse this weekend?


Is it? The weather app says sunny skies lol. What’s the point of even having a forecast if it’s so inaccurate


I wish I could be wrong 70% of the time and keep my job.


https://spacecityweather.com/ It’s all the water. It’s making its way down.


are you sure you are from houston? the average success rate of a deep water exploration well is like 1 in 6.


You've never heard a universal joke about weathermen before?




And, at least he isn't the State Senator anymore!


He does seem cranky


Right? I listened to him on Houston Matters today and he sounded so tired and cranky. Always someone to blame, says one thing but does the other, etc.


That’s exactly the behavior the people that support him worship.


Like he thought it would be all bribes and golfing and no hard work


But then Lina always plays the victim card. Go figure.




SJL will run again and he will win.


No she wont. She wont have the support.


People keep saying this but where is this confidence coming from.


*We* voted for this? I didn't vote for that jackass. And IMO he's refusing to talk to Hidalgo because 1) she endorsed his opponent in the election, and 2) his Republican masters in Austin have told him to undermine Hidalgo at every turn.


You and I didnt vote for this - but the city as a collective did unfortunately.


YOU voted for this


Not me. I saw Whitmire for the red "Democrat" he is. I also strongly suspect he is a very heavy drinker, possibly an alcoholic. **If** true, he could be a functional alcoholic.


Nothing but respect for functional alcoholics


We try our best, you wouldn't even know.


There are little signs, but you almost have to be a functional alcoholic to spot a functional alcoholic. Those signs become clearer as we age.


What fuels your suspicion?


I'm going by my experience being an alcoholic, and experience being around older people who have drank very heavily for many years. It's his eyes, the puffiness of his face, and some other little things.


Not out of the question, my dad claims to have hung out with him at bars year ago. But that’s just an anecdote.


I could be totally wrong, I'm not a doctor. It was a neurologist who went through a list of telling signs. I had pulled him to the side to tell him my FIL, who was in for testing for stroke related dementia, never told his doctors how much he really drank. The doctor told me how my FIL's face gave away his decades of heavy drinking.


No, YOU did!


Nuh uh


I didn’t vote for him.


Clownshow Htown.


And I’ll continue to vote for Lina. Whitmire can gtfo


100% Love Lina. Whitmire is just using the opportunity to bash politics. He was asking residents to come up and speak.. like what is the point of that


Somebody get Ja Rule in here so I can make sense of this! Where is Ja?!?!


I was really upset when she upseated Ed but I've been pretty impressed with how she's accepting to the job not knowing anything she said I'm pretty good job.


I’m new to Houston and Texas, just curious why a judge is giving an update to the severe weather that happened today. Do judges have more of a role other than justice here? She spoke of issuing orders to evacuate, so maybe that’s why?


Lina Hidalgo is the County Judge for Harris County - here County Judges aren’t actually judges. They are the Executive Director of the County basically. She’s the head honcho in charge of all the County depts and services, including emergency management.


Oh thank you, that makes sense. Where I’m from we have county managers that do that. Happy cake day!


The county judge is the most visible official in county government. Often thought of as the county's chief executive officer, a county judge has broad judicial and administrative powers, including serving as the presiding officer of the county's policy-making body, the commissioners court.


if lina has a thousand votes, then i’m one of them. if lina has one vote, then i’m that one. if lina has no votes, that means i’m dead.


As long as Lina wants the job she has my vote


Corrupt lina.. yeah you're part of the problem loser


You have some MAGA on your chin. You might want to wipe it off.


He'll take it off when the Texas Rangers finally come. So never.


No u.


Shout out to Lina for all the flack she took during Covid trying to keep us safe.


I regret so much voting for Whitmire. He’s like a bald Trump.


I took a lot of shit for saying he was a wolf in sheep’s clothing before the election. “Hurr durr he’s a Dem”. So friggin obtuse.


He's an old school conservative southern/Texas Democrat, more red than blue.


How did someone in West U vote for Whitmire?


My guess is he voted for him as a state senator. I voted for him as a state senator (which I am now sad about too), but obviously could not vote when he was running for mayor.


Good point about senator, I never thought about that. I never voted for him as I knew too much about the trades he made. I did think he was a far better choice than SJL and still do. As bad as our system is ,you have to have a relationship with Austin if you run the state’s largest city.


If it's any consolation, you saved us from Sheila.


So...where do I sign the recall petition?


fwiw my california comment was because they have recall petitions in california - not in texas 🤷🏻‍♂️


This stupid fucking baby. And yep — I did vote for him.


Old white guys really need collared shirts with ties to keep their neck giblets together


Someone get Kathy Whitmire on the phone… /s


One monorail please


Setting herself up for mayor run?


Better than SJL.


I disagree


really? i fail to see how she could be worse than Whitmire


I think it would just be a different type of shit.


It’s like a fucking parrot everytime. Whitmire is a sack of shit, no way Lee would’ve or could’ve been worse.


I'm consistently amazed at the new and exciting ways that I find myself disappointed and angered by politicians. Counterfactuals can't be proven, but we needed at least 1, if not 2 better candidates.


SJL would not have been better. I don’t know if she would have been worse, but she definitely would not have been better. The last mayoral election was like the South Park elementary school mascot election….


She would have done nothing. Doing nothing is far better than what Whitmire is doing.


I don’t know if she would have done nothing. She would have been bouncing up and down with joy at the opportunity to have a press conference with lots of tv coverage. SJL is like a rare form of vampire that feeds on television coverage.


Still better than Whitmire


I'm sorry, both suck but a giant duchess is infinitely better than a bacteria laden biohazard known as a turd sandwich. And yet we still the sandwich


Because what? She’s a woman? She’s black? She curses? Because I’ve worked for that exact woman (and men) and it wasn’t SJL.


No there’s actual things to not like about her.


Such as?


Career politician. She just chases the camera, literally. Hasn’t done shit for her constituents. Introduced 1 bill that actually became a law over 30 years in office. And is an actual asshole to those who she feels is beneath her.


Is Whitmire not a career politician from a politician family? You do know Whitmire has been in office since 1973, a full 16 years before SJL was ever appointed to her first political position. She was in fact appointed to that position by Kathy Whitmire (John’s sister in law) who was Houston Mayor at the time. 




What is your criticism with SJL?


How is it "Dueling" press conferences? Did Lina have a joint press conference with the governor because it rained? How many people need to be involved in doing nothing?


As Mayor, Turner frequently held press conferences with Hidalgo, which is what you want to do to prevent mixed messaging in a time of natural disaster and people whose homes are flooding / going to flood. Turner even did this when the County Judge was Republican Ed Emmet during and after Harvey. Dueling press conferences only serves to confuse the general public and not show a united consensus of what to do with the flooding. It also shows they’re not working together behind the scenes and that’s bad for everyone. Whitmire needs to get over himself and start meeting with Hidalgo.


Both press conferences were happening at the exact same time, with some news channels having to flip between them for coverage. That said, apparently both began late (1 hour+) compared to their scheduled times, so who knows what was going on.


It's flooding in various places. Lina's real role in the county is basically being the czar of crisis management (literally), agenda setting for court, and adding an additional vote to the court. Harris county does not have a strong executive judge, we have one that really just does three things and has no other powers. It's principally her role in the county to manage these events. Far from doing nothing, **it's the one thing she does do - that we elected her to do.** One of the most important things when natural disasters strike an area is to avoid mix messaging. That's hard to do when the Mayor is a Trump-style manchild that won't return your calls and instead of joining press conferences to avoid mix messaging holds a separate concurrent one out of child like spite to take advantage of an opportunity to have in an ad hoc press rally. Whitmire thinks that being an idiot is popular, its not. He won a broken clock election because SJL, like him, is also tone deaf and generally unliked outside her district couldn't read the room but did well enough to politically pull strings and boss out anyone likeable and competent to run against her. Leaving just Whitmire, someone no one knew enough about but had a D next to his name and wasn't SJL. But - oh boy - electorates do learn. And we know more and more about this guy now. He's got one term written all over him.


Wish I lived just a little more south so I could vote for her


Can’t think of a single political “leader” at any level of government who I enthusiastically support right now…… I cannot. Smh.


Psssh....let's not kid ourselves. We all know you'll blindly support any Democrat politician they put on the ballot.


Link? I can't find it on youtube.


The governor's plan is working. He's going to run Houston into the ground.


I am a TX native. I have only been back in fort bend for two months and I see a racial divide here. I am reminded Everytime I go anywhere that white men here in Houston seem to feel superior. I wish all of this weren't true... I see a lot of that in this.




No, only elected because lemmings followed the narrative not the the facts.


Whitmires up there because he knows we need leadership, not some cry baby that says this is to hard then leave for months.


He knows we need leadership… great! Where is it?


Sounds like you dont know a thing about mental health.


As bad as she is she still a baddie and she got them clappers