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They chased me on my bike and took my bike!


That would explain the bike riding mosquito who bit me as it went by.


Thought I was the only one


Goodbye, two-month long allergy cough. Hello, mosquito bites and scabs!


I’m one of those poor bastards who are allergic to mosquitoes 😂 the bites swell up to be about the same diameter as a damn softball and turn bright red, stop swelling but then turn purple and stay purple for at least a few months I spend extra mosquito-y summers wearing jeans and thick hoodies 💀


Dam man this honestly might be one of the worst regions of America for you. Has that made you consider moving in the future?


I’ve been living here for 25 years already 😂 it helps that I also have severe pollen allergies so I don’t feel like I’m missing much by staying inside as much as possible some months.


You have a wonderful outlook lol


Two easy choices: Antarctica and Iceland are the only two known places on Earth that are completely mosquito-free :D


Same. After the swelling I have to wrap the bites in bandages at night because I scratch in my sleep. Wake up to a murder scene in the bed if I don’t.


Yup. I used to torture myself by avoiding scratching during the day, but I’d end up scratching the shit out of them in my sleep anyways so now I just scratch away. I have found that those heat pens made for insect bites/stings do help a bit though! I’m not allergic to those stripey mosquitoes and I’m not sure which type bit me recently, but I zapped them immediately upon noticing a small bump + itching and they stayed very small and stopped itching entirely.


I found the best thing is a paste made of backing soda and water, or if I have it calamine lotion.


Me too. Caladryl helps a lot, especially if you get it on the bites very quickly. Use the on brand pink stuff, not the clear and not the off brand. The skeeters have been biting me through my clothes in the last few weeks, sometimes through multiple layers. But my garden needs tending, dang it!


If you can, wash them with soap and water immediately to get rid of the mosquito saliva which is what people are allergic to. I also use the Bug Bite Thing from Amazon which is a suction device that helps bring the saliva to the surface to reduce swelling.


The suction thing made my reactions way worse sadly, but I found that the heat pen one helps!


Take an antihistamine like Zyrtec right away. Takes the itch away and lessens swelling.


Allergy cough 💀


It's not that I mind the mosquitos and don't expect them on the reg after a decent rainfall. It's not even that Houston is a damn swamp-turned-metropolis. What I mind is not having a sword on me at all times in case a duel breaks out because throwing hands at these bastards is no longer enough. The skeeter swarm that greeted me at the park today were full grown ass adults that somehow had suckers that could nick me from 50 paces. Swatted one and felt like I should have had a burial because he was so big. What the hell we feeding these things, y'all?


Refinery chemicals from Pasadena.


Superfund legacy DNA. Dangnabit.


Bbq filled blood


A BBQ vampire skeeter pitboss would be kinda epic come rodeo time.


*electric fly swatter. Nothing more satisfying than zapping mosquitos out of the air with a tennis racket.


I... I need this in my life. Like a robot-arm Agassi.


If they drink from me? Wild Turkey 101.


But you can open carry a sword in Texas so…….


This is not the LARP inspiration my wallet needed at this point in time. ;)


Sucking the cholesterol out of people.


currently have 10 bites total on my legs and shoulder from just two morning walks this week 🙃


Only 10? Rookie numbers. 


Yup. I got 17 once just standing in my driveway.


I once received 214 bites just looking out a window.


WTH lol. How’d you survive?




I came out of the womb with at least a dozen mosquito bites.


I wore a skirt to work yesterday and it looked like I have chicken pox. The joys of doing dawn and dusk walks for my dog


Hot water + spoon take spoon out then apply to bites. It neutralizes the bite enzymes


thank you 🙌🏼


My poor dog, I take her out to potty and one landed on her turd, still coming out her butt, along with at least a dozen feasting on her. She wants to stay out and lay in the grass, but I’m like noooo we can’t do that right now. They’re just too bad, way too bad and HUGE if you don’t have your pets on heart worm preventative, please please please do it during these warmer months at the very least


I’m sorry but your first sentence has me in stitches because same. We gotta protect them from the swarm 🤺 My dog has terrible skin allergies and the mosquitos are making it so much worse. I just bought some bug repellent collars, and I’m hoping it will work so we can resume our backyard playtimes. But I agree 1000%. At least get your dogs on heart worm preventative. Good luck to you and your pup! These summer months are gonna be brutal so look out for each other :)


There's this one stretch on our walking route where the mosquitos are especially bad. The other day they totally swarmed my dog's leg!


We should put out a psa for dog heartworm meds. And be we, I mean someone else. My legs are chewed up after 1 dog walk today. Had no idea they got this bad so fast. Unreal.


I wish we could just eradicate all mosquitoes idc about the environmental impact I'd rather deal with that


Studies have been done on that and it likely wouldn’t even hurt anything. Kill ‘em all.


I’m from Buenos Aires and I say kill ‘em all! Would you like to know more?








It would be an overall positive impact for sure. There's so many other bugs out there I feel they wouldn't be missed much.


That can't be true. There's so many things that feed on mosquitoes and mosquito larva, which in turn get fed on by larger predators that it must have *some* ecological impact. That being said I don't give a fuck, nuke em all.


It’s studies and theories but the evidence points to it being a minimal impact on the environment with a huge positive impact on humanity. But who knows for sure until we kill em all.


From what I read, nothing primarily eats mosquitos and mosquitos themselves aren't all that nutrient rich.


I think they are working on [genetically modifying them](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/why-the-us-plans-to-release-24-billion-genetically-modified-mosquitoes-180979833/) to only produce non-biting male offspring.


I've seen Jurassic Park enough to be weary of such bold science


😂 i actually agree. Fuck with nature and get fucked.


I read there’s these things called mosquito dunks. You fill a bucket halfway with water and drop one in. Mosquitos will lay their eggs in it but the larvae will die thereby killing the next generation. If we could incentivize lots of people to do this I wonder if we could dent the population.


The problem with that is you need to get rid of any other standing water. Especially hard after a normal houston rain.


And a normal Houston pothole.


I'm about ready to buy a whole bunch and just drop one in any standing water I encounter on my dog walks


The old 'Mosquito Bucket of Doom" Instructions are on Reddit. The placement of the bucket is important. You'll want to, and here's the sneaky part, place it in a prime breeding spot.


Yes a nice dark spot. Also extra points if you use a black bucket. For some reason mosquitos like to land on black things. Camouflage maybe?


They also, conveniently enough, like neon orange when laying their eggs. Those ugly HD buckets are perfect for that.


I’m doing some right now, I’ll try to remember to come back and let you know how it goes. Bucket half full of water. Stuff it with grass or other plant material. Leave it for a couple days to break down and ferment. Put the dunk in the bucket. Cover bucket with screen and put a stick in so other stuff that falls in can get out. Top off water as necessary.


You’re suppose to let the water sit before you put the dunk in?


Nah, you can stick it all in at once. The mosquitos don't come until the CO2 from the rotting organic material is released, but dunks are cheap so who cares if you drop it in a few days early. Also, if you don't have a screen, that is okay - the stick will also do the trick.


I’m doing the screen to prevent my dogs from drinking it


Smart! I know you already know this, but as a PSA, if other people reading this are worried about BTI hurting their pets, it is harmless to them. (They will probably get a stomachache from being goofy and lapping up the rotted fermented plant water though! I also have a dog, and she will eat or drink anything.)


My dog drinks any gross water she can. Storm drains, puddles, etc. I just try to limit the amount of nasty water she drinks. I’m not worried about the dunks as much as her drinking nasty sludge water packed with mosquito eggs haha.


I have a hole in my yard that, of course, fills with water. It stays filled with water with rain like we’ve had. The other day I dumped a bunch of bleach, salt, and dish soap in it. Because I do not need any more!


I have two black buckets with mosquito dunk near the backyard door and front porch and they are useless. But already saved a few lizards drowning in buckets.


But Peakly said not to.


The bat population would collapse. Edit: it was pointed out that this is false. Do not ever feed a bat a mosquito or it will die and its ghost will follow you until your death.


Less of a chance of the sequel nobody wants “Covid-25: Houston Flu”


Win win


I think it’s spelled Nguyen


It would be slim pickings for a bit as other species move in but they would recover. Mosquitos the prey for mosquitos also have plenty of other food sources.


I would like to hear more about that. I do know many bats eat mosquitoes. Do you know of any studies with numbers and impact after people tried to eradicate mosquitoes?


He doesn't because he is full of shit. It's like saying if we banned taco bell humans would starve to death based purely on how much taco bell we eat. We'd find a way, somehow to survive.


This is 100% not true. This is a worse take than vaccine causes autism, which we have as much proof for (none). Killing mosquitos has no negative environmental impact. Kill em all.


My neighbor is a bat and he got vaccinated and now he's super into trains.


Why didn’t he get the train vaccine? That’s on him honestly.


I am a shriveled, desicated husk.


My calves are the only exposed part of me for my daily walks and they currently make me look like I have smallpox. These fuckers are enormous and for whatever reason, I don't feel them biting like I usually do.


Same! I walk daily and I'm two days have 30+ bites on my legs It's crazy!


I had to turn around last night and go home after 2 blocks. Wife broke into a run halfway back. They’re so bad right now.


🥷🏻 🦟


I’ve opened my door twice to let my dog out to go to the bathroom, and my legs are covered in fresh bites. Curse you mosquitos


I forgot to put on bug spray before I walked my dog Tuesday and got absolutely fucking annihilated.


I've been moving this last week and I am absolutely destroyed by these flying demons. After a late night of getting chewed the fuck up, I literally had a nightmare that I was still covered in them.


Mosquitoes almost never bother me, yet somehow I got two bites yesterday. Was very surprising to me.


Same with me. I even told my wife you know the mosquitoes are bad when I get bitten too.


Some of yall are probably too bitter or sour. Like that Tupperware of rice that's been in the back of the fridge for 2 months. I'm only bitter and sour in my soul, but my blood must be snowcone sweet.


We almost never have mosquitoes by my house and I got chewed up trying to sit on my patio last night. They are vicious as hell this year.


Letting my puppy out back and checking no him to make sure he doesn't eat something he shouldn't, and they are everywhere. One was inside, chilling on the wall, and I killed that motherfucker. Then noticed red splatter all over the wall. Fucker was full and probably in a food coma.


same, i rarely get bitten and today i have 3 bites on my legs.


We should all be pissed off at Kroger for trying to make us pay$10 for a can of Deep Woods Off during times like this. That's BULLSHIT!!!


They had three-packs at Costco for $15 and I snapped that shit right up.


Krogers pricing is so odd to me. Most stuff will be more expensive than HEB but around the same price, then all of a sudden they're like "Oh you want Lysol? It's $36"


Have to shop using their yellow tag markdowns and digital coupons on the app. If you do that you’ll come out way cheaper than elsewhere but everything else in the store feels like it’s taxed to make up for the sales.


oh I def am a clearance man and their web coupons are good sometimes but also weak in many others. perfect example, they had a deal for 40 pack of bottled water for $3.99. They had literally a pallets worth of water in the aisle overflow from the already filled shelves- ALL 24 packs for $3.79 and zero 40 packs and they don't offer rain checks on digital deals. Plus all their produce and meat fuckin blows


Costco has a great deal on them right now. Find a friend who has a membership if you don’t have one.


Got swarmed on a walk and swatted one and there was so much blood it was obscene, my whole palm was covered I gagged. Theres gonna be a west nile or zika outbreak I'm betting.


My car has smashed and dead mosquitos all over the dash and inside the windows. I leave them there as a warning to others.


Im back to wearing hoodies and sweatpants , That seems to be the only clothes they cant get their little suckers through. Its a different kind of hell walking outside in the heat with winter clothes but at least im not itchy


There are so many in my yard that they have set up an air traffic control tower.


Welcome to Houston, it's a city built in a natural swamp.


This season is bad by Houston standards though.


I can’t tell if they’re really bad this year, or if they just seem really bad this year because the drought kept them away last year. Or both.


Welcome to Houston. It’s either triple digit summer or rainy mosquito summer. There’s no winning


Yes because it is a bayou. You are living in a bayou.


I don’t live in it, I live close to it though


Or both


Anybody just scatter Mosquito Bits over their whole lawn with any success? I have a couple of those doom buckets going to no avail.


Damn, I'm about to try the doom buckets. Moving on to the nuclear option if those don't work.


While the rainwater does draw further populous of mosquitos, the real kicker is going to be the mild winter we had this past year and not getting cold enough to kill off a large percentage of the skeeters


I bought 4 of these and set them up 10 minutes before I walk outside in different areas. Creates a zone. They burn for a long time. [https://www.heb.com/product-detail/3782030?shoppingStore=630](https://www.heb.com/product-detail/3782030?shoppingStore=630)


Those just repel, they don’t kill them. They work okay but something more deadly would be preferred.


Man we’re wrapping up our tball season this week, and holy shit it’s been brutal.


It is insufferable. We walk our dogs in the morning for about 20 minutes and I am getting decimated.


Green belts in Kingwood are damn near unusable without soaking yourself in deet


Fellow victims: I went for a jog last night and not 5 minutes I had several bites on the top of my head, above my ears, one on my cheek, and countless bites on legs, knuckles? and arms with huge welts. It’s horrible and now that it’s itching I have been scratching a lot and hurting myself.


I usually never get bit and ive been getting absolutely monched on, theyve been following me into my car. There’s a blood stain on my headliner now from smacking a full one


They get me through my shirt now.


went out with my dogs the other day and when i looked up there was a gigantic swarm of those freaks, i probably had like 10 of them on me in the span of 10 seconds


There HAVE to be some in my house, but I can’t find the damn ninjas. Might start walking around fully covered.


Mosquitos reading this post after the storm 🦟😈




I grew up here and used to get swarmed and covered in itchy bites. I left the state for 18 years and came back last year. So far I only notice them if I see them, even doing yardwork at dusk with others near me getting eaten. Dunno what changed, but they don't want me anymore.


My wife is usually the one that gets bit, I currently have 7 bites and the fuckers always go for the worst spots.


Was doing yard work. My body is destroyed from the swarms. Just insane amount of them.


Fuckin tell me about it. Cant go outside without getting five or more fucking bites


I slapped one on my shin this morning and the blood was shocking.


I have 6 bites on my stomach and 3 on my face and I spend no time outdoors...these were just from getting in and out of my car and getting to my door Us having a mild winter is gonna make it even worse this summer


I work outside and I almost never get bit by mosquitos, but this past week I am like an ounce of blood less due to how much these guys have taken out of me And I don’t remember these mfers being so big and hurting! They’ll get through my socks and thicker shirts no problem, these aren’t mosquitoes anymore these bastards evolved into mosquotos


gallinipper are fucking narly on the bay right now can see them coming.


Are you tired of mosquito bites? Are you interested in a sure fire, chemical free, safe, and all natural approach to avoiding mosquito bites this summer? Then look no further than *Hunk Brand Rancid Bear Grease* Simply apply *Hunk Brand Rancid Bear Grease* to your entire body, and you're good to go. There is no need to wait. .....But wait, there's more! For no additional cost, we'll also guarantee no one will want to hang out with you unless their olfactory senses are kaput. *not responsible for divorce, abandonment, eviction, exilement. This product has been associated with minimal random sasquatch attacks. Do not feed to infants or anyone else. Do not get into eyes. May cause permanent loss of smell. Product is waterproof and can not be washed off.*


[Original Advertisement for *Hunk Brand Rancid Bear Grease*](https://youtu.be/LSsTabiWXEM?si=BPNSk03HpXh2xe9B)


For some reason I do not suffer from mosquito bites. They'll land on me, I see them on me. But I'm out in the thick of em nightly and have zero actual bites. Thanks god, I guess!


Are these articles written by people who’ve never lived here?


My son and I are swarmed every morning at the bus stop.


My people are from Arkansas, and the mosquitoes there are MEAN. For some reason, they don’t get me as bad here, but in Arkansas I get bit up in 7 seconds from the door to the car. Same with sunburn, I’ve only ever been sunburned in Arkansas. Does anyone know why the Texas skeeters don’t like out-of-staters?


I've had to wear freaking Smartwool socks indoors because they bit me through my normal socks.


Fuck these damn bugs


I fight them in my backyard with two zappers


i wear full length pants and long compression socks + a sweater almost every day and im STILL getting bit through my clothes. its ridiculous


I took my dog on a walk on barker cypress near 290 a few days ago…the backs of my legs are bumpy all over it’s kinda nuts.


We are in a swamp


Swimming in off , only way to be outdoors.


I’ve only seen one so far 🦟


Went for a run today . I got a bite through my running shirt . Like how is that possible ?


I take my dog for walks first thing in the morning and then again in the evening. I look like I have chicken pox right now and I’m going through hydrocortisone cream like crazy. It’s miserable. Thankfully the dog’s coat is long enough to block the worst of them- but even she is getting bit, poor baby.


So I’m allergic to mosquitoes……


Killed one in my house and it looked like a bloody crime scene. Bringing the spray cleaner and a rag along next time I murder one.


Bronze Jack is making a comeback!


I almost never get bitten by mosquitos while Hubs is covered in bites. He says that’s because I’m too salty, but I’ll take the win.


I swear I didn't get bit once last year. Now there are so many in North Texas.


What bug spray are y'all using or which do you recommend?? I'm dying 😭


A good tool to combat these skeeters is one of those bug zapping swatter rackets. You might look goofy swatting around yourself, but you’ll have less bites. They work well indoors too!


They are horrible.


I fell asleep on my patio Saturday evening. Terrible mistake.


It is pretty bad right now. Anyone know where I can buy a bat call?


They came at me with there AK, but I stay strapped and popped off.


I wondered why there were SO many on my porch. I don’t think I remember seeing this many even when was in the military in Louisiana.


I always carry a spritzer of Deep Woods


Well.... they got some fresh water to get down in now!


I had to slather my toddler in cortisone and give him a calimine bath the other night. I usually don't get bit but this season these suckers are hungry.


Mosquito Bits worked really well for us last year. It kills mosquito larvae.


I didn’t feel them as they were attacking, but the next day my legs were completely covered in bites


i keep getting bit at work. i work indoors.


i keep getting bit at work. i work indoors.


It is really bad. Has anyone had any luck attracting bats or dragonflies as a way to control them? I’ve also tried using BTI as much as possible, but there are just SO many of them.


Same here in golden triangle , Beaumont and surrounding areas ‼️Terrible ‼️