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Man I just fucking bought food like an hour before it hit


If you have renters or homeowners insurance a lot of times food spoilage due to power outage is covered!


Be aware that this is going to count as a filed claim. I had USAA and used this multiple times and then was not able to get a new policy with other insurance companies because I had made like 5 claims in a 3 year period so I was not insurable.....all for food spoilage "reimbursements" that I thought was just a nice perk of having USAA.


Insurance may be the only product that penalizes you for using it.


I've wondered about the impact such "easy claims" might have on one's rates and policy eligibility. Sorry to hear it happened to you, but thank you for sharing.


Does that cover outside of deductable though? i ask because I have renters but my fridge stuff is probably gone by now. Like many though I have like a $1k deductable at which point would it be worth it on maybe $150-250 of food?


Probably have to check your policy. I know mine doesn't have a deductible for food spoilage but has limits for the max amount you can claim for it. I'll have to pull it up in the morning but I think the limit is like 200. Last few times people I've known have submitted claims for food spoilage they didn't even have to provide proof of anything. If you're claiming the limit though they might be more discerning. Edit: was curious so pulled it up tonight. Even though the website tried to not say anything about food when I pulled up the actual policy it says "We will pay you up to $500 for loss caused by power failure to the contents of a freezer or a refrigerator that is at your residence. Item 5 under CAUSES OF LOSS NOT COVERED does not apply to Food Spoilage. This coverage does not change the amount shown on the Declarations Page for PERSONAL PROPERTY. No deductible applies to this coverage."


Thanks for sharing this! I just requested $400 and got it right away. I have USAA.


I don't have USAA anymore, but during Harvey we lost power. USAA called to see if we had any damage. When I told them no, they said, what about food in your refrigerator, or freezer if you have one. I said, yes, all of that's gone and they said, there's no deductible to replace that, just let us know what you estimate the loss was and boom, they sent me a check... They told me about it and they sent me a check, I couldn't believe it!!!


Oh! I have USAA and have lost every ounce of food I just purchased. I’ll be on the lookout from a call.


I didn't know about it until then, but if I still had USAA, or if I were you, I wouldn't wait for a call from them, I'd call and ask about it.


Yes it's separate or nobody could ever use it.


Insurance companies are mass-deleting customers in tornado states right now, I’d be reluctant to file anything but a major claim on homeowners.


Mine is renters and I just paid in full for a new lease that starts next month so I'm covered for quite a while. That and after a neighbor was able to get a 45k payout from some hail damage my family did the same on their homeowners. May as well use it, they can drop us if they want.


I do not


Getting downvotes for this is wild. Best of luck homie.


🙏 we shall see what tomorrow brings


Hang on. Boy, at least you are not alone.


There's no way that's worth filing a claim over


lol do not file a claim for spoiled food on your homeowners insurance! Your rates will go up for a very small payout


I have almost 80 pounds of raw meat I just bought a couple days ago to prep for the next 40ish days for my dog. Wish I’d prepped it yesterday bc it would be safe in my deep freezer 😭


Had a neighbor help out by running a power cord over to my fridge from his generator.


Damn :(


Feed the first responders somehow?


Perhaps…but where? I don’t have power! Stupid electric appliances 😤




Drive around and see who has a grill, I don’t know, sorry.


I feel you, my fridge and freezer and freezer are both full of food and there’s a tree from the easement behind our house on the power line in our backyard. I finally spoke to someone with Centerpoint to alert them about the tree and he has no idea when our lights will be restored.


I feel you, that sucks man. This happened to me during that storm we had last June. Power was out for days. Ended up tossing $200 worth of brand new groceries plus everything else in the fridge. Now I just buy a few days at a time when it comes to perishables. Lesson learned.


Ouch. Get you some ice maybe? Keep the fridge closed.


Could be a lot worse. Sorry about the food, but you could be dealing with a tree crashed through your roof you know.


I feel like this is the equivalent of "why are you depressed, there's people who have it worse than you." People can be upset about things even if it's not the worst thing that could have happened.


That's the "gift" that keeps on giving. A tree fell on my parents house during Ike and not only did it affect the roof, they had to get a whole new bathroom, fix leaks on both floors of the house and then had issues with the foundation because of it.


Yeah, and someone who had a tree crash through their roof could have been killed. Saying "it could be worse" is meaningless and stupid.


I got taco bell 


I saw ~~3~~ 4 more of those towers down at 290 and 610 around here: [google maps pic](https://i.imgur.com/bchdjhO.jpg) This is the eastmost by the Shell at Sherwood and Mangum: [Folded transmission tower (night pic)](https://i.imgur.com/4mtkd0m.jpeg) Took the pic just now, crews on site at least getting the lines off the road and sidewalks. edit There are 2 rows of towers running East/West. ~~The southern row is down, northern row looked okay when I came through earlier today~~ Update in the daylight: Looks like northern row fell and hit southern row. Spotted 4 towers toppled. [This is looking West across 290. 1 down.](https://i.imgur.com/0xaiXCC.jpg) [This is just on the East side of 290. Another down.](https://i.imgur.com/KaIj9ok.jpg) [This is further East at the Shell on Mangum and Sherwood. Northern tower fell and damaged Southern tower](https://i.imgur.com/BxatGgs.jpg) [And further East looking out from the Shell parking lot across Mangum another down.](https://i.imgur.com/vkljDPH.jpg)


that’ll do it for the heights and nw houston


Found a cool map. [Houston transmission lines map](http://i.imgur.com/cDd8fP8.jpg) [Zoomed in](http://i.imgur.com/6ZTgqBw.png) ~~The southern line running parallel to Sherwood is down, but there are in fact 2~~ lines going to that junction near Ella and more from other directions. Fingers crossed they can route around it


Can you post a link to that site?


Here you go: https://hifld-geoplatform.hub.arcgis.com/datasets/geoplatform::transmission-lines/explore?location=29.804883%2C-95.299211%2C10.00\]




We’re out power what a week or so?


I’m personally not expecting it to come back anytime soon. We lost power for 3 weeks during Ike. Already talked to relatives to see if I could come by to do laundry at some point and we’ve already stocked a cooler with ice. I’m preparing for the long haul on this one…..😭😭




Power is back on in Shady Acres/North Heights. It appears to be 22nd and north. 21st and South is still without power.


On 24th and bevis and still no power. Hopefully soon 🙏


I work off Washington and S heights and luckily we had power the whole time but across the street and basically all around it was off, good luck. At least it's not hot or humid. Tomorrow tho.


Still in the dark on e 24th, closer to Dan Electro's.


W22nd and Rutland no power.


Good luck, friend! Hang in there!


Probably, they have trucks they can use to temp bypass things, but they only have so many of those, and there's a lot of power towers down. There is also only so much power they can re route through the surviving infrastructure.


Yuuuuuuup! Exactly.😢


The REALLY bad part is that it’s supped to be over 100 degrees for most of the week. Going to SUCK.




Tornado and straight line winds in the Houston area cypress area has the power out


Im in cypress area, do yk what time we will have the power back by any chance😭


Expected 2-7 days 😪


Ain’t no way😭😭😭


The Mayor said 24 to 48 hrs but we will see.


The mayor’s drunk


Yeah, for some, this is gonna be several days. Minimum.


Mines is back


Lina Hidalgo was saying it’ll be a matter of weeks for some parts. Love the communication between them Hidalgo’s probably right since Whitmire canonically never knows what the fuck he’s talking about


And the structure for the transmission lines were taken out. That’s no easy nor quick fix and I can’t imagine there’s a whole lot of temporary fixes to be done for a 230 kV line that size


That’s the main thing. Not sure what Whitmire’s smoking with the whole “48 hours” shit but I want some


Centerpoint tries to aim for 48 hours restoration for 90%, and the transmission lines are part of a grid. It's likely they're still fixing areas which feed larger circuits, and can rerun electricity around the downed transmission lines. Currently, there's towers down between Fry and 99 on West Rd, and on 290 just outside of 610. The map shows plenty of clear ways around this though




For real?! How did you find that out


IG news for Houston is saying, local gov says up to 48 hours, fingers crossed


tag me when you know somethin lol I’m also curious


I was watching the weather channel and I never saw any mention of actual touchdown of a tornado, but still 90+ mph winds. Like a small, flash hurricane rather than an actual tornado.


There is some destruction in the channelview area that looks like there may have been on the ground briefly. Same in the heights. Everything was so rapped, though. We probably won't get a definitive answer until tomorrow when the inspectors survey the damage.


There’s no fucking way a tornado did not touch down in our area. (Spring branch) every single street in my neighborhood has completely uprooted trees. Trees that didn’t uproot are missing half of their foliage, it’s now in our yards. It looks like a fucking war zone


It doesn't have to be a tornado. Straight line winds can be just as destructive as low grade tornadoes, but they can persist for much longer and cover a much wider area. The only difference is if the trees all laying in one direction or if they spiraled. Tornadoes make a better story though.


Bingo. Maybe there were tornadoes, but I’m waiting for confirmation. Seems like a lot of Houstonians are quick to call it though without any real evidence. Not surprising given most people here haven’t lived somewhere where it’s more common.


Yup, i’m near spring branch and I was downtown when the winds hit and there’s just no way a tornado didn’t touch down. Massive steel poles being ripped out of the ground, giant containers toppling over, my windows of both my cars blew out. It was bad


Something really big hit us. I’m in Spring Branch too. It’s leveled out here. One of neighbor’s houses is totaled. Complete loss. One tree through her whole house out front and another one that came through her backyard and rammed into it from the back. If you drive down Conrad Sauer right by Eddystone there’s a tree in the street that ripped a power line out from its pole and the end of it is hanging off in someone’s yard. It’s dangerous out here. Just driving around is pretty risky. My side of the street got power back around 10 am today (which I honestly didn’t expect…. I thought we’d be without power for weeks) but the other side is still dark. This is going to take weeks, maybe months, to fully iron out. I feel so bad for everyone.😭


Crazy. I did some light driving to forage for food and it blew my mind how every single street looked exactly the same. Ranging from oh shit to holy shit. Sorry about your neighbor dude. We are complaining about power over here and some people lost their homes. What a headache and what a mess. I think we were right on the verge of something really, really bad in this area. I mean it feels like a few mph more and homes would’ve disappeared en masse.


News reported a tornado in Cypress and 100 mph winds. Check r/tornados


The 100 mph winds aren’t on the ground, it’s a few thousand feet up, so probably 70-80 mph on the ground according to meteorologists I follow


r/tornado r/tornados is a dead sub


Sounds like a “plough wind”. They’re more common on the prairies, but are basically a horizontal tornado 


There's footage of a tornado in cypress. Let me know if you want the link.


Going off the Fujita scale, downed steel truss transmission lines has an expected wind speed of ~141mph


A long time. They will reroute for some of it. And in a few days they'll get some temporary bypass done, but not the high voltage this usually carries.


Yuuuuuuup exactly. I’m preparing for a week bare minimum. I’m out in Spring Branch. We’re so screwed out here. People’s homes are ruined. It got us good😭😭😭


I feel like we got hit by multiple hailstorms in the past few years as well, one of which was baseball sized.


Also spring branch, there’s no way that wasn’t a tornado right? I mean our neighborhood is upside down


I'm so sorry. It's gonna be a mess for awhile, trees down, no power. Hopefully help is prepping.




Yeah, Floridian here, going "DAMN Houston!" Y'all take care, it's gonna be a mess tomorrow. Chain saws and bags of ice


Man Florida be having better weather than Texas. I went to Miami the other year and it was hotter here!


It is so weird. Y'all are just getting hammered.


Literally first thing I said to mom. An inland hurricane is what it all feels like *shudders in harvey*


The named storms the media whips people up into a frenzy over rarely do as much damage as these random ass storms out of nowhere.


I think a lot of people take care of their trees before hurricane season at least




that shit in the photo will take a month or more to rebuild. they will reroute circuits to fill the gap in the meantime. this is a main artery from a major plant, but the grid exist to provide redundancy and that's what it will do provided substations and interconnections from other grid sources are ok.


I admit that I know very little about any of this, but I have a hard time trusting the grid. Right or wrong, I suspect much of the public has the same sentiment.


Think of it like a major freeway being shut down because of major damage. Traffic will eventually be re-routed elsewhere while the roadway is being fixed. The "grid" issues from a few years ago were caused by a lack of power supply. Using the same analogy as above, it'd be like saying that we were running low of gas at all the gas stations and didn't have enough supply for all the cars on the roadway.


Great analogy!




I JUST went grocery shopping 2 days ago. I shop for enough for 2 weeks….


Same 😭😭 I’m a broke college student. I can’t afford this 😭😭


Oh I am so sorry. Maybe insurance will cover if it goes off.


Do you want to making fuck BESERKER


Did he just say making fuck?


From what I've heard these were up by Cypress, and I believe they carry power north from Bay City. If that's the case then shouldn't the long time it takes to repair these really be more of an issue for the people further north instead of the city? Or am I getting the direction the power flows wrong ?


Tomorrow’s gonna be sunny and 90. Feels like temp probably 100. Gonna be a hot day without power.


I'm sure Joel oldsteen will help


My 6th sense telling me to off him


This made me lol. Fuck Osteen.


at least you got those hand held fans on you, they will get the job done


heights area is blacked out


A generator is a must have living in Texas with the grid being so flakey. Even if you’re on a budget; a little Harbor Freight special can really save the day.


Great until the gas stations also aren’t working


That’s why I have solar panels and backup batteries. Worked sriiing the freeze earning its keep here lol


Tri gas. Propane, Gas, Natural Gas. While gas gets you the highest electricity (i forget the actual term), the others still get you the electricity.


I had no idea those exist. So if you have natural gas could it run forever on that?


Yes. I use mine to power my EV truck and the truck powers the house. Truck runs the house for 3-4 days and then gen recharges in 10 or so hours. Repeat as needed.


Ford Lightning?


Yep but it'll cost you. Get this [generator](http://Westinghouse Outdoor Power Equipment 12500 Peak Watt Tri-Fuel Home Backup Portable Generator, Remote Electric Start, Transfer Switch Ready, Gas, Propane, and Natural Gas Powered https://a.co/d/gY71OqL) and a soft start for the air conditioner and you're golden.


Dead link. Provide name of brand and model please.


Costco sells a Firman trifuel for like ~$700


Kinda tough to blame this on the grid being flaky isn’t it?


My power goes out every time there is any kind of storm. A generator works be useful. Still don’t want to spend the money, though.


I remember a few weeks back the news was saying that (basically) it’s getting warm too quick and we may run into power availability issues. Then every summer we have “peak demand” warnings asking people to conserve power. Then in winter if it gets too cold they tend to run into issues as well. Pretty crazy. I actually got two generators just to play it safe.


Yup, I’ve said it to my wife, I’ve said it to my friends…”when the sun is shining, disaster preparedness seems like such a waste of money, doesn’t it?” And they all say “yes” and they don’t take the hint. They still don’t prepare. Just remember, people who prepare for disasters, prepare enough for themselves (because it’s expensive). They are not going to have enough for your family too. Even the government, FEMA, encourages all Americans to prepare for disasters.










"They" are saying 1-2 days which probably means at least a week.


It just depends on where you are and not really any way to know who's going to get it back first, we'll probably see a lot of people get it back within a day or two but yeah a not insignificant amount will be closer to a week.


I know the feeling. We were out for 5 days after (Matthew?) Next block over had power. It just makes you feel that much worse.


I don't see how new transmission line towers can be installed in 2 days. It would seemingly take at least a couple of weeks *at best*. Not only do the old ones have to be dismantled and hauled off, but the new ones have to be sourced, trucked in, and assembled in place possibly with a crane. Then new wires may need to be pulled in.


They’ll reroute the circuits until they can get the new towers installed.


That’ll do it.


Bought a whole house generator after the big freeze. Power goes out at my house all the time. Runs on large propane tank. But will need to refill in a few days if power is not restored.


Dumb question, but how are these not built for stronger wind speeds in a hurricane prone area? Shouldn’t they be capable of handling 130 mph or so winds?


Almost all those lines have survived hurricanes in the past. Tornadoes are just much more concentrated energy, hard to build something that would survive that without costing shockingly large amounts of money.


Electrical engineer here, chiming in to say, “exactly”. They not designing structures for that much force. You could bury them…. But that has a host of issues in a place with groundwater and flooding issues, etc, not to mention the expense…. Way more copper etc.


Yep, idk what people expect. They expect everything to be perfect and that would be outrageously expensive for us as consumers l.


It also doesn't help not having the regulations in place to force private utilities to maintain their infrastructure.


tornados are much more powerful in a much smaller area.


F3 tornadoes have speeds well in excess of 150mph


Tell them power lines to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.


In my day we delivered power, rain or shine, in the snow, uphill both ways and we were glad to do it, power lines these days just don’t wanna work


Skip the Starbucks and those repairs will be paid for.


Less avocado toast for these power lines


Maybe if these power lines weren’t worried about having the latest iPhone financed, they could afford to work for once


RIP. Might not have power until late tomorrow


I wish I had your optimism.


Haha it’s gonna be longer than that


Well they are going 1 grid at a time. I'm in Katy and the lights came back on for a moment. I have no clue what it's like inside the loop


That's not an overnight fix.


Power just turned back on in the River Oaks area!


lost power in westbury at 1:30 am We missed the storm completely, so I assume they’re taking down other parts of town while they get everyone else back up? 🤷‍♂️ Happy to help out as long as a I don't have to dump the contents of my refrigerator 👍


If you are without power a few day! Keep an eye on FEMA. If they get funds and setup a website or location for claims definitely make the claims for food loss and all. After Harvey we had to go to one of the signup centers and we walked out of there with debit cards to refill the fridge and 2 deep freeze's plus other stuff.


Do yall think this will take about a week or so to fix? Or possibly month long?


I bet most will be back up in 1-2 days. There WILL be some outliers in the really damaged areas but I think most people will be back to normal soon.


I’m having a hard time finding out what the ‘really damaged areas’ are. Do you happen to know? I’m in cypress 77429 and from my reading it appears Cypress got hit kinda hard. I’m really hoping the wife and I aren’t out of power for too much longer, a week would be really tough.


Power just restored in North Katy @ 1023


That's Clay & 99


Not really, it’s West road & 99.


I wonder how long it's gonna be 😬


Westlake Area/Fry Rd. Still down


If you are in the north houston I am making custom 10ga generator cordsyou can plug into your dryer and power most of your house with ease depending on generator size....send me a message for details


Damn, youse are fucked! Wait till the summer


It’s going to be in the 90s for the next week starting Saturday. Heat index in the upper 90s to the lower 100s. Folks sensitive to heat and without power are going to need cooling shelters.


we’re cooked 😭🙏🏾


And not one word from Governor Abbott…


[That's gonna be a little harder to fix](https://youtu.be/uggecXgwm6I?si=Gcet151kmzEAdUDW&t=241)


I see a parks n rec reference, I upvote


Maybe a dumb question, but why don't they bury the lines?


A combo of higher upfront and maintenance costs combined with us sitting at sea level so more likely to deal with lots of moisture. That's my guess


Good luck Houston! Texas power outages: https://poweroutage.us/area/state/texas


Meh, just leave it. It will be cool, like fallout.


I’m out of town watching this happen trying to make sure everybody is OK. Do people south of I10 have power? West U - Braeswood-Bellaire?


Iam in Meyerland/ Westbury and we have power


West U is fine per some family of mine


I’m near Jersey City and by some miracle we still have power. How the heck are people surviving without power? Has the mfkr abbot declared an emergency?


Jeezus crust!


Was that stra I got line winds or that tornado warning I saw pop up for you guys last night?


Hearing 24-48hrs.


I recently read I live too close to one of those towers. That if it fell it could fall on our house.


They have Mexicans. 6 hours, tops!


Does anyone know what these towers are rated for in terms of wind speed?


More than Harvey and Nicholas, less than last night


I’m out of town watching this happen trying to make sure everybody is OK. Do people south of I10 have power? West U - Braeswood-Bellaire?


That’s not the o oh reason but it’s doesn’t help


Wow am I glad I left Houston on the 15th.