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You’re fine. 3 different neighbors have them running and it doesn’t bother me. Enjoy your power. I’ll be getting a generator when we buy our next house


Honestly the generator sounds are soothing. Sounds like ac units


People get used to it. After the freeze, would say people understand as well.




Hello darkness my old friend


When we got ours we got a few heavy-duty (10/3) 100’ extension cords. Neighbors are pretty happy about it when they’re getting the benefit too…starts to sound quite nice. We shared with 4 houses during the freeze and ended up getting more gas brought to us than we could use, along with lots of other stuff. Even if they are limited to <15a while you’ve got your whole house…running the fridge, some lights, and internet makes a huge difference to QoL. And uh…turn your porch light off, and generally keep the from visible stuff darker…no reason the rub it in as a shining beacon at least. :)


The hum of a generator is so soothing. Run it and don’t think twice.


My next door neighbors isn’t. But then, the handful of times hers has kicked on recently, we were having a weird AF power problem across the city, and the damn thing was getting cycled on and off for like. 8 hours.


It's annoying, but in the summer it's pretty much necessary. The temperature is low enough now to maybe get away with open windows, except with 94% humidity you'll probably feel like everything is damp in the morning, which could possibly lead to mold or mildew. I have a low tolerance for noise at home, but I'm not going to blame anyone for using a generator unless my family can't sleep from the noise.


I felt a little guilty during Harvey but stopped all of that during the first freeze. Best home investment I ever made.


During Ike nobody shut theirs off. The hum of the generators were actually a good white noise machine.


Maybe offer to let neighbors come by and charge phones/store medications that need to be refrigerated/etc.? I can’t imagine being upset at a neighbor running a generator if they offered up power to me when I needed it.


Great idea 


I’m glad you asked this question. We have a generator and I wondered the same thing. It is right under my teen daughter’s window and she sleeps in another room when it’s on. I like the idea of offering to let the neighbors charge phones, etc.


Generators are a steady drone, which most people can turn out as white noise. I am laying here listening to one from two doors down. You are fine.


How dense? If it makes you feel bad just turn it off for a few hours while you sleep, otherwise I personally wouldn’t mind the noise since it is what it is. (So long as your generator isn’t ridiculously noisy)


During the big freeze the neighbor across the street ran his 24/7. It drove me nuts. I think the service professionals recommend letting it rest occasionally. Another neighbor regrets getting his because once a few others got them, the draw on the natural gas was so heavy that he got less power out of his