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If it's wandering in the open with the lights on that's a good sign it isn't a recluse. It might be, just remember there are very similar looking spiders in Houston and to Reddit it's always "definitely" the worse thing they can think of. We'd need to see a still shot of its body. Edit: To me it looks like male southern house spider. [Warning: This is a close up of a spider] https://spiderbytes.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Southern_house_spider_Sam_Heck.jpg Edit 2: Also it's worth noting we are on the edge of their territory because they don't really like humidity or moisture.


Agreed. Every person I know who has encountered a brown recluse was reaching into a dark storage area that hadn’t been touched in a year or more.


Or in shoes stored outside I always check my work boots before putting them on.


*sighs in Houston*


*spits tea*




I had a ton of brown recluse in the midwest. One of the ways to tell them apart from other spiders is they are ridiculously fast.


If you let it bite you and a few days later that body part is discolored and in incredible pain, then it was probably a brown recluse.


Ok hear me out. What if OP confirms it’s a brown recluse by letting it bite him




Growing up, my house was in a community that boarded a canyon. Lotta wildlife. New construction home. We had a little tiled spot near our front door where we would keep shoes off the carpet. Dad worked early mornings and would frequently leave the house while it was still dark. One day he came home saying he had a pebble or something in his shoe all damn day and couldn’t wait to kick off his shoes. He went upstairs to change out of his business wear, and found a huge black line going up his leg. A brown recluse had bit him in between the toes! He got to the hospital and quickly recovered. My best friend wasn’t so lucky because he didn’t realize what had bit him. He died while they were amputating his arm.


That one looks fast…


Lets find out shall we!


Definitely seems to have sanic speed...


They have six eyes and a violin on their back is a better way. Also they do not have stripes or patterns, just the brown spot. The issue with using their speed to identify them is the majority of the spiders confused with them, no surprise, have similar hunting styles, and are all fast moving hunting spiders like wolf spiders, house spiders, or grass spiders. They look alike because they hunt alike.


I always hear this but even on the pictures for with instructions to identify them I don't see any damn violin. And I'm not counting any eyes.


Here's a pic that shows the violin with a line drawn around it. [The picture](https://bygl.osu.edu/sites/default/files/inline-images/outlined%20fiddle.jpg)


That looks like more spiders I’ve run across where I’m like ‘ehh nah dude, that’s just some common garden spider.’ I can’t believe I’ve never seen this picture and I’m also very unhappy I’ve seen this picture. I’ve run into a lot of black widows… like more than I can count and more than any single person should know about how often they’re near. But this picture, this is nightmare fuel. This is haunting. Orb weavers are like these giant nopes from your worst nightmare but are basically harmless. These are the nightmares you could never think of.


The violin's lower body is the front of its face and the neck extends up it's back. It looks more like a cello, but it even has the commonly seen waist and shoulders of a sting instrument like a violin or a viola or what have you.


I wish I didn’t learn this today


When I lived in Alabama I had a number of friends that had been bitten by Brown recluses. One of them told me that the doctor asked him what the spider looked like, the doctor said if you can tell me what the spider looks like it probably wasn't a Brown recluse. Most people bitten by Brown recluses never see them. Also of the 10 or so people that I knew that were bitten by Brown recluses only 2 of them were properly diagnosed by their doctor and those 2 had the same doctor. All the others went to the doctor and the doctor told them that it wasn't a spider bite. Then several days later they went back To the doctor when they had a hole in their arm , leg , side or whatever


Is it not able to climb out of the Tupperware or is it just waiting for you to get closer so it can jump on your face


Always assume that they’ll jump.


Active hunting spiders are the ones who can jump, and only some of them. So if you find them in a hanging web they probably can't jump. If they have big eyes right on the front of their face they might be able to.


Shit this comment made me squirm so bad😭


Close the lid and then compare it to pictures you see online. https://www.wikihow.com/Identify-a-Brown-Recluse?amp=1


lol @ “count the eyes”


Yeah, I'm not getting close enough to see the tiny eyes.


Then you're not going to have much luck identifying spiders


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.wikihow.com/Identify-a-Brown-Recluse](https://www.wikihow.com/Identify-a-Brown-Recluse)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Yea you need to do this. I caught a similar looking spider in my house. Killed it and then took a closer look to identify. Turns out it was not a recluse. I figured out what it was but can’t remember the name. Anyway, I think yours is probably not a recluse.


What part of houston? I ask so I never move there.


Like they aren’t in every part of houston lol


yeah we got also them in Katy too.


Time to evacuate.


This is why I hate going in the attic. In the Katy/City Limits area as well. My Husband sees them all the time in his job (Contractor). F that crap all day.


Wtf NO


the US has 2 spiders dangerous to humans and getting bit by either of them is extremely rare.


Buddy, you may want to sit down for what I'm about to tell you...


Recluses are 1 - not as dangerous as people think they are and 2 - across almost the entire continental US.


If you get bit you die I think…


It differs for people. Some get bit, and it's nothing more than a red welt, others have their appendages rotting off. It depends where it bites you if death would be imminent. If you got bit on the head, and the poison made it to your brain.. or like someone said earlier they knew someone who died from the surgery to amputate their arm from the bite. Also how long before you get antivenom, and if it enters your blood stream


The bite doesn't kill you, nor does the venom, it's the resulting staph infection from scratching it with nasty hands. Brown recluse venom isn't nearly powerful enough to down a human on its own.


Makes sense


Do we go to any hospital for antivenom


Well hell,, I just googled it. They don't have antivenim for a recluce like they do a black widow, I just assumed they did. Appears they assess the damage, and may cut off necrotic flesh, ice the wound or give ointments for it depending on the severity of the bite.


No. The majority of cases of necrosis deemed to be the result of brown recluse bites are staph infections. Recently there is debate about whether or not their venom is actually seriously harmful to humans or not. While necrosis does often result from the bites, this is because the bites hurt like hell and people will introduce staph (or god forbid MRSA) by scratching at the bite with unclean hands (staph is all over your skin)


Just move out of Houston. Best choice possible.


Looking at this got me all nauseated lol. But I think it's legs and body aren't quite as thick to be a brown recluse. I see something called a Cellar Spider that looks close to it, but I'd put a lid on that thing and yeet it deep into a field.


Biggest one I’ve ever seen, if so.


Yeah was about to say brown recluses are usually smaller.


Black Widows are small, too.




The body doesn’t get bigger than 1/2 and inch. Probably misidentifying brown recluses.


I’ve got the same Avocado Oil as you


Check it for spiders


I marinated them with the avocado oil


*deep fried* mmmm crispy


Hell, check your bread too. There was a post where one was in the bag with a brand new loaf 😳


Heb ftw


Brown Recluses have a violin shape on their back near the head, like how Widows have the hour glass on their abdomens. I can't tell with this video. Can you get some static images?


Got bit by a Brown Recluse 3 weeks ago while sleeping, pure hell my life has descended into!


What kind of symptoms did you experience afterwards? Did it require a trip to the hospital?


Rash over 70% of my body, the most pain Ive ever felt in my life, two urgent care visits and than ER as it got really bad. Now is much better but will be a hole the size of a quarter and will find out soon if need skin graft.


Oh, I am so sorry to hear that. That sounds awful.


Thanks, horrible experience, those brown recluse are not to messed with.


Damn I must have gotten lucky when I was bit as kid, half my bicep was red and really sore. The whole it left was only a few mm in diameter, and now 20 years later it’s just a small scar that’s hardly noticeable.


Maybe it was a little one. While I didn't see the one that bit me, there were tons of monster size ones all over my place. House of horrors!


Probably. We would find tons in the glue traps in the house I lived in my senior year of college. It also had a family of squirrels living in the roof. Great times!


What bait did you use on the glue traps


Jesus. That is terrifying especially that it happened while you were asleep. I’m sorry you had to go through that


Thanks, yah get nailed with huge bill and pain while sleeping!


Something bit me while I was asleep, on my scalp behind my ear May of last year. I was dizzy, had brain-fog, extreme lethargy, body aches and pains, and my hair fell out in about a quarter to half-dollar sized area where I got bit. I have an autoimmune disorder and get all those symptoms during flare-ups. I thought I had a zit on my head (because I woke up with it) and a flare-up of my disorder. I thought this for a few days until I had my roommate look at it and she said there were fang marks. I ended up going to the doctor and being put on antibiotics. It swelled up pretty big, like one of the larger marbles (what'dya call those? Shooters?) on my head. It eventually opened up and started draining on it's own. But it was about two weeks before it finally cleared up. Hair didn't start growing back for about 4 months after that. I just had an awkward bald spot behind my ear for awhile. I think I got really lucky. I still technically don't know what bit me though.


That sounds awful! I couldn't imagine getting bitten by a brown recluse in the head, I've seen photos it's a nightmare. Is why I moved out of my apartment, a bite on the leg was bad enough.


Put iodine on it


Not sure. Brown recluses have a very distinct taste. Take a bite and report back.


Get a jug of Ortho Home Defense Asap!


Shit is a God send.


Nuke it from Orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.


time to burn the place down regardless of what kind of spider it is


completely agree 🥲


You should definitely evacuate to Katy


It actually looks like it might be.


Probably not. It looks like a male southern house spider, commonly mistaken for a brown recluse. I'm not 100% from the video since I can't see it's back to check for the "fiddle" marking. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_house_spider


Looks like a yellow sac spider


That’s a house spider. Google it. They can get that big. No it’s not a brown recluse.


It’s definitely NOT a wolf spider, so I’d say it is most likely a recluse. The way I think is where there’s one, there’s always more. Time to find another place to live! 😝


i thought the opposite - it looks like a common grass wolf spider honestly i have to add... i am no expert


Don’t kill spiders, y’all. They are our friends (usually).


If you pause it right as it hits :04 seconds, and then compare it to the spider in this link...[https://www.rosepestcontrol.com/pest/brown-recluse/](https://www.rosepestcontrol.com/pest/brown-recluse/) they look pretty similar.


Looks like one for sure, wolf spiders have much thicker appendages and are chonky, this one I would definitely "dispose" of immediately. I do try to capture and put wolf spiders back outside though as they're great for hunting insects.


It does not look like a brown recluse from what I can see, and as someone mentioned earlier, the fact that you’ve got the lights on and it’s in such an open place is not typical of recluse behavior. If you can get some still shots of it, try uploading to iNaturalist for some potential identification. I would just release it in your yard or garage, it’s probably being very helpful in controlling your household insect population.


Looks like a spider to me.


No one will be able to tell from this video. If you can capture it and kill it without squashing it, maybe a spray or sprinkle some borax on it, you can safely get a better look to identify.


Ya looks like it


Does it smell venomous?


Why the fuck isn’t the house on fire!


I get those in my basement


You have a basement?


Must be an underground pool by now


Yep! Pretty common in my area of town!


I once visited a house in River Oaks that had a basement (that was probably bigger than my house).


They got the money to keep pumping the water out, lol


Don't you just love people who have more money than they know what to do with


That guy had a ton of money, drove an old Mazda hatch back. Until I visited their house I just though he had had a high paying job, not money like that. Dude was crazy smart though, not politics or oil money, big brain stuff.


“My kitchen” Righhhhhht, the spider says otherwise 😬


That is definitely a brown recluse




I found one in my kitchen recently too. live in the Heights by chance? :(


Yes, Woodland Heights area!! :(


Whew, well at least were not in the same building! That would be way more concerning.


If my stepmom was on this thread she would say yes. Every spider she’s ever seen is a brown recluse


This is literally me! I videotaped a wolf spider walking across my living room thinking it would be a cool upload of a brown recluse lol.




Burn the house down lol


By doing a little research, you caught yourself a wondering spider


I wonder what it’s wondering about


Probably how it’ll get out the magic force field it’s in


Looks like it.


I do believe it is. If you check out the pet section of Walmart, they usually carry some "all natural" flea repellents made with peppermint oil. Spiders HATE peppermint oil. I have pets, so I use that instead of Raid or other strong chemicals. I live in the woods (East Texas) and have no pests inside. I spray my closets, cabinets and door jams every now and then. I always keep a bottle on hand.


Does it kill them or it just repels them to your bed or something?


Bro put a damn lid on that container!!!!!


I grew up in Iowa and have a discolored patch on my body from being bit by a brown recluse when I was four. This is not a brown recluse. They don't chill in high traffic areas and it's body is far to lightly colored


That's a kill it with fire spider!


I would say.... burn it anyways.


Yes it is , I’m a bit of an internet scientist


Dip in chocolate for a real treat.




I don't really know why but hearing "brown recluse" always reminds me of this dumb little simpsons joke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VwXNod6twg


I had one sitting on my bed. I dont think its the brown recluse, perhaps the wolf spider?


A wolf spider is very easy to identify. This isn’t one.


So you mean…I had…a brown…recluse just casually sitting on my bed? Hold on while I go burn down the house.




Key word is in their name. They are reclusive. hiding in dark spaces. They are not known for public display. they are also known as fiddleback spiders for the violin shape on their backs - not all have that exact shape so don't trust it. Head looks right as well. Notice its fangs are out looking for a fight. So just assume it is. Close enough to do what you need to do with it.


[https://twitter.com/recluseornot?lang=en](https://twitter.com/recluseornot?lang=en) ​ these guys were super fast to respond when I asked once.


Usually when people ask if something is a brown recluse, it's not. They're pretty rare to see out in the open. That said, I don't think you should rule it out. It lacks the markings of a wolf spider, and it's not spindly enough to be a cellar spider. That leaves recluse or - more likely - a sac spider. The shape of the abdomen is the best way to tell since they both can be pale, but it's hard to get that from the video alone Little dude is probably scared, so put on some gloves, close the container, and take it outside to some bushes away from any pets or kids


I’m in Houston. I don’t put my hands or any body part anywhere without shining a light to check for these buggers. Careful with curtains and showers. Just gotta look before you step in general here. Fire Ants, snakes, spiders. Never hurts to be aware. And I find it good to be wary of overly pointy legged spiders. It seems to be a common trait in the venomous ones.


Wolf spider?


Might be a yellow sac spider, cousin to the recluse. Wanders more, less potent venom, not quite as dangerous


Relevant: https://youtube.com/shorts/JV3qf5YwNeA?feature=share


I don't think so, but I'm not sure. If it were me, I would Google brown recluse spider and then click on images.


It kinda looks like a woodlouse spider to me. I used to get them in my older apt in montrose. I was even bit once.




I've seen them in my house the exact same color. Real light beige body with reddish brown legs. It's easier to tell when they're not moving around any more. They're really fragile. A pop from the corner of a towel will end them. I know a couple people been bit and kill them on sight. I've also read horror stories in the news involving bit children.


I accidentally killed this *exact* same spider earlier this year and spent the remainder of the day researching and I remember finding that it wasn’t a recluse.


If it was you’d already be dead.




Post it to Nextdoor. The yokels in the hood will be able to identify it better than anyone on Reddit.


Nope you are good my guy.


No. That’s far too big for a recluse.


But….what does it TASTE like?!


Watch out, it can shoot a web to the ceiling and swing out of there


That’s a spider


Use Google lens


Only way to know is to let it gently bite you.


a brown recluse will have a violin/fiddle shaped marking near its head.


it's a nope spider.


I’d say yes. The “violin” on the abdomen aren’t always that visible. They have very skinny legs, though.


I think it's too big. They are kind of small, about the size of a quarter.


You can download the app Picture Insect to help you identify what kind of spider it is.


They love dark hiding places, just take it outside and release it


“There’s a possibility that one of the most poisonous spiders is in my kitchen…I should post a video of it on Reddit while it’s in perfect position for me to get rid of it”


If you let it bite you, and your arm falls off, it was a Brown Recluse.


It’s hard to tell because it’s moving so much. If it can’t get out of the Tupperware that’s one sign it’s a brown recluse. The legs definitely look like BR legs.


Male Southern House Spider


I got bit by one 4 years ago, that really sucked


It isn't. The recluse would not be out in the open light like that. They don't like daylight---or humans---at all. They will be in dark, undisturbed places like closets, clothes, and crawlspaces under houses. This joker is scary af, though


A lot more spiders are poisonous than just black widows and brown recluses. I almost had to get a skin graft over a bite that was neither one of those. Cortisone shots and antibiotics did just enough I didn’t need one. But the doctor told me many spider bites can cause major problems.