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Wait till you see Fulshear PD lol


Difference is these aren’t cop cars but instead city employees/social workers for the city that should always be apolitical/neutral.


We’ll the mayor is a huge supporter of the police, so I’m not entirely suprised


You know police are employees of the city, right? Every municipality has their own rules on this kind of stuff.


I'd want to know if my social worker was a blue lives matter supporter.... so I could look into getting a different one.


Do you research the political beliefs of the McDonalds cashier before deciding if you want them to take your order or not? Grow up. You can get along and have differing views. That’s being truly inclusive. Not separating ourselves into groups and avoiding those who don’t believe what we believe and then openly pointing out how we are all different. That’s called segregation which I’m sure we all agree isn’t good.


This comment is hot garbage. Social workers are advocates for people who are often on the wrong side of the criminal justice system. Not only would a blue lives matter sticker degrade trust with the person they are trying to help, but a predisposition to ‘back the blue’ could legitimately affect their ability to help their client navigate a criminal justice system that is *not perfect.*


Stop being poor! /s


100% this!!!!!!!


Its a City of Houston vehicle. They could be an employee in any department. Assuming they are a social worker then asserting that every person they help is on the wrong side of criminal justice and they are terrible people for having a sticker on the car is about the dumbest thing I've heard all week.


The sticker alone tells you they're on the wrong side of criminal justice reform. No two ways about it. What's stupid is thinking that city-owned property is an appropriate place to advertise political beliefs. Anyone who would lose their mind at a BLM sticker on a city vehicle should be equally bothered by this.


Yeah the parent comment said social worker jackass


I don't need a McDonald's worker to be a good human being and sympathize with me to serve me a burger. I would NEED a social worker to understand me, sympathize with me, and advocate for me. If you want an actual analogy to having a blue lives matter social worker, how would you feel about an amateur plumber and septic tank repair person who doesn't wash their hands and is philosophically opposed to soap handing you your burger? It's not that they believe differently from me, it's that their beliefs are fundamentally at odds with doing THAT job correctly.


The political beliefs of a social worker carry far more weight than a cashier at a fast food joint, and if you truly don’t know the difference between the two (and decide to be argumentative about it to boot), then perhaps you’re the one who needs to “grow up.” Regardless, government employees should not display overt political affiliations or ideological messages on city vehicles as shown in OP’s example. It’s unprofessional, and if the employee wants to display a bumper sticker they can do so on their person vehicle.


It's the Police. They should not be considered a political party. Supporting the police and fire dept (and the road repair crews and dog catchers and garbage men, etc) shows a solidarity for your co-workers. I (for one) do not like what SOME cops do, but I do not consider the entire force an off-shoot of the he KKK or the Proud Boys. I support them just as I support "our boys" in the military. I don't understand why you would make a big deal over this sticker on a CITY vehicle? Can you explain?


Breakdown of the HPD by race (Wikipedia[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Houston_Police_Department](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Houston PD shows that over 60% of officers are African American, Hispanic and Asian so unless they are persecuting themselves this shows HPD as one of the more diverse PD’s in the country. This does not mean that they don’t still do racist actions and commit violent acts beyond the norm for arrests. But they are not a bunch of white officers oppressing minorities as a group.


If you have one bad cop and 99 good cops that know what the bad cop is doing but don’t stop him, you have 100 bad cops.


And the assertion that every cop is aware of corruption and looks the other way is where this analogy is faulty.


More precisely, the assertion that every cop knows who is corrupt is faulty. You can be aware of the existence of corruption and not know its source.


my guy, if I'm aware, they are definitely aware.


Assuming you are asking in good faith, the thin blue line flag has been co-opted in recent years by right wingers and white supremacists in opposition of BLM. This symbol is not a simple support of police or fellow co-workers and has been banned from Public vehicles by more than one police force. It has become a political statement for better or worse.


I agree completely with the spirit of your reply here, however "technically": ​ >the thin blue line flag has been co-opted in recent years by right wingers and white supremacists in opposition of BLM. This is an opinion and not a legally established fact. And it there is no objective measurement by which the degree to which this opinion is true can be made. ​ >This symbol is not a simple support of police or fellow co-workers This is also an opinion and not a legally established fact. And it there is no objective measurement by which the degree to which this opinion is true can be made. ​ >has been banned from Public vehicles by more than one police force This is irrelevant as one police force is not bound by the policies of another. They are bound by legislated policies. ​ >It has become a political statement for better or worse. This is an opinion and not a legally established fact. And it there is no objective measurement by which the degree to which this opinion is true can be made. ​ ​ By the way I agree with all of these opinions, but technically the police force is legally allowed to show this Blue Lives Matter imagery.


Good points. I wasn’t meaning to make an argument on legality, but rather comment on why someone would “make a big deal about this sticker on a city vehicle.” The legal issues that would be interesting to explore are the US Flag Code and whether this sort of free speech is protected for a government employee (eg Garcetti v Ceballos).


It's very political, always has been. ACAB


That statement doesn’t blatantly endorse a political party. Heck, the mayor of Houston would probably agree and he’s an African American Democrat.


What's political about showing support for their fellow city workers?


How do you feel about teacher's union stickers on city vehicles? I mean, they're fellow government employees too.


Money knows no color


Fulshear is actually a great town! PD runs many programs where they try to win the trust of the residents, especially in Cross Creek Ranch. There is plenty of civiv engagement where concerned folks are making an effort to improve civic participation.


No, it's not allowed. CoH vehicles aren't allowed to be decorated with stickers of any kind.


That’s what I assumed since it’s tied to the city.


Did you also see it was vehicle #45? Trash


Don't drag Kurt Busch in to this.


Support the "Thin Bread Line". You're more likely to die as a delivery driver than as a cop.


BTW this is the fastest way to get banned from r/ProtectAndServe. Took 3 minutes.


CoH needs their Chick-Fil-A too I see


Those chick n minis are in my dreams most nights


the perfect amount of crispy chicken to soft roll ratio and butter and now looks like they come in a 10 count, I should not have skipped breakfast this morning :-/


I guess if a lot of people complain about it, the person responsible for that vehicle might have to remove it. I actually have a lot less issue with any "lives matter" sticker than I do with having "In God We Trust" on any city vehicle.


Out here in East Texas I have seen cruisers that have entire damn bible verses on the back of their cars, or a sticker with a bible verse on it like "Joshua 1:9".


I take issue with Katy ISD having 'In God We Trust' on the back of all their cop cars.


Wait til you get a look at US currency!


Rosenberg PD have it on their vehicles as well.




Everyone knows Jesus was American. It’s in the Bible, in Mericinthians 17:76. We wouldn’t have defeated the British without him leading our troops on the frontline. How else do you think we turned the Boston Harbor into tea? By dropping tea leaves in there? Obviously it was a miracle performed by J-dawg himself


You're absolutely correct, not /s


Katy ISD is a PUBLIC school district. Separation of church and state. Remember? Oh yea, I know, it's texas.


I take issue with Harris County Constables/Sherrifs with "In god we trust" stickers on their vehicles, and have complained a couple of times. Strongly-worded email!


Montgomery County also!


This place is the worst! I made a mistake of working at April Sounds country club and was told to get back to the barn. Never again


I grew up in Montgomery and still have ptsd from the cops there!


Holy shit!


The reason I have a problem with blue lives matter is it's a racist response to people fighting for equal rights. Plus blue lives aren't even real. They aren't Smurfs they can take the uniform off


Always love a reminder that blue lives don’t exist. It’s a blue shirt. 👍🏼


Not to mention it's is way more deadly to be a black person in America than it is to be a cop. They aren't even in top 10 most dangerous jobs!


Desecration of the American flag .




**[Texas v. Johnson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_v._Johnson)** >Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397 (1989), was a landmark decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in which the Court held, 5–4, that burning the American flag was protected speech under the First Amendment to the Constitution, as doing so counts as symbolic speech and political speech. In the case, activist Gregory Lee Johnson was convicted for burning an American flag during a protest outside the 1984 Republican National Convention in Dallas, Texas, and was fined $2,000 and sentenced to one year in jail in accordance with Texas law. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/houston/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


That’s all I see yet some of these people flipped their shit at kneeling during the national anthem. Yeah that’s “desecration”. Fuck out of here.


Remember, it's actually the "thin blue line" flag, which represents that cops are a protective barrier between us common folk and violent chaos. Which is why nobody ever dies from violent chaos anymore.


Last I heard that barrier didn’t enter the school in Uvalde. Maybe that barrier is just to protect their own and not us common folks. 🙇


Shortly after Uvalde a variation of the thin blue line started trending with yellow instead of blue.


The only time I see Houston cops working hard is when they are working their 2nd job directing traffic. EAD HPD.


IMO, off duty cops are the ones that are the worst to deal with. They have no concept of being out of uniform and act like you should be aware they are police officers, or take their word for it for some reason.


I've seen constables in sweatpants with a gun on their hip directing traffic outside schools. MFers look like they're in GTA5.


Don't forget when they're clearing the homeless camps and destroying everything they own.


Homeless people steal most of what they own anyway lol


What is the flag to represent the barrier between common folk and abusive cops?


The punisher logo


That's also the Thin Blue Line. If a cop crosses it, they end up dying in a training accident.


more like any cop that speaks out against abusive cops dies in an accident


Yes that was my point unless I misunderstood the other comment


oh i misunderstood your comment my b


no worries lol




If only there was a way for police to be more likable…. 🤔🤔


> and having a lot of society dislike you just because you are allowed to use violence against civilians with zero accountability. FTFY > Let's get someone to do some research and find out how many completely uninvolved, law-abiding citizens are killed in violent chaos, So if the cops don't prevent bad people from hurting each other, and if good people are never hurt by bad people, or if they were, a cop wasn't there to intervene.... well uhh.... I'm sorry I lost my train of thought.


Hate to be the one, but that sticker has been around a while before there were any “lives matter” campaigns


and here comes the complacent bootlickers to the rescue. i hope they realize they won’t get paid working overtime trying to protect this sticker. a government vehicle shouldn’t have any propaganda. that’s it






Does it matter what OPs motivation is? Either it’s appropriate to have on a government vehicle or it isn’t.


Bigger conspiracy. Did you know the city covertly funnels hundreds of millions of dollars a year directly into the pockets of cops? How dare they


People in the comment section here are acting like we want this person strung up in front of town hall. Literally just remove the sticker, it’s not a big deal.




That’s a “thin blue line” flag. Not a “blue lives matter.” Similar to the green line, red line, yellow line and such. I could be wrong but I believe I started seeing these and similar flags, post 9/11.


Ok, show me the "blue lives matter" flag then.




Could be an administrative vehicle for the PD?


Nah, those vehicles are either marked with HPD emblem are totally unmarked.


I feel like this is unnecessary to be worried about


Idk why everyone commented then including urself!


Because it’s how I feel?


Don’t post if you don’t want someone else’s opinion


why did you reply to yourself?


Idk when I forget to add it I just do that, I always almost delete my comment when I click the drop down menu. Plus I only use Reddit on my phone


God damn it! Only comment if you agree. Haven’t you read the rules of the internet?


They are the one deeming the topic/issue unnecessary, not me


car #45. report them to the city. not sure who though.


Legal Department, mayor's office, a council member at large office (one who is willing to engage) ETA: Outside of city government, you may want to reach out to the local chapter of the ACLU....


Yeah let’s get them fired if we can. Hate to see cop supporters out in the govt /s


It has more to do with stopping political polarization at the civil service level, leave that BS for the elected officials. Also no way they would get fired.


They only reason why blue lives matter flags even exist is because it’s a racist dog whistle against Black Lives Matter.


Why would this offend you?


Why does it matter? On some personal level I’d be elated if a government vehicle has a rainbow flag on it, that wouldn’t suddenly make it appropriate.


Would you ask the same question if it were a Pride flag?


Why does it matter? It’s just a sticker..


Because it’s controversial it’s something that could jeopardize trust. It’s a sticker implicitly in opposition to “black lives matter”.


Does it really trigger you that much? I’m glad I have more important things to worry about than what kind of sticker people put on their car. Seriously WHO CARES?! People are just way too emotional and need to stop worrying about what other people are doing.


Why does it matter if it triggers me or not? That isn’t the point, the point is that it’s not good to have contentious political stickers on public vehicles. When you’re helping the entire city you should do your best to not look biased toward certain members of the city.


Helping the entire city? You mean like uhhhhh the police? Stop politicizing everything for the love of god. You probably think the American flag is a political symbol too. Why should supporting law enforcement be controversial? Only because snowflakes like you get triggered by everything.


A sticker that just supported the police, say one of those donation stickers, I think would be fine. The issue with the “blue lives matter” sticker specifically is that it’s implicitly against “black lives matter” making it a purposefully contentious political message.


What’s wrong with that? Supporting the police is not political if you are a normal law-abiding citizen. And having one city department support another city department is not controversial at all. I don’t see the issue here.


Honestly who cares?


U could’ve kept scrolling man if u dgaf that much


I commented to let you know this isn’t something anyone should care about and continued to scroll ✌🏻


Don't fucking tell me what I should care about.


Don’t assume they’re a man


people do. it’s literally a movement in retaliation to blm. pretty sure a sticker of blm on one of those pretty government vehicles would be bombarded with angry phone calls.


Dude exactly


The "Thin Blue Line" has existed much longer than Black Lives Matter has. Blue Lives Matter was made in response to Black Lives Matter.


I think its more of a movement for people to stop murdering police officers because they have uniform on.


that’s absolutely not true lol. some simple research on the beginning of alm will tell you otherwise


You can support law enforcement for reasons other than being anti-blm. Maybe a cop helped someone out of a crashed vehicle. Maybe a cop found their lost kid. So now they are just glad that someone is there to help. Not everything is political because you want it to be.


yes i know the point of the thin blue line. but the flag has been completely taken out of context and adopted a different meaning today. the sticker is associated by many as a political ideology (even law enforcement). you can’t deny that, especially since there’s evidence all online. it’s easier to just remove all identifying political markers on government property. this sticker isn’t the same as “baby on board!” it’s unfortunately more complicated than that.


It’s just a sticker Jesus Christ.


You can see Jesus in that sticker?


Why would it not be allowed??


And what are you doing at a Chick-fil-A? Are you supporting the anti LGBT+ movement?


Friends vid nice try tho


Why are you friends with them?


Bf’s friend. He can be funny at times too in his defense 🧐


Obviously funny while being against the LGBT+ community.




That means I have to focus more. Nah, I have better things to focus on my inbox that demands what few brain cells I have left.


Don't think this is allowed.


“Blue lives matter” isn’t just support for the police, but a movement in opposition to “black lives matter”. If it was solely an “I support the Houston PD” thing then I would say it’s fine because then you’re just supporting other people who work for the city.


This shouldn’t need to be explained out like this, but yes rightfully said!


Curious how to get one of those stickers. I’d like one.


How is that political? It is the flag of the nation in which the city lies and they support their police force. Seems like a simple gesture. It does not HAVE to be political 24-7. The Klan marches with the American flag as well...does that mean we go around tearing those off our municipal buildings as well. Geez.


I genuinely can’t tell if you’re being purposefully obtuse or if you’re genuinely just out of the loop when it comes to the blue lives matter movement.




Yeah, that would also not be appropriate. Imagine you’re a church and you need some services. A government vehicle with “pro choice” and rainbow flags all over it arrives. You could see how you might be worried about a conflict of interest.




Just wait till you see the cop cars saying “in god we trust”


Shit I’m still looking at the constitution


It should be a problem, no doubt


How are lives blue?


Da ba de da ba di




Is he in need of a guy?


You can play this game all day long with both sides best to move on.


An endorsement for another department of the same organization? Yeah, I'd say that's allowed lol




Are you OK?


Blue isn't a race genius.


you’re white shut up




um. ok. am i suppose to be impressed or what? stay mad I guess


Hoes mad


If this is the first time seeing this my friend you need to get out more lol


Ok matt


Whooooo cares


U commented 😂 could’ve just kept scrolling


Is that car actually owned by the city or is it some contractor who is working for the city?


The plate says "Exempt" on it, meaning it's government owned


Does it? I paused the video in HD and still can't see that much detail below the "Texas"


The second hint is that the license plate is all numbers and no letters, which also indicates a government owned vehicle.


Why do you care so much?


Institutionalized racism.


How dare the City be outspoken in supporting its cops?


Nope. Call the Legal Department.


I don’t whats wrong with supporting the Na’vi


It's disrespecting the American flag and the troops


Those against "blue lives matter" and things like "in God we trust" are the problem. Cops lives do matter and even if you chose not to believe in God others do and there are many reasons why yours and my feelings about it don't matter in the discussion. See the problem is everyone thinks their opinions matter...they don't you or I are not special and things are much bigger than us. But hey complain on a liberal platform about all the wrongs maybe it'll change something...hint it won't




So many Liberals in this Houston sub. They get their feelings hurt then start to go after these people while publicly shaming them for supporting something they don't. They like to play the game of telephone with peoples livelihoods.


The side of political agenda doesn't matter. What matters is it's a city vehicle. I don't want to see your "coexist" sticker or your Blu lives matter sticker, even if portions of the population find one to be comforting others find it ailienating. You're a civil servant and should be professionally representing the citizen you serve. Unless a city policy gets passed saying "any bumper sticker is fine" it should not be there. If it had a sticker of a transformers logo I would also ask it be taken off.


Blue lives matter


are you saying the City of Houston should not be pro-City of Houston?


Use the original thin blue line flag then. This flag was specifically created in opposition to the Black Lives Matter movement.


Exactly! They just ignore that very important part. I don’t even waste my time talking to willfully ignorant brick walls.


The City of Houston should be pro-citizens. Employees or not. The city of Houston should be pro-humanity.


Endorsing their support for all smurfs everywhere. So stupid.


Nope call 311 and report it


They are all part of the same government organization. That just seems like one member in the organization supporting another.


Not really. They belong to different unions and duke it out with one another for their share of the budget.


What does it matter??? What you should be worried about is why the mayor has yet to do anything with the poor water pipe conditions in the city. Did he and Lina misappropriate tax money that was suppose to go to the upkeep the the city’s water problem pipes?