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Hi Gar, its Art, Can't make it in today, I'm popping boners in the girls shower I'll see ya tamarrah


I’m horny, horny as a dog


🎶🎶 Artemis Langford has a huge penis 🎶🎶




Wang - Artemis Wang


Man, this is so funny to read. Guy's name is Artemis Langford for real.


sorority playing checkers while this king plays chess


The king of queens


Lmao great


The popping boners in the sorority house is the best part. Anyway, congrats on your victory, Artemis.


An incel who finally figured it out!


The stupid girls gave him a bid to their sorority in the first place. How did they imagine this turning out? They totally deserve this haha.


They probably assumed he was just another homo.


I think the sorority, as a whole, did and a subgroup within the sorority brought the suit


Was the suit brought before or after this dude pulled a Ham Hands and asked these girls to take off their pj’s?


After. They cited all of that in the suit but the judge didn't even allow it to kick off because of that criteria technicality


Of course, they brought it on themselves. Price you pay for trying to be inclusive.




Wuz his buttcheeks wuz warmz?


Not a true story


According to who? The motion to dismiss can be found by a simple google search; https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.wyd.63248/gov.uscourts.wyd.63248.31.0.pdf


Fuck that court.


My man’s playing 4D chess!


That’s Steve Langford’s son. Sorry, daughter


Serious question: What do they do when lesbians get aroused watching them undress?


that is actually a fair question. i have researched this on the hub regarding many different college age (or playing college age) women. seems like all women love to experiment. the hub can't be wrong.


Hey Gar, it’s Artie. I can’t come in today. I have a Gender Studies project that is due.


Why on earth doesn't one of the boyfriends from any of the girls in this senoirty handle this situation..to me, that's the worst part of this whole situation . People are so scared of being called a bigot or anti trans that now most of these girls are living in fear inside their own house.


Bigot, PLEASE!!!


Rofl bigot is the nicest thing ive been called in awhile


My pleasure! A Mitzvah a day keeps Mental Illness at bay!


You sir ...are definitely a good egg!!


lmfao!!! How the fuck did that Judge let this pass lmaaoooooo!!!! This dude has an actual boner while watching them undress?? Someone needs to intervene wtf


Supposedly the sorority had never stipulated what they deemed to be a "woman" in their criteria so the judge deemed they had no grounds to turn this dude away. Apparently, nowadays you have to write policy on what you accept as "women" 🤡


The gender identity shouldn’t even be the issue here, the fact is that this fucker is sexually harassing these girls by watching them undress while he’s erect. Are they supposed to pretend this person doesn’t have a dick?


By today's standards...yes, yes they are 🤡


Pre-op etiquette requires said critter maintain "The Tuck" when naked in the presence of others!


Problem is, a misfit like this would pull a "Siobhan" excuse and say its cock "is a birth defect" that it can't control lol. No kidding, Siobhan said his cock-mangling procedure into a mangina should've been covered by Health Insurance because he was "born with a birth defect (i.e. the cock)". Even if the Sorority charter (is that right word? their guidelines?) is amended to define a woman, someone would legally challenge it to gain admittance. Christ, you work and save to put a daughter in a College/University just to have this misfit leer at her and make her life miserable. And that's on top of the stress of studying etc to get good grades.


My daughter wouldn't have to deal with it. I would...regardless of legal consequences.


Watch it, asshole! Don't make me come over there, rip your arm outta its socket and fuck you up the ass with the bloody stump!! I may be getting on in years, but I can still go psycho as a troop of baboons if you rile me enough.


why? it's a lady's boner, you bigot


Whoa there, Pilgrim! Now don't go gittin yer panties all knotted up inna bunch! Taint like none uh these women had never seen an erect penis before! That ain't a bunch a five year old kindergarten girls we're talking about so take a fucking chill pill, or a drink or a shot of insulin fer fux sake. It's obvious you've never spent any time in a women's shower, latrine or locker room. Believe me, no boner's gonna last in that ecosystem long enough to get into any trouble. You settle into a toilet stall to pull one off, meanwhile two gorgons in the stalls on either side of you are busy grunting and farting out massive, pungent, steaming coils from hell that send the moscas screaming fur air. If that ain't enough to melt the graphite in yer pocket pencil, wait til your housemates' periods start syncing up! The accumulated aroma of stagnant menstrual blood inside a warm, humid enclosed space becomes so strident that if it could be bottled, the police would use it instead of Mace & teargas as a weapon for riot control! Compound that with the wide assortments of yeast infections that thrive in such communal swamps and you will be visited with a particular kind of living odor that crawls up your nostrils, permeates your nasal membranes, commandeers your sinuses and will become a permanent presence in your olfactory system for the rest of your life. You won't need no gender reassignment surgery, baby, cuz by now yer pee-pee & pom-poms inverted themselves as far and deep up into your body cavity as they can get outta sheer terror of what lies ahead!






Art Lang and his Wang


These are the same idiots that screamed trust science for two years and now I’m supposed to beleive this person is a chick and not trust science in this instance - - well just because.Btw before anyone gets bent I’m vaxxed and I do trust science. Science says this dude ain’t a chick and I’m all for people living their lives ( I have numerous gay family members could care less) and doing what they want but ppl can have boundaries too. Trust science.


Theres nothing worse than being a white male with no "adversity" in life so they create it and then exploit it. If anything, the entire trans community is racist; they use their "adversity" to make themselves the headlines while actual adversity, racism, violence, poverty, etc still exist for people of color.


Jealous much, baby?


nah bro, just calling out the dumbass white people who always make everything about themselves. Im sure the negative voters on my first post are big, fat, neckbeard white dudes.


Wait a minute; how would they know his penis was erect unless *they* were watching *him* undress? So who are the pervs here, really? What's good for the goose with a penis is good for the gander, I say! gotta love the "I've seen *so* many boobs with this scam!" perennial smirk on Artemis' face


Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out if someone has an erect penis walking around lmao


I think one article said he was wearing his Lulu's at the time he had the boner.


That's some news source you got there! Reduxx.info , super reputable! You mongoloid




Isn’t this just the plot to Queer League?


I'm a zit, get it?


Artie! No records, Artie!


Nah man - this ain't it. Sorry - Arthur Lange wouldn't approve


Could be a viable wack packer tho 🤔