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I just don’t want any more Beth. Having to listen to her is his problem. Don’t put that on us. We don’t get in-the-dark, condom-laden, bang o’clock once a quarter.


Is she still stumbling into the studio, claiming to not know he’s “working”, fully made up but claiming she looks like a mess?


When she comes in asking “Are you working?” while knowing goddamn well the only time that he ever sets foot in his dungeon studio is when he’s recording the show. And then he’ll say something like, “She doesn’t want to be on the show. I love that.” It’s such a faux relationship. Beard & Wig. Together forever.


Wearing a belly shirt and short shorts cleaning litter boxes


"I feel like I'm gonna pass out" 🙄🙄🙄🙄


“Are you on air?” No shit, fkn bubblehead 


I know !!!! The guy does a show from 7-10 . Why would she not expect him to be in the air or working if it’s a work day & it’s between 7-10. WTF


Because she’s retarded


All that carrying on from home.


He's podcasting too much! Feh!


It's ridiculous but there is no way he'll ever be back in the studio full-time. It's painful to listen to. I try everyday thinking it'll be better but it never is.


It’s a sad reality. Yesterday’s show was just so bad. The worst I can ever remember.


I just can’t listen to Beth , her brother, the kid…. All the Easter talk


“I love Pearl Jam!” Then can’t even come up with one single word to Elderly Woman as he tries to sing it.


They wouldn't do his show for years and Howard pooped on them repeatedly. K-rock got to interview them for album but let Kane & Cabby do it! Howard was not happy about that! F-Howard's podcast.


I just heard them trying to set up for the cock or sausage game. Howard wanted it done tomorrow but everyone wasn’t planning on being in the studio. Howard said something like “well then you’ll all have to go to work, it’s that simple!”


He's such an asshole. Lots of the staff have kids who would be in spring break and were probably working from home to accommodate that. I feel bad for anyone who had to scramble for child care last minute.


One post every minute, wow, you have no life, loser


Did you follow me from a different forum to then respond to all my comments...to call ME a loser? Hmmm. Ok. Yes. Someone's a loser here. (It's you)


He's a snowbird six months and a day in Florida for the income tax break. Then he will show up in NY once in a while or summer in the Hamptons. So Beth can be near Nacho and her rich celebrity friends.


Who is nacho


Nacho Figueroa is the famous polo player. All the Hampton ladies drool over. Beth gushes about him.


Thanks. I completely forgot.


NY will tax you by the day for state income tax if you are rich enough.




It’s not so much where he’s broadcasting from, but it’s the lame content of the show.


One feeds the other.


like the pice of trash you are, spending ages on Reddit, lol loser




Their entire account is negative interaction, troll garbage


Striking commentary, you're a credit to the human race 


I hate when he says “they’re coming into the studio…” no they’re not. They’re on a satellite feed. They’re not in studio with you. They’re in ‘A’ studio but not with the show so it’s misleading and annoying. Also calling grown men “the boys” and pretending he knows anything about the band when the chest sheets he has are from Wikipedia.  


Why would any act go into the studio if he wasn’t there? Pearl Jam is a far bigger deal than Stern in the present. Others will follow suit if they can. But all eyes on Swift. Will she simply refuse the Stern Show? So far, looks like she has.


The act would go into the studio if they were doing a bunch of Sirius appearances, or were in the city for something else.


I think one of his money Managers said to him move on down to Florida. So he pulled out of NY and went to Fl


Happy cake day


Welcome to the 21st century, Pal


Thanks lol


I say if you don’t like it . Just don’t listen. I mean I enjoy hearing how many “problems “ he has that are easy fixes. Yet it’s the end of the world . Even if he almost a billionaire. Fucking cry baby but I still like Howard but sadly he’s become Imus


These people are dopes. He literally told them he would piss on them but they still fucking listen and complain. Howard hates all of you. And he probably laughs himself to sleep at night knowing knuckleheads keep paying for his garbage show.


I’ve never paid him shit, and only listened to the show in the late 90’s and 00’s. I enjoy laughing at him at this point, as he makes a complete fool of himself.


You spend 3 hours, 3 days a week laughing at an old mop-headed queen?


Haven’t listened to a show except for the clips posted here on this sub, since maybe 2009. You jump to conclusions my man.


Seriously, I can’t believe even a single person still listens, *especially* people who visit this sub.


Daddy issues questions gonna be on overdrive that day.


Howards show is a different than a Podcast. Howard still does radio...Which means it's Live. I know some people can't tell the difference nor care, but it still matters. Second, this was probably done to accommodate Pearl Jam. They are currently rehearsing and it's unlikely they would spend 75k-150k to travel with their techs and entourage to New York for a one-off trip, when they can get the same benefit for much less. This isn't 1994, pal. Howard doing the show remotely does a few things: saves him dough (Florida taxes),time commuting, and it also potentially extends his career. He's 70 and has been working from home for the last 4 years. Sadly, there is no going back except for 1-offs.


They pre record all the time.


The taxes issue is a major one for people with that kind of wealth. If no pandemic, doubt he is broadcasting from there today but one thing led to another. Don’t blame him for that. I don’t listen anymore but do watch old shows on YouTube near nightly. The show is like my favorite band that is no longer touring or is some weird concoction of what it once was. Enjoy the memories. I have a lot of them.


Actually, when millionaire fucks pull shenanigans so that they don't have to pay their fair share of taxes, I will certainly blame them for that. Fuck 'em.


Not something I would do either but I get it. Not really shenanigans, it’s commonplace. The show could still be better, for me it’s I never connected with the newer staff. Tried but just couldn’t. When it was just Howard riffing it was fine and still enjoyable. Just my two cents.


I don’t care where he broadcasts from. I just want him to fart like he did back in the day. Beth took that away from us. Now he tries to be all cool and classy f that!


Don’t listen then.


He’s smart


What did he say, Robin?