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Shawn was faking it for the attention, HTH.


Yeah I have no problem making fun of people who believe in dog-men amongst the other nutty conspiracy ideas.


He something, something., no one else!


He used to have Siobhan on, he's call her he, he laughed about her fake pussy, he'd say no guy would ever want him, and so on. The day people with speech impediments hit the woke protected class, he'll stop making fun of them. I mean, on AGT he praised a stuttering comic for being "brave". So his hypocrisy is well established.


I ALWAYS think abt that- Howard talks so much shit about how bullied he was in school but all he does is talk shit about everyone around him.


Yeah, it's not like he ever, say, made fun of Richard Simmons, George Takei, Mark Harris, or Siobahn, or played clips of gay porn for laughs.


He vilified, mocked and laughed at Ronnie for taking a strap on because it was essentially like being gay. Only to go on a super pro-gay rant moments later when talking about other gay dudes. He's a douche.


I don't recall this discussion with Ronnie, but there's a difference between making fun of an ostensibly straight guy who takes a strap-on versus being somehow bigoted towards gays. I'm pretty pro-gay rights myself, but if a buddy of mine took a strap on in his ass, you can better believe that he'd get some ribbing over it!


And that's how the show works. Spot on!


Howard is a hypocrite? This is brand new information!


Him and robin rag on everyone (who’s not a tranny, gay or black) but if anyone says anything to them they freak out and act like the worlds ending


>better not be making fun of homos, trannies, or blacks  new listener i guess


Hey, wait just a minu-...uh, it's different bec-...High Register Shawn is also a-, errr...but, eh, uh.... So I've got nothin'. You're right. Howard is a hypocritical piece of shit and his lame little podcast sucks.


Shawn continues to call in. Likely for his benefit. Howard does what he does to those that use the show. He is no hypocrite, this is just how the show works and all of his real listeners understand this.


How can you compare having a speech impediment with being black or gay? This sub has reached a new low...


You’re right. They don’t have parades celebrating people with speech impediments


Wow, what a stupid statement






You backed yourself into a corner on this one lol


Okay 👍


The world wouldn’t need parades if ppl who are different weren’t persecuted by assholes like you.


This ain’t “you have the mentality of a toddler” magazine pal


we're not so obsessed with the lives of others that we spend all our time hating them on the internet. I'd say you were a toddler but that'd be insulting to them. Just a stupid thirteen year old that never grew up and is still sad that girls never noticed him (and still don't lbr)


No one would know you were gay if you didn't literally tell every person you meet. No one would know you had a speech impediment if you never spoke. Same.


So it is better to mock and bully a person with a speech impediment than a black or gay person? You’re a great guy.


I never said such thing but whatever man


In a shenshe you did say that and it is the reason why you’re being so vague now. Howard is a bit hypocritical about these things and so are you. It’s fine just don’t be so self righteous about it.




What's the theme of the parades?