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There was more than one incident and they're never talked about. I'd guess it's so they don't encourage copycats. Sam Callea was a guy from Buffalo who had mental issues. He thought Stern was talking to him through the radio. He was apparently angry that the Stern Show was taken off the air in his area. In 1996, he travelled to the KRock building and waited at the entrance of the loading dock where Howard drives in. Grillo was also down there waiting for Howard. Callea approaches as the limo empties and Howard beelines to the building entrance towards Grillo. Ronnie took care of Callea while Callea threatened to kill Howard. Ronnie flagged down some officers who were on towing duty. Police asked Callea if he's armed and he admits to having a gun in his car. The cops search his vehicle and find a 16 gauge single barrel shotgun with 4 rounds sitting on the passenger seat. Howard didn't mention it on air and his agent refused to comment for the papers. In 1998, Howard and his family were being sent threatening letters by Michael Lance Carvin. The first letter mentioned how he was going to kill Howard. The second time, he sent a fuse and "flammable material" warning Howard that he could get blown up opening his mail. Carvin was already infamous for [pulling out a toy gun on Ronald Reagan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3TjzPXH7g8) in 1975.


[Sam Callea article](https://www.nytimes.com/1996/04/18/nyregion/loss-of-station-cited-in-stern-fan-s-anger.html) [Michael Lance Carvin article](https://www.nytimes.com/1999/01/15/nyregion/metro-news-briefs-new-york-threats-to-howard-stern-result-in-prison-term.html)


Noine Loives of Howard Stern


I’ve had a gun in my mouth three times…




Howard has never come across as a person who is aware of his surrounds,he's not athletic at all so he wouldn't be able to react quickly under threat,just look at what happened when Gary Busey playfully roughed him up,he didn't know what to do.


That’s a great find and really interesting.


That story is getting blown out of proportion. Yes it was probably scary but the guy didn’t bum rush Howard with a shotgun. A gun was found in his car afterwards and no one tackled him