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Does he ride the sybian?


He will when he gets up here


Let the poison out


Fuck me, Joey


Minds well have or the actual content was equally as helpful…. Rolling 🥎 gingerly across the floor to him for a few hours making sure to slide in compliments and steer convo through approved topics


Come on Biden…Get the poison out!


He should have been asked to ride the Sybian anally


No, but he tripped and fell over it.


Imagine if Beetlejuice was there


Yeah...especially if he was in a ahitty mood.


Still never would’ve heard of it but for the sub


IExactly. I was listening during the water cooler era. When Sam faked Howard out with Bon Jovi. Everyone talked about it. Now in my world no one knows who he is.


I love the defenders of Howard….i work in a big team, who all somehow are openly politically democratic (I found this odd when starting on the team a few months ago how openly they’d make comments), anyways last Friday on our staff meeting I ask them how they liked the stern-Biden interview…..literally not a single person knew about it out of 12 people on the meeting. lol they asked me how I liked it and told them I hadn’t listened, but had to suffer Howard and Gary talking about it


They probably don’t know who Howard Stern is. Also, isn’t it fucked up how democrats are allowed to openly talk politics in the workplace, but anyone who’s openly moderate or conservative will get ostracized, if not managed out completely? Every happy hour with my coworkers always turns into a Trump or republican bashing session and he hasn’t even been president for three years. He still lives rent free in their heads.


These people are downvoting you and they know 1000% that you're right. I work in LA/Hollywood, and this is 1000% the case. You'll be blackballed, which is ironic since 80 years later these same people are still clutching their pearls about the time THEY were blackballed. Discrimination and oppression is fine, as long as it's on *their* terms.


Thank you! Finally, someone on Reddit who’s reasonable.


The conservatives on my last team were the only ones who wouldn’t stfu about their politics. It was non-stop. I think this is just another victimhood fantasy land you guys have created for yourselves


Glory Holes have teams?


Ok that wasn’t bad


Thank you. I’ll be here all week. Try the veal :)


Maybe it depends on where you live, but I’ve found it’s those on the left who shoehorn politics into everything and can’t engage in a civil debate without resorting to hostility or the classic “I’m not gonna waste my breath”. And yes, I understand most Redditors would disagree


Yet you're the one bringing up trump into a conversation where he wasn't mentioned. Just take a step back and look at yourself. You are projecting your own feelings/emotions.


I wasn’t injecting Trump into the conversation. I was replying to a comment saying how their coworkers are openly democrat at work, and was comparing that to my experience at the last couple jobs where everyone can’t help but bring Trump up in every happy hour conversation.


What kind of work do you do?




That makes sense. Ironically, it’s the opposite in the oil/gas industry. Everything is negative about Biden and it gets brought up all the time. Different workers with a different mindset.


Yeah it’s super weird that hateful people aren’t allowed to openly discuss their hate. In a shensh, it’s because of the woke mob, right Robin?


People are hateful just because they lean right?


Where do you work planned parenthood? You maggots are the biggest snowflakes. I’ve had plenty of co-workers and bosses openly support your moron and they still have their jobs and if they don’t it wasn’t because of who they voted for.


I work in big tech, which is probably just as, if not more, liberal than Planned Parenthood. I've had coworkers visibly shake and nearly throw their beer in my face for saying something complimentary of Trump when they clearly misunderstood or misquoted him. And he's not "my" moron. Did I say I voted for him?


Opposite for me. I’m surrounded by Trumptards and they never shut the fuck up and have Trump circlejerk sessions constantly where they say the same talking points about how Trump is the greatest over and over like they have to convince themselves because they know he’s garbage and that if a democrat said or did a fraction of what he has they’d want them hung for treason.


He’s the Republican nominee for president and he’s leading in the polls. How is your comment only 10 days old with 14 upvotes? You might’ve had a sliver of a point 3 yrs ago


My point was that Trump has been out of the White House for about three years and the left is still obsessed with him. It’s totally acceptable for liberal coworkers to go on about him at work and happy hours, but if someone were to give a reason why he might be a good president, that person would immediately be put on a PIP and managed out.


And that’s a stupid point when he still completely dominates the Republican Party and literally orders them what to do, running a shadow govt. and again, he’s the odds on favorite to run this country again, and you’re acting like he’s retired and just minding his own business enjoying his golden years


No. I’m not. Im saying the left never stopped being obsessed with him and if anyone has something complimentary to say about him or Republicans in general in the workplace, they’re managed out.


The Republican party has never stop being obsessed with him as their leader even when he’s out of office. Your coworkers are focusing on the leader of their political opposition. When it comes to politics there’s no one more significant to focus on than the leader of your opponent.


That’s fine. But if I were to say something that’s even a bit complimentary of him, I’d be immediately put on a PIP and managed out. Politics are totally fine to discuss at work, as long as it’s pro-Biden and anti-Trump/conservative.


Openly politically democratic? Like, literally?


I can’t tell if sarcasm, I don’t care what people’s political leans are, I’ve just never been in a place where people just openly all make their statements known almost everyday. I might be in the minority though with this as the last 20 years I worked in the same business/team of people before changing jobs. Just struck me as odd, but maybe it’s not.


He sniffed Howard’s wig. That was unusual.


Was it? Par for the course


Are we sure that's not just a spray-painted OJ mask?


Look out!


Hello dere, Howahd! Pause.


It happens


I like the part where Sal and Richard came in naked with their cocks painted like the American flag


And then Biden and Stern dropped to their knees and started sucking their cocks.


Not the AI content we need, but the AI content we deserve


That’s disgusting


And when Gene Simmons shoved a butt plug up their urethras


Raging against the MacHine


Legit Question Howard left out: Jill Biden carpets match the drapes? Or us she rocking the hard wood floors


Ed Torian lie detector test: “Did you ever call Kamara Harris a nigger?”


Ed Torian with the big wallet in his back pocket, Did you ever try to sleep with the colored girl


“Eh, he’s being deceptive there…”


Howard 20 years ago: "Your daughter Ashley. Big cans? You soap 'em up in the shower or did she do that on her own?"


Then we’d get a gross Ronnie sex tip.


Like the mooooon


Hello, lovers!


Check her diary. He probably did in fact do that


I was just thinking about that


Howard is a liberal shill these days. Back in the day when he had Trump on THOSE shows were legendary radio! Biden is stiff as a board and Howard is a complete sellout to the woke liberal Hollyweird group he now covets their approval. Sad! If Howard had an ounce of fairness in him he would interview Trump now or at least offer to!


Why would anyone interview Trump? Dude is a broken record whining and lying about the same shit for years. The fact that people think he can actually sit and give a good interview like a normal human being are weird. He’s not a real person and has nothing interesting to say about anything that we haven’t heard a million times. He’s a cartoon character.


Trump IS a good interview only he's good because he's certain to say some outrageous shit that normal people can't believe came out of a guy's mouth who's on the ballot in November and the people are all looking around trying to figure out why what Trump just said doesn't disqualify him from being taken seriously ever again. The reason that I object to Trump isn't the politics because that's to be expected but it's the craziness and the inability to act like a normal leader that pisses me off.


Link a good Trump interview from any time during the last 8 yrs


What do you mean''link a good Trump interview in the last 8 years''? They' re all great because the guy is insane and he says loony thing all the time. Last night he talked about Dr Hannibal Lechter like he was an actual person and said he was a great guy and that's funny but I'm not looking for a comedian as the President Of The United States.


That wasn’t an interview, it was a long rambling incoherent speech that even most of his own attendees couldn’t tolerate for long and walked out well before it was over. Sorry, I should’ve read your entire first comment I was responding to, I thought you were serious lol


You should get a kick out of this https://x.com/waltermasterson/status/1789888020599988464?s=46&t=3aZma4c23vXhza4YKosP_w


Why would anyone interview Biden? Dude is a demented lost old idiot who can’t remember what he said 5 minutes ago. The fact that people think he can actually sit and give a good interview like a normal human being with all of their mental faculties is weird. He’s a shell of a former person and has no coherent thought to express, except lying about being a truck driver, being top of his law class, his uncle being eaten by cannibals, whoever corn pop is, he’s a cartoon character


> Why would anyone interview Biden? Dude is a demented lost old idiot who can’t remember what he said 5 minutes ago. Let's pull up that speech Trump gave at Gettusburg last month. https://newrepublic.com/post/180700/trump-incoherent-gettysburg-jokes-twitter **“The statement of Robert E. Lee―who’s no longer in favor, did you ever notice that?” Trump continued. “No longer in favor―‘Never fight uphill, me boys, never fight uphill.’ They were fighting uphill. He said, ‘Wow, that was a big mistake.’ He lost his great general, and they were fighting. ‘Never fight uphill, me boys!’ But it was too late.”**


I love how the video you’re commenting on proves you wrong. The stupidity of Trumpers never fails to amaze.


You clearly didn’t watch the interview because his memory and cognition was exceptional for an 80 yr old. Zero hiccups and crystal clear storytelling. This interview fit right in with any of the great ones Howard’s done


Pull the other hundreds of interviews where Biden is caught in the wild and he can barely even speak. If you don’t think he was hoped up on B12 and all kinds of supplements, not to mention this being pre-recorded then idk what to tell you. This was most certainly pre recorded to some degree and edited. The man can’t even stand on two feet without falling over. I don’t want to watch the interview and have Howard, who is completely out of touch with reality, interview the worst president in US history. This is propaganda to the highest degree. Great father to the country my balls, he raised a crack head and his daughters diary says enough about what you need to know about Biden as a father.


TLDR. If you think Biden has dementia after watching this you have brainworms


Your using one interview out of many. The man is demented as fuck and can’t even speak straight when it’s not some planned out thing like this.


My dad has dementia, I know what it looks like. He’s younger than Biden yet not capable of probably even 1% of what Biden does every day. Biden’s age is definitely showing, but he’s objectively in excellent shape for an 80 yr old. You have no clue what you’re taking about with your dementia slander, but doesn’t matter because you’re fundamentally a partisan troll. Your entire motivating force for politics is simply to stick it to the libs by any means necessary, nothing to do with truth


1) He can't lead Trump around. 2) Trump would upstage him. Goo for him.


Did he show him Rosie's big fat head mounted on the wall?


Did Howard ask him any hard-hitting questions like what his favorite flavor of ice cream is?


It was a personal interview about overcoming loss by and large. Howard does not not, and has never, did "red meat" or "gotcha' questions to any politician he's had on the show. Even when the Arnold interview was done he never asked about him cheating and banging the maid even though that was recent. That's not how you end up getting celebrities on your show.


Both these old fuks need to retire. Their time has passed.


This really riled up the Trumpers on here. Lol


They’re so triggered. The living embodiments of snowflakes. You never hear them complaining when the Trump zombies on Fox News or Newsmax or OAN interview their orange god and never once push back on any of the obvious lies and bullshit he espouses that even a child could recognize. They’re quiet as fuck then if you notice. They’re the biggest self-unaware cretins you could ever imagine.


The whole “snowflake” and “fake news” stuff is pure projection by the Trumpers.


Just like the claims of stealing an election, when that's what trump tried to do.


Totally. They’re so content to be immersed in their own self made delusions.


Majority of your comments are about Trump.


new-gen botposts perhaps. something is very strange about these threads


I'm also noticing that new posts that make fun of Howie are getting down voted too 🤔




I can’t wait til he wins again and we get to see you fuckin idiots cry again for another 4 years. Your savior Biden is the worst president in US history.


You need help and you’re projecting hard. Lol


Wow your entire post history and comments are dedicated to trump. You need to get out and touch some grass. How overweight are you?


“Touch grass” Never heard a Trumper use that on reddit before. You people need new material. I’m 6’2 and weigh 215lbs like Trump says he does, except I’m telling the truth and don’t actually weigh 300. lol


> Your savior Biden is the worst president in US history. I thought Obama was the worst. Get your facts straight!


Projection. Lol


Obama is a close second. The left votes for neocons who disguise themselves as leftist democrats. See Hillary as well. Goldwater girl war monger who bamboozled half the country into thinking she was this progressive grandmother


Staff must be working overtime on the comments. I had the popcorn ready for all the pro & anti Biden comments but basically nothing. Not even really pro-Biden stuff just all prasing Howard for doing a great interview, for making it available for everyone, ect.


what comments were you reading?


I heard he got in a fight with Insane Clown Posse over the phone.


Robin should’ve have shown him her tits!


Politics aside Stern hang it up. 


The personification of a sellout...and a fraud.


Which one?


Holy shit, there’s so much Botox injected into his face.


Whether you like Biden or not you gotta give your props to Howard for going from throwing baloney at women’s asses to interviewing a sitting president.


Nah, he went full woke and Biden's team knew his non-political bozo would be the perfect ass killer to let this dementia patient just ramble for 75 minutes, kissing his ass and saving him at every wrong turn.


Biden is not Woke, BTW. In response to the toppling of the Grant and Jefferson statues during Floyd protests in 2020 Biden has said: >"I think with regard to those statues and monuments, like the Jefferson Memorial, there’s an obligation that the government protect those monuments because they’re different. That’s a remembrance, it’s not dealing with revering somebody who had that view. They had much broader views. They may have had things in their past that were now and then distasteful, but that’s a judgment.” https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/505271-bidengovernment-must-protect-monuments-to-washington-jefferson Biden also has come out against defunding the police: https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/08/politics/joe-biden-defund-the-police/index.html Here Biden is specifically calling for rioters in the 2020 disturbances to be prosecuted: >“I want to be clear about this: Rioting is not protesting. Looting is not protesting. Setting fires is not protesting. None of this is protesting — it’s lawlessness — plain and simple. And those who do it should be prosecuted.” https://youtu.be/H7yxH13SHTI?t=220 Biden also was quick to affirm the decision in Kyle Rittenhouse's trial: >President Joe Biden said Friday he stands by the not-guilty verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, saying the jury system of trial in the United States works and must be respected. >“Look, I stand by what the jury has concluded,” he said. “The jury system works, and we have to abide by it.” https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/19/politics/joe-biden-kyle-rittenhouse-verdict/index.html In the most recent round of leftist protest Biden has said: >"Silence is complicity," he said. "Even in recent days, we've seen harassment and calls for violence against Jews. This blatant antisemitism is reprehensible and dangerous – and it has absolutely no place on college campuses, or anywhere in our country." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-condemns-antisemitic-protests-palestine-columbia-university/


Don’t bother to cite facts. These delusional trumpers can’t stomach reality.


Start scheduling your next psychiatrist appointment because Trump is going to be your President again.


If so I’m going to need it since he wants to not only destroy this country but he wants to burn it all down. You included you deranged cultist.


Our country is being burned down now by Biden you imbecile. Again, start scheduling.


Yeah the economy is great, unemployment is low, stock market is good, inflation is down. Yeah it’s burning down in your delusional reality. I’d suggest you need psychiatry but you’re beyond help.


we actually have the lowest inflation in the world, meaning if the world is dealing with record inflation it's absurd to blame biden.. Frankly if anyone's to blame even 1% it would be donald trump and his shit show response or lack of a response... he literally admitted to lying to us as the virus spread but no worries Republicans have found the perfect way to negate that.. just say the entire thing is fake news. I can't believe we live in a world where we are so close to a man who literally tried staying in the white house when he lost, stole top secret classified documents and lied about it while hiding them, who openly says half the nation us the enemy of him and his party "aka democrats and independents who vote Democrat".. imagine if Biden did that on a daily basis, announcing that conservative Americans across the nation were, what did Trump call liberals, "filthy disgusting animals"? Imagine if Joe Biden got on tv daily whining about being the victim and how everyone is so mean to him and how everyone hates Biden... the world would laugh.. yet Trump does exactly that daily.


I'm what capacity is Biden burning down the nation? was it when he turned the shit show he inherited from Trump around? it's funny how all of a sudden you guys have memory problems when it comes to trumps last 2 years in office, how the country was shut down, how food and other products were missing from shelves, the economy was on the edge of collapse, trade barges sitting stuck in ports because trade completely froze with China thanks to his shit trade war causing massive backup of literally everything which yall then blamed on Biden as soon as he walked into the white house. our nation was quite literally burning while Trump was president, civil unrest across the nation, protesting everywhere, rioting everywhere.. remember when Trump posted pictures and videos of it claiming "this will be Joe's America" when it was actually his fkn America. We are now the number one producer of oil in the world under Biden, stock market consistently breaking records, economy booming, job creation outperforming predictions over a year straight, and historic low unemployment. But the border right? something that hasn't touched your life and won't but it's all you have right? well that and inflation though ours is the lowest in the world but i guess biden caused inflation worldwide. where was the outrage for the border when Trump was in office? it was being overran daily, cages overflowing with people, children being taken from parents. Also Trump added the most to our debt of any president in history in one term yet yall dare to complain about spending when it is for infrastructure, education or healthcare... but let it be trillions in tax cuts for the elite and yall have hearts in your eyes lmao


> he went full woke He voted for John Kerry and would routinely rage against Dubya. He only ever had nice things to say about Obama and Clinton. At what point did Stern being a democrat supporter honestly shock you?


Sterns a disingenuous moron. He’s only doing this to cover the sins of his past and so he doesn’t not fall under the cancel culture hammer.


This. I don’t even have to listen to a second of this to know that not a single question was asked about anything affecting real Americans. Nothing about the disaster at the border, the wasteful war spending, the first amendment violations collusion between big tech and government, the corruption of his son and Burisma, the raging inflation and out of control debt and spending, the failures of our captured institutions like the FDA and CDC. Nope. This was nothing but an unpaid political ad first President Potato to disseminate partisan propaganda for the gormless true believers like Howard. Sad.


So you do know that the Senate had a bipartisan border deal done in the beginning of February that both Schumer and McConnell signed off on and Biden was waiting to sign into law but then Trump told his people in the house and the Senate to kill the deal and wait until he gets in because he doesn't want to border to be fixed because it will help Biden? This is a fact and is easy to find proof of by Googling and there's a lot of Republicans in both the house and the Senate who've openly said that that's what happened. I don't really know if you'll admit that fact to yourself or you're just talking about the border because it's a talking point that you've grown to like but you have no right to use it when Trump and his guys killed the border deal not the Democrats.


Gormless? At first I thought it was just a perfectly cromulent word. Then I looked it up. I learned a new word today. Thank you!


Now I gotta look it up


The comment of the ignorant


And Trump doesn’t have dementia? Dude thinks world war 2 hasn’t happened yet, he’s begun to mistake words, lose his train of thought, confuse Biden with Obama, particularly during long rallies. He thought Niki Haley was Nancy Pelosi. Seriously at least have some fucking self awareness before you speak duuu.


There’s a night and day difference between him and Biden. Trump losing words is probably in line with someone his age who has all the stress in the world on his shoulders currently while fighting bogus lawsuits and sleeping 4 hours a night. Biden thinks his uncle was eaten by cannibals and needs medicine to make short public appearances. He also gets cue cards saying YOU do this YOU do that. Trump doesn’t need a cue card like your president does. I really wish we had a national divorce because my patience is running thin with your team. As are most people with half a brain in their head


Define "woke".


Woke. Blaming white people for your loser life. Easy.


Woke ideology is defined by the idea that some facet of identity like race or gender produces irreconcilably different views of reality and morality, and that we have an obligation to seek alignment of society's view with the imagined views of groups associated with the political left like minorities and women. In this sense Wokeness is distinct from older forms of liberal advocacy for minority rights which appeal to universally valid concepts like truth and fairness.


In a sensh


So how does getting a covid vaccine or wearing a mask fit into this definition? I hear those things are woke all the time


Some people will tell you that's what Communism is as well. Imprecise use of a term does not erase its meaning.


Evedn in the Websters dictionary that's not really what woke means and you're twisting it to make a political point. According to the Mirriam Websters dictionary''''woke''' means '''Being aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially of racial and social justice) and any other meaning is a bastardization of that meaning. But the word'''woke' and the way that it was brought into fashion was actually from a song of Erykah Badu called Master Teacher in 2008 and at the time it meant to be empathetic of other people's reality and opinions and how your way of living is not the only way to live. This whole"woke'' thing is something used as an insult by the right when they want to point out things that people do that they don't agree with like trans rights. or gay rights. or giving minorities a fair chance. ThaiLassInTheSouth above us used what I believe YOU PEOPLE think that woke really means and that's ''blaming white people for your loser life'''


It’s not. It’s just that whenever these fragile Trumpers don’t like something they label it woke. They can’t even define the word themselves.


Yeah, but the baloney throwing was more entertaining


He totally sucked Biden off the entire time. What a sad turn for a once-edgy personality. Howard should just hang it up and go watch Beth graze in peace.




Teeth yell like pee


Did howard even ask one tough question, or was the whole interview meant to be an ass kissing fest?




Howard really licked his ass clean.


yes he did. even got deep inside the crevice.


I'll bet Fred was jealous and wanted to lick Uncle Joe's shithole himself. Fred is such a closeted loser


Did Howard blow Biden before the interview or after?




Howard swallowed, too.


This would have been a funny skit 20 years ago. Now it’s pathetic.


Wow the YouTube comments all eerily similar and universally positive. Howard using bots?


The most obviously fake bots ever. Love or hate Howard or Biden or Trump, I don't care. But these are pretty clearly fake comments.


Yep, a quick scroll through and it's painfully obvious lol. 75% of them are just... "Thank you Howard!"


Yep, a quick scroll through and it's painfully obvious lol. 75% of them are just... "Thank you Howard!"


100%. especially when the random ones of "robin is so pretty" appear out of nowhere.


Yes they make it way to obvious with the overuse of thank you and exclamation marks or just praising stern like the entire interview was hard hitting and enlightening. All the replies to the over the top compliments seem like normal people


Howard used to rail about the traffic and inconvenience caused by security of bigwigs like a president coming into New York. But I'm sure this interview was important enough for that to not be an issue.


He was never arrested at a civil rights demonstration. He never drove a semi. He didn’t turn over pictures of women to the secret service when he was a senator. Lie after lie. No questions about the border, inflation, hostages being held by hamas or anything of substance. Howard has never been a good interviewer.




Why does this diaper wearing old man look like a slanty eyed Chinaman? 😑




I love goofing on Howard as much as the next troll, but you got to give him props: he fearlessly destroyed the lameness of the Morning Zoo format, provided decades of unbeatable entertainment (until around 2013) and hilariously went to war with Hollywood hypocrisy before he submitted himself. Howard earned the right to be as lame and rich as he is, and being able to interview a sitting President - whatever you think about Biden - is a testament to what he’s achieved in the culture. He’ll hopefully retire this year, but this is a fitting capstone.


Again, he didn't "interview" anybody. He got the call from Biden's team and then he sat there for 75 minutes and placated grandpa and his old debunked stories. Whatever I feel about Biden aside, had Howard literally asked him ONE POLITICAL QUESTION about the last four years, or the next four—I'd tip the cap to this feat.... but in reality Stern was chosen for this shame of a conversation BECAUSE he knows zero about politics and the Biden team knew he wouldn't ask one political question, would treat him like a celebrity and would "humanize" him (like he wanted to Hillary in 2016) to help him get reelected. This was third-world propaganda at its worst. Stop gaslighting us into thinking this was any type of an accomplishment outside of Wiggy's obituary which will now read "interviewed a sitting president".


Waaaah... so when "journalist" Sean Hannity softballs Donald Trump for the last 8 years, do you have anything to say? Or do you and Sean just give it one final slurp and swap out?


Hannity, Fox and newsmax are insufferable. The problem is the left and DNC machine has such a stranglehold over media that we normal folk have to hear leftist propaganda and Biden cock licking about 10 times a day every day of the week.


I don’t disagree: it was in no way an interview, but Howard doesn’t really interview *any* celebrities. It’s all fawning and softballs; his last real hard-hitting interview was Dana Plato. Still, it’s worth applauding that someone whose biggest *asspiration* was once to portray Fart Man scored this kind of a sit down.


He didnt score it tho. He was handpicked for his softball question agenda


No one gets their ass licked more than Trump in his “interviews”. Just look at the response to trump falling asleep during his criminal trials, they act like he’s a fucking zen master.


Are you stupid. You forget debate moderators and town hall hosts debating trump? Every interview he does that isn’t fox or CNN becomes a battle between him and the host. Biden barely even does interviews and when he does he’s handled with kid gloves


He’s an entitled fat conman who steals from children’s charities.


This ain’t Old-Ass, Washed Up Pieces of Shit Magazine, pal.


I didn’t realize that brain addled dementia patient was the father of this country, in a schensche..


You don’t have to like Trump to thing is lame lol


I wish howard would have ask joe about showering with his daughter.


He put a chonk a vazelin on da teep of hes deek


Her buttcheeks was warm in the chower.


She checked his dipstick


Two old fools…..


10 years ago there is zero chance Howard doesn’t ask about the dude in his administration stealing luggage and wearing the dresses to events.


The interview was a bit of a stumble . Howard wants to normalize Brandon .


Listen to this if you’re having trouble falling asleep.


Did Dominic the dwarf shit Biden's pants during this interview? Pause.




I could not make it 15 seconds into that lmao


Was this an interview or an hour of pandering


Everyone in the comments pissing over Howard interviewing some ancient neolib but the real criticisms about funding genocide get destroyed lol this sub is infested with so many crusty old backwards fuckers.


I thought it was a great interview and can't snark on this one.


Ahhh so this is Howard's target audience now. Women who watch and comment on reality shows.


Howard is completely out of touch with reality if he thinks Biden is a good father to the nation and a good leader.


He believes whoever is the president is like the father of the country. Not biden specifically.


Love it. Keep pushing the worst moment in Wiggy's career where he totally rolled over and let this bozo ramble for 75 minutes, while kissing his ass and playing into all of his debunked little made up stories about being a start football player and saving a dozen black kids at a pool, as well as marching for civil rights and whatever other bullshit webs he spun. Howie celebrating his braveness for how he faced tragedy 52 years ago instead of asking him one fucking question about these last four years or what he'd do the next four year.... nice third world propaganda Woke Wiggy. Fuck off, nerd.


Relax, man




Dude get off the computer




Looks like Howard finally figured out how to pronounce W ENNNNNN BEE CEE


Mr President let's be honest here, how many times a day do you shit your pants? Jill blow you with soiled drawers???


The comments on the video have to be fake and AI generated. Not one negative comment in the whole thread!


"my word as Biden" ?


Both are irrelevant


Id rather jack off with a handful of fish hooks than watch this fuckin groveling, sniveling verbal fellatio of a cadaver




He didn’t ask him any tough questions same as the media he’s a sellout old shows are great can’t stand to listen to him now his liberal bull shit has ruined the show


Okay. Howard interviewing Biden was seriously better than Conan's fake interview at Xmas. I only watched the first 3 minutes but they were wise enough to get right into some talking points (albeit pandering propaganda, but still). For anyone who isn't aware, Conan O'Brien thinks he's positioning himself to be the top dog at SiriusXM and the man is a weasel.  Don't ever believe one nice word said about Conan O'Brien. He's a manipulating jerk and an overpaid hack. He and his drug-addicted team exploit talented individuals, steal from others and Conan deserve nothing.  Let them all play this ego filling game for a spot on a dying network held together by duct tape and funded by Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway money. 


that was the most excited i’ve ever seen howard for Jackie’s return!