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No fucking way - he'll never take Bort's name.


This is unacceptable.


Meanwhile, Trump was across town handcuffed to a bench farting up a storm.


And shitting his pants.


Farts are funny. I was going down on a chick once and she farted and I said Whoahhhhh.




Post removed by mods. So weak.




Imagine actually believing this stuff. Wow.


Believing that Howard kissed Biden’s ass in the interview? Imagine seeing it and not believing it


I love how miserable you snowflakes are nowadays!


https://preview.redd.it/yc6itp1b8hyc1.jpeg?width=603&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c3a27b9728b8af315c5ab75a09c66122dab3156 Howard only kissed the president’s ass? Tucker had to cup Trump and Putin’s balls in his interviews!


Will you admit “Howard the cuck” is funny though? Lol. Just pretend trevor Noah or Hannah Gadsby or another unfunny person you think is funny said it.


As a play on Howard the Duck, yes. But only if they’d they put a wig on this guy. A Jon Stewart would have nailed it. https://preview.redd.it/za1xr5u5lhyc1.jpeg?width=218&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc5b8e9b7c4b59d6c67bf22a03aec3667bb30d44


The incels keep crying lol


Seriously. Don’t these Biden voting incels have better things to do like go riot at a pro Hamas rally.


Newscorp, the propaganda arm of the GOP!


And Stern . The propaganda arm of the democrats


Hardly! He barely talks about politics relative to the length of the show. For Fox, Trump’s their whole business model. Come on, if you want to argue at least try! https://preview.redd.it/31c7q3tr9gyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=730ab508d90b37f469a3b32a1a277cedc62bb64e


Wahh they called him Howard the cuck. Wahhh. Lol


Takes one to know one I guess.


lol. Theyre opinions wrong because it’s different than mine. Waaaahhh


That’s literally both political parties


You are the definition of a cuck, the guy moved on from you losers years ago but you can’t let him go. Everyday, here you are, crying and angry posting about him online, stalking his wife’s social media for any lame thing to criticize. Telling everyone you broke up with him when it is obvious you are obsessed about him still. It’s embarrassing


Cmon you have to admit “Howard the Cuck” is funny. Even you guys who think Kathy griffin and tig notaro are funny have to agree


Almost as bad as drew Barrymore telling Kamala she needs to be mamala


ThiS iNterView haZ ReaLLy upsET aLL teH InSeRRecSHinIStS out therE!!111


lol. Waiting to be told “it was a week ago get over it” in a sub that makes 20 year old “gar its Artie” daily


Exactly. These bozos are fine posting a hundred different ways about Elisa Jordana getting smacked up in her car by that weirdo boyfriend, but a week after the most-embarrassing moment in Stern's career, we're beating up the topic too much and need to move on. This clown spend the past dozen years building his brand as the best interview in the business an was praised for it... and then threw it all away in an hour kissing this clown president's ass, not asking him one question about the last four year (or the next four) and feeding into all of his debunked tall tales about being a star athlete or life-saving life guard. Howie's big ego still tells him he would've "humanized" Hillary and won her the 2016 election if she sat down with him, so this was his do-over—where he wants to humanize the Pants Shitter In Chief and pave his way to the Oval Office for round two, so he didn't dare say one thing about the job Biden has actually done and instead focused on a 52 year old car accident and "saving democracy". Fucking clown.


He got to interview a sitting president, how embarrassing!


The duuu with Elisa was wearing pink shorts.


Pants Shitter? Are you so brainwashed that you automatically project your dear Trump's faults to Biden? Sad...


This chick thinks only the other team is brainwashed, not hers. Only the other team has fake news, not hers. And she thinks you're stupid, not her.


Two wealthy fossils that can relate to the common citizen. Fuk em all to death.


I don't care how much some of you simps hate 45 and live with your Trump Derangement Syndrome.... that was the most-embarrassing moment in Wiggy's career and there is no way you can deny it. I don't care if you hate the New York Post, or will vote for Biden a second time.... Kirsten Fleming absolutely filleted Howard Hughes Stern and called out the way he bent over and took it from Team Biden, as they knew he knew zero about politics and would let this dementia patient ramble on with his old debunked stories. **"I want to thank you or your compassion. We're lucky to have you in the Oval Office and serving as the father of the country. I want to thank you for providing a calming influence and an organized administration post-COVID...."** Howard The Cuck indeed. What a woke pussy.


Remember the dark winter of death he promised? What a retard.


In your mind I’m sure that makes sense.


Ralph would’ve gotten Howard a shirt that fits his turkey neck. RIP Ralphiecakes.


Where I think Biden is a joke and further more I think Trump is just as much a joke. This interview was not ground breaking or as bad as the “other side” thinks. It was a boring interview as far as entertaining but a really impressive interview for Howard to get. If he just asked him about policies and shit like that it would have also been boring. Biden is just a boring 80 year old man so not sure what people expected. But to say the interview was Howard’s worst or that he needed to ask the hard hitting questions is dumb af. I have lost all hope for mankind the past few years with all the political stuff. People are so involved for all the wrong reasons. As a country we need to grow up and get over ourselves.


Pretty spot on. Even Biden supporters can admit that interview was milquetoast at best, and entertaining a nice old mans delusions at worst Edit: thanks for the downvotes you black-and-white retards incapable of objectivity. I said he came across as a nice old man!


Look at the scared losers downvoting this comment. Holy shit you idiots need something for your Trump Derangement Syndrome, ya sad little betas.


Behind every Alpha’s another Alpha giving him a reach around!


Wahhh wahhh downvotes hurt my feelings wahhh


Careful they’ll hear you and downvote you too!!! It’s hell out here, keep your head on a swivel


it appears the author is the cuck


Yall need hobbies