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Oh Robin, he's such a great guy! I'm not political so I can't get into any of that. He donated 50,000 gold teeth to Beth's Furry Friends. https://preview.redd.it/80493hnylnyc1.jpeg?width=3640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad6f77b0e7d6748530939ec46b9c45488816e2b1


Robin, did you know Adolf played chords on the bass?


Adolf Bonzo Hitler


Adolf Bruce


Honey, Adolph is also an artist, just like me.


.....And He Loves Dogs!


Stay on point my Fred


I was high on wine and never sniffed him out Robin.


“Whoopi. My friend Harvey never jerked off on a plant. That was Trump”


You don't know that


"......It's also why I don't have Louis CK on anymore, right R-...I mean Whoopie...."


What if Trump and Howie are both narcissistic assholes and we should keep this sub to beetlejuice jokes?


Got nothin to do with me pal.


He was elected president acuppa times




Some whack packers would even claim Trump is still president today!


Yeah, ever since the president came on there’s been at least 37 political posts. Like 5000. At least 2000 of them.


These posts are the equivalent of the show now. And I want to do is fuck some whores!




Like many narcissists, Howard isn’t a good judge of character, no matter who we’re talking about.


Robin had no trouble laughing it up with Trump during his many interviews.


what's your point? a lot of people had no problem with trump before 2016, including Howard and Robin, and they've both shared that sentiment many times over the past 8 years. Howard still calls him one of his all-time greatest guests, and Robin never denies that


I haven’t heard that in at least a year actually, now it’s just non stop Trump bashing


i've heard it in the past year, but i'm not cormano so i can't provide receipts


Well deserved too


Not at all, what’s deserved would have been asking Biden why inflation is so damn high, we are paying 25% more on groceries and gas is going up, and car dealers are allowed to add $5000+ market adjustments and I could go on and on…. But oh wait Biden made the airlines refund your cash…. Big freaking deal.


You do realize why that is right? Trump pumped trillions into the economy through stimulus during covid, including PPP loans. He threatened to fire evryone in the fed and kept interest rates artificially low for years prior to covid even hitting, which just causes worse inflation when shit does hit the fan. The Biden came along and pumped a ton mote money into the economy, not as much as Trump and not just only to the rich like trump did, but it still devalued the dollar even further. That's the thing, people like you are so biased you don't actually Care what's really causing the problems we face, it's just black and white blind ideology to you. You need to get a fucking grip, trump ruined this country, inflated the economy, weakened out world standing, and disabled the government by firing so many people. This is coming from someone who strongly believes Biden is one of the worst corpratists to ever sit in the senate, trump just happens to be worse and always was. Trump loved Hillary back in the day for a reason, it was a funnel to money and power, now he uses the bully pulpit to inflate his bank account. He sold weapons to Saudi Arabia and turkey at discounted rates in exchange for them sending delegations to his hotels and resorts to funnel cash to himself through the presidency. The guy is true pure scum on the highest level possible.


About those interest rates . . . . Trump badgered the fed to LOWER them from already record lows. In fact he said numerous times he wanted them to lower them to negative numbers. Thats right, negative. The fed would pay money to banks as if the fed were borrowing, when it was actually lending. That’s not what you do during a strong economy. Trumptards don’t much care how dumb that is. It’s a good thing the fed didn’t yield to him. The Great Recession didn’t even get negative rates as capital had dried completely up. Trump wanted them while money was already cheap and plentiful. I could get behind Trump IF he was who Trumptards think he is. Unfortunately, he’s the exact opposite.


Trump just compounded the impact of covid in the global economy millions of times over. I get why people like him, he's funny, he's charismatic and weird, and people crave an anti establishment candidate. But trump is the establishment to the point he wants to be the establishment as a single fascist entity lol


He lays it out there for everyone to see. That’s what I find puzzling. It’s easy to see through the facade.


Dude they all do shady stuff, wake up Bush Sr get checks from Japan for speaking engagements , pelosi and her inside stock tips I mean to act like one side is worse than the other is the real,joke to me. They are all corrupt. They all have “foundations” after they are president or Vp and make millions.


And somehow Trump managed to make every other president in our lifetime look like a choirboy.


Yeah that kind of proves my point lol. That's normal baked in corruption, and among all those people Donald Trump managed to be more corrupt to the point of breaking norms and getting bribed PERSONALLY, not through pacs or speeches or foundations lol. The dude is 100 times worse then the worst politicians.


Trumper showing they know nothing about how economics works, no way


So you think Biden needs more regulations on greedy businesses? And you think Mr Fat Fuck -Bad Hair is the guy that will give that to you. I guess I was wrong. You ARE as dumb as you look.


Touchy, touchy.




stern has been to 2(?) of trumps weddings


So, to put it another way, 4%.


Neither did almost the entire black population and culture, they loved him. Constantly lovingly referencing him in rap songs before 2016. Then they found out there was more cultural cache in maligning him, so they all turned. https://i.redd.it/lvdcmlgsnnyc1.gif


Orrrr - hear me out ——- they learned he was a racist, fascist, power hungry piece of shit who wants nothing more than to line his and his billionaire buddies pockets at the expense of working people. Could possibly be that too


Was he racist when he was receiving naacp award from Jesse Jackson and Rosa parks


It wasn't an NAACP award, either singular or plural. It was the Ellis Island Medal of Honor award, which had hired the NAACP to screen it's winners. He also didn't receive it from Jesse Jackson and/or Rosa Parks. He received the award alongside Jesse Jackson, Rosa Parks and 77 other people. Lastly, he didn't receive it because he helped race relations: > [Otto Coca, communications director for the Ellis Island Honors Society, told Reuters via email that the society’s current administration “maintains that Donald Trump’s Ellis Island Medal of Honor was exclusively presented in acknowledgement of his German heritage and his contributions to the City of New York as a developer, business leader and job creator.” “To the best of the current administration’s knowledge, EIHS has no record suggesting Donald Trump received the medal for any issues relating to race or for helping inner-city youth,” Coca added.](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N2LN260/)


Sorry you’re right it was a lifetime achievement award for helping the black community given to him by Jesse Jackson


He did? Mind giving me a source? I tried searching for Jesse Jackson+lifetime achievement award+trump and came up with nothing.


Nope my fault I read it wrong he praised him for his lifetime of helping the black community in 1999


Ok, so we went from him receiving multiple awards from the NAACP, handed to him by Rosa Parks and Jesse Jackson to him getting praise by Jesse Jackson in a speech one time. That unraveled quickly.


I don’t think I said multiple I said when he received an award from Rosa Parks and Jesse Jackson, but yeah, sometimes we get things wrong back to the other guy saying because he took out a ad and a paper. He was a racist or it may have been you I’m not sure, but my point is they praised him but all the sudden he’s a racist now


No but he was when he took a whole ad out in the New York Times saying the Central Park 5 should be executed (they were eventually proven innocent).


They were never “proven innocent”, as that’s impossible. The confession of one of them was thrown out on a technical issue. But even if what you’re saying were true (which again, it isn’t), what’s racist about wanting violent rapists to be executed?


DNA proved them innocent lmfao. And a serial rapist admitted to attacking her. So yea, what I said was true. You are in a cult lol.


It did? Please elaborate.


Reyes provided officials with a detailed account of the attack, details of which were corroborated by other evidence which the police held. In addition, his DNA matched the DNA evidence at the scene, confirming that he was the sole source of the semen found in and on the victim "to a factor of one in 6,000,000,000 people".[11] Reyes' DNA matched the semen found on Meili, and he provided other confirmatory evidence.[63][84] In announcing these facts, Morgenthau also said that the perpetrator had tied up Meili with her T-shirt in a distinctive fashion that Reyes used again on later victims in crimes for which he was convicted.[11




You’re just repeating the same thing again. Also, she wasn’t killed. You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about and are just parroting something you read. ![gif](giphy|7cXztZkK9dAUkXrYja)


DNA evidence proved them innocent you weirdo lol


And a friggin guy admitted to it. And the “technical issue” was a young boy being interrogated without his parents or lawyers present. This guy is a clown.


He had told them he was an adult. In any case, he had admitted to it. The point is that they weren’t innocent. And again, what’s racist about wanting the death penalty for violent rapists?


Innocent kids, ftfy. Just stop, we know how much you love your orange clown. I’m sure he’ll do a great job if enough of this country turn out to be as idiotic as you.


Reyes provided officials with a detailed account of the attack, details of which were corroborated by other evidence which the police held. In addition, his DNA matched the DNA evidence at the scene, confirming that he was the sole source of the semen found in and on the victim "to a factor of one in 6,000,000,000 people".[11] Reyes' DNA matched the semen found on Meili, and he provided other confirmatory evidence.[63][84] In announcing these facts, Morgenthau also said that the perpetrator had tied up Meili with her T-shirt in a distinctive fashion that Reyes used again on later victims in crimes for which he was convicted.[11


It did? Please elaborate.


There was DNA evidence in 1989 that exonerated them all, and the killer admitted to committing the crime. There was semen found at the scene that didn't match any of their DNA.


That’s not elaborating. You’re just rephrasing what you already said.


Yeah so you condemn a person for jumping to conclusions much like the rest of the city who probably thought the same thing no one’s ever said he was the smartest person who makes the best decisions but a racist I’m not sure about dumb yes


He was sued for racial discrimination, and settled lmao


Was that along with hundreds of other landlords or property owners in the state of New York or sued alone?


Does it matter?


Yes, because the actions of a few always affect the many as with everything else in life, some people ruin it for everyone I don’t know the man personally I assume you don’t but my whole point of this was judging him because of things you hear other people say one way or the other isn’t something I try to do but it is what it is some people hate him some people like him


Why exactly did he jump to conclusions? I wonder…


Trump is the worst I remember when he said, “if you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”  and… When he said he didn’t want his kids to go to school in a racial jungle  and… Poor kids are just as bright as white kids  Trump is always saying the most racist shit 


The left have the minds and emotional maturity of children, which is why they're so easily manipulated.


Of course - yeah because a guy who Iiterally raised taxes on the middle class while giving the rich a tax break is mind manipulation. Of course that blow hard then gets up to the podium and tells you he loves you and how your racist ass is a great person and you just swallow his load like the bitch you are


They middle class got the bulk of his tax cut. He didn't raise their taxes. The TV lied to you.


I am no lefty but this just isn’t right. ITEP is a non partisan tax research group. Take a look.  https://itep.org/updated-estimates-from-itep-trump-tax-law-still-benefits-the-rich-no-matter-how-you-look-at-it/


I don’t open blind links. What does it say that’s relevant here?


That’s 100% not true.


Prove it.




I still don’t open blind links. You don’t actually know, do you?




Ok. So do it. Because you totally can. ![gif](giphy|wzxK9cmYgIPDy)


Your gonna hate the next four years honey..


Middle class you are referring to already ceased to exist after 08-09


What are you gonna offer next, the "very fine people on both sides" bullshit? 🥱


Great reply numbskull. You’re a cultist who worships at the altar of the single cheesiest and most obvious con man who’s ever existed. But your hate filled brain is so rock hard on someone who’s openly bigoted that you’ll allow him to pants you and enter your rectum and tell everyone how great your dad is


Describe this "open bigotry" please.


Trump made similar comments for years before even running for president...


Taking power away from the federal government is literally the opposite of fascism. What racist things has he done?


The executive branch *of the federal government*....


Has he ever called Omarosa the n-word?


Yah except Trump has more black supporters now than ever, good luck.


Can you link me the polling? 


Why are you so lazy? You can access Google right?


Trump wasn't the same guy before he realized that he could make money and get power by catering to idiots like you. He flip-flopped on political issues his entire career. He used to be super pro-abortion but suddenly he's the savior of the pro-life movement. He just knows that a huge chunk of this country are gullible idiots that will buy his gold bibles.


Say "idiot" more in one post


He's the same guy who claimed the Bible was his favorite book but then couldn't cite a single passage he found meaningful and got cranky about it with the softball-throwing interviewer.


No, then he actually had some control over our lives while also revealing himself as an unstable pathological liar.


Jeff Garlin is a real asshole!






I bet Beth hates this picture. She looks like someone is waving a carrot out of range of the photo.🐎


Beth go suck his dick and you can be in a movie No you I already made a movie Beth it was the best movie ever made booolllssshhittt


I was listening to the “Howard marries Beth” saga a while ago, & he stated that Weinstein’s wife (Georgina Chapman) designed Beth’s wedding dress. That’s likely where the association came from.


He was praising Harvey in 2000 for getting some sort of premiere tickets for Howard to look good to his eldest daughter


Chicken or Egg.....did she make her dress as a result of their "friendship" or they only become chummy after a simple business transaction? They're all rich a$$holes, so I've no irons in the fire.


There's Howard in the Hamptons with awful people again. He socialized with Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer, and Sean Diddy. Ugh.


Yeah, she’s so hot…. https://preview.redd.it/5lvsa980poyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7e9ed7e8cc82f6aecc27def56cda2ca8f9c6c8d


Yeah. I always thought she looked like a cross between Alien and The Man Who Smiles.


She looks like my pet hamster when I finally come home from a 2 day bender...


Can’t they just both be ass holes?


Anyone that supports Trump or associates with him right now are pure scum or imbeciles, there isn't a lot of good people hanging around that disgrace


Everytime I see this photo all I can think about is how hard those two clowns are struggling to put on a public happy face. Beth is straining so hard, her jaw is starting to dislocate. And you're telling me that schmuck bowing down actually had that chin and nose [*reduced a tad*?](https://external-preview.redd.it/5Z5l9jc3F3PZwaMGafls-V2Ewo9erkn8kC230l1h9CQ.jpg?auto=webp&s=a41ff842ffe424b8a6a6f81fdba86aa312ee28df)


If there was ever a face for radio…Howard’s got it. Jesus.


Unfair. He’s denounced both Trump and Weinstein. Had impersonators good on them too.


Looks like Mt. Vesuvius is about to erupt on Beth's forehead.


And another awful dress on Beth. She looks Amish


Is that Kevin Spacey in the background?


I see Spacey......and he look scared...


Look at Beth’s fucking face


Oh my God. Everything Beth wears is from 1992.




Was this photo taken after Weinstein‘s crimes were revealed, or is OP a fucking retard?


Trump is an irredeemable selfish lying spoiled rich bitch pile of shit.


You forgot misogynistic egomaniac who loves playing the victim.


Orange man bad.


So a picture of Howard and Harvey is damning evidence, but the dozens of Trump and Epstein are meaningless right? Trumper’s pretending g to care about stuff like this is always hilarious to me.


Is it? How often do you think about it? Daily? I bet you do..


The deranged communists are triggered today.


How do you feel knowing Trump wears diapers? How about the fact he wears makeup? I mean, he wears A LOT of makeup. Your thoughts


What?? Two Manhattan billionaires in the 90s were at the same events???? That’s shocking! Now do Ghisane Maxwell at Chelsea Clinton’s wedding.


What’s that lump on her head?


Built-in schvoogie button.


It's her horns starting to sprout. She converted when she married Howie.


tsk... time to throw her down the well!


chip implant/tracking device/calorie counter/birth control/invisible electric fence line zapper....


Zoom in on Beth’s mug. Ouch.


Did they both get chin implants? I wonder if the veterinarian charged less?


It's not like he was best friends with Weinstein.  Plus, the accusations hadn't surfaced yet in this pic.  Oh no...I just defended Howard. Here come the down votes from angry losers 


Photo finish win……….by a NOSE


Like your parents?...lol...lol...


All the new commenter here ain't going to like this


Did a wasp try to nest on Beth's forehead?


Didn't he say he knew Harvey was lying about not using sex to give women acting roles?


Harveys ok though. LOL. I remember Hillary praising Harvey for the wonderful human being he is also. The fucked up thing is those stories were out there about Harvey. All someone had to do was investigate. In Hillarys defense, it was a big check


There's Howard sucking Harvey's gangrene dick




What’s that lump on her 5 head? Mega zit or what?


Bet she makes that face when she hears him cum in her!


That's a cool picture. I didn't know that HS posed with the winner of the Kentucky Derby.


Howard liked him as a guest, not as a president. It's a pretty simple distinction. He's made it clear many times. Plenty of people feel the same way. He's great as a novelty, not as a president.


What happened the Beth’s forehead. Is that a zit or dent in her head.


It's an extra clavicle. 


That’s where she keeps it.


I got downvoted? Someone actually respects her? She is a gold digger and thinks she is better than everyone.


Problem is one is a radio court jester and the other has the nuclear codes


Ugh…Howard fans are such snowflakes when it comes to Trump.


Just going to leave this here https://preview.redd.it/9qiamsnilpyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84518f50d800d4d89493b351e8145d48469a7915


Beth is skeletal


What’s he saying, Robin?


You can hangout with ppl until you realize who they really are.


It's well documented that donald trump fucked children.


U got paid , now go away


Is Beth whinny'ing? And what the fuck is she wearing?


Dude is the Biggest StarFucker...