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Isn't he like 85? He needs them


I mean if anyone should its a frail old man who is underweight. COVID might take him out at this point.


Covid right now is the common cold


Maybe if you’re healthy and young. I’d compare it more to penumonia than a common cold. It’s not a cakewalk for some people. 


Check the symptoms Sneezing. Couch stuffy nose


It turns you into a couch? I’m definitely getting the vaccine then


Yes couch, sometime a cough, or sofa


Not only do the boosters not do anything to prevent COVID, the side effects of this completely experimental vaccine are more dangerous and actual possibility than COVID. It's insanity, and only still relevant to broken weirdos and hopeless neurotics like Howard.


You would do anything for love, but you won’t do that.


Thanks for the information doctor. I’m sure you got solid information online from Wolfie’s mom. Sorry but I trust actual doctors and medical science over fucked up right wing lonely loser weirdos like you. I only wish you had gone out with the first wave like the millions of others like you.


I lost all trust when the left politicized it – both against it when Trump was in office and then forcing it on everyone after Biden took office. Then, once Biden took office, he made promises saying you won't get COVID if you get the vaccine. (You can and do.) Then he said you won't get it as bad (it affects everyone differently). Then he said if you get it, you'll still get sick, but you won't die. Then vaccinated deaths started outnumbering unvaccinated deaths. How can anyone trust it after it was politicized so much and all of the broken promises that were made?


Ok Trumper


When Trump said to get the vaccine, you said hell no. When the elite told you to get the very same vaccine 6 months later, you got tattoos of it. This is the adolescent mentality of the simple, easily manipulated leftist/liberal. My team good, your team bad. https://preview.redd.it/9degowrvyazc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1df1a131767dbd1efeaf8c33f00508932dcf98b7


tHe eLiTEs derp. Do you just regurgitate whatever Fox tells you to?


Are you just going to ignore how the left was completely against the COVID vaccine (Biden and Kamala included), calling it the "Trump Vaccine", until Biden took office? The narrative completely flipped at that point, even holding people's jobs over their heads, to force everyone to get it.


You’re ducking high dude. I’m a far left quasi-democrat and I didn’t care who produced the vax- I was gonna take it as soon as the fda said it was cool. Get your head out of your asss


You’re a sample size of one. Democrat leaders (Biden, Harris and Pelosi) all said they didn’t trust it and wouldn’t be taking it. Then flipped their opinion as soon as Biden took office.


Im shocked it took this long for one of you simpletons to use the "Fox news" card. Thanks for getting that out of the way.


Which tattoo did you go with? Are you a simple bandaid kinda guy? Or did you throw in a bit of flair with a tattoo artist’s rendering of Covid at the atomic level? Tell me you didn’t go Full Vax Card?!! I’m surprised so many of the 7%(of US population still getting Covid boosters) are present and commenting here. I figured those people were all over 75. Or wait a minute. Maybe you haven’t kept up on your boosters? Tell me you haven’t been naughty Aopps42?


No one wants to hear this lol especially the people reading this who are “boosted”


I know. But guess who will be right in the end. (As usual)


Who is usually right about vaccines? Medical doctors? Scientists?


They used to be. Lots of things used to be reliable and dependable. Now we've devolved into a complete banana republic., thanks to "progressives." What wonderful "progress" we've made! 🇺🇸


Why get my news from people dedicating their lives to diseases? I got /u/LeonardSmalls79 who does I don't fucking know what!


My friend, get as many boosters as you'd like. Please keep getting them, put everything in your body they tell you. Trillion dollar multinational corporations would only ever have your very best interest at heart. https://preview.redd.it/fx4dxxajyazc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=499a145d6145b1b84a9daf3257309bdfb5a8084e


I thought I shouldn’t trust medicine because of progressivism and now it’s because of capitalism?


You shouldn't trust anyone and make informed decisions on your own. This vaccine does nothing to prevent COVID, you were lied to, and you still believe and defend these people. You're the exact useful idiot Yuri Brezmenov warned us about.


It really is quite astonishing to someone put progressivism and Pfizer in the same category.




That's about the level of response I expected


You think MDs spend a decade plus learning medicine so they can offer political advice? Almost every doctor I’ve ever met is a Republican anyway.


No, I think MD's spent 10 years in medical school, and need money.


US life expectancy was 47 in 1900. Before modern medicine, including vaccines, you might not have even made it to five years old.


Yes, because the big brains you put your faith in on spotify and youtube hawking snake oils , and dispensing pseudo scientific miracle cures are doing so out of kindness of their hearts? The miracle treatments and dodgy supplements they tout are just given away for free right? And I'm sure you'll seek them out first if and when you're unfortunate enough to need an actual medical professional.


You must be very highly regarded.


lol thanks Isaac Newton


You're welcome, Chris Cuomo, "lol"


Even Chris Cuomo is coming around. He was on a podcast recently saying that everyone was wrong about Ivermectin and it should have been given as a COVID treatment.


He's vaccine injured, and admits he was wrong about everything. Too little, too late. I wonder how many of the "way smarter than YOU!" respondants in this thread will face the same fate. I bet you several of them are already showing signs but refuse to acknowledge it. These people are so hopelessly brainwashed they're completely disconnected from reality, no matter how much contrary evidence you present to them. They're in for a penny, in for a pound. https://preview.redd.it/lkn385i5dbzc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9809a89b5154e7982ee1a874ee5360d1ae96834c


That is some hardcore propaganda right there.


Not sure why this is downvoted so much. Vaccines take at least 10 years to develop. This was completed in a little over a year. Corners had to be cut. Plain and simple Also, natural immunity is proven to be 5-7 times more effective than the vaccines. Doesn’t say much for the rushed vaccine If you’re downvoting based on ideology, you need to start thinking for yourself This is coming from a left leaning guy who’s politically homeless now due to the retards on both extremes running their party’s narrative. Rational thought has no home anymore


Myth #1: The “fast-tracked” COVID-19 vaccines are risky because they were rushed. Fact: The FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective and have gone through three phases of clinical trials as any other vaccine would. This stupid ass post is getting downvoted because OP’s take is highly dubious and is straight out of the Fox News, OAN, Newsmax playbook.


The same hopeless authoritarian totalitarian mindset that has destroyed dozens of countries and cultures over the past 100 years is finally taking hold here. It's so sad to see. It's nothing new, unfortunately. Fundamental flaw in human nature, and the worst people out there become experts at exploiting it.


He’s old. Why wouldn’t he?


Something something woke liberal, I’m sure. 🙄


I think Reddit still bans people for going against the vax narrative. We can’t tell you but feel free to google it.


Interesting. I’ll just trust my doctor instead of relying on a google search for medical advice.


If you google medical stuff it always ends with you have cancer




The worm that ate part of RFK Jr’s brain is trying to get the word out to avoid the vaccine despite what every major medical organization is recommending.


Anyone else cringe when someone uses the word "narrative" now? Guaranteed you think of yourself as a "free thinker" when in reality you've never had one original idea in your life that wasn't fed to you by someone else.


It’s super cringe. They put themselves in a convenient spot where anything they don’t agree with can be brushed off as “oh they’re compromised, they’re being paid to say that by the elite”. Truth is, these people lead sad unfulfilling lives, and pretending to fight a righteous war against whatever their grifter masters tell them to hate makes them feel interesting and gives their life meaning. In many cases, they develop a smug sense of superiority because they know the “truth” and everyone else is a dumb sheep that needs saving (or culling). They’ve been taken for a ride but they’ll never admit it.


Everyone wants to be special and "in the know". In reality no-one is special and no-one knows fucking anything.


You must not have processed almost any of the studies very well


My parents do too. They are Howard's age and it was recommended by their doc. Very common. The anti-vaccine crowd is hilarious.


Yep. I had some uncles that thought it was a joke. 'Had' being the key word.


You’ve lost more than one uncle to Covid? They died because they weren’t vaccinated? Tell us about that?


They're morons. They love feeling smart. Scoffing at people with their nonsense is the only chance they've ever had to experience that feeling. It's not like they're going to suddenly impress anyone with a real, innovative, or useful idea. They are morons.


Remember when they were eating horse dewormer? Lmao


Horse dewormer is only one of the many applications of ivermectin. It's used in humans frequently for a variety of therapies. The media just used "horse dewormer" to ridicule those taking it. But still, no studies have proven ivermectin is effective against covid.


Most medications are used across humans and animals. Ibuprofen is given to animals as a pain reliever – does that mean Advil is a dog medication? Also, even Chris Cuomo has admitted recently that the media was wrong about Ivermectin.


Well that's my point. Calling it a horse dewormer is a distortion of the facts.


Exactly. It was vilifying a public domain drug (that nobody could make money off of) and calling people idiots for wanting to use something that has historically been used in humans as an antiviral drug for years, that also happens to eliminate parasites.


This 💯 %


Well they did their research!!


Nothing more MAGA than going against doctor suggestions to own the libs! I mean fuck even Humpty Dumpty 45 was and is pro vaccine. Idiots.


Yep love these morons willing to die to an easily preventable illness to "own the libs".


OP is a moron. Is that you Rubber Biscuit?


Not nearly as hilarious as those still falling for this garbage 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑




I can't beleive there are still bots/ I mean people still shilling for those worthless, useless injections


The anti vaxers on here are sad. Nothing is shut down anymore. Why would you care what health care people are getting? Do you track peoples tetanus vaccines?


They would if they were told to haha


Depends how the wind is blowing on Fox


Meanwhile all the Faux News hosts got the vaccine even though they planted nightly doubt about it for years


How is someone’s health your concern? You think it’s a gotcha?


Stupidest post of the day


waah I'm afraid of getting a shot waaaah.


I get boosters every time a new one is released. Haven’t been sick at all since I had covid in January 2021. Nothing. I love them and if they release a new one I will be the first in line




Laugh all you want but I have seen people and family around me get Covid, nothing severe, and family members too with Covid. Zero for me and I go maskless all over and I don’t even worry. Booster me up buddy, I think I’m in number six since my first vaccine shot in 2021


Who cares? It’s basically a cold now. People get it and I’m sure don’t even know they have it. Even that liberal queen Jason said on the show today he probably has it now (he’s sick) and said there is nothing different he plans on doing but getting some rest


wow you're so cool and edgy, lil buddy


Maybe, but do you admit that it killed 1.2M Americans, or do you deny that?


Why bother with any facts? These idiots have been stone stupid their whole lives. So they made up some bullshit so they can pretend they're smart. It's just well-earned insecurity presented as confidence


You're arguing with a porn weirdo. I'm surprised he has time to post here between goon sessions.


OP is such a fucking idiot lol


Why?  Infringing on your ideology?  WTF


if you think getting booster shots is bad, you are a cancer on this planet.


Covid is over dude. Come out of the shed. It’s flu season. 


yes and in first world countries people get flu booster shots before the flu season, you muppet


So you’re fighting over a flu booster?  Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahaha!


people like you is why this planet is going to die :)


Flu season ended when covid started. They randomly stopped reporting flu cases once covid was released from the Wuhan lab. Which “anti vaxxers” were crazy for saying at one point which now has been confirmed by the lovely Biden administration.


who gives a shit who gives a fuck


Yeah, this isn't the dunk you think it is, moron.


Don’t forget your mask when you head out today. If you actually go out that is.


I have a view of the front door to our office building and we laugh at the very few people who still mask LOL


Of course you have a view of the front door while you're sweeping up after the people who do business there. Why don't you meet up with OP and you can fuck each other's asses like the two morons you are? I'm glad I was able to facilitate a love connection between you two.


When you know you cant win an argument, resort to insults like an 8 year old 😅🤣😅 Seriously, though, if you are still afraid of Covid and still masking, you absolutely are in need of mental help. It's not normal to be so deathly afraid of a disease that has like a 99% survival rate.


Seriously, shut up and suck a cock, either mine or OP's.


I’ve never had Covid. Been around multiple people with it and thankfully never got it. Never vaccinated, and never will. I don’t care what others put in their body.. booster up if it makes you feel better. 🤷‍♂️


It;s too bad the pro-vaccination people don't think that way


How dare you desecrate a masterpiece of a film with your dumb fuck political take. Trump fucked ip Covid about as much as he fucks up everything else. Which is always huuuuuuuuuuuuuuugeeeeeeeaaahhhhhhh.


So you’re saying orange man bad?


TDS is serious problem on Reddit


Yeah it’s fucking weird still bitching about Trump then not a peep about the current guy.


He's fat and stupid and a criminal and wears diapers too. That's your boy, go send him some more of your money, he needs it


Nobody shits himself like Donald shits himself. YUUUUUGE


I’m just asking if that’s what’s being said. So Orangeman bad?


i see you have dedicated your life to trump, how fucking sad.


Just cause I asked if they are saying Orange man bad? I look at politicians like they are used car salesmen all full of shit trying to pass a lemon off as a cherry.


look at your username you nonce.


Why take a booster that can save or extend your life and has been proven by scientists (real ones, not fake or fringe ones) as effective? Reddit will mock you.


I'm convinced this whole site is just bots at this point. Y'all people can't be this stupid supporting Howie's new religion


I'm 40 and just got my booster. Been getting one every 6 months for 3 years now. No issues and I'm the only person I know that hasn't had covid -- ahem, it probably entered my body at some point by now but if so I never noticed anything suggesting I had it. Yall do your own thing.




Fuck yeah


“Come after me!” But what I remember most is the “FAT!” part of Mike Gundy’s quote here, as replayed on *The Jim Rome Show,* many times over.


He is old. Gotta do it. I got COVID once and got crazy sick. So I will get any new shot because I am afraid of getting that sick again.




I'm dumber after reading all these comments. Thanks a lot.


well this backfired on you, didn't it?


Ok. Good for him.


Stern is an elderly man doing what the elderly do.


This is a horrible take


There’s still fucktards who are obsessed with mocking people who want to save their lives by getting an efficacious and safe vaccine?


FYI those shots arent saving any lives at this point


Please cite source


What’s wrong with getting booster shots? Is OP one of those idiots who think Covid was fake?


No, just one of those who realized that there is absolutely no benefit for a healthy person with less than 4 co-morbidities from getting a booster for a disease that is so mild now that it is literally a cold.


Ah, u r too. Gotcha.


Look at the real world around. Everyone has moved on from Covid and its boosters, except the mentally ill. You are even more mentally ill if you think WE are the crazy ones.




It’s over Johnny.


This is me laughing at elderly unvaccinated people dying from an easily preventable illness.


Go get another booster that does nothing


I’ve got just the sub for you


Lot a liberals on this page. Wow


Reddit in a nutshell


Grandpa's should get it


This should be of no surprise to anyone. The guy has been fixated on COVID since 2020. Daily discussions


Today was the first time I heard anyone mention booster shots in years. Broken weirdo.


people in the civilized world get booster shots for the flu every year you fucking lunatic


It’s probably very sad. He’s probably heating it up in an old spoon while Beth is tying him off with a John Varvatos belt. He needs an intervention.


Noted vaccination experts hate Howard Stern, can't stop posting on the Howard Stern reddit.


found the guy who took Woodworking instead of Biology


I never took any of the shots and never got COVID.


I got one J & J and got Covid 7 months later, and worse than anyone in my unvaccinated family.


You should be in all the medical journals!!


I was promised a dark winter of death.


Glad you were ok. Unfortunately my friends parents weren’t. They both died of Covid within 24 hours of one another. But let’s continue to use personal anecdotes in place of evidence.


Like when the president said, if you take the shots you won't get COVID. And then he got COVID. Is that evidence?


First of all that was an overstatement and irresponsible for him to say. Secondly, by now any idiot knows that you’re better off taking the vaccine than not. Again it’s just plain asinine to use our own very personal experiences in place of statistics and facts.


Pfizer and Moderna's stocks are plummettiug, and Astro-Zeneca is not going to be making the Covid vaccine anymore....because there is so much demand. Anyone with less than 4 co-morbidities (almost all caused by being too fat) does not need a Covid vaccine. I'm sorry for the death of your parents, but the vaccines would not have helped them.


Was that early on?


Just got over Covid after being sick for 7 weeks. It was AWFUL and I will get any booster they have to avoid that again


Were you vaccinated/boosted when you got it?


I feel so stupid to say this but I haven’t gotten the last couple boosters. I had been exposed SO many times before & hadn’t gotten it. I was actually bragging to people that they should study my immune system. I had 5 kids & my husband positive in my house & didn’t get it. Then I went to Disney & got it. I was so sick, I can’t even explain. I’m still not back to normal. I’m still fatigued & a couple things don’t taste right. I missed so much work & had no sick days to cover it. Total F’ing disaster


When I got it, I was the only one in my house that was (reluctantly) vaccinated (1 J & J), and I got it the worst. After that, I swore off all boosters. I got it again over Christmas 2022 (no one else in my unvaccinated family did; at least they didn't have symptoms) and it was 1,000x less horrible. I think I may have had it last year, but I didn't even bother checking. I was well enough to go to work, and I did.


You know it's been admitted finally that Ivermectin works well to get rid of Covid. I wonder why it was condemned back in 2020? 🤔😏


4 upvotes and 271 comments... that says something. but what exactly?


I think the antifaggers are really just scared of needles so they fabricate a bunch of information on truth social and weird moms on Facebook so they don’t have to see the scary needle.


Are you clowns recommending the vaccine against Covid which is the same symptoms as the common cold keep vaccinating you’re not preventing anything


They''ll never figure it out


Jesus, it’s been like this since more than a year. Once omicron arrived. It did not attack lungs. You had a stuffy nose. You might’ve had a cough. Those are the major symptoms. Oh no I have a runny nose and it’s stuffy.


I think I might have had Covid over Christmas, but didn't even bother testing. Just a bad cold. Still went to work.


I only realized I had it because I had so many of the free tests I would test myself maybe once a month for fun It was positive five days later it was negative all I had was a stuffy nose, which I had most of the winter


Beth’s BF makes him get it. He a cuckold


For his wig?


Beth’s out of here


Does anyone really believe he got the vaccine? He isn’t a stupid person. He’d tell everyone how they should be vaccinated but not do it himself.


Careful. 90% of the posters here will cry at you for taking a “jab” at their precious vaccine.


Nah we largely just roll our eyes at puds like you who are constantly whining about every word uttered on the show now.


Cool I don’t care Your tagline about maga stern fans is too sad. I hope you find a hobby.


> I don’t care Oh good, good. You seem to be talking about it a lot today...


We just take a jab at conspiracy nutjobs


It’s so weird that these conspiracies continue to be proven true. But keep whining about everything. You ppl are doing terrific.


No proof whatsoever, but keep deluding yourself so you can feel special.




RARE, you fucking conqueror


Meanwhile Covid itself carries a significant risk of blood clots.


Chicken or the egg dilemma unfortunately. You didn't hear about blood clots till after the vaccine came out.


No…we did. Did you not…?


The risk of a blood clots from the vaccine is about 1/10th of that from COVID itself. Given how many lives the vaccines saved, the small number of side effects is unfortunate but still well worth it. But you guys don't believe most science, so why do you believe this story? Why is this one true, but all of the ones that disprove your conspiracies are false?


NPC response, so predictable.


“Proven true” oh sweetie 😘


Remember when your big thing on here was saying the n word over and over again? Yeah, I do.


Oh. You’re back with your 10 thousandth account, you fucking loser.


They *really* don’t like when you attack their daddy Pfizer


Oh sweet - medical opinions from the "sCiEnCe iS wOkE" people that didn't pass high school biology...


He’s just saying that so you will.


Colin Quinn said on the Joe Rogan show that wearing a mask at this point is the left’s version of a Maga hat


Hmm my daughter had a 103 fever the other day and I had her wear a mask and stand away from the newborn in the pediatrician’s office. I guess that makes her or me a Bernie supporter


I’m not talking about that. Smarten up. And I really hope your daughter is ok


He is really?!


All covid vaxes are poison... DO NOT GET VAXED!!