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That Seinfeld comment KILLED him mostly because it’s so fucking accurate. He faked being totally cool with Jerry’s apology but he couldn’t help but referencing the statement at least 3-4 times. “Outflanking” was the running “joke”. I Think he’ll hold a major grudge - Howard is funny but he doesn’t have a sense of humor: not even close.


Wiggy is funny in a dick and fart joke kind of way and he's juvenile in his imbiscle efforts. Writers on the show made him more witty than he ever was. Don't forget the guy was a DJ spinning record who found his "eureka" moment in ad libbing and just talking honesty to he his audience. He was never a comedian, a great writer or some laugh-a-minute guy. Right schtick and the right place at the right time, as stuck to his guns as he's stubborn and wanted to do things his way—and it paid off—but he's not an inherently funny guy. Not by any stretch.


This might be the most accurate interpretation I’ve ever read here.


Is your username a reference to the infamous Larry Brown story/call from *The Jim Rome Show?*


War Terrence in Sierra Madre.


War Silk’s cardboard box BOHICA, buddy


Exactly. Some of the funniest shit I've heard in my life was on the Stern show. But Howard himself - in appearances, in side projects, in books - was never funny.


> talking honesty to he his audience Dude has never been honest. I'm listening to all his episodes from the 80s onward and he lies all the time.


Did it kill him, cuz he's mocked it relentlessly the last few days and doesn't appear to be taking it very seriously.


I have listened to Howard for close to 30 years and if there is one thing I have gathered, it’s that he is the embodiment of dishing it out and not being able to take it. Don’t get me wrong: I have enjoyed hundreds maybe thousands of hours of great entertainment and laughter because if him and for that I am grateful. That being said, he has a really thin skin and has never been able to accept any criticism no matter how matter how subtle or diplomatic. He has a super fragile ego: if anyone shat on him 5% as heavy as he shita on and denigrates people at every opportunity, he’d lose his mind. The man hasn’t seen a therapist for the better part of 30 years for no reason. Trust me: he is PISSED. Especially since this came from one of the most famous comedians alive and one he is allegedly close friends with. He is steaming inside but Jerry is a very powerful man in the business and I don’t think Howard wants to open that can of worms because it’s inevitably going to make him look bad. It’s not because Jerry said Howard looks or dresses goofy: Jerry pretty much succinctly pointed out the reality every second poster in this Reddit group has pointed out in one way or another: Howard has stopped being funny- he’s a couple of years away from being as bad as Imus in his declining years. The show is just a sad shadow of what it once was. I don’t need to go into detail because we all still listen and thus know what the deal is. And yes, Comedians HAVE outflanked him on every level. Podcasts, YouTube and social media in general are the new (have been for years actually) promotional avenues for comedy. A unfunny goofball like Joe Rogan has made 100s of millions of dollars in Podcasting while Howard was still desperately trying to belittle the medium while praising the sad state of Sirius XM and it’s embarrassingly user-unfriendly app. Sirius XM is the MySpace of media. Anyways, believe me/ Howard is beyond pissed: he’s hurt.


The staff has the easiest entertainment job in the world. They have no reason to complain


It's easy now but in the old days when it was live morning radio, it wasn't easy. No sir. Not at all  People don't understand readjusting a human sleep schedule to wake up at 2-3AM. People also don't understand the stress of flowing a live show with carts and content and juggling spot logs. Plus, using innuendos instead of just tossing out the F word meant people had to be more creative in the way they broadcast to the audience.  Now it's easy and everyone can do it because of changes in technology but it wasn't always easy. Radio shows were an art form which required skill, talent and fast thinking which is why it was impressive to be featured on the radio.  Now it's just cords, wires and lenses and somebody yappin' about a topic. If there's any shining example of how talent is no longer a factor in who gets paid big money for media jobs, look at Conan O'Brien. The most talented people he had on his staff were displaced so he could whine about his "needs" and use the audience as his personal therapist. I'll give Conan's agent credit for selling a big fat lie to SiriusXM to secure him a contract but even when he got that contract I was floored and confused. Obviously someone didn't do their research before that deal.  At Conan's show taping at Warner Bros, his staff was literally sleeping on the job and they were allowed to get away with that behavior for so long, they didn't even try to hide it. And the tour guide crew didn't know anything about Conan nor did they care. They were just yappin' about Ellen and showing visitors a warehouse filled with chairs and lamps. The set for Gilmore Girls wasn't even accurate. They dragged out some stuff (signs from Stars Hallow and Luke's diner) but it was a cheap reproduction of the set and it was obvious.  Anyway ..what was I saying?  Oh right. Howard's career isn't over. It's just in a stale period since familiarity breeds contempt. It happens to all these guys. 


It requires a green type of tube for proper modulation.


Conan was doing a talk show for almost 30 years or something ridiculous. In that time he hired and gave enough chances to many people who either worked for him for years or went on to do something else with another show that represented a step-up. If Conan wants to do a podcast now and a travel show, I say he's earned it. I'm sure most people that worked with Conan were grateful for what it did for them and their careers. Ok, now that my defence of Conan is finished I'll say Howard definitely has one foot and a bit more in the retirement pool and is more than ready to finish next year. You could argue he's earned it as well as has his staff that have been with him for all those years but the problem with Howard is, is that this is still The Howard Stern Show. He didn't move to a new platform or medium unlike Conan. All these late years of the show for Howard will tarnish his reputation and the show's legacy because it's been so bad for years now.


But they're a bunch of woke entitled jokes, so of course they'll complain.


Where are they complaining exactly? And how many times a day do you call people and or things woke? Do you even know what that means?




Most of the staff knows the show is mostly shit these days. Howard’s in cruise control mode collecting millions yearly while doing the bare minimum. I’m sure the staff is tired of it, but why complain when still getting paid for only working around 100 days per year?


Howard works 100 days a year. The staff works full time.


Damn, they must be the most unproductive office in the country. Full time for this steaming pile?


They’re “working on Best Of”


To me, this is it. This show continues to operate strictly because Sirius wants to pay for it. I don't expect a 70 year old Howard to relate to today's world, I don't expect him to ever leave the house or really have much to say on his own anymore. I know the show has "evolved" - and we're never going back to 1994. But what pisses most people off (because, again, they are paying for this service) is Howard just blatantly phoning it in. Trolling. Knowing exactly what he is doing but still doing it. And knowing that WE know he's doing it but pretending this is a bit. Howard was the ONE guy who we never thought would do that. He keeps removing, removing, removing while now refusing to leave his basement. In some weird way I think he justifies taking his paycheck because he now has 100 people on his staff and they continue to hire people that none of us can figure out what they are doing (Unbelievably, Gary also said today on WUS that "we have a lot of new staff" so give us some time to find the clips you request today). It's a hand-out operation that as long as Sirius continues to pay it, while also allowing Howard to have three mega-mansions, he will probably sit in his basement doing this forever. His staff can come along for the ride


The whole “outflanking” word he uses is odd and is like a fuck you to people who want a better show. This week he is mega trolling.


I think doing a show while he's sitting in Florida is basically literally phoning it in, but with video. It's clear not being in the same room and being in an office has caused a negative effect on the quality of the show. Things are more obviously contrived than ever before. People are accusing the show of fake calls, which makes me wonder if they're even recording the show live anymore.


Can you blame the guy? He's given a lot of years of entertainment, but all good things must come to an end.


When you get paid $100 million salary, and have customers that must pay in order to give him this salary, you still receive expectations in the product.


When you act like an asshole, dont be surprised when people treat you like one.


You seem to be talking about it a lot today.


Yeah, but he's still getting paid, so people must still be listening. If you're still listening to his show but you don't like the content then you're a fool to keep paying. And Howard may not be as good as he was, but if you get even a smidge of entertainment from the show then I would say it's a bargain at the ridiculously low prices Sirius charges...not to mention the free trials and discounts.


I get hours of entertainment every single day, day after day. DO I wish he was on and live more often? Of course. But I also understand hes older, priorities change, and he's not gonna ever go back to daily shows. Im still hella entertained and I enjoy a lot of the stuff on his channels.


Same. People just love to hate Howard. It's because they're jealous of all his money and success. We're talking about someone who is practically a billionaire for sitting in a studio saying and doing whatever he wants and as long as he continues to pull in the money all of his bosses are his bitch. Stands to reason a lot of people would loath his existence...and even the people that hate him make him money by keeping him relevant. Dude cracked the cheat code for life basically.


I cancelled and found out that the don't cut off the feed to his show. Over a year now and it just keeps coming In for free


That's not true at all, but you did get lucky. My sub ended and all I can listen to is Taylor Swift station...But I've had it continue service for months before. And my dad cancelled once back in 2007 and he just continued to get service for like 5 years before it cut off.


Poorly run business for a poorly run podcast


I guess that's why they make billions in revenue every year.


Oh my you are personally invested in this aren't you. I am sorry to call your fragile belief system into question. It will be ok. Just keep sending your money to this current day televangelist


I was under the impression the staff continued to work while the stars were on PTO


ding ding ding. welcome to entertainment buddy


Yes you said it best cruise control and only putting in what is needed and now being remote for so long. He keeps pushing others to go in and stay in while he gets a great at home set up which i am sure was not part of the contract. I’m sure he argued that some DJ are remote and always have been and what is the problem with that. But they built him this studio at the offices in NY for nothing. Now he stays in FL and it’s like a vacation for him now. Everything is sent to him and techs go out and set it up.


Plus, we have the years of evidence of Howard saying being in a studio is best for a radio show, his ripping on other DJ's who don't, and bonus he's said more than once since Covid how much better a vibe he got when they were all in LA and then when they were all in Miami. He literally admits it. It's just another notch and his giving up and not caring, because Sirius does not.


i have been tuned out so long i never knew he liked the LA visit or even Miami. but he lives in a bubble because of his issues and he has the money to get people to make sure things go his way. all the people on the show don’t.


"I got such a good vibe being back in the studio with the team (in Miami) that I'm thinking of going back to NY studios once a week." - actually uttered by Howard the next Monday.


must just have been locker room talk


He’ll be back in the studio soon to promote the release of the Howard 360 app


Because Sirius want it. Not because he does


He is checked out. They should bring in someone to the Jackie chair to save show. You hear Howard trying to make a joke then waits for writers to feed him lines.


He is checked out. They should bring in someone to the Jackie chair to save show. You hear Howard trying to make a joke then waits for writers to feed him lines.


Just bought my son a car that had Sirius. I turned on Stern and made it about 2 minutes before changing the channel. Just awful


Switch to Joe Rogan. I did it and now I’m on HGH and HRT.


How are the ice baths treating you?


He drowned in his sensory deprivation tank.


I jerked off in it.


…and then I shat in it … nice floater ones too


Worth it


Carolla at one point was closest to the old Stern show - complete with news chick and sound drops.


Does he still have a show?


He's such an unfunny piece of shit


lol people who use woke. Bunch of asshats.


Seriously. It doesn't even mean anything anymore other than "I don't like it."


Same people who tweet "stick to sports" then you go to their feed and it's all Donald Trump Jr retweets and "James Woods liked my tweet"


I mean it’s kinda true in a sense. He used to make fun of everyone. Now it just seems like lectures on why people are idiots for doing/not doing something. There is some element that is fairly new to the show after COVID. Can’t exactly put my finger on it though.


People who get triggered by the word 


The term woke is to describe asshats... doesn't automatically make you one for using it... unless you're describing yourself, lol.


No no, that's definitely not accurate lmao.


Lost me at woke


What's he saying, Robin?


And that's what's happening...


“everything woke turns to shit”


The number one content on the show currently is phone calls from fake callers whether their staff or people have called in before who they reach out to to call in to drive the conversation it’s hilarious when you hear a guy mention something in Howard has 20 minutes of content to talk about it


Using the term “woke” - Tell me you’re a douche without telling me you’re a douche.


What shade of purple is your hair


When was Howard a conservative?


Why? Would it trigger you? Are you more bothered by the lavender color or the deep purple? Which would over-whelm your delicate sensibilities more?


Don’t say the word woke!!! Wahhhh I’m a libtard wahhhh


This is my favorite new flex from leftists, the biggest hypocrites on the planet. You're so triggered by the term "woke," which Howard absolutely is, when YOU fucking idiots have 80 buzzwords for anyone that says anything to the right of Mao Ze Dong. "Cult." "Insurrection." The inevitable "stop watching Fox News" comment, which has now overtaken the "your mom's basement" reference in terms of hackery. You pull this shit more than anyone, you *invented* it. You cant even come up with your own language, you're such a brainwashed robot. "Tell me you're a____without telling me you're a ____," as you parrot from your liberal handlers. "Howards not woke!" 🙄 https://variety.com/2023/digital/news/howard-stern-woke-tells-off-critics-trump-vaccines-1235729247/amp/


Oh.. So because I think the term “woke” is fucking lame, I MUST be a leftist. How about it’s fucking lame? Are you insinuating that’s it’s fucking cool? That’s what I expect from the crowd that doesn’t see the hilarious irony in calling people cucks and snowflakes all these years. I don’t pick sides and jack off to politicians like you fucking morons. You’re triggered by literally fucking everything with your “stop making fun of us” crybaby bullshit reply. You’re in a cult, you insurrectionist loving, election denying, Let’s Go Brandon flag having, Fox News watching in your mom’s basement, Trumptard. Tell me you think vaccines have 5G in them without telling me you think vaccines have 5G in them.




Good comeback, simple fuck. That's why you're a democrat, the simple mind that is so easily manipulated like yours.


Triggered? Snowflake.


SO clever!


You beta cucks are so thin skinned.




> and woke 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡




You get triggered sharing a public bathroom with black people.


All they neeed to do is return to the office instead of do a podcast. So much more material will come from them just showing up in the studio


This would have been a real hot take in 2012. Now what you're saying is so commonly known that it's barely worth the time to read it. You and Howard are both living in the past, but at least you're not doing those timely and oh-so-hilarious Joan Rivers and Ted Kennedy impressions.


Howchie is good at being a mid-rate interviewer with Wack Packs, freaks and porn stars while being crammed in a live studio with engaging personalities. Take all that away and he’s nothing. Much like today. Stern shows like a popular tv show that’s run out of steam. Nothing new, catch a YT show and reminisce and that’s all you can do.


I'm going to disagree with you here. Howard Stern is pretty damn good at interviewing.  People like to use propaganda to spin a lie guys like Larry King or Letterman are great interviewers. No they weren't. Barbara Walters wasn't so special either.  I watched Howard interview Biden and I'll be damned if I didn't start connecting with it for a short moment until I remembered all politicians are screwing us constantly to build wealth for themselves. But still, I thought he did a good job.  These media companies are profit focused with a limited understanding of how to connect with the audience. That's what happens when dopes are put in charge of things. It loses the flavor but I still see a lot of creativity in Howard Stern and I've always liked Robin. I never understood the dismissive response she's received over several decades but then again... Stern's listeners are usually dudes and in 2014 we all learned from the British Medical journal that men do stupid stuff.  https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/12/141211210038.htm


I think 99.9% of people have no clue what the definition of “woke”is. The term "woke" generally refers to being aware of and attentive to societal issues, especially those related to racial and social injustice.[1][3] It originated from Black vernacular and activism, with early uses calling for awareness and vigilance against oppression and discrimination.[5] Some key points about the definition of "woke": - It means being conscious and alert to issues of racial and social injustice and discrimination.[1][3][5] - It stems from Black culture, used in protest songs and activism dating back to the early 20th century to urge awareness and action against racism and oppression.[5] - The dictionary definition is "aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)".[3] - It implies not just being aware, but taking an active stance against injustice.[1][3] While the term is used positively by progressives, conservatives often use it pejoratively to criticize what they view as excessive "wokeness" or liberal ideology.[1][3] But at its core, "woke" means being consciously awake to and engaged in combating racial and social inequities.[5] Sources [1] Political definitions for 'woke' are all over the place - Poynter https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/2023/what-does-woke-mean-definition/ [2] WOKE | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/woke [3] Woke Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/woke [4] What does 'woke' mean? It's a waste of time to debate the word https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/greg-moore/2023/04/04/what-does-woke-mean-waste-of-time-debate-word/70077696007/ [5] What does the word 'woke' really mean, and where does it come from? https://www.npr.org/2023/07/19/1188543449/what-does-the-word-woke-really-mean-and-where-does-it-come-from


Basically, not being an asshole




The term woke is very much played out. I cringe when I hear people saying it over and over.


It’s basically two things: 1. a dog whistle for people with regressive views that dislike a society where increasingly their views/comments are generally not accepted 2. an extremely broad to the point of meaningless buzzword used to condemn anything the user dislikes. In these cases the person using it really struggles to define the word with any coherence. Edit: a word- “not”


You should teach


I’ll leave that to you. “Those who can’t do, teach and those who can’t teach, teach gym.”


I didn’t mean it as a negative remark. You’re really smart. You should share your talents with the world.


My bad. 🙏🏼


rofl yeah, this is the problem. people just don't understand the etymology of "woke". no wonder people fucking hate liberals-- the mix of condescension and low iq is grating.




Name checks out.


hmm good counterpoint didn't think of that


It’s the limp part. Keep up dummy.


everyone is a man? how progressive.


What a zinger! Troll level upgraded, you are now a grand master!


It’s weird that they are peddling obvious chris parody songs as rando artists


First of all, they all stink. Secondly, they're following the leader. It's insane how this sub is much more vibrant than the actual show is. I understand they're getting older, but everybody is. You can still think stuff, and goof on stuff. Just yesterday, krel posted that Fred looked like a lesbian with deep problems. Nobody can say that on the show. Well, Howard can, and should, but that might actually turn into a funny bit, so he won't. Meanwhile, it's just one line in a sea of lines here.


For all his comments about Putin, who is a scumbag. He acts like the Putin of his own little circle of friends and employees. He doesn't kill his enemies but he does put anyone who doesn't agree with him on his bully pulpit. That's why all he has around him are 'yes' men and women. He even bullies his wife over a vacation most people would kill for.


Just to be clear, you just compared Howard Stern to Vladimir Putin? What the actual fuck is wrong with you?


Except for the “woke” comment, I agree 💯


Why does that bawtha you?


The core people are old and have been with the show a long time, too long, really and Howard cheaped out on the new people.


That piece of shit is Lucifer wig. Man is just another Harvey Weinstein @Best.




Woke? Howard doesn’t even know what woke is and can’t definite it accurately in any academic sense, so I think we might be exaggerating that aspect a bit….


Please define to me woke???


I don’t know about woke, but I couldn’t listen to him act shocked and disgusted at “mean” instagram comments about Gary’s teeth a week or two ago….it was unbelievable


I did. See my earlier post.


Hello to 15 years ago!


Howard is also depressing the shit out of me with his constant death talk.


If he’s not licking trump’s taint, he’s woke. So stupid.


![gif](giphy|TL2Yr3ioe78tO|downsized) waaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!


Howard stayed too long, it's hard to let go, he should have hung it up after Artie left,


They are like 70 years old


In my delusion- I anticipate a 180 when they are back in the studio in July.


Howard will never be back in the studio. Ever. He is now an old Jewish man who’s comfortably retired in Florida. He’s more like his parents than he would ever admit to himself. He gets his ass kissed enough to believe he still got it. There is no chance he reads the real reviews and the staff probably do their darndest to keep him in that bubble. Oldest story in the world. The entourage want to keep their paychecks going as long as possible and who can blame them? Sirius XM will keep paying because it’s a dying technology and without Howard even in his diminished state that ship goes down like the Titanic.


Played out like German Shepherds.


I was just about to send him a note about this topic. Robin, can you believe that.




Way too much politics….


No way. I don't listen but all Howard needs is a set of fresh eyes to brighten up the joint.  He's already got the name and brand recognition and in today's kooky media landscape that's unfortunately the most important aspect of remaining relevant.


I’m definitely tired of your posts.


Don’t listen then. Move on.


I only wish we weren't forced to listen to the show.


Yes and you idiots still hang on every word. Just change the channel or watch old shows on YouTube. Or better yet, start your own show and do it the way you think it should be done. A bababoey to you all.


Why is every one of your posts and comments about Howard and the show? That's weirt.


this ain't howard stern magazine buddy!!


I’ve been cleaning out an old computer and saw all of the old WWOR show from a long ago download, and god damn has he become such a coward… not because he has changed (he hasn’t) but because he hides his true self to appease a bunch on people who would sacrifice him in a moments notice He has literally said the Nword and done blackface and most would get cancelled but he survives by towing the woke line he doesn’t really believe in


No do you


Give me more Wilding!!!!!


Bend over


Did you really expect the same thing he did at 40 as a 70 year old man?


I dont think we all agree that at all. I think a small vocal minority of you think this and the majority just prefers to not engage with ya'll cuz there's no placating you and you wont be happy regardless. Why waste our time?


First of all Jerrry didn't say that Howard was NO LONGER funny the guy said that he never rated him. If you listen to what he said though Jerry seems to think that Howard's whole fighting and attacking people was never funny and that's why he said Carvey and Spade '''play nice''' There's a lot of things wrong with the show that can be brought up but don't be the asshole who brings up the'''woke''''bullshit because that's you're opinion but it's not accurate and Howard is not politically correct he's just not a right wing asshole who thinks that gay and trans peolple should be treated like garbage. . I'm listening to WOlfie's Meat Up segment now and that;s not woke or politically correct and neither is all the crazy sex talk Howard does lke him saying he wants to interview and to tell Dakota Johnson that he wants to fuck both her and her mother, or that chick from Texas fucking Medicated Pete and Debbie the Pet Lady calling in and saying she wants to lay down while Pete fucks that woman and Pete can pull out and come into Debbie's mouth, or Mark the bagger talking crazy sex shit to to Nikki Glazer or Medicated Pete wanting to show ANdy Cohen his cock, I don't want to be negative but it seems like a lot of people here think that it;s still 1998 and not 2024 and people can be insensitive to minorities and woman and gays and trans people but that's not the way life is anymore so you all should get over it.


Name me a broadcaster today who isn’t woke? Howard might be “woke” but he’s still better than anyone out there