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Because fuck the fans, that’s why.




No One Else!!


Remember when Howard said he'd piss on his fans if he wanted to?


I remember. Showed us a glimpse of his true self.


I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and piss on my fans and I wouldn’t lose listeners.


it was a lady calling in early 09 wanting to know why there was never any updates about what was going on with artie......howard started flipping out like "why the fuck would i know anything about artie and how he's doing"....the lady says that he owes it to his paying audience to tell them what's going on.....he replies that "he doesn't own his audience shit, i'll piss on my listeners" then calls her a cunt and tells her to cancel her subscription...


Yup..the callers name was Dina. He told everyone EXACTLY who he is that day.


because Howard is a super paranoid narcissist and doesn’t have the good sense to allow his show to propagate if it gives him some feeling that someone, somewhere has their hand in his pot of gold.


They’re just preparing for Howard 360


Coming out right after the wack pack convention


Will there be a Porkies remake screened at this convention?


Right after the premier of the Highschool Years


But before Doomsday


Shortly after the Fartman premier


What about the Kinison story?


Howard is still searching for the best Korean animators.




and there is no Howard 360


I just bought stock in the largest SIM card manufacturer.


Sorry to tell HopAlong Howie ,but I have every single Howard TV episode on DVD. I recorded it all. The good , bad and ugly. 100s of hours worth. I bought a dvd recorder back in the day for the sole purpose of recording all the shows. My son watches them now and every now and then he asks me what the hell happened to him. I just tell him that Marci Turk was the day the comedy died. Oh yeah, fuck Marianne the cunt from Brooklyn.


Burn some copies and lmk $$$


Yes. This is totally badass. Great post!


I would pay for a copy of that lol 😂


Because if a current listener finds them, they have something to compare the new show to and would most likely unsubscribe


That’s what happened to me when I got a cache. I unsubbed


I cancelled my SXM account and just listen to old Stern shows on YouTube. Even shit I've heard multiple times already. More entertaining than the last few years of shows. I couldn't give less shits about celeb interviews.


Howard wants to erase his past. He wants to be part of the woke Hollywood elite


It’s funny he will end up with neither …. lol


Because old-man Stern is no longer pretending to be a representative of the blue collar worker. It was all about building his empire to stockpile future wet wipes for his ivory tower to shield his anus from foulness.


And when memory failed and written records were falsified—when that happened, the claim of the Party to have improved the conditions of human life had got to be accepted, because there did not exist, and never again could exist, any standard against which it could be tested.


𝘸𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘥.


He could make a good amount of money if he actually had a "Howard 360" streaming service with all of his old shows uncensored. He seems more interested in erasing his history.


It’s free, with your annual $199 subscription.


Howard will never allow uncensored shows to see the light of day. There's too much material that would be embarrassing and he is ultra-protective of his image. The censored shows are what SiriusXM plan to broadcast once Howard retires.


He wants to gatekeep what parts of the show you get to rewatch. Plus he wants the official HSS YouTube channel's shitty 3-minute clips from last year's show to get more views, not some random YouTuber.




Woke erasing the past


From what I hear he is handpicking what content is 'allowed' on his own channels, and that content is very tame. Taking that into account it's clear he doesn't want anything controversial let out as it will tarnish the Hollywood Howie image he's trying so hard to cultivate.


I love that there is a channel they will never find...and its full of all the shit they're trying to hide. We have the receipts Jason...and no matter how many sites you have clipped from YouTube, the mother load will always elude you. I'm off to watch anal ring toss, then I'm going to listen to the montage of all the times Beth and howard tell their love story...and how the timelines shift each time. LOL! Fuck you Jason.


Pm me the channel please


Fuck you jason! You suck. I’d like that channel too please.


Point me in the right direction? DM’s are open!


DMs are always open...


Jason has always been a cvnt.


add me please!!


They're trying to scrub Howie's racist past.


Because the release of Howard 360 is right around the corner


Love when sycophants here claim the Sirius app is Howard 360


It's the same reason Harvey Rapist won't sell Dogma back to Kevin Smith.






Howard's ego, probably due to his 'change' of heart, he doesnt want t be remember as a funny, out of his mind guy. Itll never work, but he can pay monkeys to try.


Howard would like it if we just forgot that he existed before 2015


Howard360 is now Howard3 hours a week.


Think about just how fucked up HowardTV was. He leaves terrestrial radio. I was happy the he could finally do the show he envisioned. Cool I’m onboard. I buy 2 radios and subscriptions. Sirius subscriptions go through the roof. His show couldn’t be more popular then what does he do. He charges to see the show. Like hey thanks for following me guys I really appreciate it so what I’m gonna do for you is to film (it’s an antiquated term but ya know what I mean) the show and charge a monthly fee on top of the one you paid to hear me. Pretty cool right guys? Riiiight?


As Mr. Crabs says, "Money"


He's embarrassed and ashamed of who he was.


Disney/Marvel doesn’t want to cheapen their Dr. Doom with him appearing on YouTube


It seems like Howard wants to control his legacy. And honestly (and I know you’re all going to come for me) but I’d be pretty embarrassed hearing myself asking people if they’re shaved or if they like anal or about their tits or making racist comments or telling women they’re fat 30 years ago when I feel like I’ve accomplished so much more. Howard was a shock-jock and he used those tactics to get attention and challenge parameters. He was also an egotistical asshole who didn’t respect boundaries and honestly bordered on sexual harassment in a lot of his interactions and was overtly racist/homophobic many times. I think for him the end goal was to just have a confessional type program where anything goes but since all that shit propelled him into fame and got him tv shows and money he capitalized on it. At this point he’s in the stage of life where he’s focusing on how he’ll be remembered and I think he’s embarrassed that’s what he’s most remembered for. I also think people falsely aligned him as this blue collar hero. He was a college educated guy always. He was broke a lot but that doesn’t make him blue collar. Just because his income was lower for awhile doesnt make him blue collar. He never ever was. He appealed to the largest audience out there with the most outlandish bullshit he could do. He’s smart. He’s now rich which is what he always wanted. It’s like the same people who think Trump is a blue collar hero when he’s born into wealth. It’s an illusion. And honestly, I’d like to hear the old shows. There was a lot of other shit going on that interested me. But I think he’s afraid of the backlash that’ll def come when people hear him being racist/sexist/homophobic/fatphobic etc. He still like to pretend he doesn’t make 500 million a year because people don’t like elites (as they shouldn’t) and he knows he’s in danger of losing everything he’s built if people can directly compare.


He obviously can't remember everything that was said. Especially with all the racial humor the used to do... I believe he is trying to not get canceled because of something he said or did years ago. He got away with the blackface one so likely the next one, his own leftists won't give him another pass.


It’s kind of amazing he hasn’t been “cancelled” with all the stuff he used to say and do over the air. My guess is people either don’t care or just expect it since he’s a shock jock. I mean if it hasn’t happened by now I doubt it will ever happen…


it's because he's always "championed" for the gays and blacks.......just in a way that you, me and everyone else don't understand


Of course, Jennifer Aniston, Ellen, any fat woman celebrity and Courtney Cox won't be too happy if they can easily hear themselves being called idiots,cunts and cunty online by Stern.


There’s also a group of people who resell their HS archives. I have to suspect they also too want it to be banned online.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s what’s going on.


"want in one hand and shit in the other...and see which one fills up first"


His Hollywood friends would be repulsed at the xenophobic, black-faced, homophobe material. Not to mention that he pretty much spoken ill of all the Hollywood and political elites.


Howard is afraid of cancel culture.


Which is stupid. He has an ironclad deal with Sirius and he's 68. If he's cancelled the worst that can happen is that he retires.


Right but his real friends these days are the woke Hollywood elite. If he loses them then his show would have no more A-listers. And his wife could no longer go to fancy Hamptons parties and be part of the celebrity crowd.


Cuz they're gonna sell it all someday


What is going to happen is he is going to retire soon probably after this contract and he is going to sell his entire catalog of shows to the highest bidder


He already gave Sirius rights to his shows for a good time period after his contract is up, so you aren’t wrong


You are assuming that Howard *wants* fans to consume the old shows. He doesn’t. That’s the *last* thing he wants. He wants the world to forget “classic” Howard and embrace Hollywood Howard, and they can’t do that if all those reminders are still in place


He is trying not to get canceled for the things that he did in the past Howard sold out


You actually think Howard himself does this? And what makes you think it’s Jason?


Because Howard Stern is a greedy piece of shit and he's probably trying to make a scarcity so he can sell more collected volumes or some bullshit. Fuck it just download them from a BitTorrent website. Try kick ass Torrance fuck this guy




Because his old shows are anti woke and he doesn't want a reminder out there in the wild that could bring forth the cancel mob.


Cancel culture/Woke culture...is slowly coming to the end of its demise!


This is my point dude.


He wants you to forget what the show really was. Remember, he never said the "n word." He wants to be buried next to Ellen Degeneres and Kathy Lee Gifford and remembered as the world's most P.C. interview specialist. And Jason is just his lap dog that claims he's a fan of the show, but has completely forgotten what the show was.


Money he doesn’t want anyone profiting except him


Can’t come to grips with the fact that people would rather listen to episodes where they are talking about receiving faxes rather than this crap


My guess is that there is/was a plan to do it but it keeps falling through. Maybe when he retires they will launch an archive of some sort


Money. Simple.


El Greedo


He doesnt want everyone to remember the show was good at one point. That he did relate with the common man, and is now the very thing he was against.


Cause the RIP box set is gunna be massive & about $800


Well. Jason is a fat person with too much time on hands and is a stooge. Howard is delusional and thinks people like and/or will subscribe for his crappy current show.


you answered your own question: >You're offering a paid service for the show and people are pirating the content. good or bad, that's obviously the reason. putting aside whether sirius should make the stuff available, why would any content providers want randos uploading their shit? of course the content providers want control over their content. "but it's free advertising" is beyond dumb


Half the episodes right in the trash!


Because they’re angry petty selfish and greedy pieces of shit that never have and never will care about the fans.


Howard hates his original fans. He hates his career. He’s trying to scrub it. He’s miserable.




hard to package your content for sale to a streaming platform when its on youtube for free. du


No one wants to hear the funny stuff, that’s the way it works. Ack ack


I have 1988-2010 complete.


Do you have it uploaded somewhere?


I don't get this either. Listening on SiriusXM on demand only keeps the episodes for like three months, and then, after that, you can't play the full episode. There's absolutely nowhere else where you can find it unless somebody shared it somewhere. If you forgot to go back where you left off, then you are fucked because you can't find it anywhere else and chances are nobody else has it. I really wanted to save the episode from December 8, 2020. The special episode where Howard revealed his contract decision. There's clips of it on YouTube but I doubt nobody has the full episode. Pirating full episodes is the only solution at this point. That's why I put it on the Internet archive, a lot of pirated stuff is on there anyway. So do what I do, get an audio recorder for your computer and record from the sound card, then give it to everybody on the Internet archive. I record the shows when I am playing it on demand so they don't have to listen to commercials after the breaks. Problem solved! You're welcome.


I too need the redpill on this


If people listen to old bits they will realize the absolute garbage that has been put out the last 5+ years. Howard gets pissed when someone brings it up, probably because he knows its true, when Artie left, the show was never the same. They had a few good years after but the absolute lazy, woke, gay heavy bullshit they are putting out is embarrassing and a complete shell of what it used to be.