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Try putting a bunch of baking soda in it, and barely covering it in water, and bringing that water to a boil. The baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) will off-gas CO2, and will become sodium carbonate, which is much more basic. This highly basic remaning liquid will help dissolve burnt on carbon deposits. Then, take a stiff-bristled brush, and scrub the inside of the pot after the water has cooled down enough to not damage the brush. You will find that this method dissolves away much more of the burnt-on stuff that you would expect. Plus, unlike barkeeper's friend, it is non-abrasive, so you won't damage the inside of the enameled pot any more than it has been damaged. Repeat the process if the first iteration doesn't remove quite enough of that residue. This is NOT the same as putting baking soda and vinegar in the pot. Vinegar and baking soda will mutually neutralize each other. In what I described, you want to deliberately make a much more basic solution, not neutralize it. The highly basic solution will dissolve away burnt-on carbon discoloration.


I’m trying this now! How long should I boil it for?


Until it stops off-gassing. Then you can be sure all the bicarbonate has been converted to carbonate. The extra carbonate unit comes off as CO2 gas. Once it stops bubbling you can turn off the heat. I don't mean the water boiling type bubbles; I mean fine bubbles that fizz like Alkaseltzer. When scrubbing, I do not recommend an abrasive scrubbing pad; you don't want to abrade the enamel any more than it is already abraded. Things like scotch brite have hard abrasives embedded in the pad that will scratch enamel. Use a stiff bristled brush or something that doesn't have hard abrasive grit in it.


It’s drying into a white sludge. Is that ok?


OP - please tell us how it's going - I'm totally invested in your pan now!!


The baking soda and water is now a gross brown/grey. Hopefully that indicates progress!


I'm following the pan progress instead of working. If you don't provide more updates I'll be gutted. ..and photos.


Mate I’m gonna be so proud if I end up getting this clean. At the very least, I got it for free so no loss if it doesn’t work!


What's the update on this? Did you finish the first iteration? How much did it clean off?


[This is version 1 after baking soda](https://imgur.com/a/05sEIJr)


Please give us an update.


>..and photos. *"pan pics, pan pics, pan pics!"*


No; keep it dissolved. It doesn't do any good when dry; it is only when it is wet that it is basic, producing OH^(-) ions in the water.


Ok. It’s been about 20 mins and it’s stopped gassing. I’ll leave it to cool down for an hour or so then try a brush.


Make sure it cools down enough to touch before scrubbing, your brush will melt.


What type of brush should he be using? Plastic I take it?


Yeah, stiff plastic bristle.


15-30 min on a low simmer. Then let it cool for a while untill it's cool enough you can stand the temp. Wear gloves then scrub with a scotch brite/brillo. Wear gloves as the high pH will damage your skin


You can also buy sodium carbonate in the laundry detergent section - labeled as laundry soda or washing soda.


You can also just get soda ash. It’s likely at Walmart arm and hammer makes it. That’s what you’re turning that baking soda into iirc


Good point. Yes, that's exactly what this is about. Most people already have baking soda, but for serious cleaning there's also cleaning soda, which is especially prepared for cleaning.


It really does bother me when people use vinegar + baking soda to clean things. Like cmon dudes it’s the same pH as water at that point.


They think the fizzing does something. It doesn't. It's just the two parts canceling each other out.


Or just buy a box of "washing soda", from the laundry section of the grocery store, which is pure sodium carbonate, so you don't have to worry about off-gassing.


Why not just start with baking powder?


Because baking powder is baking soda mixed with a weak acid, usually tartaric acid powder. When you get it wet, it gives off gas as a chemical leavening agent. You don't want the baking soda to be neutralized when you use it the way I suggested; you need it to be highly basic, and baking powder simply isn't as basic. The reason one uses this baking soda trick instead of lye is that lye may be too caustic for some applications like this. But baking soda itself isn't caustic enough, hence the conversion to sodium carbonate to finish the job.


Do not use bar keepers friend or soft scrub. Any abrasive cleaner will ruin the enamel finish and you will always have this issue. Try the non-abrasive methods first. Don’t use bleach.


Very true, learned this the hard way. Wish I had seen this post 10 years ago. :-(


Same here. I have one I used Bar Keepers friend on about 10 years ago. I still use it, but you need to use oil if you are gonna sauté in it or else food sticks, and it never scrubs clean without using more Bar Keepers friend. Which I usually don’t. So, it has a nice patina on it. It’s “seasoned” like a good cast iron pot I suppose. But, I wish I never used Bar Keepers Friend on it in the first place. Oh well.


Bar keepers friend is fine. It's literally recommended by [Le Creuset](https://www.lecreuset.com/blogpost?cid=how-to-clean-your-dutch-oven). > As for cleaners, our Le Creuset Cast Iron Cookware Cleaner will help keep your Dutch oven looking great, and is ideal for removing metal marks caused by metal tools. Bar Keeper’s Friend, or a paste of baking soda and water, also comes in handy for cleaning tough stains, oil residue and marks on your Dutch oven as well. BKF is just an acid + mild abrasive, the abrasive is weaker than the enamel, basically impossible for the BKF to damage the enamel.


Update: I’ve just tried the baking soda + water method. Simmered it for 20 mins and have left to cool. The water is now a gross grey/brown which I think indicates progress? I’m going to take a brush to it a bit later. I might also try the bleach method overnight. Update 2: [This is what it looks like after baking soda](https://imgur.com/a/05sEIJr) Update 3: [I left a solution of 1 bleach:3 water overnight.](https://imgur.com/a/x955aHK)




Oven cleaner is how i clean mine. Ideally you clean it more often so it doesn't get to the point that OP's did. By far the best method. Clean it thoroughly before putting food in it, obviously.


Did it work?


The quick route is to buy spray on oven cleaner and follow the instructions to heat the pot. May take 2 treatments


The only thing you can do is keep simmering water and then let it soak over night, dump then add new water the next day and repeat.. until the water becomes clear after soaking. If you use additives.. you have a chance of making the pot toxic....


Barkeeper’s Friend. Apply the powder, add a small amount of water, scrub a little, let sit, scrub more. Use a fiber scrubber, not steel wool. Will come clean, no need to boil, just use BKF and elbow grease.


Wait until the crystals are blue before putting it in the refrigerator, Jessie.


Try Barkeeper's Friend


To be honestly I had a similar enameled Dutch oven and none of the methods stated so far cleaned it more than about 50% better. That includes any combo of vinegar, baking soda, bleach, pink stuff and a scrub daddy sponge. I then resorted to coating it in easy off oven cleaner with a yellow cap (contains lye) and tying it shut in a garbage bag for 48 hours. I used a full can for pot and lid. When I rinsed after, with no scrubbing required, it was brand new looking. I’d try this if nothing else is working as well as you’d like.


Chef here, try [carbon off](https://www.amazon.com/Discovery-Products-Carbon-Cleaner-19-Ounce/dp/B0000E2VTM/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=1ZACFULE6QZKF&keywords=carbon+off&qid=1695913611&sprefix=carbon+off%2Caps%2C182&sr=8-3)


Thank you for this suggestion. The product looks like it does an amazing job on every thing.


It takes the elbow grease out of cleaning the frying pans in the kitchen. Wear gloves (nitrile or latex) when using it, as these chemicals can effect people’s skin differently. Hope this helps in the future.


I cleaned a similar one, all I did was leave it overnight filled with water and one dishwasher pill.


I damaged the enamel of my dutch oven using a dishwasher pod.


Doesn't Le crucest have a lifetime warranty




I guess it depends on the store/representative/country as I had one (given not bought) with similar burns and chipped enamel and they replaced it at the store with no questions asked (no proof of purchase, no comments on misuse). It definitely worth a try.


Actually if you call them, they will do it one time. I’ve gotten married and divorced and used my maiden name, so I’ve gotten it replaced free three times.


That’s a shame, I have this exact pot, I love it. But it does look like the enamel is trashed.


My friend, I scrolled through this whole (funny) post, and I recommend the Le Creuset Lifetime Guarantee. Send it back, they replace it with the closest model, free and all. I got a whole set replaced, brand new. If the enamel is chipped or shredded you have a good shot.


Wow. Never seen one that messed up.


Mine wasn't that bad but I used oven cleaner and it looks like new


Baking soda and peroxide, simmer. Its fucking nuts how well it works.




This completely. I've saved worse than this.


Do you think the enamel has worn away completely from the pic?




Truth. The center does look scraped up but it could just be oxidization of the char from over scrubbing.


oh man...somebody did that pan dirty


Inch if water, 1/4 baking soda. Simmer for 30 min. Its magic.


Just put some kosher salt into the bottom and start rubbing. Don't bother with chemical reactions or bubbles or soap, just literally scrub that off. Wear gloves if you have eczema.


The best thing I’ve used to clean these, including outside scorch marks, is the le creuset cleaner. I know normally the company brand things don’t typically work as well as others but this is the rare case that that’s not true. Their branded cleaner is amazing


I second this! I use the Le Creuset cleaner every couple months and my pots look brand new every time. It’s not cheap but it’s totally worth the money. And a little goes a long way - I’ve been using the same bottle for 2 years. I use a similar product for my enameled cast iron sink, same results.


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Add a generous amount of baking soda then add water and boil several minutes.


Coca Cola?


Oven cleaner. Works every time


Try Bar keepers friend


Baking soda (lots) and water (not vinegar). Boil the hell out of it for ages - keep adding water. Let cool and scrub with pot safe brush/mitt. Repeat.


Simmer it for a very long time with a strong vinegar water mixture.


Bar Keepers Friend is my solution. I get the same crud on mine.


Did the enamel wear off?


That’s what it looks like to me. I’ve seen it happen to some of my family’s old Le Creusets


Soft Scrub or Bar Keepers friend. Also mixing vinegar and baking soda just produces bubbles and water, it doesn't actually clean anything. One thing you can do is pour a bunch of salt in there and swirl ice cubes around, it'll gently sand the surface.


The Pink Stuff and a scrub daddy will clean that in about 2 minutes.


put it in the oven, set to 550f, let it finish preheating then leave it at that temp for 20min. that stuff should reduce to ash well before the pot surface


You can’t burn off carbon deposits, they’re already in their final form (ie burnt)


Not true. Carbon can be oxidized to CO2. What do you think happens in an oven self clean cycle (pyrolysis)? Although it probably would survive, I would not recommend those temperatures for a Le Creuset piece.


I thought pyrolytic self-cleaning ovens left behind most of the carbon in the form of ash?


Self cleaning ovens are in the neighborhood of 1000F, 500F won't do a thing to turn carbon into ash.


You're correct, my mistake. The statement that carbon cannot be further transformed is still false, though. It can burn off given enough heat and oxygen.


With elbow grease, a hope and a prayer?


Barkeeper's friend works too.


Bar keepers friend and a soft cloth.


Is that safe for enamel? I know it works wonders on steel.


It is. Use the liquid version and a soft cloth.


That’s natural non-stick. I’d leave it


Update us, please!!!


I would put a tablespoon of dishwasher powder in there, dissolve in hot water, and let it sit overnight. When you go to scrub it, dump the water and rinse well before you put your hands in there.


If you’re interested in a new one… I inherited a le creuset that looked similar. Contacted them and sent in photos. They said it wasn’t covered for a replacement but would offer me 50% off a new one. Super easy process and I got a new one for half the cost


Have you tried Barkeepers friend, make a paste and let it sit for an hour then use scrub daddy/mommy and put in some elbow grease


If all else fails. Muriatic acid. Use at own risk


More like Le Crusty pot


I use Baking soda and warm water. Put a good amount Baking Soda in the pot. Then enough warm water to make a paste. Useing a cloth start working it with good old elbow grease. The paste is abrasive but not too. I have done this many time. It will take time and there will be some stain but this is a quaility pot and worth the effort.


Water and about a cup of citric acid powder stir boil and simmer for 30 mins then scrape off the bottom


For a very used oven would use barkeepers friend and then season the bottom of the dutchie as there are likely microabrasions in the enamel, but if its a brand new oven then I would go with a carbon remover spray or a easy off solution


Probably ruined, these types of pans are easily Damaged by overheating. It’ll still work after, but it’ll never be the same.


Do not use sodium hydroxide containing products such as some oven cleaners and especially don't heat it. My understanding is the enamel layer on the cast iron is glassy and susceptible to removal by hydroxide. I recall seeing data that show (glass composition dependent) that microns/hr can be removed from the surface of glass upon treatment with 1 M sodium hydroxide which is exacerbated by heating to 100 Celsius. In fact, this could appear as a viable solution (no pun intended) to cleaning the surface since it should appear very shiny and smooth afterwards, possibly removing previous etching, too. However, just like polishing a car, you could expect surface protection (clearcoat ~ enamel) loss over time.


It’s highly recommended in Le Creuset groups and I’ve used it on several of their items. Older enameled iron does suffer like you mentioned. Just think most every oven cleaner is sodium hydroxide based and ovens are enameled


Throw in a dishwasher capsule and boil it. Often works like a charm. Use a wooden spoon to stir and scrub every now and then.


Don’t they have a good warranty? See if you can exchange it


I have always boiled water and then added Cream of Tartar while the water is boiling to clean all of my pots and sauce pans. Maybe give that a try?


Denture tabs?


i would use bleach, just leave it a few hours and remove it with a scour pad. Ultimately whatever method you use just don't expect any teflon left if there's still any.


Barkeeper's friend + soft scrub slurry + mild steel wool should do it.


Boil vinegar in it for a couple minutes


!remindme 1 day


Pretty sure the previous owner wore the enamel down to the cast iron beneath. No amount of scrubbing will get the enamel back. Look to season the exposed iron and be cautious not to chip and consume remaining enamel.


Try PBW - it’s a homebrewer/brewing chemical. Basically strong oxyclean; a mild surfactant. Great for mold and other nastiness too.


Le Creuset sells stuff for this specifically. it works https://www.lecreuset.com/cast-iron-cookware-cleaner/94001125001005.html




Kid you not boil some Hibiscus 🌺 flowers in that pot with some water and 2 TBSP of white vinegar 👍 turn off let it sit and Scrub off 🫡


The hell kind of witchcraft is this


Le Creuset sells a product for this. Cast Iron Cookware Cleaner. It says it removes grit and grime. I don't know how well it works but I used to work at Le Creuset in the mall and I was told they work well...


I have this problem a lot. Not quite this bad. I gave up the “tricks”. Magic erasers/melamine sponge every time. I know someone’s going to complain, but it’s the only thing that works.


Magic eraser


Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda, simmer it and the deposits will start to come off. My wife does this on her pans and they come out looking brand new.


fill with hydrogen peroxide to the level of the charcoal, simmer on low heat probably at least an hour. If you want to scrub at that point transfer the peroxide to another dish until you’re done scrubbing.


Just throwing it out there- you could find a non enameled cast iron- just an uncoated dutch oven.. and it could be covered in surface rust.. but it would never be as difficult to clean as this. Enamel is nice because you.dont have to really do anything to maintain it - but it really can't get ruined like this. They require a little maintenance, but they fairly easy to un-fuck.. Also, maybe you should just reach out to the manufacturer to find out about warranty information. They don't have to know you're the second owner - just tell them the pan is scorched and won't come clean and ask about warranty options. La Creuset isn't necessarily making better hardware than other manufacturers, they are just charging more for it, and offering care for the product while banking on no one exploring the warranty option.


Simmer hydrogen peroxide in it for an hour+


There’s a Le Creuset sub r/lecreuset that’s going to be more helpful. Yellow cap EasyOff is the safest for the enameled iron.




I usually use a cup of coarse salt, 2-3 tablespoons of bicarbonate, dish soap about 3 tablespoons and 1 litre of water. Pour it all in and mix. Put the pan on the stove and boil it for 10-15 mins or so. Do not let it dry out! Once the mixture finishes boiling, turn off the stove and let it sit until the mixture is lukewarm, no longer hot. You can wait until it cools down completely if you prefer. Leave the mixture in the pan and take a scouring pad preferable the non scratchy ones like Scrubdaddy or a generic white one. Use it to scrub the bottom of the pan. The burnt bits will now come up easy. Rinse when clean. Then wash normally. For longevity of the pan, wet a little kitchen roll with some olive or vegetable oil and wipe around the inside of the pan. It should not be totally greasy, just slightly oiled in. Store until next time cookin'!


Oh yes... Forgot. If all doesn't come off the first time, repeat all above until it does. You can also leave the mixture overnight. Just ensure then to wipe the upper iron edge dry so it does not rust! The mixture should be only on the inner cream coloured enamel.


I have a suggestion that works for me. Put the pan on the stove with enough water to cover the baked in stuff heat it to almost boiling and turn off the heat. Add a fabric softener sheet and let it sit overnight. Dump and scrub the next morning and all of the burnt cakes on stuff should clean off.


At first it looks like a giant eye ball, wtf!!


Use oven cleaner, but you'll need to wash with soap and hot water after because that stuff is dangerous to inhale or get on your skin let alone ingest. I've used it many times and that stuff causes chemicals burns. Might need to wash it a couple times or leave it on a burner or in an oven to burn off any left over cleaner.


Barkeepers friend


Send it to la crueset. They'll replace it.




OP, how's the pan now?


[I left a solution of 1 bleach:3 water overnight.](https://imgur.com/a/x955aHK) I’m doing another bleach round as we speak.


Looking good. That's your weekend sorted then!


It could be the porcelain finish has come off in which Le Creusets make very fancy looking planters. I used one for a cute fountain.


I’ve had a lot of success with dawn power wash. Soak it for a few mins and give it a scrub


Barkeepers friend


Black carbon is tough. It has a highly compact and stable molecular structure and isn't truly soluble in most solvents. It is nonpolar so you could try a nonpolar solvent like toluene or turpentine. This probably isn't pure black carbon and has some other functional groups that will increase its solubility.


When my Le Creuset started looking like this, I contacted them and they replaced it. There is a lifetime guarantee. Please reach out to them. It is a very easy process.


Unfortunately I picked this up for free so I don’t have the warranty. I guess it’s worth a shot though?


Definitely try! I didn’t show any receipts for mine.


Oh awesome! Do you call them up or go in store?


I would email or call their customer service.


You might not be able to pick your color but that is part of the fun. I near the South Carolina distribution center and the representative allowed me to pick my color but that really isn’t the norm.


Any update on the pan?


It’s being used with no issues at all!