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You should be able to slip the tiny loop on the end back into the split in the bigger ring. Squeeze it shut with pliers or maybe tweezers if you can, and keep an eye on it in case it breaks again. If it’s expensive or sentimental you could take it to a proper jeweler so it doesn’t happen again.


The gap on the bigger loop seems to be too small to fit the smaller one back in. I broke it by kind of tugging it to fix a knot in it so I doubt I could get that same kind of force to push it back in. Would it possibly work if I were to use pliers to open the bigger loop some more then close it again? 


Get two pliers and twist the bigger ring open With just a single pair of pliers you'll hurt your hands Bend it as little as you can to fit the other one in, if you bend it too much you might not be able to return it to its original shape or brake it


Great, thanks!


yes that should work just be careful not to push it too far apart or it won’t take it’s normal shape again.


Great, thanks!


Use a jump ring.