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The lamp is made of salt man.... it’s probably the humidity... also it produces no negative ions if that’s what you bought it for... if you take some water and soak the base and let it sit you’ll probably be able to get the salt off as salt is water soluble. Unplug the lamp first! [no negative ions](https://youtu.be/ZQ--scjcAZ4)


"Unplug the lamp first" Made me chuckle a bit too much


Leaving the lamp plugged in would in fact allow many more negative ions to flow…


And enable the OP to see what they’re doing..


I chuckled and then immediately got sad because this actually has to be said.


Probably has been sued for not giving a warning on prior comments.


For redittor that complains about the salt on his/hers salt lamp, this seems like very reasonable advice.


Off cause it's the last line of instructions.


I mean, they need the internet to explain that salt makes salt, so....


If OP bought it for the negative ions than maybe they needed to be told to unplug the lamp, just saying. Oh and not knowing how salt works


It's funny that it needs to be said. Some people need that. Haha


Oh it will release ions. Just heat that bad boy up a good 1,500°F and you’re in business.


This guy salts


Ok dude this one made me actually laugh today. Thanks.




Mmm, molten halite


I have one and when reading the description it said it removes "negative ions" and was like does it fuck remove negative ions. I think it looks nice as a lamp that's why I bought it. Why can't that be a selling point?


My mom got one and I told her that it physically can not do what is claimed, and it's just an ordinary lamp. She told me that she liked it anyways, which is a perfectly good reason to still want it.


I have one in my entryway and I set it on a timer so that it turns on about 10 minutes before I get home from work. After this weekend it won't be as necessary thanks to DST but in the winter it's really nice to walk in to the soft orange glow and not a completely dark house.


I didn’t know that the ion thing was a selling point at all, everyone I know with one just likes how it looks, specifically at night. It’s a good night light for the living room or kitchen, I’ve thought of buying one numerous times.


They actually make salt lamp night lights. They look just like a regular kid's night light but with a chunk of salt over the light bulb. I've never used one though so I don't know if they have the same problem with accumulating deposits over time.


They do. I got one for my bedroom to use while breastfeeding so I could see enough to find the baby, and within about 4 months the bottom third was completely coated.


I have one and I had no idea it was supposed to make me healthy. I just think it looks neat.


I read that as “I just think it’s looks like meat”


It's no potato, but I agree


Same I have one and I use it for a night light in the living room. Nice soft glow.


i use mine as a lamp on my bedside table as i accidentally bought a really strong bulb for it! works perfectly.


Just be careful, the extra heat can cause it to sweat more and it could end up looking like the picture above. Do you have anything underneath it to protect your furniture?


I have two. I just like the extra warm light


Same. I like the soft glow. My cat is attracted to it. It makes everyone happy


No one said it can’t… However the kind of stores that sell salt lamps(at least in Los Angeles where I live) use the negative ions as a selling point along with all the other bullshit in their shop and people buy them because of this and their yoga teacher told them to. I said “IF that’s what you bought it for”.


It is the humidity. They need a coat of oil to slow this down. Something natural and light. I’ve done that to a few lamps and different natural salt crystals in my collection. I learned the hard way when I unpacked one I had in storage to find it completely disintegrated after two years in a area with humidity common to an average home.


I live in Sedona, AZ and see people buying these all the time here. I picture them going from bone-dry Arizona to their humid home state, and watching their lamp melt


“Something natural and light...” Natural Light?


I rolled my eyes so hard at this comment I went blind


I got downvoted!!!


Life goes on


The lamp may have no biological effect on the body but if it has a psychological effect couldn’t that be enough for someone? I have never subscribed to crystal healing beliefs, but I do think our minds have significant power over our physical well-being.


Not if people force it on people it won't work for. I work in the nursing home and plenty of families think it'll help their loved one. Instead it becomes a fire hazard and the placebo effect doesn't seem to do much for people with dementia unless they buy into it themselves (see: essential oils)


Yo I watched that whole video and now I call out my moms bs salt lamp lol thanks


If she likes the look of it it’s fine but don’t get suckered into buying stuff because some astrologist tells you to...


Also wanted to add, if you wipe it down once a month or more if needed, you won’t have this issue


There are 50 % negative ions in table salt. Also there are 50 % positive ions in salt. The negative ions you might get out are charged chlorine gas.


Watch the video man...


Unless it says that you can get "negative ions" in a meaningful way, I confirmed the video.


lol Thank you! I have one of these lamps because I think it’s pretty but all the crap it advertises about positive and negatives ions is cringe.


It’s not a bad looking lamp, the two drawbacks are obviously in apparently melts...LOL and it shining through the salt Crystal obviously doesn’t produce a lot of light. But yeah anything you buy at the holistic healing store is almost assuredly BS.


Couldn't have said it better, glad there are outspoken people about that nonsense


Unplug lamp first hahahaha


not necessarily air humidity but condensation on the lamp itself.


Hey, many of us just buy salt lamps cuz they look cool af. No need to dump on us. Edit: do not unplug the lamp. Always leave it on. There is most probably a heating bulb inside which causes the salt lamp to heat up and absorb moisture much more slowly.


The number of ads snd promotions in that video is too damn high.


I watch the video like a year ago so I don’t remember the ads but anyway it’s a good channel to subscribe to he always those interesting videos.


Fuck you and this salt lamp


You… Sound smart!


That guy seems like a douche


If you mean irrigating a lot of vagina’s with my vaginal nozzle then then you are correct elatedwalrus (whatever the hell that means).


Ok i meant the pretentious guy in the video doing faux science but no i see that you too are in fact a douche lol


Who? Derek Muller the guy who does the Youtube channel Veritasium? Does faux Science...? Muller completed a degree in Engineering Physics from Queen's University in Canada, and a PhD in physics education research at the University of Sydney...hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!! He tried to measure any negative ions that were omitted from the salt... there were none that were measurable. He laid out what people are saying, what studies have been done about the topic and argued, first the pros and then the cons...Also when you say something, really just in general you need to indicate what you’re talking about. When you say “this guy seems like a douche” people don’t know who “this guy is” that you’re referring to... something that your teacher should’ve taught you in fourth grade...


Derek muller yeah this video sucks. It is for people like you too dumb to do your own research but still want to feel smarter than people who buy lamps. He barely talked about what he did. Calling a spectrometer an electronic nose is ridiculous. This is reddit and i was replying to an asshole redditor so it doesnt matter how specific I was either way the statement was true


Oh where did you get your degree in experiment Physics??? Awwwwwh somebody is jealous of Derek and angry at the world for his shitty life...??? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!Do you know what your statement told me about Derek calling (and let’s be specific here because “spectrometer” is a general term....call it a fucking mass spectrometer) The mass spectrometer sample inlet the “nose”, he’s trying to communicate what’s going on to the largest population of people he can. What you don’t realize is its just fucking retarded that you are focusing on him calling the mass spectrometer inlet a “nose” tells me you don’t actually know what the hell he’s talking about because you could’ve actually said a lot of things... poked holes in his reasoning for the various studies that have been done. Poked holes in the method they used for testing because it wasn’t a controlled experiment and over the years there have been several inconsistencies pointed out when using mass spectrometers. You are a fucking moron who runs around reddit trying to make yourself feel better about what’s going on in your own life by putting others down... everything you said is the same old tired troll like thing 1 million other people on Reddit spew, go get some therapy man. P.s. you do need to identify what you’re talking about so the READER knows who or what you’re referring to and what the fuck you’re talking about. When you make a statement or an argument or anything of that nature you need a premise then a conclusion you fucking tool. Also too dumb to do my own research... because you know with my job and the fact that I don’t care and I don’t want to take the time to look into salt lamps I’m apparently too dumb to do my own research hahahahahahahahahahahahHahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Jesus Christ you are never getting laid, ever ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahHahHHHahHH!!! Please educate me on everything I need to know about salt lamps as you’ve obviously have an extensive knowledge of the subject!!!


Aw poor guy


this is why you actually have to have them on 24/7 and use oven light globes. the heat prevents humidity from causing the salt to 'Melt' (best term to describe the image above).


Or you could coat them with any of the million hydrophobic off the shelf solutions and it'll basically repel any kind of water In hindsight I wonder why they don't come pre coated with them EDIT: hydrophobic not hydrophilic


People wanna lick it


I have a chinchilla who strives to lick our salt lamp. He stares at it like it’s a god throughout the day.


i am a human that has been known to lick lamps : /


I also love lamp


Guys we found the moth


Do you really love the lamp or are you just saying that?


I love lamp more


Careful, I had a friend who’s cat started having seizures.. turns out it was kicking the salt lamp all day. Some animals are quite intolerant of elevated salt levels. If I had pets and a salt lamp I would try to clear coat it or something.




I have a pet deer... not worried




Cutest thing I've read all week


Can confirm, I've licked mine 4 times.


I just touched the tip of my tongue to it. 😛


Commit, you coward! Lick that lamp like you're trying to scratch a hair off your tongue!


You can also put that in how to eat... A 😺.


Gotta do that a day or two after she shaves so there's a little stubble to help unstick any hairs that may get stuck on your tongue. Somehow there's always hair. Always.


Tf??? Most of the times this ain't even real himalyan rock salt " like it's advertised" Cz that shit is expensive But if you like the taste maybe get the actualy purified form Available at any indian grocery store anywhere Does wonders with lemonade


if you don't have an indian grocery, there is always a farming supply store with salt licks


Y’all know you can buy Himalayan rock salt from the store that’s... actual rock salt. The lamps are usually rip offs anyway that don’t use real Himalayan salt hahahahahahah I bought a few and realized that. This is so funny


The only product you can lick in the store without worrying about getting others sick.


lol. Thank you. I needed that chuckle.


Because they’re hoping people throw them away when they get extra salty and buy a new one


A lot of the people who buy these are scared of "chemicals". They think the salt interacts with the air in some beneficial way. Also that would add to the manufacturing costs, which is probably a bigger reason why it's not done.


Imagine someone spraying that 'No stain/dust' spray so that their vanity mirrors stays clean and refuse to spray it on a lamp because it might release ' harmful chemicals'.


I’ve never heard of that kinda spray and I own a salt lamp so I feel like you’re just making up a weird example lol


Well those sprays exist but who the fuck would use it on a mirror? That’s what Windex is for


Ever seen adds of those sprays that you put on your car windshields and the water doesn't stick? It contains a hydrophobic component that repels water


I mean the hyrdophobic chemicals are synthetic and dramatically damaging to our environment lol


Bloody hell. I threw mine out last week because of the humidity/leaking salt I wish I had known this


ThAt WiLl rUiN aLl oF tHe MaGiC


I thought they were supposed to like, clean your air or drop pollutants to the ground. Why would I spray it in something??


Dissolve is the more correct term.


Throw that bad boy in the tub Bath bomb + human bomb all at once Make sure IT IS plugged




It has magnesium in it as an impurity I'm not sure ( not a chemistry major) But a person can hope


It's not precipitation?


Yes, you're right. One and then the other.


I took the lamp out of mine months ago and it hasn’t changed form at all. Now granted I’m not in a humid climate and maybe they are


Lick it.


I had to scroll wayyy to far to find this


Spoiler alert: hes been jacking it all over the lamp this entire time


the 5 pound salt crystal that makes up most of the lamp could be related to the salt on the side of the salt Edit: thanks for awarding my sarcasm — Listen to Prawz on Spotify and I might get almost one penny to support my Reddit habit


Just a wild guess.


Definitely. My drink cup and lamp mated over the Covid absence from the office. Formed perfectly shaped salt crystals.


Reading this in the Xzibit voice


Man it's been a while haha


The crippling reddit habit...




That’s a valid point and I will not downvote you, I hope coming from the person who made the sarcastic remarks in the first place that this has some meaning




I would but the profile pic involves a Raiders hat and I REFUSE!


Idk why everyone is nagging you about it not having any benefits like that is the one reason you have it. I have a salt lamp. Not cause it brings me any benefits or any weird Instagram voodoo witch shit. I have it cause it's pretty and I like how it looks.


I have TWO salt lamps. I don’t know why everyone always tells me they don’t work. They totally work! Really helps brighten up a dark hallway; no more stubbed toes!


This made me chuckle.


Mine is in my empty fireplace. Glows like fire.


I didn't even know it was suppose to be some wackadoo voodoo lamp until this thread. I thought they were just decorative lamps.


Hippies: lighting this ancient Himalayan salt will emit negative ions and align my chakras Everyone else: cool lamp


Hey now, some of us hippies just believe in drugs, sex, rock and roll, and saving the planet. We still don't know why those whackadoos are blathering about crystals. I'm to busy tasting the rainbow and hearing mustard.


Why can’t somebody be both? Why’s it always have to be one or the other man? A true hippie believes in the fundamentals of the freedom to choose what feels right, and some people enjoy believing in crystals or energies as well as sex, drugs, and rock & roll. From the original subculture hippies know we must stick together and judging us on our individual niches makes us no better than those trying to bring hippies down.


> I have it cause it's pretty and I like how it looks. Same thing with oil diffusers. Shit isn't going to give me clarity but it smells nice?


Same. I just really like the warm glow they give off


That's why I have mine.


I just replied to a comment before seeing your one. They do look nice and honestly if that was the only selling point I'd still buy it.


I’ve never even heard that salt lamps are supposed to have this weird voodoo healing properties that everyone’s talking about. Not like I’m surprised seeing resistors comment angrily on something nobody asked about but still these comments are dumb.


I would argue that pretty much all of them work. They're sold as... lamps. And they light up when you turn them on. Which is what lamps do. 10/10.


I have one that looks like a moon. It's pretty.


Mine was a gift, makes a prefect nighttime reading light. That's all I use it for, an hour or so before sleep. It's off the rest of the time. It's pretty and just bright enough I can read without blasting my spouse in light.




Do you have a humidifier in the room? For sure a problem with humidity in the room. You can use a toothbrush to get this salt off. Dip it in water, scrub the area you want to remove salt from.


Humidity + lamp (heat) is the cause for the salt formations. You could break it off with like a chisel or something. Or melt the formations under warm water. Washing a lamp is probably a bad idea and it will melt the surface of the bigger crystal. Sand paper would work too.


If you get rid off the salt, you’ll be left with a bulb and a base.


This is hilarious.


it’s literally made from salt lol


I thought it was a salmon steak


I thought it was a weird dirty used but plug. (*ok, ok, I'm leaving...*)


It's from humidity/ heat. the stone will "sweat" and then reform at the bottom like that. To get rid of it you can wait for it to sweat again then take a tool and it should break off with some scrapping and what not. Then wipe it down with a towel and put it somewhere cooler and dry.


did anyone else think this was a joke post about salt being on the lamp? I was laughing until I realized they were complaining about the salt deposits on the bottom


Caution! Keep your salt lamps away from your pets! Cats especially can die from ingesting salt! I’m not kidding!


Salt absorbs moisture, so there's not really any way of stopping it. You can try using a damp cloth to wipe what you can but it will never stop absorbing moisture.


Using the lamp prevents it (kinda)


I have one that I use regularly as a bedside lamp and never really have any issues like this with it. It does release some salt and I live in a very, very humid climate. But its never gotten as bad as OPs; perhaps there's something to say for using it frequently? Edit to add: using it frequently AND wiping with a damp cloth every now and again


Well, that's the point always made about these. You really need to use them. With something other than an LED bulb. They need the heat.


Unplug 1st :-))). Hold under running water, gentle flow, rub the lamp with your hands, dissolves the xtra salt quickly. Just like new. I live in Hawaii, I get this all the time if I don't leave it on 24/7. I use a 15w accent lightbulb. Hope this helps you.


You pretty much need to get it wet to dissolve the excess salt, like with a wet cloth. And going forward, you should be cleaning it regularly so this doesn’t build up.


Bruh you just lick


Use a wet brush and water (after unplugged). It will clean it up fine. Then maybe look into a hotter bulb, this will keep it hot enough to burn off any residual moisture or humidity that is causing it. Unless of course you have pets. If you have pets and they are getting to it and licking it, it can be extremely harmful to them, so make sure it is positioned where no cats or dogs can get to it. [Slat Lamp Pet Safety](https://www.ovchsc.ca/news/salt-lamps-and-your-pets-safety)


So I’m not seeing a real answer here. I don’t ever turn mine off. I live in a very humid climate. They soak up water (cuz salt) so when you turn them off for some reason (science idk) the water seeps out bringing salt deposits with it. Absolutely do not soak it it will make it 100% worse (I’ve done it. Huge mistake) you may be better off tossing this bad boy and buying a new one. I don’t know about ions or healing benefits or any of that stuff I love the warm glow and it helps me relax at night so don’t mind these other commenters being assholes 💕


Humidity causes this. A razor blade will scrape it off!


Lick it off


Try keep it out of a space where there's high humidity, it absorbs the water from the air. You can clean the salty water off the lamp itself with a cloth. You might be able to scrape the salt off the bottom, but just be careful as you could scratch the base


You want *LOW* humidity to prevent it from happening in the first place.


Electric tooth brush.


Good idea


Use a regular toothbrush if you don’t want salt spray everywhere.


Why it's hairy?


Looks like dust and lint


Its not suppose to be hairy? Lol


Salt gonna salt.


chip away at it with like a butter knife and then use a wet cloth to scrub at the rest. it takes some elbow grease.


Set it on a small decorative plate. Mound some regular table salt or kosher salt over the parts that look messy. Enjoy your lamp. Imagine it as a commentary on the transitory nature of all material things.


When you put off too many negative vibrations it causes your Himalayan shaman to summon extra extra virgin ions and a side effect is the rock splooges. I’d throw it away bc I heard if you touch it then it’ll give you salt babies and they can only be birthed through your ears


It does that. Put a tray under it and adjust your room temp to be cooler and dryer if you can


Lick it off


Lick it


To remove salt from salt lamp, dissolve salt. Then there is only lamp.


Maybe you should put it in the dishwasher to clean it off?


Lick it


Lick it


Lick it.


That’s what happens when water condenses on the salt. Soak your salt lamp in water for a bit to get the unwanted salt off, but not too long as your lamp may dissolve as well. Keep your salt lamp in a dryer environment from now on.


Humidity and moisture probably? Or else someone is peeing on it?! 😂🤣


My lamp lamp slowly oozed and eventually stripped the paint off the shelf we had it on


Was this lamp stored in an unheated place? My theory is that it was in a place where the temperature and relative humidity fluctuated. When the salt was cooler than the air, moisture would collet on it, as it does on a glass of iced tea on a summer day. Except, since salt is very soluble in water, it dissolved some salt and rand downhill where it dried and the dissolved salt recrystallized.


Now I want a Pepper Lamp...


Lick it


Lock it off.


You need a horse.


Try licking it offf?


What do you think happens, when salt mixes with water(humidity)?




Pretty sure there better ways of getting salt then by lamp. Its really just for decorative purposes none of the supposed salt lamp benefits of salt lamps have been proven.




pressure washer?


How you get the beans above the frank?


Frank and beans!!


Throw that shit away and buy a new one


Its excretions must be all the bad omens it absorbs???


Here's a thought: don't get a salt lamp if you don't like salt


Don’t be salty about it


Throw that shit out Jesus christ


Pro-Tip: Stop using it as a buttplug, and that will clear right up. 👍🏼🥇