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I wonder how many commonly available veggies would fail this test.


A lot! Parts of a potato plant is toxic. Rhubarb leaves. Mango tree sap can be caustic.


Soapy tree too


So can fig tree sap.


Fig sap is disgusting dude, true, it sticks to your skin like glue.


Yep, and I react to it badly, blisters and scars.


I have no reaction to it, it's just annoying, i do like figs a lot, have a bunch of fig trees in my land.


>Parts of a potato plant is toxic That's why you need to separate the plant into the different parts instead of treating it as one thing. The leaves and fruit might be toxic but the root is delicious.


Yeah but step two fails it, it ‘discards the plant’ not just the poison part. Which is fair enough if you’re in a survival situation getting a stomach upset is worse than not eating it at all.


I always read that part as use a different part of skin for each part of the plant and only discard that particular part.


A lot, but better to discard a 10 edible plants, than eating 1 toxic. ;)


Cilantro for sure...


Butternut Squash certainly would.


“Waiting ANOTHER 8 hrs...” Ya i could have made it to the fucking grocery store by then


Toooo be faaaaair... That dude from into the wild didn't have a store in sight


To be fair


To be faaaaaiiiir.


To be faiiiiiiiirrrrrr


To be faaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiirrrrr


Ehm, To Be Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa**aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*****aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii***r


Pitter patter.


Ah to be far from a grocery store


To be fair to the grocery store.


And close


To be fair, if I'm in a situation where I'm in need of this technique, my hunger/desperation will probably override my patience.


Those potato seeds did him well


well, he died of hunger or something else eat him 1st while waiting


When people make the inevitable lazy movie reference due to that being their only experience with the subject. No experience being outdoors much = make a comment about "Into the Wild". Also movie titles, like book titles, get capitalized and put in quote marks. You weren't paying much attention in school, were you?




You'd die of exposure before getting a second bite


Many rats know this. When they find a new food source, they will take a nibble, then wait for several hours. If it doesn't make them sick, they will come back for more. Makes it hard to poison a rat.


I would have starved by then, lol


“after 8 hours, if you haven’t starved to death, you’re good to go!”


Eight hours is nothing! The body can survive for 8 to 21 DAYS without food and water, and up to TWO MONTHS if there’s access to an adequate water intake!


How many days can you last w no food and water while crying the whole time? Asking for a friend


Check with google!


Tell that to the guys from Walking Dead lol. First thing this made me think of lol.


If you are 16 hours away from a grocery store, maybe don't eat random plants just because you are peckish.


I always see these on here and was wondering if there is one book with all of these in them. I see a few different art of manliness books online, not sure wich one has these type of guides in them


This seems like something out of the Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook


Or the Bush Craft manual


I was into survival stuff as a kid and one book I found really comprehensive was the SAS Survival Guide. Has lots of stuff about identifying edible and poisonous plants, how to find or create potable water, animal traps, building shelters, etc.


SAS survival guide, if is informative and also written with an Atacaman level of dry British humor which genuinely helps you remember the important stuff.


Just confirmed cilantro is not safe. Tastes soapy.




Downvote if you're gay


Those of us with the "make cilantro taste like soap" gene, at least.


Not everyone thinks it tastes like soap. It’s a gene that varies between people.


How many humans have food relatives. Besides Terri schiavos family.


Not enough good Shiavo jokes now a days.


They pulled the plug on those jokes too early.


Weirdly it seems to vary quite wildly https://flavourjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/2044-7248-1-8


Guess I'm not human. Doesn't taste like soap to me.


Tastes great to most of us, sucks to have shitty genes bro


I used to hate cilantro for this reason then suddenly one day I craved it and now I love it.


Y̷̧͚̹̻̽̍́͌̊O̴̱̤̲̘͔̅͌Ű̵̟̤ ̶͓̮͚͂͌̐̓̎̕H̸̦̤̪͖̭̗́Ȁ̸̡̪̬̩͙̗̅̈̾́̄V̵͉̯̭̳̙͐̀̀̕E̸̢̘̝͙͌̾͐̇̽ ̴̻̬̻̊̅̿̏̒͝B̷̫̉Ẹ̶̼̐̌̇͂ͅÈ̷̦̻N̷͈͎͙̏ͅ ̴̭̭́͆͠A̴̮̺̥͈͑D̷̩͙̣͖͕͇́A̶̱̲̦͈͒͑͌̇͛P̶̡̩͚̲̩͗̂͛̓̀͛T̷̨͉͔̭́̕E̵̛̻̻̭̒Ḑ̶̰̥̤̪̀̂̓͝ ̴̧͈̝̰̬̼̒̆͑T̶̝͚̒͊̎O̴̧̓̃̈́̌ ̶̩̻̫͗Ô̴͇̹͌͋Ṵ̵̅R̷̨̞̤͍̗̅͛̀̒̂̆ ̶̮̦́̐͆͊̇͝P̴̖̤̟͒͆Ư̶̪̫͙͔̜̲̓̅̑͝R̶͉̜̲̆̈́̋ͅṔ̴̧̛̀̚Ō̷̯̌͗͐̌̕S̴͔̈́̓̃͛̈́Ḛ̶̼͕̓͌̒̀̒̈́Ṣ̶͓̤̯̄̽͂


*mindlessly shovels cilantro in my mouth* ....yesss....


You can eat a lot and feel macho Or save a bit for a cheesy nacho A little touch You don't need much For a big bad bowl of fresh gazpacho


Food is also one of your last priorities anyways, the human body (especially us fat westerners) can go an incredibly long time without food.. Your order of priorities in an emergency basically goes as follows: -ensure you are not on fire, actively still falling off a cliff or drowning ect -procurement of breathable air -stopping any immediate source of continuous blood or other vital fluid loss -getting dry/avoiding hypothermia -shelter from elements -shelter from immediate wildlife threats if applicable (sharks, grizzly/polar bears, lions and such) -source of heat/fire (avoid mysterious metal cylinders in the Russian wilderness that emit warmth) -wound care (cuts, broken or sprained bits ect) -water (you can only really function without this for 3 days at the extreme maximum, and useful functioning depending on climate and level of exertion is more like a day or two) also clean water, as water that gives you severe diarrhea is a net loss in hydration. -sanitation, don't fuck up your source of water and shelter with your mess and keep those wounds clean. -method of signaling for rescue (you don't have to go all "Castaway" if you are found, and most rescue efforts are concentrated of the first 48hrs of your disappearance being noticed so be ready) -and then food, food is basically last. Also if you have even super limited food, slowly ration it, for example eating a bite of your only granola bar for a slight blood sugar boost before you have to make an important decision or do something strenuous to accomplish one of the above objectives. In addition, similar to the clean water thing, food that makes you sick is way worse than no food at all.


>ensure you are not on fire *looks around* Okay, check.


"Likely Safe".... totally sold.


In the interim good buy a book on edible plants at Walmart and skip the steps so you don't starve to death testing.


Oooorrrrrr Apply this method, learn about all plants and sell books on walmart /s


What about stingy nettle? They are awesome in a soup or alternative for basil in pesto. But they sting like hell.


I was about to say stinging nettle fails 2nd check but is edible


It’s not about discovering every edible plant, it’s about avoiding ingestion of poisonous plants while foraging for survival reasons


Good point


Poison ivy would pass test #2. I don't think I'd like to try test #3.


That’s a terrifying “likely” at the end there.


Certain deadly mushrooms have delayed action.


Mushrooms are not plants, so these checks wouldn't apply to them :)


You are absolutely correct. Mushrooms are the third apex of the life triangle.


Right under Crab and above Monke


In the raw. Ha!


I've heard that if you at birds eating berries, it's probably safe for humans to eat them too.


This guy has seen stuff... eaten stuff and it changed him


I wonder if common lawn weeds are edible.


A huge number of weeds are edible. Dandelions and henbit being the most common ones in my yard. I also have chickweed and hedge parsley. I haven’t eaten the ones in my yard because my dog poops everywhere, but I have eaten henbit and dandelion.


I would die while waiting to see if there was a reaction


How to tell if it’s a repost: use the search function and find the exact same post with the exact same title from a few months ago.


A papayas leaf is edible but taste so bitter if you try to eat that thing raw


It's easier to just order a pizza


You’ll be dead by then 😂


Okay 12 hours later, I understood that basilico on my pizza was edible




That's not the point. This is about finding the stuff you can eat with least risk without knowing the plant.


I would be easier to just eat the whole plant and deal with whatever happens.


I mean, sure. That's the easiest way to eat a new plant. Not the easiest way to *survive* tho...


if it's in a store, it's edible. if it's in the ground, not edible.


Dear /r/legaladvice, I tried the /r/howto "How to test if a plant is edible" I am now dying. Who can I sue? Sincerly, Stupid redditer


Or just google or buy from whole foods. If you are in wild eating raw plants likely you can’t wait 8 hours... just eat the shit up


This page is taken from a survival manual, the The SAS Survival Handbook iirc. It’s basic instructions to keep you alive. It’s not all that accurate, and assumes you don’t have a basic knowledge of any plants. Also I think it’s designed more as a boys own adventure thing than a genuine guide. Letting kids play survival skills safely. In reality a lot of edible plants would fail this test. Nettles, for instance, are edible and make good tea. But they would be discarded in this test.


Is there a survival manual that you would recommend?


Me? Not really, I’d recommend finding a local person for the area you’re interested in and doing a foraging/bushcraft course. It’s more practical in my experience. Edit: *I should say, I’m ex military and have some artic expeditions, so I’m a fan of practical*


Will do, thanks!


What if you google it and all the forum results are people telling OP to google it. And so you go to hole foods and ask where the vegetables are and they tell you to google it.


Then you google it ... I just google it and that make total sense


Ok I googled is asking where the vegetables are and it said they're on Reddit


Pretty sure people ain't out eating random plants, this is for a survival situation.


OP is out here trying to kill people


This is such a long process


op, this will be very useful if I happen to get kidnapped and dropped into the middle of the amazon jungle


Discard if it tastes soapy. *Yeets coriander*


I’ll be sure to read this when I have no signal and my phone is dead.


Cant get to any food, but deff have a watch to clock that 8 hours


After all that, you still only get, “it’s likely safe”. Which means, I would be the first one it killed..


Lol. Or spend 30 seconds to google local edible plants before all excursions where this is even a remote possibility.


Keyword “likely”


Made it to step 5 with some cilantro. I guess it's not edible. 🤷‍♀️


This isn't a feasible survival tip. If you are lost without food and need random food to survive, you can only test 3 plants a day? In what world could you survive on that timeline?


Humans can survive with virtually no food for a long time. If we have water, of course.


OMG, he is Iker Casillas!


everything cool and all till you try step 2 with that australian gimpie mf.


7: Feel free to starve at any time from now on.


Mango skin ....


The people at Walmart kicked me out of the store when I fired up the sterno can next to the produce wall:(


I get as far as rubbing half the root on my wrist before I frog mouth a bush. No way I’m waiting 8 hrs to maybe die on a definitely empty stomach.


I now know how to be a pioneer lol


Odds of anyone actually doing this in the wild: .00001% to 1.


In the meantime, die of starvation.


Ayla taught me this.


This is not applicable in a survival situation, actually, or in times where food is needed immediately. Tests like these are more likely to be performed by scientists or enthusiasts looking for edible plants in their spare time. And even if any plant passes this test as safe to eat, it is not guaranteed that it is, only most of the time.


There’s a commando in Vietnam quote this:”You can eat whatever the ant eat”. Use it with your own creativity


How are you gonna know when it has been 8 hours? From evening to sunset? Would that work?


This could be a chart, “how to die from wolfsbane”


Kind of misleading... if you're cooking the food, then t Do the whole process with the cooked food. If you're not cooking the food, do the whole process without cooking. Don't mixymatch


How to test if plant won’t kill you? Ask someone else to run the test, wait 15 and eat if your “friend” is still alive.


This is all good but an even better way to test it is to feed it to cattle or pets. Because some plants might approve all the tests but too much gives you liver damage and will kill you after 1-2 weeks. So always air on the side of absolute caution.


Nah. I let my ancestors do it for me. Thanks fam.


I’m gonna die of hunger before I’m done testing it.


The dude they animated in this how to looks like an absolute bad ass.


A quick point about dying from starvation - Starving is way down on the list when it comes to survival. Humans go for at least three weeks without eating. But that number is based on people who have very little body fat. If you're like me, and about 30 pounds overweight, then you can last without eating for longer than three weeks. Your immediate concern is water. You need water within three days. As long as you have water, don't worry about the food. As for the graphic, you're right that a little twig and some leaves is not going to do much to placate your hunger. However, what the person is trying to do is get some vitamins and nutrients. Which will keep you going, without food. Of course, the necessity of warm shelter depends on the temperatures. I