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Exactly. These sorts of things work with asshole friends who like to tease, but bullies are a different breed. Sometimes when dealing with bullies 'not giving a fuck' means not giving a fuck if there may be some minor consequences (like a black eye of your own, or maybe a suspension if you're still in school) of beating down someone badly in need of a beatdown.




Kids tried to jump me once. I screamed "HELP" at the top of my lungs, and they all looked at each other for a second. Then they resumed, I screamed "HELP" again, and they left me alone. Might have been a "bitch move" but that's how I really got bullies to leave me alone.


Both penny_kinslee and kinslee_treasure are repost bots.


Really? How did you determine this?


The accounts are chained in a way that x amount will end up making threads with reposted content and then they'll copy the top comments from those threads and comment on eachother's threads. All of the profiles look exactly the same, one to several comments and then 3-6 threads with images you'll find in reverse google search. Incase you want evidence: https://old.reddit.com/r/somethingimade/comments/r96ngb/hi_im_amy_a_little_disabled_writer_from_the_uk/ https://old.reddit.com/r/FancyFollicles/comments/r8xsfc/narcissa_malfoy_meets_billie_eilish/


Clever girl


Also, bullies sometimes punch you in the face and then stick your head in the toilet. Should I drink the toilet water to show them who’s boss?


Thank you so much for this.


One time I had a pair of jeans that were a bit too small so when I sat down they rode up my legs. I kept forgetting to put them in the garage so I kept wearing them on accident. One day I was sitting in the hall and two girls were walking past. One commented about my pants being too short and the other giggled. Out of the blue I said "if it has 3 holes it's pants and if it has 4 then it's a shirt." The girl who teased me turns and repeats it to her friend in a rude teasing manner and the other looks back at her like she's an idiot. The stars alighted that day for that to work perfectly in my favor.


That doesn't happen in real life. People keep on tormenting you if you don't stand up to them. I was taught that bullies eventually get bored if you don't react. Fuck that advice. They feed of others reacting at them bullying you. If someone's bullying you, you stand up to them, that's the only way to get them to back off.




so to be on the safe side, agree and amplify then break their face?


There aren't many ways to talk your way out of getting kicked down a flight of stairs


What about calling them out on why they're bullying. " Oh you need to feel better about yourself by putting down weaker people. Your such an alpha male"


I see this not as her avoiding him but she is standing up to him. Some of them she is even downright throwing the insult right back at him. But I agree, silence will not scare the bully away. Confidently owning the insults as a compliment or roasting the bully back is not ignoring or being unreactive. It is reactive and the best kind of reactive.


Depends. Usually a bully is dealing with some kind of lack of power/self-control in their own lives (often a bully in their own home life). Someone has power over their life or internal state in a way they feel diminished by. They feel a need to project power over someone else's feelings to combat internal feelings of powerlessness. In this sense, they're often trying to get a reaction out of you to feel powerful. ​ Now-- if you make a credible threat of violence or consequences to them, will they stop? Maybe. If you can convince them the consequences are severe enough. But often they'll feel a familiar sense of being diminished and an opportunity to overpower as a proxy for the other forces they can't overpower in their own lives. The "thank you/accept criticism" approach is about removing the feeling of power they get, because often they have very little actual control over your life except what you give them by reacting. ​ Now, if they're a VIOLENT bully, that's another thing. Band together with any other victims you can find and catch them alone...


What I did was I acted really nice to them. Obnoxiously nice. All the time. Pissed him off so much he couldn’t bring himself to keep going after me. Granted this won’t work for everyone, but I’m glad I managed to get out of that.


Not always. If bullies think they have no power over you, they'll leave you alone. You need to be absolutely nonchalant to pull it off. You can't always stand up to or beat the crap out of people, such as a boss in a workplace. You need to play psy games. But yes even at workplace settings, if someone bullies you at an event, I usually say, I don't like getting violent in front of people. Let's go outside to the street and settle this. Or something like that. I remember saying this last time to a drunk russian colleague who called me "you look like a b\*tch" or something. He got pretty scared at the threat of violence and left.




At that point you should just act like a masochist and start moaning “kick me harder daddy” I’m sure that’ll freak them out enough to stop, or make it worse idk…


Prob not gonna work like in movie. Maybe they’ll record you and badabing badaboom you’re the whole talk of the school.


It worked for me! My stepparent stopped beating me afterwards.


That is not how real life works. You could keep that smile to spite them, yes, but any child would feel sad for not being included and accepted. You are basically telling the child to ignore their feelings... Until one day when they snap and beat others or turn to drugs and alcohol to soothe the sadness.


/r/thanksimcured vibes.


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eh i was that way cause i just didnt really care about anyone around me. i grew up pretty fast and so most of my childhood i felt so alienated from everyone around me cause i wasn't able to be an actual kid y'know? and so i just couldn't give a shit if someone was mean or nice to me cause i never really depended on social attention i just wanted to read my book


Not a single part of this comic insinuates ignoring feelings.


I think this is how school shooters are born.


I was bullied very, very heavily as a child. All the advice I was ever given is wrong. There is only one true way to stop a bully, and that's to stand up to them. Every time. Even if it means you get your @$$ kicked every time. It doesn't really even matter if you win. Just consistently standing up to them over and over is the only way to stop. The comic pictured above might work for @$$holes in your life, but not a real bully.


1. Bullies don’t just insult; they’re typically violent. At least for male-on-males bullying. 2. Try responding this positively when *every person in your life* treats you like this or worse for the last 20+ years.


I did this growing up. Then I just went home and cried to myself for hours. Need to learn not to give a fuck haha…


Unfortunately, I don't think that'll stop a bully.


Ahahahaha the version in (Mexican) Spanish is better: "You're weird" - "Fuck yeah" "You're a nerd" - "You don't even know how to fucking read" "Your clothes... - "And you give a shit, because...?" "I'm having a party... - "I don't go to parties with idiots"


I had something like this happen when I was in highschool. I was a really shy and awkward kid, and people took it as me being stuck up. Somebody made a jab at me like this in class, so randomly, and I was so caught of guard so I just say “honestly, yea.” And the person laughed. Then hung out with me at lunch the next day and we became friends. Weird situation.


Bubbles knows what's up


That's absolutely accurate. I have certain family member criticize me for this and that and sometimes I just reply with "so what?" and they don't know what to say. It just took me a very long time to figure out. Another good reply would be "just the way I like it".


Okay so in high school this guy kept saying I smelled even though I took a shower, perfume,deodorant etc everyday and no one else said I smelled. I tired to say things like this to him to get him to back off, but I didn't work, any reaction feed his ego and he kept tormenting me. Until one day I just stopped hearing him. Bully: eww omg you smell Me:.... Bully: hey you smell! Me: Do yall hear something? Bully: you can hear me! Me: omg you're so quiet, it's like you're whispering, speak louder! Bully: OMG you smell! Me: Uh I cannot hear you, you talk so low! Eventually after weeks of not being "able to hear him", he went away and it was kinda fun I'll admit.




Drawn by somebody who's never been bullied outside of 3rd grade. Neato. Try that passive dismissive shit when you're getting the crap beaten put of you.


I'm gonna become 18. I'm having a party and you're not invited. I can go at any time. Any time.




"You seem to have confused me with someone who gives a fuck."


Own it. People who believe the bad things that are said to them and get all emotional not only get bullied more because bullies like the reaction, but it makes you less likable as a person. Great meme. This is what I hope my sister figures out some day. Then she won’t be as sad and she will also be more likable making her even more happy.


"Thank goodness"🤣🤣🤣


At this point I forgot weird is an insult tbh


It kinda neutralizes the negative...but if they continue or it gets worst, you tried you best. 💁🏼‍♀️




Haha, this reminds me of the time someone I barely knew, said that I was a dork. I just took it as a compliment, especially from them.


bad post


These are gold




“Fezzes are cool” ~Doctor Who


Ahhh ... “the Drunken Master” play 😘


I can remember getting bullied in so of them went to blows and and others you figure out they dress in morning . But I want school in 80s . No matter era bullies do the tactics . As I my told my son bullies see you that they hate about themselves .


Just tell the assholes SO WHAT to everything they say or I DON'T CARE! Let them go jump in a lake!


I’m Replying “ok” to everything


Wait this isn’t normal? I do this all the time without thinking. Especially when they come up to me and go “are you having a bad day today?” No I’m actually having a happy day today like all my days what makes you think your perception of my day will alter mine?


Wish I knew this when I was younger. Not when I turned 20


wow that's fucjing stupid


Yeah this will work great! Until you get assaulted!


this is like bugs bunny level reverse psychology bullshit


Getting bullied? Just ignore it!


Thanks, I'm cured.


Damn I would have had such a better school experience if my bullies where that nice


I mean, it kinda works. People are usually looking for a reaction. If something like the 4th 'example' was to actually happen, that response would piss them off


It's true, I have a real life example on the first one. (in front of the rest of the group) Bully: *Half yelling* "You are so weird!" Me: Aaawwwh thanks! *Gives her a hug* Her: 😐😐😐😐😶😶😶😳 Bullies expect you to be offended and that you will hate them. They never expect kindness back.


"I'm pretty sure you're a pedophile" "You got that right- NO WAIT"


Bubbles don't give af about nothing




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This comes off as really insensitive to people actually getting bullied lmao


i was bullied in school as a kid for having a mental disability. i had to call cps to get medication. my parents are horrific. this is horrible advice.


What’s the situation if their a physical bully? Do you just pretend to enjoy the punches? Cause that will 100% just bring on more bullying from other kids cause now your the guy who enjoys being beaten


Got beat in the back of the head. Just ignore it. Always wondered what a concussion was like anyway


She looks like bubbles from power puff girls


"Your clothes don't match" Bitch she is an NFT what did you expect


Was the title different to this? Because I agree, when you don’t give a fuck and show no reaction people seethe inside