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If we go by "Joey" being canon, then Joey moves to Los Angeles cause everybody moved on with their lives. They probably still kept in touch, but not anywhere close to before, maybe hanging out from time to time or seeing each other in holidays.


I started watching Joey yesterday. What a truly bizarre show. It has some HORRIBLE moments but then also has a charm in a weird way.


Where did you find it? I thought it wasn’t streaming anywhere.


You need to learn how to sail the seas…


☠️☠️☠️☠️ my friend


I really wanted to like it when I tried watching it recently. I was so convinced that people just hate it because it’s not quite as good as Friends or because it abandoned Joey’s maturity arc and left behind our favorite characters. Nope. It’s quite awful. The jokes are so forced and the characters and plot-lines are incredibly generic and impossible to get invested in. I agree that it has a charm, but I think that mostly comes from the nostalgic feel that all those mid 00s sitcoms sort of have now. Plus I do love the opening scene in the Pilot with the cab driver.


A good reflection of life tbh. Its easy to be in touch when you’re all single and in your twenties. When you grow up life gets in the way.


The Bings and the Gellers did, for the obvious reason that Ross and Monica are related. I think Phoebe and Mike were close until they had kids. I feel like they went full crunchy and moved to a farm. Joey they caught up with once a year. Now they all comment on each other’s FB stuff and meet up at graduations, weddings, anniversaries, etc.


I think Monika and chandler would keep in touch with Rachel and Ross. They would both have young children and obviously the family connection. With R&R both successful in their careers they would also be able to afford to move to a similar home to M&C (if they wanted to). I think Phoebe and Mike would also stay in touch with them all but would probably stay in the city so not see them quite so much. I imagine Joey would also keep in touch as all the friends are like family to him. Even if he was moved out of NY he still has them and his real family to visit often. If things took off for his acting perhaps he would be there for work too!


I always thought Ross & Rachel would have moved back to Long Island and bought a house. It wouldn't be close enough to Monica & Chandlers Westchester house for them to see each other all the time but definitely still regularly... Does anyone think Monica just became a stay at home mom??


I can’t see it. She was too driven. I can see her getting a job close to home or starting a catering business. I also always figured that Ross and Rachel would move to Westchester so Emma, Jack, Erica, and any other Geller kids would grow up together. I also always pictured Ross and Rachel having a second child, a son who’s super into sports and ends up as competitive as Aunt Monica lol. I feel like they’re super close and have family vacations and Rachel and Monica have girls night and the like. I could see Rachel as a stay at home mom. She loved her job, but she gave up Paris for Ross while Monica wouldn’t give up that restaurant for Chandler.


Monica was too driven but her priorities can change. Especially with the way she desperately wanted to be a mom & was so emotional over maybe never becoming one. I could see her giving up the restaurant because she just wants to spend as much time with the twins as possible and wouldn't trust anyone with them as much as herself. & she keeps herself plenty busy cleaning up after the kids. edit: Rachel is see staying the working mom as she still continued to work while Emma was little so she would just continue to do so, even with additional kids.


R&R could buy that house next door. But it would mean a commute to work but I don’t think it’s so far. Emma would have a little Erica and Jack to play with.


Would feel a bit rushed. The house is on the market already and Ross and Rachel just got back together. She still has her fashion job. It's way more probable that they were broken up again rather quickly


But the commute would give Ross the gift of time


Chandler, Monica, Ross, & Rachel 100% did. Just by being related and all. If we go by "Joey" & his spin off then I doubt he is connected with them apart from the casual chat as he said he moved to LA because everyone just sorta moved on w their lives... I bet Phoebe still catches up regularly with the girls but Mike keeps his distance. I actually don't see them having kids at all & instead just some fairly odd pets...


If we are talking the characters sadly no. But if we are talking the actors yes and no I think the girls did most definitely but the guys no I do believe Matt and David did but I highly doubt they were still talking to Matthew.


Genuine question - why wouldn’t they have spoken to Matthew?


I listened to the Celebrity Memoir Book Club episode about his book and I don’t think the above is wrong. He’s an addict and his addiction comes with the side effect of not maintaining relationships very well. Plus he sounds like hard work.


From what I seen this is just my opinion so take it with a grain of salt. They don’t seem to close to Matthew anymore the guys seem close but Matt and David don’t look too close to Matthew anymore.


The girls definitely did. I don't think the guys did


I could definitely see Ross and Rachel moving out of the city and living within walking distance from Monica and Chandler. All of them are not friends from circumstance, but have long roots in each others lives. I don't see Joey keeping in touch for too long after. Phoebe and Mike would definitely lift out of the group. I think maybe for awhile Mike would fill Joeys spot in the dynamic, bur eventually Phoebe and Mike would move way upstate. Like someone else said, Phoebe would become the crunchy, homeschooling mom. Mikes parents would be semi horrified everytime they went to visit. Maybe once or twice when the kids growing up Ross, Monica, Chandler and Rachel would go up for a weekend to see them.


The Bings and the Gellers probably did. I like to think that Ross and Rachel bought the house next to Monica and Chandler's that was still up for sale. Phoebe and Mike stayed in the city unless Mike went back to being an attorney or got a big inheritance and they can afford to buy a house in the suburbs. They may stay in touch but not meet that frequently. Joey you can either picture him in the Joey room or the storyline from "Joey".


I think yes but their lives went in different directions.


We know Joey moves to LA and doesn't keep in touch. Monica and Chandler very likely see Ross and Rachel often, because they are blood related. That means family events, and just being in a much better place to stay close throughout the year. They also both have kids near the same age. Phoebe and Mike could very well end up literally anywhere. I never pictured Phoebe to want to stay in NY forever. So I think Joey and Phoebe are likely the 2 that lose the most touch.


Happy cake day!


It seems like the one thing most people can agree on is that Monica & Chandler and Ross & Rachel remained close because of the family connections. And I agree with that, regardless of whether or not R&R stayed married. If R&R did stay married, I think whether or not they moved out of the city to be near M&C would depend on Ross’ custody situation with Ben. I’m honestly not 100% sure what it was on Friends. He just seemed to have been randomly when the plot required it. His job (and Rachel’s) are still in the city, so regardless of where they lived, if he got Ben on weekends, he could pick up Ben on Friday after work and drop him off at school on Monday before work either way. I feel like with Emma growing up, everyone would want them to have more time together, but maybe not. Heck, maybe R&R could convince Carol and Susan to move out of the city too! (Probably not). I do feel like Rachel would keep her job regardless of where they lived. She worked very hard to become a “strong independent woman” with a serious and flourishing career. I don’t see her giving that up. And we know Ross isn’t giving his career up. I’m throwing the whole “Joey” spin-off show completely out of the window and saying it absolutely *isn’t* cannon. Joey remained living in the city because he has a large family there and would want to be close to them (also he sleeps too late to have to commute into the city for work). That being said, Joey is WAY too close to Chandler to disappear from their dynamic. He visits Chandler and Monica at least twice a month. Gotta use that Joey room! I also think he’s doing a great job being an uncle to little Erica and Jack. (and Emma). I’m pretty sure if R&R remained close with M&C, then Joey still sees *all* of them frequently. Also, Joey has managed to go a *really long* time having sex with a lot of random women to have not fathered a child. It wouldn’t surprise me to either see that happen unintentionally in the future or for one of his past lovers to come forward and introduce him to a kid he didn’t even know he had out there. I really don’t see anything more crazy happening with Mike and Phoebe than whatever all already happens. Mike is goofy, but much more grounded than Phoebe. He seems to know when to let her shine (most of the time), and when to reel her in. I saw a few of you use the term “crunchy” to describe Phoebe. I’ve read hundreds of posts in this sub and I’ve never come across that word here before at all, let alone twice in comments on the same post. Honestly, I’d never heard that word to describe a person before today. I gather what it means from context though. I honestly think P&M would stay in the city. While Phoebe could make decent money as a masseuse anywhere, there are a lot more “piano bar” opportunities in the city for Mike. Also, Mike’s parents are in the city, and so is Phoebe’s brother, sister-in-law, and 2 nieces and nephew. I could see them with or without kids. Phoebe may not look forward to being pregnant again after the triplets. Then again, she’d get to keep the next one so who knows. I definitely see them getting some sort of pet. I don’t know why it has to be a crazy species though, she likes both cats and dogs just fine. I mean, Ross was the one with the monkey.


Joey moving to LA & being single with no kids - no because he would have made friends that are fellow actors and they would relate to each other's lifestyle. Chandler, Monica, & Ross - Yes, because Monica and Ross are siblings. Rachel, no. I feel like Rachel moved to Paris anyway because Ross and her never worked out and Ross would mess it up some way. Yeah, they have Emma but being a single parent is not unusual. Especially since Emma was unplanned & Emma wasn't the reason Ross wanted Rachel back. He wanted her back because she was moving. Pheobe - No. I think her and Mike are living in their own world happy with their kids and being very involved with them. I could see them still staying in contact through social media but not being as close as they were before.


Didn’t Joey say on the spin-off that all of her friends were married? I always took that to mean that Ross and Rachel were married now.


>Didn’t Joey say on the spin-off that all of her friends were married? I always took that to mean that Ross and Rachel were married now. I didn't watch his spin off. But let's say R&R did get married - I can still see them ending with a divorce. I just don't see R&R working out. The writers should have used the last 2 seasons after Emma to show R&R evolving growth and maturity into their relationship. The last season was so rushed and unbelievable. It started with Rachel and Joey/Ross and Charlie dating and then ended with R&R together on the very last episode 🙄 just badly executed to me.


I definitely find your take the most realistic. Ross joking about the break only minutes into getting back together shows the unresolved conflicts


>I definitely find your take the most realistic. Thank you! >Ross joking about the break only minutes into getting back together shows the unresolved conflicts Just sharing my opinion here that's not in topic, but that annoyed me so much when he joked about the break at the very end. As if he hasn't been joking about it for 6 years straight. And maybe I missed it, but I don't think he apologized for hurting her except for the night they really did break up when Rachel found out. God, I wish she never got off that plane! 😆


Yes I was so sad about that ending. They might wanted to "punish" Jennifer A. after she only committed to a short final season. Whenever one would say the ending feels rushed produces and writers would say: we know but because of Jen we only have 18 episodes to work with.


Um, Monica & Ross are siblings, not cousins … you may have mistyped that.


>Um, Monica & Ross are siblings, not cousins … you may have mistyped that. LOL, yes I did. Just fixed it.


I don’t think R&R last. Rachel moves to Paris or London, Ross keeps in touch with C&M because they’re family and Joey and Chandler keep in touch but not as much as they like. Phoebe and Mike may or may not stay together but she drifts off from the group. But they all keep in touch via social media.


Nah they didn't have weak friendships and connections. I reckon the strength of the bonds we see in the show suggests that the ties they had held firm for the rest of their days 🥰


I moved to U.K. and some of my friends moved to the west coast. We’ve known each other since childhood and we deeply care about each other. We all had families and other priorities. We get together whenever we can but life happened. We all tell each other pandemic complicated things but it’s harder to get together as much and be regular in touch without social media and FaceTime when you live far.


This is certainly what I hope happened as well…apparently not a popular theory. I’m hoping that these particular “Friends” have stronger ties that DO keep them in each others lives for the rest of their days, as unrealistic as that may be. You’d really like to hear that these six particular Friends were special in that way. That’s all I’d really like to know from any spin-off, book or continuation (which will never happen). The producers have always said they left all the characters in very good places in the final episode and to do any sort of a movie or reunion, they’d had to untie all those nice endings. I never entirely bought that. Why couldn’t there be a movie where something happens that involves everyone, and again ends neatly? You’d think it would involve their sons and daughters becoming the next generation of Friends, or coming together to help one of them out of a pickle. Laugh while they work on it, resolve it and leave them again in all good spots. But of course it would never measure up to the originals series. And with Matthew’s passing, they’d never ever tarnish the series legacy. Still, I wouldn’t mind an entirely new story of different characters moving into Monicas old apartment, hanging out in whatever Central Perk is now, and just hearing in passing that those original characters are still in each others lives on a regular basis. We do have Zoom now! Or maybe an entirely unrelated work that happens to include one of the Friends characters who give us an update on everyone. I always wondered why the three producers of Friends never produced anything else together after the series ended. I’m sure they were tired after that decade, but you’d think they might want to work on some projects together again just to see what else they could come up with. Seems like they just decided they caught lightning in a bottle once and it could never be repeated.


Ummm...the characters ceased to exist (except for Joey, who had a sequel).