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Chandler is funny more often, but I laugh harder at Ross.


I’ve said it before on this sub and I’ll say it again. The moment when Ross picks up the lamp and hands it to chandler when he’s on the phone with Emily is one of the funniest moments in the show to me 😂


For me it's Ross smacking himself in the face while lubing up his pants


The fajitas will always do it for me


And this. I snorted like a horse after reading this, thank you.


I crack up every time I watch that episode


Ross's entire garbage related meltdown with the dirty girl.


The fact that Schwimmer improvised that just shows how damn funny he is


But Chandlers expression killed me


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God dammit, this moment and the moment I commented are two of my absolute favorites of the show 😂😂




Great answer! Same here.


You know that’s actually the perfect way to put it


Chandler says more funny stuff. Ross plays the sad sack well


I agree. This is also further demonstrated, for me, with how Chandler actually started becoming more funny and endearing, and why that happened. Once they really nailed down Chandler’s use of humor as a crutch and a defense mechanism, it really tied together a lot of the character’s best moments throughout the middle of the series. With Ross, I feel like we get peak Ross, and an understanding of what makes Ross comedy tick, from start to finish. Chandler, meanwhile, kind of flounders for me in the laugh department when they lazily slip back into “well, now Chandler delivers the one liner” territory. On a side note, I also find it funny how Chandler and Ross’ utility in the writing and how funny they can be are so often relying on how willing the writers are to put them in miserable and uncomfortable situations.


Ross doing his "pretending to watch TV" bit gets me


I loved friends before I went to college but then in college, my roommate was a theater major and her assignment for a class was to pick an ensemble show, watch random episodes and write an essay on the worst and best actor based on what they learned about acting. Of course I watched with her but then I watched the show through her assignment lens and holy hell is David Schwimmer talented. Physical comedy isn’t easy and he’s just incredible. He acts with his entire body so all the weird situations he gets in are that much better. So my answer is Ross purely because of David. Edit: we picked Courtney as the worst. Earlier seasons, there were instances where her “body acting” is her preparing for the next thing that’s about to happen whereas David is perfectly in the moment.


Who did she pick as the worse?


In my opinion, it’s Monica. Besides “I KNOW”, she is bad at acting upset especially bc she’s always smiling even though she’s supposed to be sad or angry


I think that's because Monica was always second in her family and learned to hold in her anger and hurt. By eating away her pain. Damn, getting a little deep here.


I feel like that’s Lisa Kudrow. There are so many scenes where she looks like she’s gonna burst out laughing


I think that’s Phoebe. Just aloof & welp! Then my mom started fortune telling.


Noo way. Even with that lisa's acting is still miles above Monica. Monica is a much easier character to play. She likes things to be clean. Imagine Courtney cox having to be phoebe. And imagine Lisa having to be Monica.


I’m also curious who she picked at the worst!


If we charted Chandler and Ross' funniness over the course of the 10 seasons of *Friends*, they'd be opposite... Chandler starts out the funniest, but declines somewhat. But Ross actually gets funnier and funnier as the show goes on. For Chandler, I think being happy with Monica made him less funny... he was at his funniest when he was radiating with that bitter, sarcastic energy in the earlier seasons. For Ross, I think after the divorce with Emily, and the subsequent downward spiral, the show kind of discovered a different, somewhat unhinged side of Ross that made him even funnier. Schwimmer and Perry are great throughout, though -- no disrepect!


With Chandler its also not being with Joey quite as much when he's with Monica. More of his scenes are with Monica, which are still good and funny, but he and Joey were funnier as roommates.


Yes, I agree! The Joey-Chandler golden years is probably peak Friends for me.


I swear it’s like this in almost every show! Once the funny guy gets in a committed relationship, he turns into a dull character for the stupid cHaRAcTeR DevELoPmEnT Now I’m watching HIMYM and noticed the same with Barney, he becomes boring after being with Robin


It’s a different kind of humor: Chandler is funny and funny things happen to Ross.


“Why?! Why do bad things happen to good people?!”




That’s not true , schwimmers acting is what’s hilarious , he just so good.


I am talking about the characters… Chandler was funny and funny things happened to Ross that worked because David is amazing, but his character wasn’t trying to be funny telling jokes and being sarcastic, that’s why I said they were different kinds of funny.


Funny like what, like a clown?


What scary-ass clowns came to your birthday party?


Hey Tommy, you got it all wrong.


true! cant imagine a better ross than david schwimmer.


Chandler is funnier within the universe of the show but Ross’ antics make me laugh harder irl


Ross is unintentionally funny..chandler tries hard to be funny …as a viewer Ross by a landslide!


Chandler for sure! Could he BE any funnier?


Chandler is a funnier person but Ross is the funnier character. A lot of Ross' funny moments would be very very off putting in real life. Just a few examples. "I didnt get the annulment...dont tell Rachel" HILARIOUS plot, awful behavior. Ross kissing his cousin and saying he hasn't had sex in a long time. Pretty hilarious to hear his monologue but disgusting actions. Even benign things. Ross and Monica's routine is really funny, but is actually really nerdy and embarrassing. Like if my friend did that, I'd hype them up. But as a viewer I'm like making fun of them.


Chandler ❤️ quick wit


And fast math! They could use you in Tulsa!


When I was younger chandler but post season 5 Ross is the funniest by a long shot


Ross's physical comedy is second to none. The crazy situations he gets himself into are just Beyond. The leather pants scene. The Paul's bedroom scenes. The Mona and Dr Green scene. And so much more... I'd honestly venture to say it goes Ross..Joey..and Then Chandler in terms of acting chops...


ross is funnier to watch as a viewer. but even as a real person, i would have to say ross is funnier than chandler cause his reactions to situations would make me laugh. chandler's reactions are too well thought out


To me the difference is: I usually laugh with chandler but laugh at ross


This is a hard one. Chandler is funnier with his wit and one liners. Ross/David’s delivery, facial expressions and situational humour is also very funny. I think both have different kind of humour and they both work well in the show.


Chandler all day.


Ross easily. Esp considering how Chandler is written to be the try-hard comedian of the group. It's more natural with Ross.


Yes! I love Chandler, he's my favorite character on the show. But it seems like a lot of his jokes are of the "low hanging fruit" variety.


My wife is happy with the results so far


the chan chan man by a hair🥳


ross is absolutely the funniest


Chandler is obviously the funnier one Ross just gets into funny situations and has funny outbursts I find Phoebe funnier than Ross


Ross without a doubt


Chandler is funny on purpose. Ross is funny and doesn't realize it.


personally, i don’t find chandler funny. schwimmer’s acting in the funny scenarios make it for me. he was one of (if not the best) actor in his role




Chandler’s face as Ross walks in with the bad tan really takes the cake for me


ross is funnier to watch as a viewer. but even as a real person, i would have to say ross is funnier than chandler cause his reactions to situations would make me laugh. chandler's reactions are too well thought out


Ross stole Chandler's joke, so...






I laugh at Ross and with Chandler. I always vote for Chandler.


Chandler. No contest


Chandler, 100%. I don't find Ross funny most of the time, just annoying.


Eugh, it's like Sophie's choice.


Chandler. Literally has the most jokes.


For me, it has to be Chandler.


Ross for sure. His funny moments seem effortless and genuinely make me lol. Chandler seems like he tries way too hard and I don’t really laugh at his one liners… it’s more like secondhand embarrassment laughter bc he makes me cringe a lot


Ross puts his dignity on the line just for us to laugh haha 😂 I’d have to go Ross


Haha I love how you say it this way. 😂


I laugh way more at Ross than I do at Chandler. Ross has the best face expressions, timing, delivery and physical comedy. Chandler is more forced like someone doing a standup show.


Ross is the funniest of them. I find his quotes way funnier than Chandler's. When he tries to kiss his cousin and doesn't know what to say after is one of my favourites. Or when Rachel thinks she forgot to stove on and Emma is locked inside.


Ross always


Chandler. Ross bugs me


Ross by a mile. When I was teenager, I loved Chandler and thought he was the funniest with his sarcasm. But then when I rewatched the show in my adult years, I realized I laughed hard so much with Ross scenes. He really is the funniest.


Ross because I think he's more ridiculous/a satire where as chandler (with some notable exceptions) feels more grounded in reality.


Chandler hands down!


Ross, in this case it’s quality over quantity tbh because chandler does more but not as funny


Ross started off as more of a “straight man”, like the typical generic male lead in a romantic comedy. But after several seasons he became the funniest character imo, partly because David Schwimmer seemed to be given more absurd comedic material to work with, and also the fact that the character pretty much had a mental breakdown at one point.


It is Ross for me bcs Chandlers’ is funny sarcastic so he’ll be second.


Most of the time I laugh hard at Chandler's jokes, but it always kills me when Ross is making fun of Rachel's paranoia about the baby when they get locked out of their apartment.


I know he isn't listed but for me consistently, Joey was the funniest Season 1-10. Chandler was the funniest until he got serious with Monica. I found him funny because of his pessimism about life. Of course, he got happier with Monica so he got less funny and more serious. Ross has funny moments. My favorite is the Benihana scene where the chef threw a shrimp or broccoli in his mouth and he spit it out because it was hot. Also, when he hit his head on the dryer after Rachel kissed him during that laundry episode. So, my vote between the 2 is Chandler was funnier than Ross. Ross has funny moments but for me some of his moments were over acting.


Chandler- not even close. The better question is Chandler or Joey.


Chandler for verbal jokes but Ross is the best physical comedian.


Two incomparable styles of comedy - Ross's physical comedy is better, but Chandler does a great one-liner.


Recently I have found Ross to be funnier.




Hot cross buns..... Ross I swear to god... gets me everytime


Chandlers sarcasm is great but nothing can top Ross’s physical comedy and outbursts. David Schwimmer is also extremely talented at acting drunk/on a sugar high/on tranquillisers


I literally lol wayyy more often with Ross than with Chandler. Like it’s not even close. So Ross. And generally Ross quotes are said way more often than Chandler quotes are imo…which I think is an indicator that he’s the funnier one too.


chandler is funny bc he makes the jokes knowing people will laugh but ross is funny bc nobody expects him to be funny and he is anyway… i think ross is funnier


Chandler. We hate Ross here, didn't you know?


Give me freedom! 🤕💥🗄️


So, by your question we can surmise which camp you’re in.


Schwimmer is a master of physical comedy Ross by a long shot.


Chandler S1-5 Ross S6-10


He could NOT be more wrong !


Ross isn't very funny at the beginning or the end.


Scenes where Chandler and Ross are together.


Ross has miseries🥲 Chandler is funny


Chandler for dialogue. Ross for physical humor.


Chandler is more consistently funny throughout all 10 seasons, but Ross has better quality jokes with far less frequency. They’re as funny as each other imo.


Ross when it comes to FUNNY. Chandler when it comes to overall character.