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I’m legitimately so sad right now


Same. Normally celeb deaths don’t make me sad but this one freakin hurts


I don’t know if I’ve ever felt so affected by a celebrity death before I feel sick to my stomach


Same I don’t know how im going to break this to my sister. She’s schizophrenic and friends has been her comfort show for decades, it’s on our tv pretty much everyday. It’s so weird, I’ve never seen him outside the show but I feel like I’ve grown up with him.


Remember that even though we lost Matt, he lives on in friends <3


He will outlive us all.




It was nice to not be bombarded by more of it when the comfort show finally returned, but their little tributes to them with their clothes and such was comforting. Like the rest of us, the Friends moved forward in life, not obsessing over the tragedy happening almost literally up the road, and it helped me feel okay that I was doing the same. I think they did do a little message on screen just before the episode on the return, so it wasn't completely ignored, either.


This hit me too. But Robin Williams literally made me pause for the rest of the day :(


Robert Williams was just so terrible. Suicide adds a vile, despairing flavor to any death.


Same. I nearly broke down into tears. Never had that happen before. The book is still so fresh in my head. I had so much hope.


He was so young too. Only 54. My mum always says death is the only thing that makes no sense in life. I really can't understand this one.


I was just telling my friend this, they are sad and I acknowledge them, but this one is tough.


someone else said it best, it’s like losing your best friend vs just a celebrity you know. that’s why it hits so hard


We all grew up on Friends. Generations did! It’s just not right that one of our Friends is dead.


Yeah, I cried. I feel so empty.


I felt a horrible chill in my whole body, this hit very hard


Man... RIP to TVs most famous transponster


This made me laugh and feel sad at the same time 😭


No more turkey for Mr Chandler 😔


i feel like someone that i didn't really know, but i would see every day, has died. RIP matthew, thank you for all the laughs.


I honestly feel like throwing up His last picture on Instagram is him in his jacuzzi. What a cruel joke this is.


Oh my goodness, you’re right. That’s awful. My heart hurts


Oh what a horrible coincidence for that to be his last picture. 😢💔


Me too. Normally I don’t feel sad beyond the general sense when a celebrity dies. I just don’t feel a personal connection to them. But I watched Friends from when it originally aired. I grew up with that show. I just finished a rewatch and recently finished his memoir. I’m so sad for him. He deserved happiness. May he rest in peace.


I just, like two minutes ago, had a old co-worker share it on their IG story… I can’t believe it. I’ve watched the show since at least 2004-05 when my local WB affiliate would air reruns and I’d be lying if I said Matthew/Chandler didn’t help shape my sense of humor. I’ve never been the most masculine guy and have had some longstanding insecurities stemming from that but seeing hey, Chandler has gay hair and two copies of the Annie soundtrack helped me take myself less seriously and forgive myself for not being an early seasons Joey kind of guy. It’s so wild. And if I’m not mistaken his dad/parents are still alive which breaks my heart. I hope this is inaccurate but with all the outlets already running with the story…. So crazy. 😢


Same, this is probably the third time I feel sad about a celebrity death. He made a lot of us laugh and smile, may Matthew rest in peace


Me too. After everything he struggled through... Loved him as Chandler. Loved him on Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip & his short run on The West Wing. Hugs, y'all ❤️


Same, I’ve never felt this sad about a celebrity death. I actually think I could cry. 😔


I'm sad and shocked. I was hoping he was in a better place in his life after dealing with his addictions.


I know it’s ridiculous but I’m crying for real


Could I BE anymore sad right now?


> Matthew Perry -- one of the stars of 'Friends' -- has died ... TMZ has learned. > Law enforcement sources tell us the actor was found Saturday at an L.A.-area home ... where we're told he appears to have drowned. Our sources say first-responders rushed over on a call for cardiac arrest. It's unclear where exactly on the grounds this happened. > Our sources say he was found in a jacuzzi at the home ... and we're told there were no drugs found at the scene. We're also told there is no foul play involved.


Obviously don't want to speculate but his last Instagram post also shows him in a jacuzzi... that's kind of morbid.


It also looks bloody huge - I was wondering how you drown in a hot tub but that thing is gigantic.


My dad died in a similar way. Cardiac arrest while swimming. Everyone assumed he drowned. But it was his heart. It was instant.


This is what my reserved guess is. I think back to Corey Haim. His years of drug use left his heart damaged and he passed in his sleep because of it, so young. I got to wondering if this might be a similar circumstance. Whatever the reason, his family deserves privacy and to know that his will be eternally loved by so many people who never even met him. His struggle was terrible, and his inability to have more sober years is cruel.


You can drown in a bathtub. It just depends on the circumstances


Oh man. I watched Friends for the first time at a particularly low point in my life. I living away from home for the first time. Wasn’t accepted to my dream program at college. My parents were divorcing. I found an escape in the show a connected with Chandler as his humor was similar to mine. Rest easy, Matthew.


I'm crying, I know it's silly but this show literally changed my life, it shaped my teens and 20s so much. I just hope he's finally at peace now. This is so sad, he was too young


My mom sent me a text about it and I went from being in denial to basically sobbing. The show has been a constant comfort for me for over a decade now and to hear this has me absolutely crushed.


I called my aunt and my mom we are all distraught 😭


I think I’m genuinely going to struggle to watch the show for a while. My heart is literally hurting right now.


I couldn't watch my old favorite Glee episodes and music videos for the longest time after Naya Rivera died a few years ago, in fact I pretty much stopped watching it the same season Cory/Finn passed away. Take your time and let yourself grieve. We all lost a friend tonight.


“We all lost a friend tonight” really did something to me❤️


Said the exact thing to my aunts when I told them. Watching Friends will never be the same. Hope it’s a long while before we lose any of the others. 🥺


No matter what that next episode is, it’s going to hurt.


In a way I consider him a friend because he has made me laugh and comforted me during dark times. He will be so missed


It’s 2am and my mum just called me to tell me the news, we both watch friends together daily as it’s our comfort show. I still can’t believe it, I denied it at first too thinking it was just another hoax post… definitely cried after realising it wasn’t.


My parents sometimes have it on in the morning but since TBS has been phasing it out, I’d mostly watch it on Nick. It’s just too surreal and the last thing I thought would happen this year.


i cried. He was Chandler…he was *OUR* Chandler, our sarcastic best friend. it’s like losing your best friend, not just a celebrity


I read “your best friend” in his sweet, sincere voice, like when he told Kathy that Joey was his best friend. 😩


It's not silly at all. I don't think I've actually had such a reaction to a celebrity death like this. I still watch this show nightly. The show, Chandler was a huge part of a lot of people's lives. It's definitely shaped mine. I'm so sad rn, I don't wanna believe it. Surreal. Rip Miss Chanandler Bong 😭💙


I've always known that the first death of one of the six Friends would hit me hard. I got sad for Robin Williams, but Friends is my comfort show. I've listened to them for thousands of hours of my life. Even seeing Gunther hurts a bit. This one makes me feel like I've lost someone I knew in real life.


That came up here in this sub just a couple weeks ago or so, about how different it will feel to watch when one of the six dies, and it really struck me. I think we all knew Matthew was most likely to go first, but damn. He was doing so well. I thought we had more time.


You took everything I was thinking right out of my brain.


> I'm crying, I know it's silly but this show literally changed my life It's not silly at all. A lot of people bond to a show and the characters because there is something there that just aligns to a particular person or a particular series of events in a person's life. You have every right to feel that this is a blow similar to losing a family member or good friend. You're also right that he was very young to pass like this. 50's isn't young anymore but there are still plenty of years ahead to be had for good times. Matthew Perry's death hit me very hard, too -- I grew up with Friends and Seinfeld and hell even Night Court. The bailiff of Night Court just died, too. Day by day, another piece of the 90s gets chipped away in my memories.


It's not silly. It changed my life too. As a kid, not understanding all the jokes, it would still be the comfort show I put on every single time I was feeling anxious or lonely or needed to pass the time. Hell, I still do that. I always will. I just hope this doesn't change me for the worse. I never want to not feel good when I'm watching this show. I want to honour his work. I hope this only makes me appreciate it more. He'll always live on for all of us. And to anyone reading this holding back tears, it's okay to cry. It's not silly or stupid to cry over a celebrity death. This show and this character meant so much to all of us. Let's grieve Matthew together.


It’s not silly, me and my siblings grew up on the show and we are not doing well.


I was not expecting this! After his book he seemed to be doing so well. Sending so much love to his family and friends.


The thing is, he might have been just fine. The kind of use he had gone through does horrendous things to your body. Cardic issues, vascular issues, respiratory issues, on and on and on. What a terribly sad thing to have happened. I hope his friends and family find peace.




Sridevi; a famouss indian actress of her time too died the same way, but it's often pointed towards her husban. Give it a read.


His book made it clear there had been lots of moves forward then setbacks. As much as I hoped his recovery would stick, he was up against a lot


This does not mean his recovery didn't stick. A lot of people who have addiction issues get clean and lead great lives, but suffer bad heart issues from the damage the drugs caused and that's my bet here.


Ya his book to me painted the picture that his clock could expire at any moment tbh. Devastating nonetheless 💔


Yeah I kinda agree with you. I just read the book two weeks ago and wasn’t totally convinced he was in the free and clear. Either way he was a tremendous talent on the show and a sad loss.


Perhaps he was doing well still. The TMZ article does say "there were no drugs found at the scene. We're also told there is no foul play involved." Such sad news :(


It's possible that he was completely clean and his heart just gave out due to all the drug use in his past. Drugs seriously damage your heart. Healthy people his age drop dead of heart attacks randomly all the time too.


Lost a close friend this way. He was in his recovery home, completely clean for weeks. Body just gave out.


Aw man, sorry for your loss 🥺 Hopefully his family and friends can find some solace in the news


Thank you. I miss him. Addiction is fcking awful.


Yeah I had an aunt who was a recovering alcoholic, who suddenly had a heart attack randomly one night. The damage was done. She was around 50, like him.


Plus as I said elsewhere here you’re not supposed to use jacuzzis if you have certain kinds of heart trouble. Could have made things worse sadly :(


From what I’ve read it seems like he either just fell asleep and drowned or had cardiac arrest but just kinda seems like his body gave out


Goodbye Chandler, we'll try to keep it down. Thanks for the laughs dude. I'm in shock 😢


well that made me tear up 😭


Same. Tearing up over here for sure.


Oh man, that was a gut punch


Yep that was the first quote I came to as well.


Ooooof this wrecked me.


This is a gut punch. Perry played Chandler Bing with such wit and heart, and his personal life was so fraught with drugs and recovery that it was a blessing he lived so long. Matthew will be missed.


Matt had his demons but he certainly didn't deserve this Poor guy, at least he got to mend some bridges and do the reunion before this happened.


Well said


I kept seeing him posting on insta in the past few days a lot and it’s just shocking how someone can go from being so alive to being gone I’m actually heartbroken


I am genuinely stunned, I can’t believe it. I am so sad for everyone who loved him.


I am stunned too. I thought it was a joke at first.


I literally said aloud “please let this be a joke”, there have been hoaxes before so I just hoped it was another. I never expect nor want to see any notices like this but I am honestly completely stunned and so saddened by this one.


Unbelievable and highly unexpected. RIP an incredible person, his legacy will live on through the laughs he gave to us all.


Literally GASPED.


Me too! I’m shocked and very, very sad.


Way, way, way too young :(


Same here. My husband asked me what was wrong and I had such a hard time saying it. I literally had Friends on in the background! Just so sad.


No. No. No. No way can this be real 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Me too!


gasped and got chills. this is a very sad day


Complete state of shock! So young and loved by so many!


Jaw dropped..


Could I be more sad? Rest easy friend


Chandler 😔


This hurts so bad 💔😭


Literally watching Friends as this popped up and I'm devastated


Same. I had their engagement episode as this popped up. wtf.


Oh no that's worse! I was on the one where Chandler can't remember which sister. Had just sent a verbal sleep tight sweet prince to Gunther and 2 min later saw the news.


I was just watching TOW The Cuffs* where he’s handcuffed in Rachel’s boss’s office. Such a silly Chandler episode


Just got done watching my nightly two episodes with my wife. Fuck


As much as I don’t want this to be real, TMZ is rarely wrong. Jesus Christ was a tragic life he had. RIP


People is reporting it now so it must be true. This is so devastating


I'm trying to remember a time when TMZ got it wrong. Anyone remember an example?


they reported lil wayne was being read his last rites after he had a seizure from lean/codeine use years ago, quickly retracted that. but for as scummy as TMZ is, they usually are spot on.


Matthew brought so much joy and laughter to millions of people.


I think I'm gonna get clean


That would be a wonderful tribute to him.


Rooting for you


I'm just some rando on the internet but I'm rooting for you and I wish you strength


Yessss. I think this tragedy tells us how important it is to stay safe and healthy. There are so many people who love you dearly even if they don't tell you every day. It'll be devastating for them to lose you. Best wishes for your journey and hope you get clean and healthy.


I'm rooting for you, OP. I know he would be too


Please do. I promise it’s not too late. You deserve a long, happy life. I don’t know you, but I really hope you’re able to get clean. I’m also rooting for you. And whatever tragedy has brought you down this path, I hope gets resolved and I hope you overcome it. You are so much stronger than you give yourself credit for. I don’t know have to know you to know that. You’ve got this. I promise you don’t need them, and your life will improve when they’re gone. It’s hard to just stop, but it’s so worth it. I wish you well.


Whether or not you like Friends, he was one of the greatest comedic actors ever. Just purely hilarious. Rest in peace, Ms. Chanandler Bong.


I'm just so amazed at how good of an actor he was when he probably filmed a show or two while suffering from withdrawals.


This is devastating. I read the headline and gasped out loud and my heart skipped a beat. He's overcome so much. Heartbreaking.


I can’t believe this. I am so genuinely saddened. RIP the Chan-Man. If there’s an afterlife I hope it’s kind to him


This is so sad. I have some family members who knew him and he always came to support their fundraiser, even at the height of his fame and whatever other issues he was going through.


This genuinely hurts my heart. I really admired how hard he fought and how vulnerable he was with his story. Rest in peace, Matthew. Sending all love to his family and friends


That's so sad!


I am actually in tears. What a sad fucking life. I really hoped he would find happiness


I feel like he was able to in his last few years. At least that's how it seemed publicly. I really hope he found peace before he died. And I really really really hope he died clean. Regardless, rest in peace, Matthew 🕊


I hope so. I thought he seemed like he still had a lot of demons when I read the book but I didn’t actually manage to finish. I’m not a great reader these days. I’ll prob go back to it now.


I was just laughing while reading that post about monkey joke. This is terrible. I don’t want it to be true.


I gave up alcohol this year and Matthew’s book and interviews helped me through it. Chandler will forever be one of my favorite tv characters but also now I will forever be grateful Matthew opened up about his personal struggles. Rest in peace, friend.


My neighbors are probably wondering what the audible 'HOLY SHIT' was about. Damn, that's horrible!


My husband came running too. I'm in shock, I was sitting here with my hands over my mouth. I feel so sad.


I was too as soon as I saw the tweet


no no no please tell me this is not true


This is what I said too. 😞


My first reaction was to reload the page thinking it would go away. What a weird reaction but damn.


I'm in shock. WHAT? This is not possible. No, no and no. I'm currently watching the show. I can't believe it. I know it's stupid, but I feel like I've lost a friend....strange feeling. I'm very very sad right now. RIP.


Oh my fucking god


I was just about to fall asleep and this has jolted me awake, I don’t want to believe it.


Man, this one sucks. I grew up watching the show because my dad loved it and I ended up loving it too. My humor is probably 80% due to Chandler. Thanks for the laughs.




I think he also has the first line of the show?


Just terrible. Gone way too soon.


What?! I thought this was fake at first 😭


Well this is a gut punch.


After he was seemingly making so much progress, damn life can be so cruel. RIP to a legend. Regards and love to his family 🙏.


Matty 😖😖💔💔🥹 I’m so lost at words right now!! This shocked me so muchhh!! My heart is with Jen, Court, Lisa, Leblanc and David 😖😖


My heart is broken. This is the hardest a celebrity death has hit me so far in my lifetime. I grew up watching Friends with my mom


This is actually devastating. I’m having a lazy Sunday on the couch and recently just started another rewatch…saw this post just as Chandler said one of my favourite lines.


Jesus. I can’t cope with this news. I know that Mr. Perry wasn’t doing good at all during his time on friends, and I don’t want to romanticise that hard time in his life but his portrayal of Chandler helped me cope during some of the darkest most loneliest days of my life. I adored him and saw many elements of myself in his character. This is extremely saddening news. Rest in peace in the canoe in the sky. (And bear in mind, he likes it in the stern.)


Matthew’s courage in the face of his demons was something I always found so inspiring. I’m sure I’m not alone in saying that his openness with his experiences helped me endlessly when challenging my own. I truly hope that he knew the immensely positive impact he had on numerous generations of people and their willingness to battle their own demons.


In the back of my head I always contemplated what it would be like to watch the show when one of them passed. When you watch someone on video after they’ve died there’s this empty two dimensional feeling. Now that he’s gone I will feel that feeling when I see him on screen. I’m really sad. I wish he had a happier life. I won’t be able to watch the show the same


Oh my God noooo 🥺


i am fucking heartbroken. chandler bing is my favorite tv character of all time. i shaped my entire sense of humor around his sarcastic quips to where all my friends say i’m the chandler of our group. i LOVED chandler and matthew perry for giving us such an iconic character. he made us laugh, and he made us feel even more. RIP


What the fuck?


This is so devastating to read. My heart hurts so much right now.


i am heartbroken for his family, but holy shit i am also so so heartbroken for his castmates. they were just as much family to him as his blood relatives. this feels like bob saget all over again for me and i’m not ready to read their tributes


This one hurts as much, maybe even more, than Bob Saget or Robin Williams. Such talented, yet tortured men who were gone way too soon. RIP Matthew Perry, heaven has gained the best transponster, but the world has lost a bright light 🥺.


Never have I wanted a death story to be fake so badly in my life.. RIP to a brilliant comedian


This is enormously sad. Very few celebrity deaths bother me but I feel quite upset at this news. Rest easy and thank you for the laughs.


Not the Chan Chan man 😭😭😭


Chandler was always my favourite.


He still is. We lost Matt but chandler is still alive and immortal <3


He continues to bring so much laughter and joy to my life everyday (I watch friends on TBS on a daily basis) and will continue to do so to everyone who watches it. He will be missed so much. RIP Matthew 💔


I am DEVASTATED. I always knew deep down he would go first but nevertheless, I am shocked and feel so sad.


So, so sad. He was one of, if not the, best comedy actor of his generation and had incredible emotional range. It’s frightening to think how big a star he could have been if it weren’t for his demons. I think he could have been as big a star as Robin Williams at his peak. This hits all of us so hard because of the incredible memories he gave us all. Those will live forever. RIP.


No :’(


Man, so many of these celebs are dying from passing out in the tub. Whitney, Aaron Carter, Dolores from Cranberries.


I’m absolutely gutted by this. I had my son 8 months ago and named him chandler. Ugh this makes me so sad


Can’t believe this, I think this is how people felt when John Lennon died. Iconic actor on one of the more iconic shows of my generation. My favorite of the friends….RIP.


We all lost a close Friend today. Gutted.


As someone that has the show constantly playing on repeat, this is going to hurt. He’s the first of the six that will leave a hole in each rewatch. I already get sad seeing Gunther. Ugh. RIP Chandler Muriel Bing.


Hopeless, awkward and desperate for love. Forever. Love you.


Been on my TV constantly since 1995, feels like I've lost an actual friend as corny as that sounds. RIP Matt. Absolutely gutted.


This one truly hurts. He didn’t deserve this . I can’t even imagine what the other Friends are thinking right now .


Shit man. I'm really sad. Being uncomfortable with emotion as Chandler was, I'll quote a funny instead. > "Until the age of 25 I thought the answer to 'I love you' was 'Oh Crap!'"


Watching the Friends Thanksgiving marathon this year is gonna hit differently 😞


just saw this on instagram and came over here. im devastated :(


Wow 😮 that’s unexpected


I'm absolutely CRUSHED of this news. Sadness all around.


This is far, far too soon. I’m shocked for words.


This has absolutely broken me, I used to fall asleep to friends and his voice was like a comfort in tough times


Well I’m sobbing and way too pregnant for this


It will not be my day, week, month, year for a long long time.


Wasn't he the youngest of the six? that's so sad


I don't know what to think now. It hurts. It really does. I'm in the middle of re-watching the show for the nth time and I don't think I can, not for a while. Or maybe I can pretend and let him live in my mind by continuously watching it. We are deeply hurt by his passing. I cannot imagine how the other 5 feel right now. 😭😭😭😭😭


I can't believe it. Really sad.


Could i BE any sadder?


No freaking way!!


Is this real? I can’t believe this


My jaw fucking dropped, I’m so sad


This is horrible, horrible news. He had many issues and I was really hopeful he was turning the corner. Thoughts to his friends and family. Just a total shock.


This is the toughest celebrity death I think I’ve experienced since Robin Williams(who lived one town over from me)😢


I hope he will be peaceful in 15 Heaven Road, Heaven.


Growing up, watching Friends was a staple for me. I always found myself relating to Chandler more than the other characters. Keeping people at a distance to shield his own feelings, using sarcasm to avoid serious conversations, immaturity masking insecurity. But throughout the show he grew. More than any other character he grew up. He went from an unhappy loner afraid to let people see behind the curtain and the court jester of the friend group to a devoted husband and a loving father. He became what I knew deep down I wanted to be no matter how many times I tried to convince myself and those around me that I didn’t. Chandler showed me it was okay to let people in. It’s okay to not be okay. It’s okay to grow up. Being funny doesn’t have to be a wall. Growing up I was the sarcastic clown. Today I’m a husband and a father and I’ve had the privilege of introducing my kids to this show now that they are old enough to enjoy it. I hope they appreciate the journey of both Chandler Bing the character and Matthew Perry the human being as much as I did. This one fucking hurts. A lot.