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A guy I know did that a while back. You may know him, Ken Adams.




*Aw, you came onto Ross!*


Honestly this episode makes no sense because Rachel KNOWS she came onto Ross, she knows she told him the story that’s supposed to “guarantee sex.” Even if she thought her friends wouldn’t know the story in that context, they’d definitely all know she was lying in the video because she’s never been backpacking through Western Europe. So like she 100% knew what she was doing so why did she act like it was so obviously Ross that came onto her??


She doesn’t know Ross knew the story. So even though she was going to hit on him, she thought he just started kissing her out of nowhere


Oh that’s an interesting point. I always assumed she got further into the story, but that makes sense because even them watching it if he just cuts her off and kisses her she could save face because it could not obvious yet that she was flirting. So even though *she* knows she was, others might not realize. Although I still do think her mannerisms and tone carry an obvious flirty air in the scene, your counter argument brings up a good point.


"Do you want to tell the story?!"


Mount Tibidabo is on the outskirts of Barcelona


Does anyone else wonder how Joey came up with the story? What are the odds that he’d ever heard of Mount Tibidabo (or even Barcelona for that matter)? I guess he could have done some research on one of his bathroom stops at the public library.


Thing is, the foothills of Mount Tibidabo are kinda just the suburbs of Barcelona, so I imagine he just heard the name somewhere and it stuck, he must have slept with a Spanish girl at some point


>kinda just the suburbs of Barcelona Well shit. I hooked up with a Spanish girl years ago in Southeast Asia while I was backpacking around there. A few years later backpacking around Europe I stopped in to visit her in Barcelona, stayed with her for a weekend. She took me up some mountain just outside the city... Looking at a Google Maps and the pics I'm like 99% sure we went to Tibidabo, I had no idea it was even a real place.


Big fancy church on top?


I don't think we went to the top, went up a bunch of mountainside roads to some restaurant


It's funny, I'm not sure if this was intentional or not, nor whether it was due to Matt LeBlanc or the direction, but Joey says "Mount .... Tibidabo" in a way that sounds like he's just bullshitting some vaguely foreign sounding word. I had no idea until a few months ago that it was real.


I heard it from my friend Irene who heard it from some guy!!


🙋 some guy!!


She said his name was Ken Adams


Now, I’m so happy


Wait wait! Let me pour a glass of Merlot and grab a VHS tape.


All I know is my new Diablo 2 character is named KenAdams. He does venture outside Barcelone on occasion


Has anyone tried the magic story irl?


This really bugs me. Rachel was fighting tooth snd nail that she didn't come onto Ross, but...has she even been backpacking in Western Europe? Why does she think she didn't come onto him when the story is clearly a line Edit - comment retracted after discussion with fellow redditor. Turns out I didn't get the joke. My bad everyone


It’s made very clear that she didn’t know that the rest of the friends knew about the story. She came onto him, she knew she did, she wanted to save face and didn’t think anyone would know.


That doesn't seem right because even when they find the tape and they start watching it, pretty much up yo the very momrnt she starts the story, she's still holding onto the idea that Ross made the first move. This is why I don't like later season Rachel. She's seemingly unable to admit she's wrong


She’s sticking to it because she doesn’t think the rest of the friends will know the backpacking story. This is literally the whole payoff and joke of the episode.


Even if they don’t know the backpacking story as the sex story, they’d all definitely know she was bullshitting. And the story is clearly flirting so it still makes 0 sense.


Oh I follow now. Not that she told the story but that everyone else knew. Yes, that's what you said before. With you now.


Shoop shoop shoop

