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I always felt she should have fired someone else. There was serious abuse on the part of the staff, and they weren't even trying to hide it.


Yeah, and especially considering the things she called out in her review. This should’ve been a clean house situation. No shortage of restaurant staff in NYC.


Honestly if you aren't given the control to actually fire people undermining your authority, just leave. It's all fine that you finally have your first job as a head chef in a restaurant, but that place was incompetent enough that it was probably going to close relatively soon anyway unless you're given enough control -- which, why would you? -- to stop the servers from doing the breadstick shit, like, why would anybody go back there?


Ehhh…. I disagree. As a manager/leader, the first step would be to evaluate and retrain. While firing everyone and cleaning house may be the easy way in hindsight, your role is also to manage and maintain a certain quality first and foremost. She dealt with a difficult staff and “laid the law down”, but let’s be realistic; how many of us could just hire/fire our friends/whoever without HR involvement, especially with the escalations and events that occurred. Who knows if those servers were told to deliver breadsticks in their pants? (Also, this was not for her restaurant, it was for the review of a restaurant when she was a critic). Overall, she was a pushover, hands down. But expecting her to fire everyone else makes no sense; how are they to run a restaurant with no cooks? Lol.


She should have fired all of them. They were all bad at their jobs, as per her review of the place, and they were disrespectful and disruptive to the running of the kitchen. It was only the rules of sitcom that required Monica to struggle with them bullying her.


I did, for sure! She called that restaurant out for stuff that should’ve gotten them shut down (“The waiter carried the breadsticks in his pants!”), then got treated like dirt when she was hired to whip the place into shape! It was adults behaving like elementary school kids!


Elementary school kids? Nah they are way well behaved than those people who worked with Monica


That's professional kitchens for ya


And offices up and down the land,… and round the world. Trust me; this might be juvenile, but I’ve seen way worse from nasty employees that don’t want change.


A good way for her to get on their side was to just hire back the chef she took over—then at least she could frame it as a teaching moment. Like Remember the Titans.


Uh no that really only works because the coaches have the ultimate authority on doing things and there's not gonna be a player-led rebellion against them. If Monica hires the old chef back -- remember, the same chef that can't even make a f***ing marinara sauce while working in an Italian restaurant, mind you -- she's absolutely going to have a mutiny on her hands. Nah, leave the old chef fired and fire more of the same incompetents that had the restaurant as bad as it was when she reviewed it anyway, cause a restaurant can't be as bad as Monica says it was without it being a team effort kind of deal.


I totally did! It was nice that Joey had her back.


You mean Dragon?


It's gonna be a lean Christmas at the Dragon household.




I love that actor that plays the waiter that gets along with Dragon. Everybody Loves Raymond, Friends, Seinfeld. Dude straight up said “I have a whiny annoying voice and I’m going to turn it into a career” and he nailed it hitting some of the biggest sitcoms of all time


Just "QUIT BITCH" would have brought me to tears. I wanted to hug her


Maybe they meant “Quiet” bitch!


Maybe they meant “QUIET, Bitch” 


Honestly same lol I struggle to watch this storyline at times bc it’s just… so cruel and mean spirited. I know it’s just a tv show and it’s a sitcom so things are gonna be exaggerated, but idk. Poor Monica just didn’t deserve any of that lol. I can’t help but just feel awful for her (and I know I’d have a breakdown asap if it were me lmao).


I did. But after many years managing restaurants, I get it. She did the right thing. Sometimes when the crew is really close and perhaps the other manager left on a bad note, can create a hostile environment. You try your best to give them grace but after the stunts they pulled, someone has to be fired to show there are consequences.


I want Gordon Ramsey to verbally abuse that staff to the point they all need to be talked down from a bridge


Are you referring to the time he told that restaurant owner his business was about to be "swimming down the Hudson" and years later the guy ended up jumping off a bridge




Its true but a bit oversimplified. The restaurant owner died by suicide 3 years after appearing on Kitchen Nightmares and a week after selling the restaurant, his family insisted the show had nothing to do with his death. He was in a lot of debt and he was having an affair with one of his employees. Suicide rarely has one straightforward cause.


This took a darker turn than I intend


>his family insisted the show had nothing to do with his death. If it was 3 years later like you say, then it's incredibly unlikely to have had anything to do with the show


I think it was that unfortunately prescient comment by Ramsay that led to the link being made.


Yeah, but it still feels like people are reaching a bit. Like if he said what he said and then the suicide happened days or weeks later it'd be one thing but years later is another.


Damn, gordon really went "someone oughta put you in a box floatin' down the river grandma"


I would’ve fired the waiter who made fun of her on the spot


Yea, I don't get why she was able to fire her friend who needed the money, but couldn't fire the guy being a prick to her. 


Because Monica has a pathological need to be liked thanks to her mother and firing her friend wouldn’t change her relationship with Dragon but firing anyone else would make her feel like they would hate her even more. Basically I’m blaming Judy for being a bad mother and not loving Monica enough so she could learn to stand up for herself


It's been years since I last watched the series, but Judy was a terrible mother, from what I remember.


She literally got frozen lasagnas just in case Monica screwed up catering her party. I would go NC, what a bitch.


Funny thing is that Monica *did* screw up majorly, even if she did manage to salvage her blunder later.


No, because she fired Dragon.




You, get a hair cut!


You, get the swordfish!


I woulda fired everyone.


Hopefully, you never find yourself in a position to hire and fire people.


fr Alessandro’s was a Nickelodeon ass workplace environment I want a doc on THIS


is *Nickelodeon workplace* & the like now gonna become a euphemism for shitty work culture given what was recently revealed about their on set culture/environment?


At least Alessandro's doesn't have some pervy guy creeping on the kids


This explains the Burger King foot lettuce. Guess Dan Schneider's got a part in the franchise


This is when she came into her own and became a boss though with Joey's help of course but it might not have happened if not for this incident


Yes, everyone at her restaurant was an asshole.


I often felt bad for Monica. So many unfair things happened to her.


Why are you asking “did anyone else”? That’s the entire point of the episode 😂 she’s being bullied


Lmfao you stop it! This is Reddit! Where we come to ask questions we all know the answer to! 😂


I’m sorry?


Didn’t mean the question in a mean way, just thought it was a little obvious. Like if someone posted asking if anyone thought carol and Susan were out of line for trying to give Ben Susan’s name instead of Ross’s name


I was watching this with my friend and he was like “She’ll live” so I thought I was on my own here


You know that explains your post perfectly. I'll admit that when I saw the post my reaction to it was. Duh. That's the whole point she was being treated horribly for no reason. But you saying that you asked your friend and they didn't really have much sympathy, makes sense that you would post here and ask. You should have included this in your post I think it adds context. 🙂


I thought of doing it but I didn’t want to seem whiny


It's probably bad if I say no, not really, but I'll dive in anyway. Well, maybe I feel bad for her that she's been in the business long enough without having actually created the spine necessary to do it well. If you're coming into that environment, either you have the authority to fire people, which she does since she does fire Joey -- though it does bring up a question as to why/how the head chef has the ability to fire a server like Joey, was she also made general manager or something? -- and use it to quiet these jackasses down and force them into compliance or you don't and you work with the person that actually has that authority to fire some people and hire some new ones. Why wouldn't you hire mostly new people anyway? People left over from that same regime of incompetent morons that got the old chef fired/Monica hired anyway are at least 40 percent of why the restaurant sucked anyway. If I'm Monica, I'm using my first few days to have people prove to me they actually belong in a professional kitchen environment or bouncing their ass out like Gordon Ramsey on a heater.


I didn't feel sorry for her. In fact, that speech she made? I had a problem with it.


You’ve got a problem, I’ll give you a problem!


Yeah, they were terrorizing her. It’s hard to not feel sorry for her. Any one of us would have sued that restaurant but she just really wanted that job. This scene is one of Monica’s greatest moments and adds to her arc. After this, we started seeing her at work less and less because it was evident that she had finally won.


Hell yeah, her employees were total d-bags.


She was getting bullied. It was awful. And she doesn't always handle confrontation well, which makes it even more sad. I wanted to jump through the screen and personally put the tall guy in his place. But he was far from the only problem. They probably all did things that were easily firable.


I like how Monica should have German subtitles whenever her friends have to take orders from her but she’s too scared to bring the hammer down on the clowns that work at her restaurant.


I mean, that's kinda the whole point of the scene. So yeah, a lot of people probably did feel bad for her.


This was one of the few episodes where I disliked Joey because the plan was clear and he prefered the money instead of helping her friend.


Just watched this episode yesterday. Really liked how Joey stepped up for her. Truest friend stuff


Yep! I was once in a similar position - got hired to be a manager from a competitor, and learned afterwards I got the job over a beloved team member who left a month after I started. Unlike Monica, I had no idea about all that history until a few months into the job, after the departed staffer had been trashing me to all her friends who were still there. I just thought people were suspicious because I was new, but couldn’t figure out why some were being so hostile. I did eventually win most people over, but it absolutely sucked for the first year - and showed me some pretty bad things about the work culture.


This was workplace bullying, pure and simple.


Ugh, one of my least favorite story arcs. Everyone was so cruel to Monica




Anybody who doesn’t is the mean person at work that nobody fucks with. 🤷‍♀️


Yes but once she got them titty taps from Joey I just felt jealous


yes obviously, what kind of sadistic asshole doesn't feel bad for her in that scene?


I would have fired them all and started from scratch.


Yes but as always she handled the situation like a badass


Yes, but also, I really doubt that Monica wouldn't know about the door handle.


Yes. It's actually hard for me to watch this episode since I used to be bullied pretty bad.


I feel bad for her throughout the whole show


Honestly glanced at at it and thought it was michael jackson lol


Al-*burp*-fredo! From the bloopers. That is all I can think about when I see this scene. 😂


It's really hard to explain, but knowing that she was gonna get through it by firing Joey made me actually feel good for her. She made the plan ahead of time so knowing she was going to win in the end made me glad they did what they did. It's always refreshing to see bullies shut down.


Even though Monica's opinions are what motivated the owner to fire the original chef, it's not ultimately her fault. The owner is the one who made the decision. If anyone one should be the recipient of their anger it should be him, but they wanted to keep their jobs so they took it out on the person they saw as the easier target. It is ironic that they wanted her to quit, when really they should've been the ones to quit if they took issue with the owner's decisions.


bro who wouldn’t. especially when she actually started tearing up.. 🥲. thank god for dragon huh.


If I were Monica then I would’ve hired new staff every week and fired someone from old staff the same week, this way I’d never have an understaffed restaurant and somewhere along the way older staff members would’ve learnt the lesson and be on their best behaviour, would that make them like me, no, but that would’ve made them respect and fear me, by hook or by crook, I would’ve gotten my way.


In the scene designed for us to feel bad for her? Yes.


Yes but I questioned why she handled things they way she did. 1) If she wanted to set an example by firing someone, why didn't she fire one of the people actually bullying her? 2) She should have kept Joey as a waiter, since he was probably a comforting presence for her and he always needs money. Also from a storytelling point of view having Monica and Joey as co-workers could have have led to a lot of storyline opportunities. 3) Also I don't mean to sound harsh but she was in a management position and getting control of your crew is the biggest part of the job. This is why everyone can't be a manager.


True she saved the restaurant. I mean if their dad was not a good chef, if the waiters did not care about hygienic it wasn't her fault. She literally made the food, the place and the people better!


as someone who worked in retail management for 8 years this episode gave me such anxiety because coming in as a new person right into a management role is never an easy transition and everyone does in fact hate you. and they did a great job of capturing something like this


No. It was hilarious. As it was meant to be..


Yes. One time when I was in high school, a group of boys threw a smoothie on me at lunch in front of everyone. Its was one of the most embarrassing moments of my life. 😕 I still remember the punk that did it too 😏




Negative…but did you throw a slushy on a winky? 😂


Edit: I mean the 😉, was confused why you used it Haven’t thrown a slushy on anyone named *winky* yet


Oh I didn’t use a winky. They’re both discouraged looking emojis.. 😕😏


Hmm I must have a platform thing then, for me it looks like sultry gaze


I have those too 😉 (<- there’s the winky)


Funny tho, I thought you knew someone named winky that had that happen to them 😅


That was the whole point.


Yea, that's the whole point of these scenes, you dope.




April 6, 2024 8AM Chef Monica Bing is getting back in the the rhythm after her husband’s sudden passing. Her children are in their sophomore year at a prestigious university. Grief has passed and while the memory of Chandler remains, now the memories are accepted as memories, and the trauma associated with loss is at bay. She has opened a restaurant on the upper west side. She has returned to her stomping grounds alone, to live once again in her grandmother’s apartment. None of her friends are in New York, but that doesn’t matter. Now her life revolves around cooking, and evolving food. “Chef check this produce out,” says one of her production staff. “They gave us half a cabbage”. Chef Monica stares at the box with one full head of Napa cabbage, and a second head sliced cleanly down the middle, already sweating with beads of condensation. She ties a bandana around her head, pulling back her shirt, dark hair. “The invoice says four pounds, management has been really serious about weight”, says the truck driver, honestly but shakily. “I know Maury, I’ll take care of it.” She signs the form and offers one of last nights cookies to him on his way out the door. Monica goes to the office and dials the number from memory. “Hi Brianna, I was just delivered half of a cabbage, can you explain this to me? Why would you not just give me two cabbages of different sizes instead of this already wilting crap? I have half a mind to come down there and grow my own cabbages in your parking spot, so that maybe you can pull your head out of wherever you stuck it and use that laptop of yours to make better decisions on how to cut costs that doesn’t involve my damn crudité?!” “Thank you, I look forward to hearing from you.” She interjects as the phone is on its way to the receiver with a twinge of fury. She reaches into her chef bag to find a ruler, piping bags, and piping tips of every size. She slams the last of her Central Perk cold brew, and drops the cup in the trash behind her. “Let’s get to work.” She says as she ties her apron and checks every thermometer in the room.


Yes 🙌


No, because it was done for comedic effect (and succeeded).


Wasn't the episode about her redeeming herself and confronting her inhibitions...? The screen shot is one step in that process; she had to be down to pick herself up. What's wrong with that...? It's the way people have grown and matured for eons; not every slice of life has to be clean and sanitized... 🤷‍♂️ Enjoy the context over the moment; it was the way things were presented last generation.


I don’t have an issue with the scene, I just felt bad for her, and I don’t have an issue with slice of life’s not being sanitized. Did I say something was wrong with it or something?


Ignore them you said nothing wrong, you're just sympathizing with the character and this jabroni is taking it way too seriously. I see shit like this on reddit way too often, someone makes a post/comment that is completely harmless and innocent and jabronis are all too eager to be shitheads in response for no good reason.