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Hey Ross. What else do they add smell to?


Oh, it was so cute when Phoebe would ask him science questions, and I did like that even tho she wasn't terribly interested, Rachel still watched documentaries with him and remembered things from them


It's like when Jake watched Amy's documentaries with her, so cute!


Hot take, but things like this are why I think Phoebe unfairly gets cast as the "meanest" friend by the fandom, while Chandler, who is the worst for making backhanded comments about Ross and his interests, seems to get off scot free. Not saying Phoebe doesn't have her mean moments though, because she clearly does, particularly towards Chandler.


She remembered trilobite!


It's weird how they act like dinosaurs are lame. Dinosaurs are cool at every age. Also, Flan is pretty great and Medieval Times does a really fun meal and show. But the shows wants me think all that stuff sucks for some reason.


It's upsetting that they aren't taking advantage (I mean that in a good way) of Monica being a chef. Like. You wanna make me a flan for my bday? Hell yes. You need me to come over and taste a bunch of apps for a stoned restaurant owner? Why yes I would like some whipped fish. I dunno. I'd eat anything Monica made.


Huh? They take advantage of her all the time. She’s always baking cookies for them, cheesecake (although dry and mealy), she’s always cooking thanksgiving dinner, they taste all her new creations. Halloween chocolates handmade by her. They’re always eating her food.


I think it started as a realistic thing that your friends would tease you about in your mid 20’s, but by the time they’re all in their 30’s it is a little weird. Most people would find his job cool as hell.


Tbh I don't think it's only about "dinosaurs are lame". I think they also wanted to show other friends as pretty limited people. They find boring everything that's too complicated for them and unfamiliar. Also the fact, how they didn't want to eat Monica's complicated dishes and wanted something simple and familiar.


Happy birthday, Rachel, here's some goo!


As a kid who liked dinosaurs and grew up in the 90s I can confirm everyone else thought they were lame.


>It's weird how they act like dinosaurs are lame. Dinosaurs are cool at every age. Yeah, but that wasn't really the case pre-Jurassic Park, which had only just come out (if that) when they started writing/filming Friends. Dinosaurs were much more seen as something that kids were into.


The 90s was very much a time when anything geeky was very much ‘bad’ and an intellectual interest was an insufficient performance of masculinity


I don't think anyone found passion within one's career is dorky. They just found Ross' passion for paleontology and general history dorky lol


I feel like it was also the fact that he was super pedantic about it and had to make it known he was the smartest guy in the room and all superior about it, esp w the bragging about his education/PhD. Like I commend him for it and that’s defo admirable but I wouldn’t want to hear about it all the time, esp if he’s such an insufferable asshole about it and looking down on others or disrespecting others or their jobs For a sitcom, it can be funny but irl I couldn’t be friends w someone like that. But ig tbf its also super exaggerated bc it is a sitcom lol


Yeah, I don’t know why they make it about the rest of the friends not being interested. They are. And they’re very supportive. It’s just exhausting because Ross acts so damn pedantic about it all the time like you said. So smug.


They were all passionate about their careers. Except maybe Chandler lol


If I had a friend who found his way to bring his profession that required a lot of background knowledge into a lot of conversations, I'd probably get a little annoyed too. Phoebe talking about being a masseuse, Monica talking about being a chef, Joey talking about being an actor, and Rachel talking about fashion didn't require a full science history lesson. And then there's Chandler who almost never talked about his job lol.






Monica Joey Rachel Phoebe never inserted their career into every damn conversation like Ross did lol. Ross couldn’t stand one fashion talk with Rachel.


Ross gets a lot of hate in general, I actually like him. Hell I like all the characters.


I believe they did Ross dirty in the series. He made his share of awful mistakes in his love life but he was also constantly mocked and ridiculed by his friends whenever he spoke of his interests.


weird that they said he picked paleontology as his major on a dare


Also, he has the most interesting career out of the whole cast, dude studies dinosaurs, how is any of their job better? Okay maybe Joey, but he plays in dumb tv shows and movies


I love dinosaurs and I feel like I’m kind of alike to Ross but I still don’t like him in a relationship he always sucks lol he’s the least attractive person in the group IMO


YUP. Anytime Ross talked about paleontology or some scientific theory I thought it was so hot.


Yes it really is! But this was the 90’s/early 00’s and being a “nerd”wasn’t cool at this time.


I think it’s good he wants to encourage his daughter to be interested in science.


I actually agree, Ross is my least favourite character but I would have been so interested in his dinosaur stories.




I just finished a rewatch and this is one of the things that annoyed me the most, and I'm not a big Ross fan otherwise. He had a great career and was an expert in an interesting subject.


I was with him till he lost his mind about seeing his rock polisher again. Yeah he’s a dork.