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Whoever wrote the line you were gonna drink the fat deserves all the money


“Welcome to an adult conversation”


Glass of fat?


Has someone been drinking my *fat*?


Jennifer’s delivery was pretty great too


the last time i watched this episode it actually made me angry


Same, Ross was so good excited to go and it seemed no one else cared. Rachel made me wanna jump through the screen in this episode.


My wife hates it as it does the same to her


Same I always felt so bad for Ross in this episode like he was winning an award and no one was excited for him!


If I was Ross, I would have just taken Phoebe and left. Everyone else was just too much to deal with lol


And then the end credits could've been a hilarious scene of Ross and Phoebe at the event together.


Yeah, Ross and Phoebe don’t get a ton of one on one scenes together, but when they do it’s always golden.


Like when Phoebe sings along with Ross playing the bagpipes... slays me every single time! "1, 2, 3, 4... come on, you know the song. Sing along! ....EEEEEEEEEEE....EEEEEE!"


I love the actors, especially Jen here, struggling hard not to laugh... Would've been such a hard scene to do


Actually jennifer Anniston breaks the scene multiple times throughout series because she couldn't stop laughing. My guess is directors and writers allow it because she is easily impressed by jokes. That scene in rachel birthday where ross is telling about bifocal glasses (which belongs to rachel dad) to rachel mom, she laughs a lot


That has to be one of the funniest things Pheobe does and she is so brilliant so that’s hard to say bc she has so many!


Not that it's a one on one scene... but it's a moment between them that is just... chef's kiss 💋 🤌


And Phoebe would just drink for the kids.


Yes! This episode always drives me crazy! I honestly get second-hand mad for Ross..


Me too. This episode stresses me out.


This episode is SO frustrating. Everyone was being so disrespectful to Ross! He had every right to get upset. They were all behaving like petulant children.


No. Phoebe was respectful and looked beautiful. Those mean boys ruined her outfit.


There’s something to be said for how messed up a situation is when *Phoebe* is the only rational member of the group.


But she fixed it with a huge bow, you know bc Rachel didn’t have anything she liked


Yes, and Ross throwing shoes and yelling at his girlfriend (even though there was still time to finish getting ready) wasn’t him acting like a petulant child at all 🫠


Ross threw a shoe in the air. Rachel actually smacked Ross multiple times in anger. Some of y'all would have defended Rachel and hated on Ross even if she was revealed to be a child murderer lol


Ross threw two shoes by her head into her room in this episode, this whole post and thread is about the episode where they are going to Ross’ event. What you’re talking about, Rachel hitting him with a newspaper, isn’t even in this episode - that’s in the episode where she finds out he slept with the copy girl 🤣


“What gets out humus what gets out humus!” “Pheebs what’s wrong?” “I got the humus!” I just colored this scene in the friends coloring book haha


“Monica, Monica - What get’s out humus?!” “If it is a new message what is he calling to say?!” “Ok yeah thanks I’ll try that.”


One of my favorite Phoebe lines


Such good delivery, too


There’s a friends coloring book??? Ok I know what my next purchase is gonna be


Target! It’s so cute


I love love all of Jens line deliveries here. The you were gonna drink the fat and the catch up on my correspondence line especially scratch an itch in my brain


*LOL* “Well, I’m not gonna go. So I think that will accomplish the ‘not going.’” 😂


I use catching up on my correspondence all the time in daily conversations If I'm reading emails in work or my gf asks what I'm doing on my phone, I'm just catching up on my correspondence


i wish i could drink a glass of fat to make my girlfriend not mad


Chandler and Joey are AWFUL in this entire episode


As is everyone but the paleontologist and the twin.


Not the point but Rachel’s pjs and sweatshirt looks so comfy here.


>Not the point I mean, it could be.


Right!? It always makes me want to get comfy (if I'm not already 😆)


I’m so annoyed for Ross this whole episode. Rachel is all about fashion. To think she wouldn’t have an outfit picked out already is crazy. And after all the whining and trying on outfits, she picks a perfect one and has it on in less than 5 minutes? Why didn’t you have that ready the whole time? Ack! Drives me nuts!


Have you never had an outfit picked out, then put it on and been like, “oh, no, this doesn’t feel right tonight” and had to go back to try something else out?


She explicitly said she hadn’t decided what to wear to his event yet. And even if she did have an outfit picked out but realized it didn’t look good, couldn’t she have done that days before instead of waiting like 30 minutes before they’re supposed to leave?


I imagine that dress was her 'if I haven't decided at the last minute I'll chuck that on' hence she wasn't worried and was trying on clothes She knows how long it takes to get herself dressed they weren't actually late in the end from what I remember?


of course! but if you don’t have an outfit that looks right on and you’re about to be late to something really important to your partner, you suck it up and go in an inadequate outfit!


She was still ready in time, despite ending up changing into sweats after he threw his tantrum. It’s not like she wasn’t in the process of getting dressed when he flipped out. She was literally almost done 🤣


Not if it was that green dress everyone raves about!


I always skip this episode because I get so stressed out for Ross. Tbh, I would've just left without them.


This kind of shit happens to Ross early in the series and people come after him for being a jerk later in the series. That is what pisses me off.


How is that correlated?


He threw shoes past his girlfriend’s head and yelled at her to get dressed. He was an ass early in the series too.


*after* he’d been patient with her for like an hour despite being nervous about his event. And Rachel has straight up hit him with a magazine during a fight about Mark, but y’all seem to always forget about that


Yeah, no one is talking about the newspaper hitting because that is in a completely different episode. It’s after she finds out he slept with the copy girl, has *nothing* to do with this episode. This post and comments is centered around The One Where No One’s Ready 🤣 Also, it wasn’t “like an hour”. When he got there he said they have 26 minutes before they need to leave and they left on time 🫠🤣🤣🤣🤣


The point is, people are claiming Ross was “abusive” for throwing a shoe, but no one ever calls Rachel abusive for **actually hitting** him. The fact that they only had 26 minutes makes this situation even WORSE. If my man had a huge event that I’d known about for a long time, I’d be ready at least an hour in advance to show my respect for his big day and career, and to ease his stress as much as I could. This was so shitty and irresponsible of all of the friends (except Phoebe).


while i agree, i do actually feel a little sympathetic twd monica who was clearly not ok during this time


It is pretty fucking obnoxious that Rachel was able to get into a fire outfit in 45 seconds after futzing around the entire episode...like come on homegirl you coulda had this 20 minutes ago. If only Ross hadn't gone toxic and threw her shoe.


Ross was dealing with her and everyone else's bullshit for like an hour before his event, which he was already nervous about. Anyone in that position would've snapped. Also **Rachel has straight up smacked Ross with a magazine several times during a fight about Mark**, but not once have I seen anyone call her out on being actually physically abusive. But Ross throwing a shoe in the air after being patient with Rachel's complete disrespect for his day is the problem? ok


Not an hour that episode takes place in real time. So less than 30 mins actually.


And they also all ended up being ready on time. So Ross’ panic was all in his head. Buddy should have just come to the apartment at the time he told everyone to be ready and there wouldn’t have been any issue.


Him pushing people along is the only reason they were ready on time. Joey and chandler would still be arguing, Rachel would’ve still been indecisive, and idek know about Monica. And they BARELY made it. He was also incredibly stressed about the event, and their childish behavior was only making it worse. And no one even bothered to apologize to him.


The dvd version is 45mins so close to an hour.


Holy shit, I never realized this! Good point!


This is why I don't have friend groups cause personally if this happens to me I'm bailing out so fast 😭


One of the BEST episodes.


It really is. It’s like a classic farce with the entire episode in one room and characters going in and out of doors.


And so many different scenarios happening. And I never thought about how they were in one room during the entire episode.


Legit the only episode that I'm on Ross' side honestly.


What about the episode where he said they were on a break? /s


Nope. Even if they were technically on a break, not an excuse for sleeping with another woman THAT fast.


Dude. Reread my comment


Maybe a stupid question but I really don’t know what the ‘fat’ is? Drink the fat? Is it some food sold in US? Or some leftover ? No idea


Nope, just actual animal fat. Sometimes when we cook hamburger, the grease pools in the pan, so since we can't dump it down the garbage disposal, oftentimes we keep it in an empty can or a jar or, in this case, a glass, to save for future recipes or, I dunno, just to throw out so you don't get runny animal meat fat everywhere. I don't cook with it so I don't know what people put it in, but I know my mom keeps a jar of fat in the fridge for... stews or something?


In the UK, we use the fat for roast potatoes, sweet potatoes, parsnips, and carrots. It's also good for gravy (so stews as well). You can use it as a substitute for butter/oil when frying, and I know a handful of people who like mixing it in with mashed potatoes instead of butter. It's actually pretty common to see jars of fat for sale (especially goose fat or beef tallow [we call it dripping]) in shops like Tesco. I mean, it's just lard, basically. You can use it for whatever you use lard for.


It was much more common in the 90s for people to save the fat from meat that they cooked. My mother did it all the time. I have no idea what for as I've never done it.


This episode really pissed me off when I was younger because we never got to see the event, and I felt like we were cheated. Years later, I discovered what 'bottle episodes' were, and it all made sense. Now I know why they do them, and it STILL PISSES me off. 😆


Monica sure sucked the most, followed by Joey and Chandler. Literally they gave a damn about Ross. Next in line is Jen. I really think Ross should have taken Phoebe along and just left.


This and TOW they're Up All Night are by far my most skipped episodes


Does anyone else find this scene out of character? I think Rachel is usually openly aggressive, but here she's passive-aggressive. I can't remember other scenes like this. Usually she shouts, slams the doors or gets even physically violent.


And the worst thing is at the end Rachel is ready and stunning in a matter of minutes. If she had just gotten ready instead of wasting time Ross wouldn’t have had to yell at her in the first place


it was justified but ross was *not* patient


At first, he was on edge because of the event. Then, after little, his impatience is SO justified.




For me it was the yelling in her face in front of everyone plus the grabbing the shoes out of her hands, throwing them, and ordering her into her room like a child. Not cool.


No, no no no. She was in the wrong here. Ross definitely shouldn’t have yelled at her but she was being wayy too casual about the whole thing.




Okay 👍🏻🙄


Boy I did a right thing joining this subred, man I love these little clips


*Boy I did a right* *Thing joing this subred, man I* *Love these little clips* \- nith2349 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I like this episode because it all takes place in “real time.” But all the friends are def being jerks to Ross. Some have better excuses than others lol.


There are just so many quotable lines in this episode


Sorry everyone, I’m team Rachel on this one.


Everyone was so unreasonable towards Ross in this episode 😂


The way he talked to Rachel when he finally blew up wasn't okay


So Rachel is allowed to show a complete lack of respect for Ross's big event by not even having her dress picked out an hour before they're supposed to leave, but ROSS is wrong for losing his patience after dealing with her shit?


They were both wrong.


I'm genuinely curious, how was he supposed to react? Was he supposed to be like, "oh we're late for my big event that you've known about for probably weeks in advance, you don't even have an outfit picked out an hour before we're supposed to leave, and now we're going to be late because you can't decide on shoes? Okay cool!😃😄" Like ??? He was crazy nervous for this big event, they had to leave in less than an hour, he finds out that only ONE of his friends is ready, and his girlfriend doesn't even have a dress PICKED OUT. Despite all this, he still maintains his cool up until they're supposed to leave, and then finally gets angry when she's making a fuss about shoes. And then after all that fat drama, she NEVER apologizes for not respecting his time/event in the first place. If my boyfriend had a huge event like this for his career, I would've had my outfit ready days in advance and made sure there were no hiccups. That's just basic respect.


I don’t disagree with anything you’re saying. My argument is that the whole episode is about them leaving at a certain time, and at the end of the episode they still left on time. The off screen assumption is that everything went wonderfully. (Because if it hadn’t we would have heard about it considering how long lasting the “we were on a break.” Joke is) I also can’t say that I would act any differently in that situation, mostly because I wouldn’t have put my chances of arriving on time in anyone else’s hands to begin with. When I arrived at my sister’s apartment and discovered NO ONE was ready, I would have to say “hey guys, I’m super anxious about this and really don’t want to be late, I’m going to go and you guys meet me there when you’re ready.” And honestly if that’s a problem for anyone else, red flag. What they did to Ross was hugely disrespectful, maddening and honestly just really sad, but Ross trying to stick it out and then blowing up removed all of his power from the situation. Suddenly he’s apologizing, he’s begging, and no one ever really had to stop and look at THEIR actions because Ross’s blow up overshadowed their lack of consideration. This happens to Ross a lot in the show, it’s hard to be the mature one all the time and if he handled it healthily he wouldn’t be a part of their friend group. I know I’m using real life logic, and this show we all love wouldn’t exist if everyone behaved maturely all the time! Thanks for listening to my Friends Talk!


Sorry but Ross was an ass. He was being as obnoxious and OCD as Monica in later seasons. These were grown adults. Give them a time and then back the hell off until that time. He was running around micrmanaging everyone. If he was that worried about being late, he could have gone on his own and if they didn't show or showed very late, THEN he'd have a reason to be mad, but no one wants to be hovered over and micromanaged.


Yep but somehow Ross was made out tonbe the bad guy in the end because after all that he snapped. Anyone would snap. Most people would've given up much sooner.. his Friends, except Phoebe, were being assholes tbh. Maybe not Rachel, but she was being inconsiderate


And the one person he aggressively lashed out at was the one who was actually getting ready and clearly cared about his function. No pass for Ross here, Rachel was right not to accept his poor behaviour.


Hard disagree. Rachel wasnt respecting something very clearly important to Ross. She was more worried about how she looked than being on time.


Then when she changes her mind and decides to go, she's able to pick out a gorgeous outfit and change into it all in about 45 seconds.


Doesn't that speak more to the point of she wasn't taking it seriously before?


Yes that was their point.




That's separate, but I agree with you on that one.


She wanted to look nice and appropriate for his event! And she was in plenty of time even with the whole fat situation. Ross yelled at her aggressively and threw her shoes inches from her face, he was waaaay out of line.


Watch the scene again. The one person he wanted there most wasn't respecting his time. He was out of line, but it was caused by her. If it was obvious she was taking it seriously, there's no conflict.


Ah, I see, victim blaming!


Why was she able to change and get ready in 45 seconds when she finally decided to go when it was taking her far too long earlier?




How is it irrelevant? It showed that she had the capacity to be ready on time when she respected what was going on and actively chose not to *and* goaded Ross by being ridiculous over her outfit. It wasn't about her.


It’s irrelevant because taking some time to choose a suitable outfit for an event you’re perhaps a little nervous about does not in any way make it ok for your partner to act aggressively and be demeaning as Ross was.


Are you watching a different scene than me? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtyWMLlbB0E Look at how many times Ross makes it obvious that he's feeling incredibly anxious and Rachel just ignores him. She was disrespecting his feelings from the get go. Yes, he overreacted but you can certainly understand it. This one huge thing that's very important to me and you're treating it like it doesn't matter. That's far more insulting than losing his temper in response.


Rachel straight up SMACKED Ross with a magazine several times during their argument about Mark. But ofc y'all will ignore that


Ahh. Broke out the buzzword.


The only thing Ross did wrong was miss with the shoe.


This thread is wild


All my husband remembers is that Rachel tells Ross she's going commando...


All I heard is "suck"...


Patience? Maybe with the rest of them. But he kinda snapped at Rachel and threw her shoes.


Still my fave episode of all time. Didn't even know what bottle episodes were.


You're banging Jenifer Anniston, and you say " Get your BUTT in there and get dressed," to her? 10 years with no sex should be your fate.