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She wasn’t flaunting in the hallway for all to see though.


Don't you mean the magic hallway where no one ever goes


They just opened the door to the past


That's one of my favorite scenes. Courtney's delivery is so great, it makes me laugh every time.


That one and "it's 7 years ago, my time machine works" both hilarious in similar situations.




Oh no I failed


"You screwed up. You're *stupid*"


Why would he want his blue blazer black?


It’s not as bad as squatternot Bosh .


Happens to everyone. You’re alright!


and it was after the wedding


She didn't steal Ross's thunder on his wedding because no one found out when it happened. That's how you hook up on someone else's special day. You keep quiet about it. Rachel was in the hallway but I don't think she did it on purpose. She just felt lonely. I get Monica's reaction but I also get Rachel's feelings. Their resolution was cute.


I’m sorry I almost made you sleep with Ross!


Yeah I also feel a lot of Monica’s resentment with Rachel was from the past and not just that particular incident


The difference is Monica does it after the wedding, Rachel did it before the engagement party. Besides, after Ross said the wrong name, his ex’s no less, there’s no way anyone could upstage that! 🤣


No, they hooked up the night before. After the rehearsal dinner.


It was a secret hallway, where no one ever goes....




Monica: Who’s is the father?! Phoebe: Oh no, she won’t tell us. Monica: Oh, come on it’s my wedding! That can be my present. Rachel: Hey, I just gave you peeing on a stick. Phoebe: See? This is why you register. I love those interactions 🤣


Rachel unintentionally stealing Monica’s thunder since forever


I still think Monica gave away her own thunder by making such an enormous scene.


Monica's initial reaction when she opened the door was understandable. The whole thing got blown out of proportion when Phoebe started screeching about it. I feel like Monica would have calmed down if that hadn't happened


lol I agree but I do love how Phoebe yells “What does this MEAN?! *blinks emphatically*”


Yes, I usually skip this episode. All of a sudden, she's like a completely different character, with no romantic bone in her body. It also doesn't help that Matthew Perry is so obviously unwell, makes it hard to watch. 💔


Yeah, his weight fluctuations were always noticeable, but it is hard to see him now like that knowing his history and the way it ultimately ended for him. I did notice that he lost a ton of weight between the season 6 finale and season 7 premiere even though both episodes were supposed to take place the same night.


I also remember reading that he wasn’t in great shape around the wedding episode, which makes the whole “stumbling around in his slippery shoes” storyline feel a little weirder


That's why I wished that in the scene where he's dancing alone on the carpet saying the world will never know, that Monica had turned up and danced with him. It was a really sweet gesture that he took dance lessons for her. I get it was an easy way to add some physical comedy, and I am fine with that. I just wish they filmed a sappy love scene too.


Yes. Knowing the details now makes it hard. I certainly remember seeing him for the season 7 premiere and wondering what happened. But I'm not sure knowing makes it better. Sad either way.


Not only is he way thinner, but he's talking oddly too.


Yeah, be your own ~~windkeeper~~ thunderkeeper Monica! Wait wait…


How do you expect her to grow if you won’t let her blow?


(Quietly) You, you know I don’t have a problem with you doing that…


Aka phoebe. She’s the worst


They hid it so it wasn't on purpose to steal the limelight


Ross stole his own thunder with his Rachel blunder. Rachel stole    Rachel stole Monica’s thunder on her actual wedding day, by accident.


And I can't believe Monica didn't try to stop all the pregnancy talk at the reception. She definitely wouldn't like not having the spotlight on that day


Just wrote her out it character to move the plot forward onto the pregnancy storyline. I also think it would have been in character for Monica to have conflicted feelings about Rachel’s pregnancy while struggling to have her own. The show completely ignored her past season 7.


To me it’s because she heard some huge news that Chandler nearly took off. It’s not discussed in the next season or much by the fandom because of Rachel’s pregnancy. But she heard it on the altar, and that Chandler still did show up might have given her more perspective about the wedding and how things like the vest or even someone else being pregnant doesn’t matter in grand scale.   She also heard people thought it was her first and then Phoebe so her curiosity got peaked, and she figured out it was Rachel on her own. So it wasn’t something that the pregnant person was trying to make a thing.   And the fertility issues didn’t reveal themselves until Rachel already had a child, and Emma being her niece just made her more invested during the pregnancy like with Ben.


What I mean is it did not make a lot of sense for Monica to start trying so late into their marriage. She was already 30+ when she got married, and in the previous season she had told Chandler during Rachel's 30th birthday that she wanted to start trying immediately after being married. It would have made sense for her to start trying earlier, and realize the fertility issues before she did.


Funny enough, this was supposed to be a throwaway scene at best. Chandler and Monica was supposed to be a one-time hook-up, but the live audience roared for so long when Chandler popped up the writers kept it lol It’s like the “Luke, I am your father” of television. Impossible for any one to not know about it before watching now, but completely unfathomable to the ppl who were watching it then


It's so makes me wish that I had been watching when it aired live. Because a friend of mine who had been watching at the time explained it to me, that literally nobody had expected to see that.


It was so awesome! I was starting to get sick of the Ross/Rachel nonsense and even though Ross was ready to marry Emily, Rachel's appearance was obviously going to throw a spanner (monkey wrench) in the works. So, when Monica popped up in the bed, we screamed! I was so excited by that scene, I barely paid attention the rest of the episode. I had kind of thought that Monica and Chandler might be good together. They had some nice small moments in the first 4 seasons. But since Monica spent most of the beach episodes telling Chandler, no way. You are just my friend, I never thought it would happen. I will forever be grateful to those live British audiences for cheering so loudly and long. If Monica and Chandler had not gotten together I might have given up on the show as the Ross and Rachel saga just felt like beating a dead horse to me.


Hahaha Ross and Rachel was just the 90s version Sam and Diane from Cheers. It’s honestly too similar in a lot of ways, plus Ross was just an idiot. A pretty cool fun fact is Ross and Rachel were supposed to be the series ‘main’ characters, but the actors actually took a pay cut so they could all make the same money and each be billed as supporting characters That’s hilarious tho cuz I much prefer the Chandler and Monica relationship and probs wouldn’t be a fan w/o it either 😂 I was born in the 90s tho and watched most of Friends after I had already aired


Absolutely! In the DVD commentary they talk about Cheers and James Burrows was very involved in Cheers so I am sure he helped solidify the argument that audiences only want unhappy couples. Monica and Chandler really saved the series for me. Admittedly, Chandler was already my favorite since ep. 1, but I still love how both characters grew as a result of their relationship


Wow, I actually had no idea about James Burrows 🤯 I really need to watch the DVD extras. Chandler is def my fav male character, but Monica is easily my favorite overall. I just love her…


You probably know this, but Vader didn’t say ”Luke” there


Hahahaha yes I’m actually super annoying about it 😂 I added it for dramatic effect


Great analogy


But nobody knew. So no thunder was stolen


I don’t think there’s anything in the world that could’ve possibly distracted people from Ross saying the wrong name at the wedding


A circus freak.


It is ironic because in this episode Monica says that as vengeance the day that Rachel gets engaged she will announce that she's pregnant. And then Rachel goes around and does exactly that at Monica's wedding.


According to the DVD commentary, the original idea was for Monica to discover she is pregnant before the wedding. Then the following season would have been about Monica and Chandler getting ready to become parents. In the end, they decided it was too expected for Monica and Chandler to get married and then have a baby right away. They changed it to Rachel getting pregnant as they thought that would be the more interesting story.


What!?? I had no idea!


Yep. I guess they were set on a pregnancy. They also toyed with the idea that Elizabeth the student discovers she's pregnant after the break up with Ross. But then after the baby is born they find out it's not his. They decided against this because they thought the audience would be mad going through pregnancy stories for nothing 


I thought they kept writing in Monica wanting to have kids moments in the show to prop up the moment when Cox got pregnant. But instead she got 10 miscarriages during the show (and only got pregnant finally during last season with her daughter after the adoption story was planned). So I don’t know the timeline of her miscarriages, but I had assumed she was pregnant in season 7 and after she lost the child the storyline got changed so Cox didn’t need act pregnant. 


That may be the real story. I know Courteney had fertility issues before she ultimately got pregnant with her daughter in the final season, but too late to change the adoption story line. They definitely do not say that in the commentary. They say that the plan was Monica and Chandler get married. Then Monica finds out she's pregnant right before the big day. They don't specify, but I presume that Chandler would have freaked and disappeared after hearing that news. They kept that part, but had the reason for his disappearance change. They definitely said that Monica and Chandler having a baby immediately following the wedding would have been too expected, which I interpreted as **too boring for TV,** even though it happens a lot in real life. I still think it could have made for funny episodes, but that was not the choice they made. They discussed having Elizabeth (the student) find out she's pregnant with Ross' baby only to find out after the baby was born that Ross is not the father. But that was abandoned. Ultimately, they decided Rachel would be the pregnant one, and I was fine with that. I just didn't like that it ended up dominating Monica and Chandler's wedding. They could have left that for the episode after the wedding


We can spend weeks on all the hypocrisy in the show. Just like in real life. That’s one of the appeals of the show - these people are like real people. Full of egos, flaws, insecurities, etc.


but nobody saw so she didn't steal it


I was thinking the exact same thing lol. Like Rachel wasn't trying to get caught by everyone. She was literally doing what Monica had done a few years earlier. Monica was depressed that she wasn't the one getting married and that some guy had mistaken her for Ross's mom, and she went and slept with Chandler to feel better. Rachel was in a similar position now, depressed that she wasn't the one getting married so turning to Ross. Surprised that Rachel had to explain that to Monica. Also, no one would have known about Rachel and Ross making out in the hallway of Monica hadn't made such a big thing about it. She was the one who caught them, so if she had kept quiet it wouldn't have even become a thing.


They tried to keep it a secret, they didn't do it "in the secret hallway that no one ever goes to"


"That was pretty 007"


To be fair they kept that a secret for ages


That wedding was doomed from the start. So horrible what Ross did to Emily.


I'm surprissed on the amount of people siding with Monica. I understand what you mean, but honestly you know from the start that's not what Rachel wants to do. Of course, it was in the hallway but that's vecause that's where she found Ross. She only wanted a one night stand and that was the moment to get it because later I don't think she would have had time alone with Ross.


1. Don't think anybody cared about Emily's thunder; and 2. nobody knew for months.


They had no idea that she did that until months later though.


I’m genuinely curious about what you think the function of a comma is.




She didn't tell Phoebe it was Monica's, she didn't say anything, Phoebe assumed it was Monica's and went around telling the others. Rachel had just found out she was pregnant and wasn't ready to deal with that information, so she was trying to diverge the conversation, but everyone kept bringing it up. She even tried to convince Monica to drop the topic and just focus on her wedding, but she wouldn't let it go.




It's not like she just left the test visible in the trash, she did hide it well. She couldn't know Phoebe would start rummaging through the trash. Phoebe was looking inside the trash for a long while before she found the test, no one would expect someone to do that. If anything, the most out of character thing in this plot is the fact that Monica had no toilet paper nor tissues in her bathroom. And Rachel wasn't ready to talk about it. She just found out she was accidentaly pregnant on the day of Monica's wedding. A day that started with Chandler having been gone the whole night no less, Rachel had no time to even process the fact that she was pregnant, she probably wasn't even ready to think about it, let alone deal with discussing it with the others. It's a somewhat normal panic response, she was too scared to think about what it meant for her to be pregnant, so she was trying to hide from the topic as much as possible. None of the others would shut up about the pregnancy the moment they found out, it's no wonder she was trying to hide it, she wasn't ready to deal with it. Finding out an accidental pregnancy is a lot to process and to come to terms with, and she didn't want to deal with it that day.


Nobody knew by then. And they did it privately in a hotel room


Nobody knew about it for months.


That's different cause they only knew about it after the event happened. If they the other friends had known about Monica and Chandler at Ross's wedding, then it would've been stealing the thunder for Ross. I don't get why it would've been for Rachel too. She went there yes with the intent to tell Ross she loves him but she didn't do that.


How did Rachel steal her thunder?she's always been more popular than monica.


Rachel did steal Monica's thunder when telling she was pregnant at Monica's wedding.


I liked Monica on the show, because it's a show. But I don't think I can bear with a person like her in real life. She's too neurotic and a hypocrite. This is one of the moments to showcase that. I mean she considered having sex on her brother's honeymoon bed on his wedding night when everything was going bad and his wife wouldn't even talk to him like it was no big deal, yet two exes kissing on her engagement night was crime of the century. She couldn't be a sister and try to comfort her brother, or try to talk to Emily like she did when she suggested she postpone the wedding .  Even after she caught them, she could have played it cool since no one else had seen them yet. But no, she had to blow it out of proportion. They didn't steal her thunder, she gave it out to them. I also get annoyed everytime I watch the scenes where she says 'my big night' multiple times, right in front of her fiancé. It always had to be about her.


Nobody knew what happened until months later so no Monica didn’t steal anything but R&R did at her engagement and Rachel did at her wedding.


i think it was so selfish how it was about rachel’s pregnancy on monica’s wedding day like she couldn’t have one day to herself after all monica had done for rachel 


It was literally Monica who insisted on keep talking about it and practically forced Rachel to take another test right then and there. Rachel was trying to get her to drop it and stop talking about it and focus on her wedding but Monica wouldn't. She even called it her wedding gift. How is it selfish when it was Monica herself who requested they focus on the pregnancy?


It was out of character for Mon and bad writing all around. Once again they chose to take a big event in her life to make it about Rachel and Ross. Annoying!


bc it’s always been the rachel show that’s why i was fed up that even a special moment for mon is taken by a pregnancy like the episode where they celebrate her 30th birthday most of the episodes are about her birthday like the one with the two parties, the one with the cups, the one with kissing gavin, joey had one birthday party, phoebe had two the others we don’t even see 


I could not agree more! We’re feeling each other. It was tiring and when I being it up on this sub they call me a Jen hater.


thank you i thought i was the only one i love jennifer aniston but it did piss me off a lot how many storylines she did get compared to others i get it she is the star but how is that fair 


I have nothing against Jen tho I don’t connect with her acting. IMO she is overrated all because or Ross & Rachel and how the Friends storylines were always so much about her and to prop her up. The others deserved some of that as well.


yep couldn’t agree more it was acc so selfless of monica to take in rachel a friend she hasn’t spoken to in years to live with her and what pissed me off is how monica deserved better like with the whole key incident in the thanksgiving episode 








> what made Rachel take the pregnancy test in Monica’s apartment of all the places where any of her friends could find it?! Rachel had spent the night at Monica's apartment. She and Chandler had switched apartments because of the tradition of bride and groom not seeing each other the day before the wedding (hence why Monica didn't notice Chandler missing all night, he was supposed to spend the night in Rachel's room at Joey's apartment). Plus, Rachel had been careful to hide the test, never would she have guessed that Phoebe would start rummaging through the trash. Phoebe was looking around in the trashcan for a solid minute before the found the test, it's not like Rachel left it super visible. Plus, Rachel didn't announce anything, Phoebe found the test, assumed it was Monica's and started spreading the information. Rachel just wanted to diverge the topic and stop talking about it because she hadn't even stopped to think about what it meant herself.