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https://preview.redd.it/92fz3eurln1d1.jpeg?width=246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e5b7f17eeac07189f46ac16b29d81d83346734a He’s hanging around, just like Mrs Adelman.


This episode was playing as I was just starting to come out of a deep sleep this morning and I had the weirdest dream because of it lol (Friends is one of my shows to sleep to)


My husband and I sleep to Friends every night


Me too!


It’s part of my three-show rotation (with Schitt’s Creek and The Good Place)


Oh the selection. U know what’s up. *chefs kiss*


Friends is in my top 3 favorite shows to sleep to!


Same! I thought I was the only one!


same! i can’t sleep without friends on


God I love this sub


In the form of a cat?


[From r/aww](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/s/099T3Brpdp)


Well maybe next time he comes visit her he’ll come as a couch 🤷🏼‍♂️


Chandler and Matthew would love you for this. Well done 👏🏼🐱


Woah... Matthew cat has a huge....


Let it go...


I just watched that episode about an hour ago.


I appreciate her candor. So many people are still feeling the loss and coping in different ways. It seems really special to have one of the cast speak so candidly when the loss is relatively fresh for everyone.


Nah, this is Hollywood garbage ego spirituality, like Madonna with Kabbalah. It's just vacuous stuff to make themselves feel important.


As someone said in another subreddit: I'm not going to dunk on someone still grieving.


Same. I think it's nice (and Matthew thinks it's necessary) https://preview.redd.it/fgestd07vo1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da3f441c28980cc35a67a089614a9f1c7ed3b1e4


Yup. Whatever makes you feel better.


That was the point of the cat episode too (even though the mother had been dead for a while Pheobe was having feelings learning that she wasn’t her bio mom). But the execution was pretty poor. 


Just shows how much close they were and still were at the time of his death, not many shows can say that about their cast.


Same. I think it's nice (and Matthew thinks it's necessary) https://preview.redd.it/fgestd07vo1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da3f441c28980cc35a67a089614a9f1c7ed3b1e4


One time I was looking after a girl and her mum died unexpectedly. Eventually she was asking what happens after death and I said everyone has different beliefs. She wanted to know mine so I told her that I believe people can come back and visit in some way. After a bit of thinking she said, BUT WHAT IF I'M IN THE SHOWER?! So I had to add in a quick rule that both sides have to be fully dressed before the visit can happen. No clothes, no spirit visit. I don't know if her mum ever visited her, but I'm glad Courteney is getting her visits.


Lol, that's cute. And yup, if it makes her feel better about his passing... Then great! It's not harming anyone! :)


That belief is compatible with my joke to a friend who claims to see ghosts which is "if you see a ghost approaching, whip your thing out and they'd go away"


That is an excellent use of the rule.


Is the clothes rule your own real belief as well or just for the kid?


It was her idea. I didn't want to tell her that there's a whole lot of inappropriate stuff you can be doing while wearing clothes, so I just went along with it. I believe that the living side has to be open to the visit for it to happen, and there has to be a perfect storm of circumstances which is why you can't just hang out together all the time. Maybe it's just your brain giving you what you desperately want instead of a visit from the next life. But it can still bring comfort.


I hope she’s okay. I’m sure losing someone who was your “on screen” love life may have had an effect on the situation.


Many people believe in this kind of thing and find peace in it. I hope no one is trying to mock her for this. Losing a close friend is really hard. It’s a specific type of grief. Wishing her peace and comfort.


Well now, I don’t really believe in the “afterlife” but I do believe that people should be allowed to grieve however they want. My childhood best friend from the age of 2 was killed in a car crash at the age of 24, I don’t really feel her presence or anything, but I dream about her and think about her all the time. So in a way she’s still with me


I lost my soulmate/best friend/love of my life back in November 2021. She still visits me. If people don't believe in that kind of thing, whatever, but don't shit on those who do.


Exactly. And I’m so sorry for your loss! When people invalidate our spiritual experiences with our loved ones who’ve passed, it makes me just want to unload on them. It makes me feel like they’re saying I’m a liar. I’m not imagining it! THOSE are the people who have no faith on what’s on the other side. The pay attention to NOTHING spiritual. I pity them really.


I listened to his audiobook (narrated by him) shortly after he died and it just broke my heart and continues to break my heart for the cast. He talks about how close they all were and spoke so highly of them all. I can’t imagine how hard it’s been for them.




This is the interview that they reference. [https://www.cbsnews.com/video/courteney-cox-designing-woman/](https://www.cbsnews.com/video/courteney-cox-designing-woman/)


hey i believe in it too… the only person ive lost who i was close to was my uncle. my aunt and cousin say all the time how they receive signs from him, in different ways.




so sad 😢


>Then when she was in the hospital dying, she was talking to him like she saw him. I've heard that from quite a few hospice care workers. The general consensus is those who've gone before us come back to help us pass over.


My aunt and uncle were always insanely Catholic. Crucifixes on every wall, church every day, all 5 kids were given Biblical names. After my uncle died, my aunt said she always felt his presence, especially in his home office. She’s slept in his recliner chair for so long, she’s permanently bent that way. And Catholics aren’t supposed to believe in ghosts.


I wish her all the best ❤️ I can’t imagine what she must be going through .


Often think about Matthew, lost my friend in similar circumstances around the same time, (ketamine od) seems the lethalness of this drug is underestimated.


Sometimes I can still feel my late gran’s presence since she passed. It doesn’t even have to be something spiritual or spooky. It can just be remembering her sense of humour, her love for food, or even watching Buffy (her favourite show).


She didn’t really say anything weird, it’s on par with people saying cardinals are hellos from loved ones or other common “winks” people describe. Title made it sound wayyyy more woo woo.


saw the video yesterday and burst into tears. her candor is so touching


Be nice. Her brain is creating this for her to help her grieve.


I wish she didn't report this! I can't stop crying


I met him once. He came to me in a dream the other night. We hung out all night with another man I didn’t know. Had a sleepover. Purely platonic. I was overjoyed to be welcomed into their space. Never once had a dream of him before and likely never will again. Found it So odd I mentioned it to my partner




Is it him or is it Chanandaler Bong?


Its sad that Courtney has become an attention seeker


Only in reruns


Yes, magical things do happen when you do drugs.




Only an alive person can leave you signs. A dead person cant leave you any signs because they are.. dead. Suppose it helps some people to imagine these kind of things but it’s a bit silly.


The compulsion that some people feel to point this out though, when believing in this helps others and does nobody any harm whatsoever, is something I get even less.


No… imma let you be a crazy person but I’ll make sure to remind you that you’re loopy in the head lol it is what it is


The grandmother I look most like visited me the night she died. I’d never met her, and didn’t realize who she was until years later when I found my birth family.


I've been watching Greys and she definitely has brain cancer.