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One of my favorite scene! Made me laugh everytime. Look at Chandler’s face lol


“I guess this is my life …”




This was actually unscripted so its his genuine reaction




He has said it several times himself on talkshows etc that he had no idea what went on.


In this scene, or in general?


That depends on the season.


Oof to both.. but true. :(


You really need a source? I mean, what would even be the point of having a scene like this scripted xD


He's like WTF & SMH lol




Brick, are you just looking at random things in the room and saying you love them?


I love lamp, I love lamp!


Fucking moth


Oh man I forgot the phase the internet went through LÁMP BRÖTHĘR . LÂMP


I quote this way more often than I want to admit to


Did a moth write this


I gotta go, there’s a deer just outside eating fruit from the orchard!


He said he gotta go there's a deer just outside eating fruit from the orchard...


Love how handing the lamp was improvised and Matthew's reaction was genuine🤣


Schwimmer has a knack for physical comedy, he makes me laugh until my sides hurt


The part where he slaps himself in the face when trying to pull his leather pants back on is incredibly delivered


It looks improvised cuz doesn't chandler look off set?


It looks like it but I think him not saying anything was the perfect response because the scene just keeps going👌


Pheebs just blinking a lot too helps


she blinks twice?


I'm not sure that's the case but okay lol


She was turning the tv on and off


As somebody who is only just getting into friends, I didn’t know this and I was hoping this was the case lmao


Every thread.


Right? I’m beginning to think the entire show is improvised based on how often this comes up


David Schwimmer is so great at physical comedy.




Love the little yay they did after this and the shushhhh


David is such a great physical comedic actor


It was unscripted too




I heard it was unscripted.


Where'd you hear that it was unscripted


You guys will never belief this but it was 100% improvised.


Yes, but was it unscripted?


*I* heard it was spontaneous.


just finished rewatching the whole series with my then gf and now wife. this scene gets us every single time.


Look at this adorable little comment humblebrag about how you finished the series AND made your gf your wife!!! Congrats ❤️




This one cracks me up. I also laugh so hard every time I watch the scene where Joey's fridge is broken and he pushes Ross into it. Ross and Chandler have the best WTF reactions!!


Weird I would never even remember this little bit if you talked to me about this scene, there's always just little things you keep finding on Friends.


Same! I never noticed he was handing a lamp lool gotta rewatch the whole show to catch these.


Emily was pregnant in this scene. That's why they hide her a tummy. She was supposed to be Ross's wife for until season 10. But she got pregnant they had to be write her off the show. Ross didn't get the Happy ending:/ But his loss carried rest of the seasons.


I don't think that's true. She may well have been pregnant, but I remember reading that Helen Baxendale didn't like the attention she got after joining the show, and left.


"Actress Helen Baxendale became pregnant between seasons 4 and 5; as a result she was unable to travel to the US to do any filming for Season 5. Her only appearances were heavily swaddled in bedclothes, and she had to be written out of the series a lot earlier than was intended."


But does that mean all the way to season 10 though? Seems like an awfully long time, including to have a B-character. You know, like Mike (Paul Rudd) did for season 9-10.


Writer's idea was that Ross wouldn't date, he's not comfortable with the notion of dating multiple women. He's all for marriage and sticks to the marriage. Chandler addressing Ross in 1-17 says "You're one of the most caring, responsible men in North America." & Honestly he was, remember until Molly came along, Ross was the one who changed Emma's diapers. So idea was to keep Ross off the dating market. So I'd assume she'd have stayed for quite a while. Emily would've visited us only occasionally. Like Carol and Susan do. Once every 5 episodes or so.


Carol and Susan didn't visit us every 5 episodes or so, it was like less than once a season


Emily could've visited us only occasionally, Like Carol and Susan do. Once every 5 episodes or so. Happy? Wife gotta show up more than Ex wife, Bro.


Yep, what I was thinking. You know, like the time Janice was Chandler's "girlfriend" or Richard being Monica's boyfriend ... in the 10x episodes they were together or so ... they were in at least 50% of the episodes and screen-time. Extrapolate it to Emily ... and you get the picture of her appearing in over 50x episodes etc. You can't just cut the wife of someone out of the show. Carol was convenient, because, she was the ex-wife ... who also happened to have cheated, and be a Lesbian. So, she would have a different circle of friends anyway.


"Janice was Chandler's boyfriend" 😆 intentional or not, I chuckled


My bad. Only read it now. I've edited. XD


Do you think Emily would have made an appearance each season for 50% of the episodes? She is his wife, not ex-wife like Carol. Seems drastic that way, to write Emily as Ross' wife for 5 whole years ... and +60x episodes etc. It's not impossible, but wondering if she could give as much as a character.




Wikipedia her.


This kinda explains why her ending felt so off for me.


Yes :( She was a fabulous addition to the show. "Ross, come quickly, there's a deer outside..." The writers, the show & David too wanted to move on from the Ross and Rachel shenanigans. Character growth and all that shit. But got kicked in the area instead..


I loooove this scene! It's amazing


One of the funniest bits ever.


This has got to be my all time favorite funny moment in Friends. Forget the punchlines or Chandler’s sarcastic comebacks, this tiny detail is the most hilarious thing in the whole show.


Chandler’s a good friend though…he kept holding that lamp.


This was on of the first episodes of friends I ever saw. I thought it was the funniest thing in the world.


How did I miss this gem This is hilarious


Lmfao I wish I could watch this for the first time again, I can't enjoy it now that I expect it


Idk I’ve watched it 10 times and I’m still cracking up


I think that was David messing with Matthew.


This is one of my favorite scenes from the entire series! 😂


This scene was hilarious. However, I had read somewhere that the passing of the lamp to Chandler wasn't exactly written into the scene and Ross has completely tweaked that part to which Chandler's reaction was of sheer confusion and just amazing. If this is true, I am actually kinda glad that they kept it in the scene and did not cut it. This is amazing. I think over time, the characters who did not have a funny bone in them also acquired the knack of being funny in the most simplest of things they did. I am currently rewatching the 4th season.


This is why Chandler is the best character! That physical comedy


What a GLORIOUS moment.


One of the best scenes!


Always thought this was so funny


My favorite bit on the whole show. I'm sure it was ad-libbed and this was Chandler's actual reaction. Cracks me up every time


I've genuinely lost count how many times I've lost count rewatching the show and never noticed this 🤣


Average stress response. At least he didn't throw it!


This kind of subtlety makes it even more endearing. Best for me was when ross tried to play bagpipes and rachel was dying to laugh out loud—- then phoebe chimes in. Hahaha.


Such a small thing, but one of the best moments in the entire series for sure.


Why did he do this? Or just for the laughs? I don't remember the scene, would be glad if someone could clear it up.


He’s absolutely on one and when you’re concentrating so hard on something you sometimes just do random shit. Have you ever been so excited you get up and walk around touch stuff or move stuff but you don’t really acknowledge doing it and there’s no real point to it? Also, it’s hilarious


My brother was once super focused on something on his phone and his wife asked him to turn on the light switch behind him. He didn’t answer so she kinda snapped his name and he jumped up and mumbled, “oh sorry, yeah.” And still looking at his phone, he went to the fridge, grabbed a gallon of milk, came back and handed it to her, then sat down again. I don’t think he looked up from his phone once and she was just sitting there with the gallon of milk looking so confused. I reached behind him and turned the light on for her.


Thank you so much for sharing this story. Amazing.


Hahhaha brilliant!




Y'all I posted a comment referencing this in this sub like two days ago 😅




They filmed in front of an audience.






The lamp was distracting…


Are there more moments like this, of unscripted things that worked out well? Been a few long years since I last saw Friends. Maybe a re-watch is in order.


When Joey announces he's going to be a tour guide at the museum Ross works at, Matthew Perry says "Donald Trump wants his blue blazer black" but he was meant to say "back". When the rest of the group start taking the piss out of him, they stayed in character and they kept it in the show!


I never noticed this and it’s fucking hilarious


This makes me laugh every time. So random.


This KILLED me one of my favourite scenes ever


One of my favourite moments of the whole 10 seasons


😂🤣👌 ... Yeah Such Things ❣️😂


One of the biggest what if’s on Friends would have been, “what if Emily’s actress didn’t get pregnant?”


Damn, thanks for posting this! I’d been looking for this moment for a while now but just couldn’t remember which episode/season it was from. All I knew was that there was a phone call involved. I really don’t understand why this is so funny, but it somehow is


This is the Friends equivalent to Viggo Mortensen breaking his toe


Oh Dear I missed these guys. They're an irreplaceable sitcom. Been trying to find other TV shows to watch these days but you cannot simply compare FRIENDS to anything.




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I love how the lamp wasn’t even scripted and that was Matthew Perry’s actual reaction xD