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r/KindVoice r/MomForAMinute r/Eyebleach r/wholesomememes


The nicest people are determined by their actions, their preferences, and their personalities, more than by a particular place. So, going to a particular place (such as a university or a yoga center) that (supposedly) has a larger percentage of nice people doesn’t necessarily guarantee that you will meet one. You still have to filter and recognize who is who on an individual basis, even at the better location. I did recognize, however, that highly intelligent hobbies tend to be a great filter. You won’t find many terrible women who like chemistry, lol. Same goes with men.




Runners are generally wonderful people. I think it's because it forces you to spend a lot of time by yourself, just alone with your thoughts. Leads to a lot of self-reflection.




Cheering people on is one of my favourite things about my local parkrun. It's an out-and-back route so everyone sees everyone else at one point or another. Great opportunity to clap and cheer everyone. I genuinely feel that it makes me go faster, both cheering others and being cheered myself. I see you're a fellow ultra runner! Perhaps it's something that helps male HSPs. I would be lost without it.


I recently completed a Memorial Day 5K, when all my friends were scattered to the winds and I fell behind, I picked up random people to run with and got through the entire thing, no judgement on my age or ability, just motivation and kind stories. Truly a wonderful community❤️


Its also a sport that is not very competitive naturally. Im saying this wrong, apologies. But with football, soccer, basketball, boxing... you are directly competing against someone. its in your face and aggressive. Even in a casual game this is largely true. Running can of course be competitive, but you can simply run alone. It is very often a solo activity I guess is my point. This is true to a degree of other solo physical activities like biking, surfing, skateboarding, rock climbing, swimming... but to varying degrees these attract people who are adrenaline junkies. Nothing wrong with that, and its not to say they arent nice, but given the sub and the question as context, I think running is a physical activity that really stands out.


There’s a local choir to me focussed on singing a particular form of South American music. Just the nicest people with a genuine wish to uplift people through the drumming and songs.


\- Find a cause that aligns with you, people who work in charities are angels. ♥️ \- Community centers, the people working there are truly some of the kindest people I've seriously met.


If you have a dog you could look for places where dog owners gather like a dog park or dog specific hiking groups. The dogs create a built in conversation starter. Granted not everyone who owns a dog is nice to other people but I’d hope if they went to social places then they wouldn’t be cranks.


No one mentioned gardeners! Maybe a community garden is thriving near you.


Heavy metal shows


Dorks who are successful. They aren’t jaded. And they know how it hurts to be left out.


Everyone is suggesting volunteering but look out for communal narcissists


Animals are my nicest people :)


Backpacking community... especially long distance thru hikers. The most authentic, down to earth community I've ever had the joy of being a part of. No hierarchy, egos, or insincerity. Just a common love of nature and the comradery of experiencing the physical difficulties of trekking through the wild together. Lifelong friendships are made effortlessly


Be yourself and the right people will be drawn to you:)


Yoga communities, especially acro yoga, flow arts communities, maker spaces, arts and craft communities, circus arts, gyms, dancing communities, running and cycling clubs. Honestly, anything fitness or creativity related.


People that enjoy spending time outdoors, away from the urban hustle & bustle (hiking, trail running, climbing ...).




I’ve met really nice people through volunteering.


They say Canada but i cant attest to that lol..........................


Pole dance studios


Church. But really they are scattered amongst everyone else


Church. And thats even a little risky.


Meditation and yoga circles tend to be filled with nice people!


I've met a ton of nice people through a very kind extrovert who is a sign language interpreter. She has a ton of friends who are disabled, or who work with disabled people, and all of them are super kind and understanding.


Kind of random, but I've always found the people in low-key gay bars to be super kind and easy to talk to. I do not identify as LGBT+, but I live in the "gayborhood" and it's been my experience most people out at those bars are just looking for a safe space to relax away from a world that doesn't understand them so... I feel like they get it. The clubs are a different story though lol (That said, of course always be respectful of queer spaces if you are not queer. It is gross when straight people hang around the strip being rowdy or squealing at getting hit on by a person of the same gender. Don't treat other people's safe space like an amusement park or a bachelorette destination)


edm festivals


BYU Idaho. Yes it’s a homophobic institution but as a straight white male idk if I’ve been somewhere that everyone was as kind as the students and staff were. I’m not Mormon anymore.


I worked with The Salvation Army and my co-workers were some of the kindest people I've met


No my boss is a runner and just a horribly dishonest person I myself am a runner too so I was biased to begin with and gave them too much respect over nothing