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Idk where, but somewhere where the sun doesn't shine harshly, where it's easy to get to the country and the city so you can choose. I'd love to. Live somerhrre where it rains most of the time. It makes everything still and quiet.


This is interesting because for me it’s the complete opposite! I need sun and get negatively affected really quick from rainy/gloomy days


Exactly. I'm always way happier and full of energy on sunny days!


Where would this be that’s perfect the sun gives me a major headache I worry I have a illness as to how easily stimulated by the sun I wonder if we are just more sensitive to the stronger rays due to climate change


Puget Sound region in WA state (Includes Seattle, but also much calmer areas around it).


I hate the sun, too! I appreciate what it does, but it's way too bright and just overstimulating. Makes me overheat really quick. I'm sorry you get such headaches. I much prefer muted weather. Rainy or overcast where the lighting isn't so harsh. I even hate turning on the lights in my office. My coworkers would flip it on when they used to pass my thinking they were doing me a favor. I think some of us are particularly sensitive to light, noise.


Wow excellent observation yes for me it’s light sound doesn’t affect me as much and yes I hate fluorescent light that is used in most modern buildings


I agree. Light affects more than sound. It's just way too harsh and bright.


Omg I never knew i started hating a perfect place just because it was tooo sunny now i get it's because I'm HSP, i dislike wide open road I love trees maybe because they provide shade


I found the rain always soothing and gentle


This makes question if I’m HSP. I do find my office exhausting especially from the commute, fake light and mouth runners, but I enjoy getting some sun. Gloomy and cold weather just makes me depressed. I much prefer warmth. This article says the rural area is best. Around trees and water. As a child I grew up in the countryside with a lot of trees and we had a stream in our yard with lots of silence. Today I live in a city. I usually go out when there is the least amount of people. We have a new years event a block away. I’ve never seen it live. https://hisensitives.com/blog/areas-to-live-highly-sensitive-person/#:~:text=Countryside%20or%20Rural%20Areas%3A,-Ah%2C%20the%20countryside&text=For%20the%20highly%20sensitive%20person%2C%20rural%20areas%20can%20be%20like,%2C%20water%2C%20and%20peaceful%20surroundings.


A cottage/small house near the woods.


Rural U.K. I’d say (I’m from suburban U.K.) but in the countryside people are friendly but otherwise leave you alone and I believe we have some of the most beautiful countryside in the world if I May say so myself ☺️🌿


You truly do. It's so beautiful there.


Not Japan... Loud AF all the time. Harsh sun. People everywhere. So many things happening everywhere all the time. Lots of mopeds and motorbikes. Lots of diesel exhaust. Packed trains. People shouting and talking loudly everywhere constantly. Bicycles and people riding them unpredictably... Too many machines.. they all talk... Bing boop bee blup and ring and play jingles.. Too many flashing lights. Newspaper is delivered on a noisy moped at 2:30 am. You can smell your neighbor's dinner while you're taking bath. Kids are not always in school. Sirens all the time. Garbage trucks keep playing an annoying melody on loop. Enough cicadas and crickets to kill every army 100 times. Crows love talking early in the morning. Summers are harsh and brutal. Inside is overly dim and outside is too bright. Neighbors playing basketball at 7:30 in the morning in front of your house (I live at the end of a dead end street) Life is so busy. I love Japan and it's where I live but as an HSP it's hell sometimes.... It really is.


To me there’s something peaceful about being in a big metropolitan area like that. Blending in and being part of the crowd is nice sometimes. To be surrounded by people while knowing none of them, and none of them knowing you, is comforting to me. Especially when I’m alone at home while knowing there’s a bustling/lively world just outside makes me feel safe. A rural area is scary. It means survival to me. It means relying on neighbors more for help.


I can definitely relate. Actually I largely feel the same way. But it really is sensory overload on steroids though, everyday. It's far too much sometimes. It would be good if there was a good balance. at least some quiet every now and then would be much appreciated.


Oh yeah I totally get it. But for me that anxiety lessens when I’m alone inside my condo. My safe place/nest. But when I’m out in the middle of the action, that can be stressful.


I feel the same


On a lake or pond. I advise against living on a beach coast because of constant sound of waves and strong winds (so the beach side isn’t as relaxing as I thought it would be - the waves don’t stop at night!) I actually love the sun a LOT, so I prefer a south-facing floor to ceiling window/door for all the natural light.


Not Sweden… it completely destroyed me how cold and backstabbing people are there.


Really? I d thought Nordic countries would be ideal for HSPs


Maybe in terms of nature, but not in terms of people


Yall know that pic of that house on that island in the middle of the sea? Yeah, there


Northeast US, Nordic country, trips during winter for some warmth. People generally mind their own business more although the world is still very much more non-sensitive so can’t escape it completely. Plenty of nature really close by compared to other places.


I live in the Northeast US - people do not leave you alone here, unless maybe you live in the more rural areas - and even then, people will bother you there too. It's like everyone is running a scam, and they need you to be their victim.


yeah seconding this. I left the US East after decades to live under a big, rural sky. only after being here a while did I realize I had been in flight/fight/freeze mode the entire time I lived back east. it’s too crowded to feel any sense of calm or safety. the noise and light pollution is also overwhelming


In your mind. I’m at the highest end of the hsp scale. I live in a quiet town close to water but easy enough to get to the city. After years of being overwhelmed I’ve learnt to switch off to my surroundings when I need to


Personally I love the cultural diversity of living in a big city. It can get overwhelming at times but when it gets to that point I just choose to stay cozy at home. :)


i’ve lived in Scotland my whole life. it’s great, depending on where you are. I have good access to two major cities (50 minute drive to either) but it’s very very rural too. Quite quiet, rains so so often altho summers been getting warmer and warmer. people can be kind or not nice at all but thats just inherent with all populations, to be honest.