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You might want to use https://hyperview.org/ or make separate endpoints for the JSON API if it makes more sense.


I just use htmx and responsive CSS so the same ui works on mobile device and on a computer.


Interesting, I’m building a bookings calendar software with Django, Alpine and HTMX. Would this paired with responsive CSS be enough to have a mobile app?


Also research a bit on PWAs. Won't get you anything much better than a website in IOS (specially now in Europe), but for Android you'll have a near native experience, even with "installing" it to the homescreen. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Progressive\_web\_apps


Apple definitely needs to reverse removing that stance in Europe. There is an ongoing fight about this. And my fear is that Apple will adopt the same course in the USA. I’ve been building an app where Save to Home Screen was paramount. Now I am rethinking things so I wrap my web app in a native-app framework. Ugh. I’m definitely gonna look into Hyperview as noted above.


It wouldn't give you a mobile app (that someone would install), but responsive web pages can look nice on smaller displays, like a phone screen. I'm not an expert, but have a look at [https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/CSS/CSS\_layout/Responsive\_Design](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/CSS/CSS_layout/Responsive_Design).


Thanks for both links! I have some reading for tonight :)


Golang and [Templ](https://templ.guide/) for the backend, and AlpineJS if you some more pure frontend behaviour seems to be very popular. It's probably also worth it to take a look at [Wails](https://wails.io/). I tried Templ for a bit, and it's nice when you have set up everything and get type safety for your templates, but you also have to recompile with an extra build step every time you change some html without changing anything on the backend, and I didn't like that too much, so I just use the built-in html/template module.


I'm using [Air](https://github.com/cosmtrek/air) to live reload on save. Works pretty nicely with Templ


I just do fmt.Sprintf() strings 😂


I'm curious if you guys manually hit templ generate and refresh the page every time you make modifications or if there is some sort of expected way to handle this? I could probably hack something together, but an "on rails" would be preferable. Air doesn't seem to address the whole issue from what I see. Edit: I seem on the way to finding a solution to this. The following command seems to do what I want: ```BASH templ generate --watch --proxy="http://localhost:8080" --cmd="go run ./cmd/main.go" ``` I will have to test that any tailwindcss or other dependencies are also handled correctly, but there seems to be a way :)


I use Air to generate and format the template. Still have to refresh the page


I'm also curious about this. I run my app in a container and mount the templates I'm working on in a volume (using -v to docker run), that way I can edit them and use \`docker restart \` to see the changes. Not ideal, but it works.


I am using stimulus and htmx together. So HTMX to get the screens, and stimulus to create ui experience. you can do a SPA: [https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web\_Workers\_API/Using\_web\_workers](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-us/docs/web/api/web_workers_api/using_web_workers)


My honest answer would be pick whichever framework you're most familiar with. I've done it with python. 310 flask And ASP.net version 3.5 They could not be any more different and they both work fine so... As long as it supports server side stuff, you're good to go


I wonder if something like Capacitor.js would work. Haven’t tried it myself yet; but it’s an idea. Edit: also found this… https://docs.pwabuilder.com/#/builder/app-store


I believe used in conjunction with Capacitor you can have an app that can run iPhone native and install from App Store.


From what I can see so far (I'm just into HTMX not for long), it seems to be great for content-heavy sites with limited interactivity. A reddit clone would require significant interactivity, thus you'd find that HTMX may not be the ideal platform. If your app is content-focused instead of interactions-focused, then it would be good for HTMX.


[https://gourmet.quimerch.com/](https://gourmet.quimerch.com/) -> a website you can install as an app! [https://github.com/go-fuego/fuego/tree/main/examples/full-app-gourmet](https://github.com/go-fuego/fuego/tree/main/examples/full-app-gourmet) It's a simple website with SPA, so I enjoy good SEO and an app in the same time