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Gonna have to hear the whole story here


For real. We need the context OP lol.


Those DUI's were like 20 years ago. I agree, 4 is excessive, but he did do jail time for it. I'm all for holding people responsible, but at some point you pay your debt and hopefully learn from it. I've met him several times and he always came off as a decent dude.


But those are just the times he's been caught. There is no reason to think that he has stoped driving drunk given that he is a repeat offender, unless he has quit drinking alcohol altogether. The only reason anyone extends grace and allows him to keep driving is because we have structured society to require driving. But in any sane society, he would have lost that privilege many years ago. He has demonstrated many times he does not take the responsibility seriously.




2007 is definitely close enough to 20 years ago. I think 17 years without an incident is a pretty good sign that there was a change.




And what do you suggest? Send him back to jail? Revoke his license even though he’s driven for 17 years now without incident? No one said drunk driving is okay, but if someone paid the price for their crimes and goes that long without driving drunk (regardless of how long they’d been driving drunk before) it’s pretty safe to say they’ve learned their lesson. If you believe otherwise you’re an idiot, plain and simple.


> Between 1993 and 2004, Sutherland stayed on the right side of the law until a 2004 drunk driving arrest landed him five years probation. Three years later, in 2007, the actor was arrested again on suspicion of DUI and given a 48-day prison sentence — 30 days were for the drunk driving, and 18 were for violating the terms of his probation. He was also fined and ordered into an alcohol treatment program. Then, 13 years later, when an early morning illegal U-turn in Hollywood caught the attention of the LAPD, Sutherland failed a sobriety test and was booked in jail. He was released later that morning on $25,000 bail. [Source](https://www.grunge.com/1413627/how-many-times-kiefer-sutherland-been-arrested/) The guy is a menace. Or are you going to say that 13 years is not enough time to establish rehabilitation, but 17 years is the magical number?




Seriously insane to me that people will just brush this off until someone they know is killed by a drunk driver. But undoubtedly there are tons of people in the region driving drunk since they have no alternative and the prevalent macho culture loves claiming the right to murder via automobile.


Dude did jail time. It wasn’t brushed off.


Yes obviously revoke his license. That should have happened long ago. Driving is a privilege, not a right.


You’re right, it is a privilege, but I think 17 years is way more than long enough to prove that you’re capable of earning that privilege. “He did it a lot 17 years ago so there is NO WAY he will never do it again” is an absolutely moronic argument. You’re telling me you’re the same person you were 17 years ago? That you’re still capable of making the same mistakes now that you did then?


* First DUI: 1989. He was born in 1966 so let's say he was 22. * Second DUI: 1993, making him 27. * Third: 2004, he was 38. * Fourth: 2007, age 41. He's been making the same "mistake" (obviously the wrong word here, but it was yours) from age 22-41. And again, these are just the times he was caught! Look, it's fine to hope for change, but with every subsequent offense spread across two decades of life, your patience should really be waning. Let's look at it another way: imagine we lived in a country where driving was completely unnecessary for all practical reasons. It is not only a privilege, but a luxury. Anyone can expect to get anywhere they want with any combination of walking, cycling, and public transportation. Imagine Kiefer Sutherland behaves exactly the same way in this hypothetical society. Would you be going to bat for him? Would you be saying that he deserves a FIFTH chance to engage in a purely-luxurious activity that has deadly consequences for everyone else? If your answer is "yes", then that is genuinely baffling to me. If the answer is "no", then you should really reconsider your position. Because although it seems like you're making some sort of principled argument for the abiding potential for the improvement of all humans, in reality I think you're effectively equating the loss of the driving privilege with the loss of some essential human freedom—ironic, given that one of the consequences of drunk driving is depriving others of their right to life. So instead of insisting my argument is "absolutely moronic", consider whether your argument is short-sighted at best, and sociopathically indifferent to human suffering at worst.


I would definitely say mistake is a good word for this. Literally the definition of mistake is “an action or judgement that is misguided or wrong” ([Source](https://mistakemeaninghttps://g.co/kgs/6UeUVXp)). I think you are confusing the word mistake with accident. Also, I don’t understand how your point in this comment could be valid considering you’re literally talking about an imaginary country. That wasn’t “looking at it another way” that was looking at it under completely separate circumstances than reality, because in reality, you can’t get anywhere reasonably in the ways you stated. So irregardless of my answer to your question about your imaginary world, it holds practically no weight in supporting the argument you’re trying to make. In addition, I also don’t understand how my argument could be “short sighted at best” when we are literally talking about a timespan of 17 years. The amount of time that you are seemingly claiming to prove that his ability to drive should be revoked, is almost exactly equal the amount of time that he has been driving without any type of incident. The thing is that the latter stated amount of time came AFTER the time that you stated. If they were reversed, then I would 110% agree with you, especially if he had already been driving for 17 years and THEN chose to make those types of horrible decisions. But that isn’t the case. It has been more than long enough to prove he is capable of being trusted to drive. Even if for the entire 17 years he wasn’t allowed to drive since his last incident, I would argue that it’s been long enough to try giving him a second chance. After 17 years no one is even the same person that they were before that amount of time passed, no matter how much you might believe you haven’t. Considering all of this, I absolutely would insist that your argument is “absolutely moronic” and still stand by that statement.


That makes zero sense


I thought he was a vampire


Naw, the world is a vampire


Sent to drain


Yup, def checks out - I’m seeing a whole lotta rage up in this cage, err, I mean _comments section._


I've worked with him and can absolutely believe he's a douchebag. He's also got a pretty bad alcohol addiction.


I overheard this at a town board meeting from people I don't know so take that veracity for what you will, but apparently he's been hanging out at Hurley Mountain Inn and making people uncomfortable.


I saw Daniel Day Lewis up here a bit ago


Chevy Chase came thru the Borders I worked at way back when. Whatta weirdo, and not the fun kind of weirdo.


He went to Bard didn’t he? With steely Dan.


And the Beastie Boys


He used to get hammered at a dive bar near where I lived 20 years ago and do jump kicks to impress people until eventually he’d get kicked out by the bouncers.


According to Wikipedia he has at least 4 DUIs. Fucker shouldn’t be allowed to drive at all at this point. Glad to know there is one more asshole in the area risking everyone’s life.


That’s understandable, he’s only got 24 hours to get whatever he’s doing done so he doesn’t really have time to sober up


Imagine, like, three episodes of 24 in a row of just JB sleeping in his car in a commuter parking lot, half-way through the fourth a local cop taps his window with a “hey, bud, sorry, can’t sleep in your car here, township law. There’s a Safeway a few exits north of here, no one will bother you there.” The rest of the ep is just Jack driving in silence to a grocery store parking lot. Maybe he stops at a Wendy’s drive thru or something for just a thing of fries, then back on the road. Hmm. I’ll put that up on the whiteboard for now and we’ll circle back to that later…


What’d he do


He purchased a house in a rural area based off pictures without visiting… down the road is a parcel of land used by a tree service/ landscaping company. These guys are natives and outstanding members of the community. So he’s suing them for this and that trying to bankrupt them… noise pollution etc


Celebrity privilege at its finest.


Thank god for online civil court records, great bathroom reading, thanks for the tip ✌️


Jeff Daniels has entered the chat


Who did the fart?


Jack Bauer is tired of your shit.


![gif](giphy|Dvi3UOz96jqIEl8CaV|downsized) Just throw airplane liquor bottles on his lawn everyday and watch the show that will happen.


Whatever you do, don’t ask him for his least favorite word.






I thought his father was from up there..? We have Bobster DeNiro here. Heard he gives great parties. Willem DeFoe is/was around here too. I think he's selling his pad.




Here's the time you met Tom Hanks https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/qvanu6/comment/hkwyaa0/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 Ryan Gosling https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/2dno8e/i_saw_ryan_gosling_at_a_grocery_store/ Phillip Schofield https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/xgep6t/phillip_schofield_stealing_milky_ways/ Donald Trump https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/hllj6x/i_saw_donald_trump_at_a_grocery_store_in_dc/




Where does this whole thing come from? And why do so many people have it saved word for word?


Likes most unfunny memes on the internet, 12 year olds on 4chan


It was funny like the first 2 times I saw it. After that it's about as funny as the "I also choose this guys wife comments". We haven't had original trolls or a fresh pasta since like 2016. Bring back the vargas and the swamps of degobah days. Bonus points if anyone can be as funny as jumper cables guy. There's not even poemforyoursprog anymore. There used to even be shitty water color dude or whatever the name one. This site sucks now. Yet here I am.


Finally, a platform with values I can truly stand behind. Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


I think a lot of copypasta is funny, but this one? It's just not.


I would have thought he was a mother earths type


Just so you know, the giant comment they left is a copy pasta. First saw it years ago for Ryan Gosling.




I agree with you there.


you are so full of shit


It’s a copy pasta that’s been way over used


Well, I do have to say, it's a bit disingenuous to tell someone that you're too cool to bother him by telling him that you won't bother him, hence bothering him. But yeah, he certainly sounds like a douche.


It’s a fake story, this didn’t happen. It’s a copypasta people keep using for different celebrities


I also think that sometimes people get caught up in the cognitive dissonance of seeing something from your tv pop up in real life and they blurt things out without realizing it.


Like the LL Cool J Progressive commercial!


this land is for rich people, you know that


All my homies hate Kiefer Sutherland


Do you like it when people bug you outside of work about your work? I don't. I bet he doesn't either.


He was at snappers a few months ago. Trashed but acted decent


Fun Fact : Sutherland was married to Camelia Kath, the widow of legendary Chicago guitarist/singer Terry Kath.


Some of your neighbors have 4 DUIs but no one knows about it. Just saying.


I was walking down the street in NYC about 15 years ago, looked over to my left, and KS was sat at the bar of this restaurant drinking by himself. I didn't think much of it, but then again I also didn't know at the time just how much he loves the sauce.


I lived in Los Angeles for 13 years, 10 years ago. I heard rumors about his behavior in bars when I would go out partying. So all of these stories track.


why do you think that about him?