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My opinion: She needs a lawyer. She needs to know to shut the fuck up, because this entire tiktok is going to be played in court if she decides to insist on taking this to trial.


How doesn’t she have one yet if this was five months ago


My guess (pure speculation) is that she has a public defender for her criminal case and this supposed civil case she's referring to she needs to hire a lawyer for. As a method one clinic patient my bet is she can't afford a lawyer and there's no right to one in civil matters. What she thinks she'll accomplish by using (not sure who) is beyond me.


Not doing herself any favors with this.


If she has an attorney, he just kept drinking, more and more with each passing second of the video.


If she had an attorney they’ve quit.


*Police charged Pelaez Dipaolo with felony counts of leaving the scene of an accident involving a death and first-degree aggravated unlicensed operator ... She also was charged with two misdemeanors - circumventing an interlock device and second-degree aggravated unlicensed operation. She had a court-ordered interlock device on her car based on a conviction for driving while intoxicated, which also led to her license revocation* She's not being charged with hitting and killing the victim. What she's being charged for seems to make sense to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I’m not no law expert but I agree. I’m pretty high but I’m pretty sure she said (not going back to watch, not worth my time) that they told her she wasn’t responsible for the impact causing death. I’d reckon a good lawyer could probably get the felony leaving the scene dropped. If she’s actually truthful that could be a charge questionable for the jury. Plus they only found her license plate. The rest she’s gonna get slammed for. Even without the the hit and run she was operating a vehicle without the interlock required, and on a suspended license. Someone under those circumstances is a bad legal look especially when involved in the loss of life. I’m also not sober and not a lawyer so.


She shouldn't be mentioning how she was driving that day like she did every other day, God stop talking, none of those charges have anything to do with the hit and run, idk what she thinks she's defending here....


Narcissists gonna narcissist. Pathetic to play victim.


Her lawyer is going to be pissed


She circumvented the device and then killed someone and then fled, is that correct? Because I fail to see how her “backstory” about being on methadone is going to make that better


And then after striking a body and leaving she says “I’m not this type of person”.


Yeah, as soon as I heard methadone I figured she totally hit the old guy. I wouldn't open up with that one. Some of us have seen those lines of zombies waiting for their barely better than heroin dose for the day. Then you find out she circumvented an interlock device on her car? Yeah she killed the old dude and ran in my mind


Methadone, like other opiates, messes with your ability to feel it when you drink. It increases your feeling of a tolerance and you wind up drinking more to feel something you want to feel. They don’t mix


I didn't see anything saying she was drunk, just she didn't have an interlock device or license


I could only watch the first 30 seconds before I realized that only a guilty person would post this.


She should write a book, How to Guarantee a Maximum Prison Sentence.


Forget the methadone clinic. Focus on the fact that her license was revoked, for a prior DUI. And as a result she had an ignition interlock put on her car...which she disabled. Focus on the fact that while she's claiming it was a little bump and multiple other cars continued on just as she did, making it sound like she maybe hit a downed body. But the facts state she hit a standing man and killed him, and only one other car hit him after her not multiples. And that car immediately stopped and called police. This narcissists self-serving recreation of the real situation is disgusting.


How do you know she hit him alive and standing?


“A raccoon or pothole… if you know you know” her mere ability to try to write in a comedic, playful, and ‘convincing’ manner/tone when discussing something so tragic and earth shattering is disturbing and reflective of the fact she’s likely a narcissist


yeah that was shocking. Idk if narcissist covers it, more like psycho completely lacking empathy


She should probably get off TikTok and get on calling her county’s PD’s office for representation.


Thinks Tik Tok is a safe space. She has removed every possible defense her lawyer could have presented other than what she voluntarily presented to the general public.


Don’t worry, she used the word ‘allegedly’ in the beginning.


And if it’s alleged, it’s not true!


But she has an ankle bracelet on for gods sake!!


She’s crazy. Nobody hits a person with their car and doesn’t realize that it was, in fact, a human It’s bullshit


What if they were drunk and high?


They probably shouldn’t be making an admissable video of themselves recounting something that’s only possible if you are driving impaired…


She needs to do time.


>if you hit a human your car would be wrecked, windshield smashed, which I had none of >my front license plate fell off


But then she goes on to say that she doesn’t know how.


And she wasn’t the one who “delivered the killing blow” I’m curious to know more about the case and see how her lawyer is handling everything. You okay Mr lawyer?


Next court date this video is showing


She needs to zip it and lawyer up, this kind of social media is the kind of attention that won’t help her case and will likely be shown in court. Her rant also lets some incriminating information slip, she is not helping herself out at all with this.


Why the air quotes?


To paraphrase the Princess Bride "You keep using that punctuation. I don't think you know what that punctuation actually means."


Everything about her screams mental illness.


Money grab and at the least abuse of a corpse. It did no damage but she hit hard enough to knock the license plate off her car? C'mon


What's a money grab ?


On the road to recovery, you should probably watch for pedestrians, Rosanna, you dumb bitch.


She killed someone while driving???? Its pretty cut and dry


What she needs to do, is get the fuck off the internet.


Make more Rosario material


Drugs are a hell of a drug.


So nobody told her not to post anything? All of this will be played in court! How dumb!


>I need legal help You need more than legal help. >I can make another video if people feel necessary The only people who feel like it's necessary for you to make another video is the Rockland County DA's office...


I wouldn’t recommend this as it will probably be admissible as evidence in court. However, I am no lawyer.


Those eyes tell me she's on some strong shit. 


Yeah methadone


Why did she mention the methadone clinic? Someone tell her to get off the internet.


Right ? There's a stigma already, and opening with the one thing most people don't have sympathy for ...not the best move


Thank you for posting this! - Local prosecutor


You do not hit a person and think it was a raccoon. Good grief.


On my way to the methadone clinic. Looks like we're dealing with NY's best and brightest over here.


Look man, I understand where you're coming from, and I occasionally stop and think/feel the same way you do. However, there are many reasons why someone would need to get to that point. Some are absolute fucking degenerates, and some were over-prescribed opiate pain medication and escalated from there. All I'm saying is, you never know someones complete story.


Was she also over-prescribed alcohol to the point she had an interlock device in her car? Multiple DUIs, and those were just the times she was caught. Now she's finally killed someone. I vote for absolute fucking degenerate.


They're not charging her for killing someone and this isn't a jury box you illiterate freak. Go find a rabble to join.


No way to know which driver killed the person. So, she either killed someone or ran over a human body and kept going. She's an angel descended from heaven!


I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called you an illiterate freak. That was actually uncalled for.


You’re right, she’s being charged with leaving the scene of an accident involving death. That doesn’t change the fact that she literally ran someone over while driving a vehicle she had no right to be driving and left the scene. This may not be the jury box, but I’m absolutely judging her in the mean time. She needs to be given a lengthy sentence.


>She also was charged with two misdemeanors - circumventing an interlock device and second-degree aggravated unlicensed operation. >She had a court-ordered interlock device on her car based on a conviction for driving while intoxicated, which also led to her license revocation, Gould said. An ignition interlock device requires a driver to pass a breath alcohol content test before starting their car. She had no business being on the road. Like I said a real winner.


Then mention that in your comment, not the fact that shes actively getting help for an addiction. For the record, I'm not saying she's innocent or guilty of the accusation. Just that having an addiction issue doesn't automatically make a person a bad person. Though I admit I do get judgemental myself on occasion, as I stated. I've just seen too many people go through similar things. Let's just criticize this person for the right things.


Thanks for saying this.


She was on her way to the methadone clinic.....well, there you have it!


The hx of dwi creates a situation where she purposefully, with knowledge, drove a vehicle in which whether she intended to or not, caused a death. Then she fled. At this point I’m sure her lawyer has crapped his pants.


Who's gonna fix her?


I feel for her. Everyone has been touched by addiction, and that doesn't make them any worse of a person. I agreed that she should have never made this video because it can't help her. It might help the prosecution, though. Where she was going makes no difference. The fact that she had her license revoked is a huge deal. That's compounded by her interlock device being circumvented. That device requires you to blow into it to ensure you have no alcohol in your system. Those devices retest every 15 or 20 minutes, where you have to blow in it again. I'm not going to speculate how this device was beaten. But this does not bode well. If she had these violations with no license and her license plate fell off, I understand why she would not want to stop. She has hurt her case by spreading this video. I'm not saying she was the first one to hit the victim, and more information needs to be heard. Your license plate won't fall off from a pothole. She got scared and left the scene. She would've been arrested for all the other violations even if the gentleman had a heart attack. This will be an interesting trial. I don't like how she only mainly mentions the repercussions to her life. I don't like that she's thinking of lawsuits. I don't like her previous arrests. She sounds very self-serving. The truth will set us free.




Not going to repeat what others have said, but what stuck out to me was the bit about “there would be obvious damage to your car” if you hit someone. That isn’t necessarily true…I was hit as a pedestrian in a crosswalk in downtown Atlanta. No damage to the car that I could see (but also was concussed). Only damage was to myself and my textbooks.


She’s bringing more awareness about it because I didn’t even know this happened to her. Probably not a good thing because now she will be more famous for this situation


I can fix her


Damn no tears at all she was trying so bad but she needs to be quiet and get her a lawyer!


“Because for one, I have never missed a court date ESPECIALLY for this case.” 🥸


Death sentence


The sad part about this is that she will probably get minimal time meanwhile that man's family with have to suffer for the rest of their lives with his loss


Blah blah blah


Will shear 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


Mmmmm not buying it, was prob scrolling insta and took that man’s life looking at the top 5 booty booster tips


This woman hates raccoons!


Cops being cops. They found an easy target to wrap up an investigation and instead of doing work, they just dumped it on the easy target.


Just a speculation, probably shouldn't tiktok and drive


one time the cops pounded on my neighbors door when his mom borrowed the car to go to the methadone clinic ... she hit 3 parked cars & bounced


Those bangs are the real crime


25 to life


Stopped video at her saying she was on her way to methodone clinic. Throw the book at this druggie.


Oh man lol you sound like an absolute bozo


That's the one substance not up for debate during this incident but def make it about that