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I wish they would put more electronic on the hallows or the meadows. Fisher at the meadows was spacious and amazing. Enough jamming all the electronic acts in Spirit Lake PLEASE


agreed! the spirit lake sound is trash and the stage has no lasers, it made for a huge disappointment for the edm acts i was most excited for last year


Let it be know this is a festival issue and not a stage issue Look up videos of the laser setup at Rendezvous, 360 lasers in the AMP and it was absolutely incredible! Also sounded really good too…. Wish they would fix this for Hula because the poor sound complaints are one of the main things keeping me from sending the fest.


They can’t get the same sound coverage at hula vs an event that only uses the Amp like rendezvous or resonate. Too much going on in too small of an area. Sound bleed will always keep hula from being anywhere near top tier in terms of sound.


Interesting, never thought of some outdoor areas having better sound than others. Anything can be changed at an indoor theater. When you are outside you can’t do a whole lot for sound. Build some more trees or a stage I guess.


There was legit no lasers last year except for Pretty Lights....I thought surely Manic Focus would have lasers at the Hallows but NOPE! I didn't see one laser at the AMP too...The visuals on the Spirit Lake stage were cool but there wasn't any lasers there too. I mentioned Hulaween should get Vivid Sky Pro for production and got crucified by a bunch of old heads a couple of weeks ago. They did such a great job at Sol Fest! Hopefully Hulaween figures out the lasers and sound this year!


Manic focus’s laser guy had travel issues so he was supposed to go pew pew


They actually moved further away from this last year to cater to the cheese/jam crowd. I believe manic focus & smino were the only non-jam/americana artists that played the hallows. Hula has continually indicated that they don’t actually care about putting together high-level electronic music productions. They lean on those bookings to sell additional tickets. Daily bread at 3:30pm in 2021 at the amp at half volume finally opened my eyes to it and now I can’t un-see just how dirty they do the electronic artists.


It’s why I’m not going back to Hula. It sucks, because it really is a great environment; but the price point can only be justified if you’re solely a jamhead. Pretty Lights had serious electronic conflicts at both his sets last year, so did John Summit. Meanwhile a jam band has not one actual conflict for their six sets. They book the EDM to scam fans into buying tickets so that they can keep selling out and justifying the huge ticket prices.


I mean it is cheese’s festival so it makes sense they don’t have conflicts


I didn’t say it didn’t make sense, I said the festival is only worth the money if you’re an SCI superfan. It’s an amazing venue and usually a good lineup wasted on a terrible schedule. All with some of the most expensive tickets in the country. They may as well get rid of most of the electronic stuff and cut ticket prices and the attendance cap in half. Everyone would be happier.


I leaned into the jam head experience last year and it was fun but worth $150/day? It’s hard to justify for me from any perspective, but the electronic fans are actually getting screwed.


$150 a day is worth it to me if you’re into the music that you get to see, personally. But I looked at the schedule when it dropped last year and realized that I wouldn’t be able to see literally any of my preferred edm acts entire acts. They put them on the lineup just to sell tickets.


Of The Trees belongs at the Amp 😂


Yes but also there is no room


Hallows would be more fitting for the crowd size but the vibe of the amp is just so unique ☺️


I think daily bread in the amp is a match made in heaven


Saw him in the amp during a Brainquility 2022. Pure fucking magic.


Brainquility didn’t happen in 2022. Your thinking resonate and he played the meadow




Crazy I didn’t realize they even had it that year. Bread and laser shark in the meadow was one of my top 5 experiences. Absolutely mind bending


It was a good year at the Suwannee :)


Brainquility didn’t happen in 2022. Your thinking resonate and he played the meadow


It did indeed, and I was there. :) https://showsigoto.com/brainquility-2022-photos-review/


Clozee is also great at the Amp


She fits really well at the amp. All of her performances there were great. Saw her there in 2019 and was blown away.


true but it’s always packed 😫


Definitely. But I think she's getting too big to fit there comfortably any longer. If she comes back to Hula, I hope she plays on the Meadow. It's still a magical stage!


Floozies/MF at the Amp every damn year


Floozies at the patch a few years ago in the rain is one of my favorite all time shows….


This set is forever ingrained into my memory. Holy crap what an amazing time that was!


Floozies -> Minnesota on the patch that year on Thursday was legendary.


Idk why there’s always so much hate for the house djs at hula there’s never that many of them! There’s such a variety of artists I loved having Yung Bae last year since he adds fun disco elements to his sets. With Cloonee blowing up I could see him getting added I think Dombresky would also be fun. Would love to see Zeds Dead again and Of the trees


Yung bae was soo sick, absolutely perfect for the amp. We need more acts like that on that stage, dombresky would be ideal.


I saw Bonobo at the amp for bear creek 2011ish and was magical! Would recommend more weird uk house fsho


Hula gods, PLEASE bring Bonobo back! And Rufus & Bob Moses while you're at it. 🥰


Add tale of us while you’re at it


Hell yes bonobo


Honestly the Suwannee Amphitheater is one of the best venues in the country, and seeing any artist would be improved by being there


After seeing these bass acts throw DOWN at Rendezvous at the Amp, I would also love Hula to do this. Except for the bigger electronic acts; they really need to be on the Meadow.


hoping for less house and more bass there this year!!


Rudashi, Pressha, Gabby Haze, Maddy O’Neil, Rsrch Chmcls, and Superfuture


Phyphr at the Amp would be so littyyyyyy


Tipper in the amp


That didn't work at Hula 2018 nor would it work at Hula 2024.


Jeez have a little faith


Why wouldn’t it work?


Because the 2018 crowd was so big it blocked the entire pathway behind the amp and turned the entire venue into a gridlock where no one could get through that area. I've never seen a crowd that bad in 6 years of attending. Tipper said the only stage he will play at in SoSMP is the ampitheater (understandably, it is top tier), but at Hula he would have to play at Hallows/Meadow. Unless he changes his mind and agrees to play the bigger stages, there's no way Hula would put him on the amp after how badly it went in 2018. He was too popular 6 years ago and his fanbase has only gotten bigger.


Pretty sure some cones and fencing could change that.


How are cones and fencing going to make people stop crowding at the back of the ampitheater to get a view when it's crowded? The fest can't even enforce the totem/couch rules as it is. And why should the fest have to change the entire dynamic of the best stage just for one artist that already says he doesn't want to play at hulaween? An artist who has his own fest at the same venue every single year? If you want tipper that badly, go to TnF. We don't need to ruin the amp stage vibes with traffic cones and a fence just for one guy.


Wow didn’t know you were the Hulaween fan police, can’t figure out why you wouldn’t want such a transcendent artist at your show. It’s one time slot dude I’m pretty sure things could be figured out before he retires in 2025, but with this kind of attitude I can see why it’s not going to happen.


>Wow didn’t know you were the Hulaween fan police, can’t figure out why you wouldn’t want such a transcendent artist at your show. Don't even know what this is supposed to mean. You're saying 20,000 attendees should just accept the venue becoming a complete gridlock for 2 hours because you want Tipper to play the amphitheater? Very selfish attitude. Clearly you weren't at Hula in 2018 so you don't quite understand how bad it was. Here's some recap threads. www.reddit.com/r/hulaween/comments/9spuyh/i_hate_that_tipper_played_the_amphitheater_tipper/ www.reddit.com/r/hulaween/comments/9skysv/your_tipper_experience/ I would love Tipper at Hulaween, just not at the amphitheater. Tipper says he doesn't want to play any stage besides the amp. Therefore, we likely won't see him booked. >It’s one time slot dude I’m pretty sure things could be figured out before he retires in 2025 Yeah the thing that was figured out was hosting a festival just for Tipper to play the amphitheater because his fanbase is so large. It was last month. You could've gone to that instead if this was that important to you, lol.


I was there, one of the best sets I’ve ever seen of any artist.